import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig from numpy import where, isin from os import chdir, mkdir, path, remove from shutil import rmtree from PipelineTimer import PipelineTimer from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram figure_format: str = "png" # png works well for quickly previewing results and draft results write ups. # figure_format: str = "eps" # Journals/Conferences generally prefer EPS file format for camera-ready copies. figure_dpi: int = 300 figure_transp: bool = False arb_id_folder: str = 'figures' cluster_folder: str = 'clusters' j1979_folder: str = 'j1979' threshold_folder: str = 'threshold_heatmaps' def plot_signals_by_arb_id(a_timer: PipelineTimer, arb_id_dict: dict, signal_dict: dict, vehicle_number: str, force: bool=False): if path.exists(arb_id_folder): if force: rmtree(arb_id_folder) else: print("\nArbID plotting appears to have already been done and forcing is turned off. Skipping...") return a_timer.start_function_time() for k_id, signals in signal_dict.items(): arb_id = arb_id_dict[k_id] if not arb_id.static and not arb_id.short: print("Plotting Arb ID " + str(k_id) + " (" + str(hex(k_id)) + ") for Vehicle " + vehicle_number) a_timer.start_iteration_time() signals_to_plot = [] # Don't plot the static signals for k_signal, signal in signals.items(): if not signal.static: signals_to_plot.append(signal) # There's a corner case where the Arb ID only has static signals. This conditional accounts for this. # TODO: This corner case should probably be reflected by arb_id.static. if len(signals_to_plot) < 1: continue # One row per signal plus one for the TANG. Squeeze is used to force axes to be an array to avoid errors. fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1 + len(signals_to_plot), ncols=1) plt.suptitle("Time Series and TANG for Arbitration ID " + hex(k_id) + " from Vehicle " + vehicle_number, weight='bold', position=(0.5, 1)) fig.set_size_inches(8, (1 + len(signals_to_plot) + 1) * 1.3) # The min() statement provides whitespace for the title depending on the number of subplots. size_adjust = len(signals_to_plot) / 100 plt.tight_layout(h_pad=1, rect=(0, 0, 1, min(0.985, 0.93 + size_adjust))) # This adjusts whitespace padding on the left and right of the subplots fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.98) for i, signal in enumerate(signals_to_plot): ax = axes[i] ax.set_title(signal.plot_title, style='italic', size='medium') ax.set_xlim([signal.time_series.first_valid_index(), signal.time_series.last_valid_index()]) ax.plot(signal.time_series, color='black') # Add a 25% opacity dashed black line to the entropy gradient plot at one boundary of each sub-flow axes[-1].axvline(x=signal.start_index, alpha=0.25, c='black', linestyle='dashed') # Plot the entropy gradient at the bottom of the overall output ax = axes[-1] ax.set_title("Min-Max Normalized Transition Aggregation N-Gram (TANG)", style='italic', size='medium') tang_bit_width = arb_id.tang.shape[0] ax.set_xlim([-0.01 * tang_bit_width, 1.005 * tang_bit_width]) y = arb_id.tang[:] # Differentiate bit positions with non-zero and zero entropy using black points and grey x respectively. ix = isin(y, 0) pad_bit = where(ix) non_pad_bit = where(~ix) ax.scatter(non_pad_bit, y[non_pad_bit], color='black', marker='o', s=10) ax.scatter(pad_bit, y[pad_bit], color='grey', marker='^', s=10) if not path.exists(arb_id_folder): mkdir(arb_id_folder) chdir(arb_id_folder) # If you want transparent backgrounds, a different file format, etc. then change these settings accordingly. savefig(hex( + "." + figure_format, bbox_iches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, dpi=figure_dpi, format=figure_format, transparent=figure_transp) chdir("..") plt.close(fig) a_timer.set_plot_save_arb_id() print("\tComplete...") a_timer.set_plot_save_arb_id_dict() def plot_signals_by_cluster(a_timer: PipelineTimer, cluster_dict: dict, signal_dict: dict, use_j1979_tags: bool, vehicle_number: str, force: bool=False): if path.exists(cluster_folder): if force: rmtree(cluster_folder) else: print("\nCluster plotting appears to have already been done and forcing is turned off. Skipping...") return a_timer.start_function_time() print("\n") for cluster_number, list_of_signals in cluster_dict.items(): print("Plotting cluster", cluster_number, "with " + str(len(list_of_signals)) + " signals.") a_timer.start_iteration_time() # Setup the plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(list_of_signals), ncols=1, squeeze=False) plt.suptitle("Signal Cluster " + str(cluster_number) + " from Vehicle " + vehicle_number, weight='bold', position=(0.5, 1)) fig.set_size_inches(8, (1 + len(list_of_signals)+1) * 1.3) size_adjust = len(list_of_signals) / 100 # The min() statement provides whitespace for the suptitle depending on the number of subplots. plt.tight_layout(h_pad=1, rect=(0, 0, 1, min(0.985, 0.93 + size_adjust))) # This adjusts whitespace padding on the left and right of the subplots fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.98) # Plot the time series of each signal in the cluster for i, signal_key in enumerate(list_of_signals): signal = signal_dict[signal_key[0]][signal_key] ax = axes[i, 0] if signal.j1979_title and use_j1979_tags: this_title = signal.plot_title + " [" + signal.j1979_title + \ " (PCC:" + str(round(signal.j1979_pcc, 2)) + ")]" else: this_title = signal.plot_title ax.set_title(this_title, style='italic', size='medium') ax.set_xlim([signal.time_series.first_valid_index(), signal.time_series.last_valid_index()]) ax.plot(signal.time_series, color='black') if