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2019-10-11 13:24:39 -07:00
* @file pid_open_loop_models.h
* Analytic plant models for the real measured step-response data of the open loop test.
* Models are used to calculate the estimated PID parameters.
* These parameters come from Taylor-McLaurin expansion of the model
* @date Sep 27, 2019
* @author andreika, (c) 2019
#pragma once
#include "global.h"
#include "pid_functions.h"
// should be multiple of 2
#define MAX_DATA_POINTS 700
2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
typedef enum {
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// 1st order
// 2nd order approximated with 1st order
// 2nd order
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} pid_tune_method_e;
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// Used as an open-loop plant model for the "manual bump test" and as an input of a transfer function
class ModelOpenLoopPlant
ModelOpenLoopPlant() {}
ModelOpenLoopPlant(const double *params_) : params((double *)params_) {
double *getParams() {
return params;
virtual float getKp() const = 0;
virtual float getKi() const = 0;
virtual float getKd() const = 0;
double *params;
// Based on FOPDT model approximated from Overdamped-SOPDT model
class ModelFopdtApproximatedFromSopdt : public ModelOpenLoopPlant {
ModelFopdtApproximatedFromSopdt(double *soParams) : ModelOpenLoopPlant(p) {
double T2divT1 = soParams[PARAM_T2] / soParams[PARAM_T];
double T2mulT1 = soParams[PARAM_T2] * soParams[PARAM_T];
params[PARAM_K] = soParams[PARAM_K];
params[PARAM_T] = 0.828 + 0.812 * T2divT1 + 0.172 * exp(-6.9 * T2divT1) * soParams[PARAM_T];
params[PARAM_L] = 1.116 * T2mulT1 / (soParams[PARAM_T] + 1.208 * soParams[PARAM_T2]) + soParams[PARAM_L];
#ifdef PID_DEBUG
printf("Params-1: K=%g T=%g L=%g\r\n", p[PARAM_K], p[PARAM_T], p[PARAM_L]);
// we don't really need them, because this model is just an intermediate
virtual float getKp() const {
return 0.0f;
virtual float getKi() const {
return 0.0f;
virtual float getKd() const {
return 0.0f;
// A storage for the new 1st order params
double p[3];
2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
// Standard PID model: Kc * (1 + 1/(Ti*S) + Td * S)
// This class converts in into our "Parallel" form: Kp + Ki / S + Kd * S
class ModelStandard : public ModelOpenLoopPlant {
ModelStandard(const double *params_) : ModelOpenLoopPlant(params_) {
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virtual float getKp() const {
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return (float)Kc;
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virtual float getKi() const {
2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
return (float)(Kc / Ti);
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virtual float getKd() const {
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return (float)(Kc * Td);
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// "Standard" PID coefs
double Kc, Ti, Td;
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2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
class ModelStandardIMC : public ModelStandard {
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ModelStandardIMC(const double *params_) : ModelStandard(params_) {
lambda = fmax(0.25 * params[PARAM_L], 0.2 * Ti);
// closed-loop speed of response
double lambda;
// Chien-Hrones-Reswick PID implementation for the 1st order model (generic model).
class ModelChienHronesReswickFirstOrder : public ModelStandardIMC {
ModelChienHronesReswickFirstOrder(const double *params_) : ModelStandardIMC(params_) {
double l2 = params[PARAM_L] / 2.0;
Ti = params[PARAM_T] + l2;
Td = params[PARAM_T] * params[PARAM_L] / (2 * params[PARAM_T] + params[PARAM_L]);
Kc = Ti / (params[PARAM_K] * (lambda + l2));
// Chien-Hrones-Reswick PID implementation for the 1st order model (set-point regulation).
class ModelChienHronesReswickFirstOrderSetpoint : public ModelOpenLoopPlant {
ModelChienHronesReswickFirstOrderSetpoint(const double *params_) : ModelOpenLoopPlant(params_) {
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virtual float getKp() const {
2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
return (float)(0.6f / params[PARAM_K]);
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virtual float getKi() const {
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return (float)(1.0f / params[PARAM_T]);
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virtual float getKd() const {
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return (float)(1.0f / (0.5f * params[PARAM_L]));
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2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
// Chien-Hrones-Reswick PID implementation for the 1st order model (disturbance rejection).
