// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file ContractionState.cxx ** Manages visibility of lines for folding and wrapping. **/ // Copyright 1998-2007 by Neil Hodgson // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #include "Platform.h" #include "SplitVector.h" #include "Partitioning.h" #include "RunStyles.h" #include "ContractionState.h" #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE using namespace Scintilla; #endif ContractionState::ContractionState() : visible(0), expanded(0), heights(0), displayLines(0), linesInDocument(1) { //InsertLine(0); } ContractionState::~ContractionState() { Clear(); } void ContractionState::EnsureData() { if (OneToOne()) { visible = new RunStyles(); expanded = new RunStyles(); heights = new RunStyles(); displayLines = new Partitioning(4); InsertLines(0, linesInDocument); } } void ContractionState::Clear() { delete visible; visible = 0; delete expanded; expanded = 0; delete heights; heights = 0; delete displayLines; displayLines = 0; linesInDocument = 1; } int ContractionState::LinesInDoc() const { if (OneToOne()) { return linesInDocument; } else { return displayLines->Partitions() - 1; } } int ContractionState::LinesDisplayed() const { if (OneToOne()) { return linesInDocument; } else { return displayLines->PositionFromPartition(LinesInDoc()); } } int ContractionState::DisplayFromDoc(int lineDoc) const { if (OneToOne()) { return (lineDoc <= linesInDocument) ? lineDoc : linesInDocument; } else { if (lineDoc > displayLines->Partitions()) lineDoc = displayLines->Partitions(); return displayLines->PositionFromPartition(lineDoc); } } int ContractionState::DisplayLastFromDoc(int lineDoc) const { return DisplayFromDoc(lineDoc) + GetHeight(lineDoc) - 1; } int ContractionState::DocFromDisplay(int lineDisplay) const { if (OneToOne()) { return lineDisplay; } else { if (lineDisplay <= 0) { return 0; } if (lineDisplay > LinesDisplayed()) { return displayLines->PartitionFromPosition(LinesDisplayed()); } int lineDoc = displayLines->PartitionFromPosition(lineDisplay); PLATFORM_ASSERT(GetVisible(lineDoc)); return lineDoc; } } void ContractionState::InsertLine(int lineDoc) { if (OneToOne()) { linesInDocument++; } else { visible->InsertSpace(lineDoc, 1); visible->SetValueAt(lineDoc, 1); expanded->InsertSpace(lineDoc, 1); expanded->SetValueAt(lineDoc, 1); heights->InsertSpace(lineDoc, 1); heights->SetValueAt(lineDoc, 1); int lineDisplay = DisplayFromDoc(lineDoc); displayLines->InsertPartition(lineDoc, lineDisplay); displayLines->InsertText(lineDoc, 1); } } void ContractionState::InsertLines(int lineDoc, int lineCount) { for (int l = 0; l < lineCount; l++) { InsertLine(lineDoc + l); } Check(); } void ContractionState::DeleteLine(int lineDoc) { if (OneToOne()) { linesInDocument--; } else { if (GetVisible(lineDoc)) { displayLines->InsertText(lineDoc, -heights->ValueAt(lineDoc)); } displayLines->RemovePartition(lineDoc); visible->DeleteRange(lineDoc, 1); expanded->DeleteRange(lineDoc, 1); heights->DeleteRange(lineDoc, 1); } } void ContractionState::DeleteLines(int lineDoc, int lineCount) { for (int l = 0; l < lineCount; l++) { DeleteLine(lineDoc); } Check(); } bool ContractionState::GetVisible(int lineDoc) const { if (OneToOne()) { return true; } else { if (lineDoc >= visible->Length()) return true; return visible->ValueAt(lineDoc) == 1; } } bool ContractionState::SetVisible(int lineDocStart, int lineDocEnd, bool visible_) { if (OneToOne() && visible_) { return false; } else { EnsureData(); int delta = 0; Check(); if ((lineDocStart <= lineDocEnd) && (lineDocStart >= 0) && (lineDocEnd < LinesInDoc())) { for (int line = lineDocStart; line <= lineDocEnd; line++) { if (GetVisible(line) != visible_) { int difference = visible_ ? heights->ValueAt(line) : -heights->ValueAt(line); visible->SetValueAt(line, visible_ ? 1 : 0); displayLines->InsertText(line, difference); delta += difference; } } } else { return false; } Check(); return delta != 0; } } bool ContractionState::HiddenLines() const { if (OneToOne()) { return false; } else { return !visible->AllSameAs(1); } } bool ContractionState::GetExpanded(int lineDoc) const { if (OneToOne()) { return true; } else { Check(); return expanded->ValueAt(lineDoc) == 1; } } bool ContractionState::SetExpanded(int lineDoc, bool expanded_) { if (OneToOne() && expanded_) { return false; } else { EnsureData(); if (expanded_ != (expanded->ValueAt(lineDoc) == 1)) { expanded->SetValueAt(lineDoc, expanded_ ? 1 : 0); Check(); return true; } else { Check(); return false; } } } int ContractionState::ContractedNext(int lineDocStart) const { if (OneToOne()) { return -1; } else { Check(); if (!expanded->ValueAt(lineDocStart)) { return lineDocStart; } else { int lineDocNextChange = expanded->EndRun(lineDocStart); if (lineDocNextChange < LinesInDoc()) return lineDocNextChange; else return -1; } } } int ContractionState::GetHeight(int lineDoc) const { if (OneToOne()) { return 1; } else { return heights->ValueAt(lineDoc); } } // Set the number of display lines needed for this line. // Return true if this is a change. bool ContractionState::SetHeight(int lineDoc, int height) { if (OneToOne() && (height == 1)) { return false; } else if (lineDoc < LinesInDoc()) { EnsureData(); if (GetHeight(lineDoc) != height) { if (GetVisible(lineDoc)) { displayLines->InsertText(lineDoc, height - GetHeight(lineDoc)); } heights->SetValueAt(lineDoc, height); Check(); return true; } else { Check(); return false; } } else { return false; } } void ContractionState::ShowAll() { int lines = LinesInDoc(); Clear(); linesInDocument = lines; } // Debugging checks void ContractionState::Check() const { #ifdef CHECK_CORRECTNESS for (int vline = 0; vline < LinesDisplayed(); vline++) { const int lineDoc = DocFromDisplay(vline); PLATFORM_ASSERT(GetVisible(lineDoc)); } for (int lineDoc = 0; lineDoc < LinesInDoc(); lineDoc++) { const int displayThis = DisplayFromDoc(lineDoc); const int displayNext = DisplayFromDoc(lineDoc + 1); const int height = displayNext - displayThis; PLATFORM_ASSERT(height >= 0); if (GetVisible(lineDoc)) { PLATFORM_ASSERT(GetHeight(lineDoc) == height); } else { PLATFORM_ASSERT(0 == height); } } #endif }