/* * @file pid_auto.h * * PID Auto tune. * * @date Oct 08, 2019 * @author andreika, (c) 2019 */ #pragma once #include "global.h" #include #include #include "levenberg_marquardt_solver.h" #include "pid_functions.h" #include "pid_avg_buf.h" #include "pid_controller.h" #include "pid_open_loop_models.h" #include "pid_sim.h" #include "output_csv.h" /// These settings should be obtained from the measured data class PidAutoTuneSettings { public: double_t minValue, maxValue; double_t stepPoint, maxPoint; double_t timeScale; double_t targetValue; }; // PID auto-tune method using different tuning rules and FOPDT/SOPDT models class PidAutoTune { public: PidAutoTune() { measuredData.init(); } void addData(float_t v) { measuredData.addDataPoint(v); } // minValue, maxValue - input step values // stepPoint - data index where the step was done // maxPoint - data index where the output was saturated // this is not thread-safe (because of internal static vars) but anyway it works... bool findPid(pid_sim_type_e simType, pid_tune_method_e method, const PidAutoTuneSettings & settings, const double_t *initialParams) { // save current settings & simType this->settings = settings; this->simType = simType; // without bias we cannot fit the analytic curve modelBias = findModelBias(); // todo: where do we get them? pid.minValue = 0; pid.maxValue = 100; #ifdef PID_DEBUG printf("* modelBias=%Lg avgMin=%Lg avgMax=%Lg\r\n", (long double)modelBias, (long double)avgMeasuredMin, (long double)avgMeasuredMax); #endif StepFunction stepFunc(settings.minValue, settings.maxValue, settings.stepPoint, settings.timeScale); int methodOrder = getMethodOrder(method); // set initial params if (initialParams == nullptr) { // guess initial params if (methodOrder == 1) { findFirstOrderInitialParams2Points(params); } else { if (!findSecondOrderInitialParamsHarriott(params)) { if (!findSecondOrderInitialParams3Points(params)) { // this is a bad scenario, but we don't have a choice... // first, find FOPDT params (at least it doesn't fail) findFirstOrderInitialParams2Points(params); // then imitate FOPDT with SODPT, when T1+T2 = T, T1*T2 -> 0 params[PARAM_T2] = 0.01; // and hope that our solver will do the rest... } } } #ifdef PID_DEBUG printf("* Params0: K=%Lg T1=%Lg T2=%Lg L=%Lg\r\n", (long double)params[PARAM_K], (long double)params[PARAM_T], (long double)params[PARAM_T2], (long double)params[PARAM_L]); #endif } else { // use provided initial params memcpy(params, initialParams, sizeof(params)); } double_t merit0, merit; #ifdef PID_DEBUG printf("* Solving...\r\n"); #endif // create and start solver if (methodOrder == 1) { // 1st order FirstOrderPlusDelayLineFunction func(&stepFunc, measuredData.getBuf(), measuredData.getNumDataPoints(), modelBias); func.justifyParams(params); func.calculateAllPoints(params); const int numParams1stOrder = 3; outputFunc("pid_func01.csv", func, stepFunc, params); LevenbergMarquardtSolver solver(&func, params); merit0 = func.calcMerit(params); iterationCount = solver.solve(minParamT); outputFunc("pid_func1.csv", func, stepFunc, params); merit = func.calcMerit(params); } else { // 2nd order or approximated 2nd->1st order SecondOrderPlusDelayLineOverdampedFunction func(&stepFunc, measuredData.getBuf(), measuredData.getNumDataPoints(), modelBias); func.justifyParams(params); func.calculateAllPoints(params); const int numParams2ndOrder = 4; outputFunc("pid_func02.csv", func, stepFunc, params); LevenbergMarquardtSolver solver(&func, params); merit0 = func.calcMerit(params); iterationCount = solver.solve(minParamT); outputFunc("pid_func2.csv", func, stepFunc, params); merit = func.calcMerit(params); } #ifdef PID_DEBUG printSolverResult(iterationCount, merit0, merit); #endif ModelOpenLoopPlant *model = nullptr; switch (method) { case PID_TUNE_CHR1: case PID_TUNE_AUTO1: { static ModelChienHronesReswickFirstOrder chr(params); model = &chr; break; } case PID_TUNE_IMC2_1: { ModelFopdtApproximatedFromSopdt fo(params); static ModelRiveraMorariFirstOrder imc(fo.getParams()); model = &imc; break; } case PID_TUNE_CHR2_1: { ModelFopdtApproximatedFromSopdt fo(params); static ModelChienHronesReswickFirstOrder chr(fo.getParams()); model = &chr; break; } case PID_TUNE_CHR2: case PID_TUNE_AUTO2: { static ModelChienHronesReswickSecondOrder chr(params); model = &chr; break; } case PID_TUNE_VDG2: { static ModelVanDerGrintenSecondOrder vdg(params); model = &vdg; break; } case PID_TUNE_HP2: { static ModelHaalmanPembertonSecondOrder hp(params); model = &hp; break; } default: return false; } pid.pFactor = model->getKp(); pid.iFactor = model->getKi(); pid.dFactor = model->getKd(); // round offset and period due to the firmware limitations... pid.offset = round(getPidOffset(model)); pid.periodMs = round((float_t)(1000.0 / settings.timeScale)); pid0 = pid; // for "automatic" methods, we try to make the coeffs even better! if (method == PID_TUNE_AUTO1 || method == PID_TUNE_AUTO2) { ModelAutoSolver autoSolver(model); solveModel(method, autoSolver); pid.pFactor = autoSolver.getKp(); pid.iFactor = autoSolver.getKi(); pid.dFactor = autoSolver.getKd(); } return true; } int getMethodOrder(pid_tune_method_e method) { switch (method) { // 1st order case PID_TUNE_CHR1: case PID_TUNE_AUTO1: return 1; // 2nd order default: return 2; } } double_t const *getParams() const { return params; } pid_s const &getPid() const { return pid; } pid_s const &getPid0() const { return pid0; } double_t getAvgMeasuredMin() const { return avgMeasuredMin; } double_t getAvgMeasuredMax() const { return avgMeasuredMax; } double_t getModelBias() const { return modelBias; } // The model output is typically shifted double_t findModelBias() { if (settings.stepPoint < 0 || settings.maxPoint <= settings.stepPoint || settings.maxPoint > measuredData.getNumDataPoints()) return 0; // find the real 'min value' of the measured output data (before the step function goes up). avgMeasuredMin = measuredData.getAveragedData(0, (int)settings.stepPoint); // find the real 'max value' of the measured output data (after the output saturation). avgMeasuredMax = measuredData.getAveragedData((int)settings.maxPoint, measuredData.getNumDataPoints() - 1); if (avgMeasuredMax == avgMeasuredMin) return 0; // solve the system of equations and find the bias return (settings.maxValue * avgMeasuredMin - settings.minValue * avgMeasuredMax) / (settings.maxValue - settings.minValue); } // If the target value is known, we can estimate the PID offset value based on the model gain and bias. float_t getPidOffset(ModelOpenLoopPlant *model) const { if (std::isnan(settings.targetValue)) return 0; return (float_t)((settings.targetValue - modelBias) / model->getParams()[PARAM_K]); } // See: Rangaiah G.P., Krishnaswamy P.R. Estimating Second-Order plus Dead Time Model Parameters, 1994. // Also see: "Practical PID Control", p. 169 bool findFirstOrderInitialParams2Points(double_t *params) const { int i0 = (int)settings.stepPoint; int i1 = (int)settings.maxPoint; double_t dy = avgMeasuredMax - avgMeasuredMin; double_t t[2]; static const double_t tCoefs[] = { 0.353, 0.853 }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { t[i] = getTimeDelta(measuredData.findDataAt((float_t)(avgMeasuredMin + dy * tCoefs[i]), i0, i1)); if (t[i] < 0.0) return false; } params[PARAM_K] = dy / (settings.maxValue - settings.minValue); params[PARAM_T] = 0.67 * (t[1] - t[0]); params[PARAM_L] = 1.3 * t[0] - 0.29 * t[1]; return true; } // See: Rangaiah G.P., Krishnaswamy P.R. Estimating Second-Order plus Dead Time Model Parameters, 1994. // Also see: "Practical PID Control", p. 187 bool findSecondOrderInitialParams3Points(double_t *params) const { int i0 = (int)settings.stepPoint; int i1 = (int)settings.maxPoint; double_t dy = avgMeasuredMax - avgMeasuredMin; double_t t[3]; static const double_t tCoefs[] = { 0.14, 0.55, 0.91 }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { t[i] = getTimeDelta(measuredData.findDataAt((float_t)(avgMeasuredMin + dy * tCoefs[i]), i0, i1)); if (t[i] == 0.0) return false; } double_t alpha = (t[2] - t[1]) / (t[1] - t[0]); #if 0 // check if usable range? if (alpha < 1.2323 || alpha > 2.4850) { return false; } #endif double_t beta = log(alpha / (2.485 - alpha)); double_t xi = 0.50906 + 0.51743 * beta - 0.076284 * pow(beta, 2) + 0.041363 * pow(beta, 3) - 0.0049224 * pow(beta, 4) + 0.00021234 * pow(beta, 5); double_t Tcoef = 0.85818 - 