
82 lines
2.6 KiB

from numpy import arange, ndarray, zeros, concatenate, uint64
from math import log10
from pandas import Series, concat
def shannon_index(X: Series):
H: float = 0.0
n: int = X.shape[0]
for count in X.value_counts():
# calculate proportion of this integer value in the total population of values
p_i = count / n
# calculate the Shannon Index (H) given p_i of this value.
H += p_i * log10(p_i)
H *= -1
return H
def make_binary_matrix(X: Series):
boolean_matrix = zeros((X.shape[0], 8), dtype=uint64)
for i, row in enumerate(X.iteritems()):
if row[1] > 0:
# i is the row in the boolean_matrix
# j*8 is the left hand bit for this byte in the payload
# j*8 + 8 is the right hand bit for this byte in the payload
# e.g. byte index 1 starts at bits 1*8 = 8 to 1*8+8 = 16; [8:16]
# likewise, byte index 7 starts at bits 7*8 = 56 to 7*8+8 = 64
# Numpy indexing is non-inclusive of the upper bound. So [0:8] is the first 8 elements
bin_string = format(row[1], '08b')
boolean_matrix[i, :] = [x == '1' for x in bin_string]
return boolean_matrix
def binary_to_int(X: ndarray, tokens: list):
signals = {}
for token in tokens:
# Convert the binary ndarray to a list of string representations of each row
temp1 = [''.join(str(x) for x in row) for row in X[:, token[0]:token[1] + 1]]
temp2 = zeros((temp1.__len__(), 1), dtype=uint64)
# convert each string representation to int
for i, row in enumerate(temp1):
temp2[i] = int(row, 2)
# create an unsigned integer pandas.Series using the time index from this Arb ID's original data.
signal = Series(temp2[:, 0])
signals[token] = signal
return signals
x1 = Series(arange(0, 32, 1))
x1 = concat([x1, x1], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
x1 = concat([x1, x1], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
x1 = concat([x1, x1], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
# x1 = concat([Series(arange(0, 10, 1)), x1], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
# x1 = concat([x1, x1], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
x2 = Series(arange(0, 256, 1))
# print(x1)
# print(shannon_index(x1))
# print(shannon_index(x2))
x1_bin = make_binary_matrix(x1)
x2_bin = make_binary_matrix(x2)
# print(x1_bin)
# print(x2_bin.shape)
x12_bin = concatenate((x1_bin, x2_bin), axis=1)
lower = 0
upper = 15
cutoff = 0
sum_shannon = {}
while cutoff < upper:
d = binary_to_int(x12_bin, [(0, cutoff), (cutoff+1, 15)])
this_sum = 0
for k, v in d.items():
this_sum += shannon_index(v)
sum_shannon[cutoff] = this_sum
cutoff += 1
for k, v in sum_shannon.items():
print(k, v)