
165 lines
5.2 KiB

package Plugins
import (
var (
negotiateProtocolRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString("00000085ff534d4272000000001853c00000000000000000000000000000fffe00004000006200025043204e4554574f524b2050524f4752414d20312e3000024c414e4d414e312e30000257696e646f777320666f7220576f726b67726f75707320332e316100024c4d312e325830303200024c414e4d414e322e3100024e54204c4d20302e313200")
sessionSetupRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString("00000088ff534d4273000000001807c00000000000000000000000000000fffe000040000dff00880004110a000000000000000100000000000000d40000004b000000000000570069006e0064006f007700730020003200300030003000200032003100390035000000570069006e0064006f007700730020003200300030003000200035002e0030000000")
treeConnectRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString("00000060ff534d4275000000001807c00000000000000000000000000000fffe0008400004ff006000080001003500005c005c003100390032002e003100360038002e003100370035002e003100320038005c00490050004300240000003f3f3f3f3f00")
transNamedPipeRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString("0000004aff534d42250000000018012800000000000000000000000000088ea3010852981000000000ffffffff0000000000000000000000004a0000004a0002002300000007005c504950455c00")
trans2SessionSetupRequest, _ = hex.DecodeString("0000004eff534d4232000000001807c00000000000000000000000000008fffe000841000f0c0000000100000000000000a6d9a40000000c00420000004e0001000e000d0000000000000000000000000000")
func MS17010(info *common.HostInfo) error {
if common.IsBrute {
return nil
err := MS17010Scan(info)
if err != nil {
errlog := fmt.Sprintf("[-] Ms17010 %v %v", info.Host, err)
return err
func MS17010Scan(info *common.HostInfo) error {
ip := info.Host
// connecting to a host in LAN if reachable should be very quick
conn, err := common.WrapperTcpWithTimeout("tcp", ip+":445", time.Duration(common.Timeout)*time.Second)
defer func() {
if conn != nil {
if err != nil {
//fmt.Printf("failed to connect to %s\n", ip)
return err
err = conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(common.Timeout) * time.Second))
if err != nil {
//fmt.Printf("failed to connect to %s\n", ip)
return err
_, err = conn.Write(negotiateProtocolRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
reply := make([]byte, 1024)
// let alone half packet
if n, err := conn.Read(reply); err != nil || n < 36 {
return err
if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(reply[9:13]) != 0 {
// status != 0
return err
_, err = conn.Write(sessionSetupRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
n, err := conn.Read(reply)
if err != nil || n < 36 {
return err
if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(reply[9:13]) != 0 {
// status != 0
//fmt.Printf("can't determine whether %s is vulnerable or not\n", ip)
var Err = errors.New("can't determine whether target is vulnerable or not")
return Err
// extract OS info
var os string
sessionSetupResponse := reply[36:n]
if wordCount := sessionSetupResponse[0]; wordCount != 0 {
// find byte count
byteCount := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(sessionSetupResponse[7:9])
if n != int(byteCount)+45 {
fmt.Println("[-]", ip+":445", "ms17010 invalid session setup AndX response")
} else {
// two continous null bytes indicates end of a unicode string
for i := 10; i < len(sessionSetupResponse)-1; i++ {
if sessionSetupResponse[i] == 0 && sessionSetupResponse[i+1] == 0 {
os = string(sessionSetupResponse[10:i])
os = strings.Replace(os, string([]byte{0x00}), "", -1)
userID := reply[32:34]
treeConnectRequest[32] = userID[0]
treeConnectRequest[33] = userID[1]
// TODO change the ip in tree path though it doesn't matter
_, err = conn.Write(treeConnectRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
if n, err := conn.Read(reply); err != nil || n < 36 {
return err
treeID := reply[28:30]
transNamedPipeRequest[28] = treeID[0]
transNamedPipeRequest[29] = treeID[1]
transNamedPipeRequest[32] = userID[0]
transNamedPipeRequest[33] = userID[1]
_, err = conn.Write(transNamedPipeRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
if n, err := conn.Read(reply); err != nil || n < 36 {
return err
if reply[9] == 0x05 && reply[10] == 0x02 && reply[11] == 0x00 && reply[12] == 0xc0 {
//fmt.Printf("%s\tMS17-010\t(%s)\n", ip, os)
//if runtime.GOOS=="windows" {fmt.Printf("%s\tMS17-010\t(%s)\n", ip, os)
//} else{fmt.Printf("\033[33m%s\tMS17-010\t(%s)\033[0m\n", ip, os)}
result := fmt.Sprintf("[+] %s\tMS17-010\t(%s)", ip, os)
defer func() {
if common.SC != "" {
// detect present of DOUBLEPULSAR SMB implant
trans2SessionSetupRequest[28] = treeID[0]
trans2SessionSetupRequest[29] = treeID[1]
trans2SessionSetupRequest[32] = userID[0]
trans2SessionSetupRequest[33] = userID[1]
_, err = conn.Write(trans2SessionSetupRequest)
if err != nil {
return err
if n, err := conn.Read(reply); err != nil || n < 36 {
return err
if reply[34] == 0x51 {
result := fmt.Sprintf("[+] %s has DOUBLEPULSAR SMB IMPLANT", ip)
} else {
result := fmt.Sprintf("[*] %s (%s)", ip, os)
return err