0.62907 * xi + 1.2897 * pow(xi, 2) - 0.36859 * pow(xi, 3) + 0.038891 * pow(xi, 4); double_t Lcoef = 1.39200 - 0.52536 * xi + 1.2991 * pow(xi, 2) - 0.36859 * pow(xi, 3) + 0.037605 * pow(xi, 4); double_t T = Tcoef / (t[1] - t[0]); // we've got T and xi, and we have to solve quadratic equation to get T1 and T2: // T = T1*T2 // Xi = (T1 + T2) / (T1*T2) double_t det = (T * xi) * (T * xi) - 4.0 * T; params[PARAM_K] = dy / (settings.maxValue - settings.minValue); if (det < 0) { // that's a hack :( // we ignore xi and equalize T and T2 to match the higher-order coefficient. if (T < 0) return false; if (xi > 0) { params[PARAM_T2] = T * xi; params[PARAM_T] = T / params[PARAM_T2]; } else { params[PARAM_T2] = params[PARAM_T] = sqrt(T); } } else { params[PARAM_T2] = T * xi + sqrt(det) / 2.0; // we take larger root params[PARAM_T] = T / params[PARAM_T2]; } params[PARAM_L] = t[1] - T * Lcoef; return true; } // See: Harriott P. Process control (1964). McGraw-Hill. USA. // Also see: "Practical PID Control", p. 182 bool findSecondOrderInitialParamsHarriott(double_t *params) const { static const HarriotFunction hfunc; int i0 = (int)settings.stepPoint; int i1 = (int)settings.maxPoint; double_t dy = avgMeasuredMax - avgMeasuredMin; double_t A1 = -measuredData.getArea(i0, i1, (float_t)avgMeasuredMax) / settings.timeScale; double_t t73 = getTimeDelta(measuredData.findDataAt((float_t)(avgMeasuredMin + dy * 0.73), i0, i1)); double_t tm = i0 + 0.5 * (t73 / 1.3) * settings.timeScale; double_t ym = measuredData.getValue((float_t)tm); // normalize double_t ymn = (ym - avgMeasuredMin) / dy; // sanity check? if (ymn < HarriotFunction::minX || ymn > HarriotFunction::maxX) return false; double_t r = hfunc.getValue(ymn); params[PARAM_K] = dy / (settings.maxValue - settings.minValue); params[PARAM_L] = A1 - t73 / 1.3; params[PARAM_T] = r * t73 / 1.3; params[PARAM_T2] = (1.0 - r) * t73 / 1.3; return true; } double_t getTimeDelta(int i1) const { if (i1 < 0) return -1.0; return (double_t)(i1 - settings.stepPoint) / settings.timeScale; } // Use automatic LM-solver to find the best PID coefs which satisfy the minimal PID metric. // The initial PID coefs are already calculated using the well-known CHR method (1st or 2nd order). bool solveModel(pid_tune_method_e method, ModelAutoSolver & model) { double_t merit0, merit; #ifdef PID_DEBUG printf("* Solving for better coefs:\r\n"); #endif // todo: is it correct? double_t dTime = pid.periodMs / 1000.0; const int numSimPoints = 1024; PidSimulatorFactory simFactory(simType, getMethodOrder(method), getAvgMeasuredMin(), getAvgMeasuredMax(), settings.targetValue, dTime, modelBias, pid); PidCoefsFinderFunction func(&simFactory, params); func.justifyParams(model.getParams()); merit0 = func.calcMerit(model.getParams()); // now hopefully we'll find even better coefs! LevenbergMarquardtSolver solver((LMSFunction *)&func, model.getParams()); double lambdaForPid = 10.0; double minDeltaForPid = 1.e-7; int iterationCount = solver.solve(lambdaForPid, minDeltaForPid); merit = func.calcMerit(model.getParams()); #ifdef PID_DEBUG printSolverResult(iterationCount, merit0, merit); #endif return true; } template void outputFunc(const char *fname, const AbstractDelayLineFunction & func, const StepFunction & stepFunc, double_t *params) { #ifdef PID_DEBUG //func.calculateAllPoints(params); for (int i = 0; i < func.getNumPoints(); i++) { double_t v = func.getEstimatedValueAtPoint(i, params); double_t sv = stepFunc.getValue((float_t)i, 0); output_csv(fname, (double_t)i, func.getDataPoint(i), v, sv); } #endif } void printSolverResult(int iterationCount, double_t merit0, double_t merit) { if (iterationCount > 0) printf("* The solver finished in %d iterations! (Merit: %Lg -> %Lg)\r\n", iterationCount, (long double)merit0, (long double)merit); else printf("* The solver aborted after %d iterations! (Merit: %Lg -> %Lg)\r\n", -iterationCount, (long double)merit0, (long double)merit); } protected: AveragingDataBuffer measuredData; PidAutoTuneSettings settings; pid_sim_type_e simType; double_t params[4] = { 0 }; pid_s pid; pid_s pid0; // not-optimized int iterationCount = 0; double_t avgMeasuredMin, avgMeasuredMax; double_t modelBias; };