not path.exists(cluster_folder): mkdir(cluster_folder) chdir(cluster_folder) # If you want transparent backgrounds, a different file format, etc. then change these settings accordingly. savefig("cluster_" + str(cluster_number) + "." + figure_format, bbox_iches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, dpi=figure_dpi, format=figure_format, transparent=figure_transp) chdir("..") plt.close(fig) a_timer.set_plot_save_cluster() print("\tComplete...") a_timer.set_plot_save_cluster_dict() def plot_j1979(a_timer: PipelineTimer, j1979_dict: dict, vehicle_number: str, force: bool=False): if path.exists(j1979_folder): if force: rmtree(j1979_folder) else: print("\nJ1979 plotting appears to have already been done and forcing is turned off. Skipping...") return a_timer.start_function_time() print("Plotting J1979 response data") plot_length = len(j1979_dict.keys()) # Setup the plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=plot_length, ncols=1, squeeze=False) plt.suptitle("J1979 Data Collected from Vehicle " + vehicle_number, weight='bold', position=(0.5, 1)) fig.set_size_inches(8, (1 + plot_length) * 1.3) size_adjust = plot_length / 100 # The min() statement provides whitespace for the suptitle depending on the number of subplots. plt.tight_layout(h_pad=1, rect=(0, 0, 1, min(0.985, 0.93 + size_adjust))) # This adjusts whitespace padding on the left and right of the subplots fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.98) # Plot the time series of each signal in the cluster for i, (pid, data) in enumerate(j1979_dict.items()): a_timer.start_iteration_time() ax = axes[i, 0] ax.set_title("PID " + str(hex(pid)) + ": " + data.title, style='italic', size='medium') ax.set_xlim([,]) ax.plot(, color='black') a_timer.set_plot_save_j1979_pid() if not path.exists(j1979_folder): mkdir(j1979_folder) chdir(j1979_folder) # If you want transparent backgrounds, a different file format, etc. then change these settings accordingly. savefig("j1979." + figure_format, bbox_iches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, dpi=figure_dpi, format=figure_format, transparent=figure_transp) chdir("..") plt.close(fig) a_timer.set_plot_save_j1979_dict() print("\tComplete...") def plot_sample_threshold_heatmap(sample): this_figure_name = "alignment_scores_" + sample.output_vehicle_dir + "." + figure_format if path.exists(threshold_folder): chdir(threshold_folder) if path.isfile(this_figure_name): if sample.force_threshold_plot: remove(this_figure_name) else: print("\nThreshold heatmap plotting for " + sample.output_vehicle_dir + " already complete.") print("\tHeatmap plot forcing is turned off. Skipping...") chdir("..") return chdir("..") print("\tPlotting threshold parameter-Alignment Score heatmap for " + sample.output_vehicle_dir) if not path.exists(threshold_folder): mkdir(threshold_folder) chdir(threshold_folder) fig, ax = plt.subplots() halfway_mark = int(round(sample.avg_score_matrix.shape[0]/2, 0)) sample.avg_score_matrix = sample.avg_score_matrix[0:halfway_mark, 0:halfway_mark].astype(float) sample.validator.set_lex_threshold_parameters(sample) im = ax.imshow(sample.avg_score_matrix, cmap='inferno', interpolation='none', vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) # im = ax.imshow(sample.avg_score_matrix, cmap='Greys', interpolation='nearest') # ax.set_xticks(arange(sample.avg_score_matrix.shape[1])) # ax.set_yticks(arange(sample.avg_score_matrix.shape[0])) cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)"Alignment Score", rotation=-90, va="bottom") ax.set_title("Average Alignment Score as a Function of \n Lexical Analysis Threshold Parameters for " + sample.year + " " + sample.make + " " + sample.model + "\nInversion: " + str(round(sample.optimal_bit_dist, 2)) + " Merge: " + str(round(sample.optimal_merge_dist, 2)) + " Score: " + str(round(sample.avg_score_matrix[sample.optimal_bit_dist, sample.optimal_merge_dist], 2))) fig.tight_layout() # If you want transparent backgrounds, a different file format, etc. then change these settings accordingly. savefig(this_figure_name, bbox_iches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, dpi=figure_dpi, format=figure_format, transparent=figure_transp) plt.close() chdir("..") print("\t\tComplete...") def plot_dendrogram(a_timer: PipelineTimer, linkage_matrix, threshold: float, vehicle_number: str, force: bool = False): dendrogram_filename = "dendrogram_" + vehicle_number + "." + figure_format if path.isfile(dendrogram_filename): if force: remove(dendrogram_filename) else: print("Dendrogram already plotted. Skipping...") return plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7), dpi=600) R: dict = dendrogram(Z=linkage_matrix, orientation='top', distance_sort='ascending', no_labels=True) plt.title("Dendrogram of Agglomerative Clustering for Vehicle " + vehicle_number) plt.xlabel("Signals Observed") plt.ylabel("Single Linkage Cluster Merge Distance") xmin, xmax = plt.xlim() # Add a 25% opacity dashed black line to the entropy gradient plot at one boundary of each sub-flow plt.hlines(y=threshold, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, alpha=0.25, colors='black', linestyle='dashed', label='cluster threshold') plt.legend(loc='upper right') print("\tPlotting dendrogram and saving to " + dendrogram_filename) savefig(dendrogram_filename, bbox_iches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, dpi=600, format=figure_format, transparent=figure_transp) plt.close() print("\t\tComplete...")