from pandas import DataFrame, Series from numpy import int8, float16, uint8, uint16 class J1979: def __init__(self, pid: int, original_data: DataFrame): int = pid self.title: str = "" Series = self.process_response_data(original_data) print("Found " + str([0]) + " responses for J1979 PID " + str(hex( + ":", self.title) def process_response_data(self, original_data) -> Series: # ISO-TP formatted Universal Diagnostic Service (UDS) requests that were sent by the CAN collection device # during sampling. Request made using Arb ID 0x7DF with DLC of 8. Response should use Arb ID 7E8 (0x7DF + 0x8). # DataFrame Columns: b0 b1 b2 b3 ... b7 # -- -- -- -- -- # PID 0x0C (12 dec) (Engine RPM): 02 01 0c 00 ... 00 # PID 0x0D (13 dec) (Vehicle Speed): 02 01 0d 00 ... 00 # PID 0x11 (17 dec) (Trottle Pos.): 02 01 11 00 ... 00 # PID 0x61 (97 dec) (Demand % Torque): 02 01 61 00 ... 00 # PID 0x62 (98 dec) (Engine % Torque): 02 01 62 00 ... 00 # PID 0x63 (99 dec) (Ref. Torque): 02 01 63 00 ... 00 # PID 0x8e (142 dec) (Friction Torque): 02 01 8e 00 ... 00 # Responses being managed here should follow the ISO-TP + UDS per-byte format AA BB CC DD .. DD # BYTE: AA BB CC DD ... DD # USE: response size (bytes) UDS mode + 0x40 UDS PID response data # DF COLUMN: b0 b1 b2 b3 ... b7 # Remember that this response data is already converted to decimal. Thus, byte BB = 65 = 0x41 = 0x01 + 0x40. # If BB isn't 0x41, check what the error code is. Some error code are listed in the UDS chapter of the car # hacker's handbook available at if == 12: self.title = 'Engine RPM' # PID is 0x0C: Engine RPM. 2 byte of data AA BB converted using 1/4 RPM per bit: (256*AA+BB)/4 # Min value: 0 Max value: 16,383.75 units: rpm return Series(data=(256*original_data['b3']+original_data['b4'])/4, index=original_data.index, name=self.title, dtype=float16) elif == 13: self.title = 'Speed km/h' # PID is 0x0D: Vehicle Speed. 1 byte of data AA using 1km/h per bit: no conversion necessary # Min value: 0 Max value: 255 (158.44965mph) units: km/h return Series(data=original_data['b3'], index=original_data.index, name=self.title, dtype=uint8) elif == 17: self.title = 'Throttle %' # PID is 0x11: Throttle Position. 1 byte of data AA using 100/255 % per bit: AA * 100/255% throttle. # Min value: 0 Max value: 100 units: % return Series(data=100 * original_data['b3'] / 255, index=original_data.index, name=self.title, dtype=uint8) elif == 97: self.title = 'Demand Torque %' # PID is 0x61: Driver's demand engine - percent torque. 1 byte of data AA using 1%/bit with -125 offset # AA - 125 # Min value: -125 Max value: 130 units: % return Series(data=original_data['b3'] - 125, index=original_data.index, name=self.title, dtype=int8) elif == 98: self.title = 'Actual Torque %' # PID is 0x62: Actual engine - percent torque. 1 byte of data AA using 1%/bit with -125 offset # AA - 125 # Min value: -125 Max value: 130 units: % return Series(data=original_data['b3'] - 125, index=original_data.index, name=self.title, dtype=int8) elif == 99: self.title = 'Reference Torque Nm' # PID is 0x63: Engine reference torque. 2 byte of data AA BB using 1 Nm/bit: 256*AA + BB Nm torque # Min value: 0 Max value: 65,535 units: Nm return Series(data=256*original_data['b3'] + original_data['b4'], index=original_data.index, name=self.title, dtype=uint16) elif == 142: self.title = 'Engine Friction Torque %' # PID is 0x8E: Engine Friction - Percent Torque. 1 byte of data AA using 1%/bit with -125 offset. AA - 125 # Min value: -125 Max value: 130 units: % return Series(data=original_data['b3'] - 125, index=original_data.index, name=self.title, dtype=int8) else: # Looks like you were requesting J1979 data with your sniffer that hasn't been implemented in this code. # Time to do the leg work to expand this class accordingly then re-run the pipeline. raise ValueError("Encountered J1979 PID " + str(hex( + " in Pre-Processing that hasn't been programmed. Expand the J1979 class to handle all " "J1979 requests made during data collection.")