class ModelChienHronesReswickFirstOrderDisturbance : public ModelOpenLoopPlant {
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ModelChienHronesReswickFirstOrderDisturbance(const double *params_) : ModelOpenLoopPlant(params_) {
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virtual float getKp() const {
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return (float)(0.95f / params[PARAM_K]);
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virtual float getKi() const {
2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
return (float)(2.4f / params[PARAM_T]);
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virtual float getKd() const {
2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
return (float)(1.0f / (0.42f * params[PARAM_L]));
// "IMC-PID" Rivera-Morari-Zafiriou implementation for the 1st order model
// See "Panda R.C., Yu C.C., Huang H.P. PID tuning rules for SOPDT systems: Review and some new results"
class ModelRiveraMorariFirstOrder : public ModelStandardIMC {
ModelRiveraMorariFirstOrder(const double *params_) : ModelStandardIMC(params_) {
Kc = (2 * params[PARAM_T] + params[PARAM_L]) / (2 * params[PARAM_K] * (lambda + params[PARAM_L]));
Ti = params[PARAM_T] + 0.5 * params[PARAM_L];
Td = params[PARAM_T] * params[PARAM_L] / (2.0 * params[PARAM_T] + params[PARAM_L]);
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2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
// Based on "IMC-Chien" (aka Rivera/Smith) model: "Chien, I.L., IMC-PID controller design - An extension."
// "Proceedings of the IFAC adaptive control of chemical processes conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1988, pp. 147-152."
class ModelChienHronesReswickSecondOrder : public ModelStandardIMC {
ModelChienHronesReswickSecondOrder(const double *params_) : ModelStandardIMC(params_) {
Ti = params[PARAM_T] + params[PARAM_T2];
Td = params[PARAM_T] * params[PARAM_T2] / Ti;
Kc = Ti / (params[PARAM_K] * (lambda + params[PARAM_L]));
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// Basen on Van der Grinten Model (1963)
// "Step disturbance".
2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
class ModelVanDerGrintenSecondOrder : public ModelStandard {
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2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
ModelVanDerGrintenSecondOrder(const double *params_) : ModelStandard(params_) {
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double T12 = params[PARAM_T] + params[PARAM_T2];
Ti = T12 + 0.5 * params[PARAM_L];
Td = (T12 * params[PARAM_L] + 2.0 * params[PARAM_T] * params[PARAM_T2]) / (params[PARAM_L] + 2.0 * T12);
Kc = (0.5 + T12 / params[PARAM_L]) / params[PARAM_K];
// Based on Haalman-Pemberton model: "Haalman, A.: Adjusting controllers for a deadtime process. Control Eng. 65, 71<37>73 (1965)"
// Suited for overdamped response and significant delay.
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class ModelHaalmanPembertonSecondOrder : public ModelStandard {
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ModelHaalmanPembertonSecondOrder(const double *params_) : ModelStandard(params_) {
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double T1divT2 = params[PARAM_T] / params[PARAM_T2];
double LdivT2 = params[PARAM_L] / params[PARAM_T2];
Ti = params[PARAM_T] + params[PARAM_T2];
Kc = 2.0 * Ti / (3 * params[PARAM_K] * params[PARAM_L]);
if (T1divT2 >= 0.1 && T1divT2 <= 1.0 && LdivT2 >= 0.2 && LdivT2 <= 1.0) {
Td = Ti / 4.0;
} else {
Td = params[PARAM_T] * params[PARAM_T2] / Ti;
2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
// Based on IMC-Maclaurin model:
// Lee, Y., Park, S., Lee, M., and Brosilow, C., PID controller tuning for desired closed - loop responses for SI / SO systems. AIChE J. 44, 106<30>115 1998.
class ModelMaclaurinSecondOrder : public ModelStandardIMC {
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2019-10-19 05:56:17 -07:00
ModelMaclaurinSecondOrder(const double *params_) : ModelStandardIMC(params_) {
double T1T2 = params[PARAM_T] + params[PARAM_T2];
double L = params[PARAM_L];
double L2 = L * L;
double twolL = 2.0 * lambda + L;
Ti = T1T2 - (2.0 * lambda * lambda - L2) / (2.0 * twolL);
Kc = Ti / (params[PARAM_K] * twolL);
Td = Ti - T1T2 + (params[PARAM_T] * params[PARAM_T2] - L2 * L / (6.0 * twolL)) / Ti;
2019-10-11 13:24:39 -07:00
class ModelAutoSolver : public ModelOpenLoopPlant {
ModelAutoSolver(const ModelOpenLoopPlant *initial) : ModelOpenLoopPlant(pidParams) {
pidParams[PARAM_Kp] = initial->getKp();
pidParams[PARAM_Ki] = initial->getKi();
pidParams[PARAM_Kd] = initial->getKd();
virtual float getKp() const {
return (float)pidParams[PARAM_Kp];
virtual float getKi() const {
return (float)pidParams[PARAM_Ki];
virtual float getKd() const {
return (float)pidParams[PARAM_Kd];
double pidParams[numParamsForPid];