from typing import Callable, List from pandas import DataFrame from numpy import float64, logical_xor, mean, ndarray, sqrt, std, sum, uint8, zeros from PipelineTimer import PipelineTimer # noinspection PyArgumentList class ArbID: def __init__(self, arb_id: int): int = arb_id # These features are set by's generate_arb_id_dictionary self.dlc: int = 0 self.original_data: DataFrame = None # These features are set in generate_binary_matrix_and_tang called by generate_arb_id_dictionary self.boolean_matrix: ndarray = None self.tang: ndarray = None self.static: bool = True # These features are set in analyze_transmission_frequency called by generate_arb_id_dictionary self.ci_sensitivity: float = 0.0 self.freq_mean: float = 0.0 self.freq_std: float = 0.0 self.freq_ci: tuple = None self.mean_to_ci_ratio: float = 0.0 self.synchronous: bool = False # These features are set by's get_composition self.tokenization: List[tuple] = [] self.padding: List[int] = [] def generate_binary_matrix_and_tang(self, a_timer: PipelineTimer, normalize_strategy: Callable): a_timer.start_nested_function_time() self.boolean_matrix = zeros((self.original_data.__len__(), self.dlc * 8), dtype=uint8) for i, row in enumerate(self.original_data.itertuples()): for j, cell in enumerate(row[1:]): # Skip cells that were already 0 if cell > 0: # i is the row in the boolean_matrix # j*8 is the left hand bit for this byte in the payload # j*8 + 8 is the right hand bit for this byte in the payload # e.g. byte index 1 starts at bits 1*8 = 8 to 1*8+8 = 16; [8:16] # likewise, byte index 7 starts at bits 7*8 = 56 to 7*8+8 = 64 # Numpy indexing is non-inclusive of the upper bound. So [0:8] is the first 7 elements bin_string = format(cell, '08b') self.boolean_matrix[i, j * 8:j * 8 + 8] = [x == '1' for x in bin_string] a_timer.set_hex_to_bool_matrix() if self.boolean_matrix.shape[0] > 1: a_timer.start_nested_function_time() transition_matrix = logical_xor(self.boolean_matrix[:-1, ], self.boolean_matrix[1:, ]) self.tang = sum(transition_matrix, axis=0, dtype=float64) # Ensure there is no divide by zero issues if max(self.tang) > 0: normalize_strategy(self.tang, axis=0, copy=False) self.static = False a_timer.set_bool_matrix_to_tang() def analyze_transmission_frequency(self, time_convert: int = 1000, ci_accuracy: float = 1.645, synchronous_threshold: float = 0.1): # Don't bother doing this if there isn't enough data. You would need to handle a bunch of edge cases anyways. if self.original_data.__len__() < 4: return self.ci_sensitivity = ci_accuracy # time_convert = 1000 is intended to convert seconds to milliseconds. freq_intervals = self.original_data.index[1:] - self.original_data.index[:-1] self.freq_mean = mean(freq_intervals) * time_convert self.freq_std = std(freq_intervals, ddof=1)*time_convert # Assumes distribution of freq_intervals is gaussian normal. mean_offset = ci_accuracy * self.freq_std / sqrt(len(freq_intervals)) self.freq_ci = (self.freq_mean - mean_offset, self.freq_mean + mean_offset) # mean_to_ci_ratio is the ratio of the CI range to the mean value. This is to provide heuristic to determine # if this Arb ID can be called 'synchronous' given the time scale of its average transmission frequency. # For example, imagine an Arb ID transmitting with a mean frequency of exactly one second. Its 90% Confidence # Interval spans 50 milliseconds about that ideal mean. It's reasonable to assume this Arb ID was engineered to # be a 'synchronous' signal. However, a different Arb ID with a mean frequency of 40 milliseconds and the same # confidence interval could not be reasonably assumed to have been engineered to be 'synchronous'. This other # Arb ID was engineered to be 'high frequency' compared to the first example, but there isn't evidence that it's # intended to be a high frequency 'synchronous' process that adheres to a certain clock frequency. # This inference relies upon the assumption that the OEM didn't engineer the bus to be a train wreck with some # IDs losing an arbitrarily large percentage of their arbitration phases. self.mean_to_ci_ratio = 2*mean_offset/self.freq_mean if self.mean_to_ci_ratio <= synchronous_threshold: self.synchronous = True