
186 lines
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* @file levenberg_marquardt_solver.h
* Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm, and efficient non-linear optimization solver used for regression analysis ("least squares problem").
* It basically combines Gauss-Newton method and gradient descent, but using an approximation for computing a Hessian matrix!
* The code is based on "W.Press, S.Teukolsky, W.Vetterling, B.Flannery. Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77, 1992."
* @date Sep 27, 2019
* @author andreika, (c) 2019
#pragma once
#include "global.h"
#include "matrix_helper.h"
template <int numParams>
class LMSFunction {
// Get the total number of data points
virtual double getNumPoints() = 0;
virtual void justifyParams(double *params) const = 0;
/// Returns the y value of the function for the given x and vector of parameters
virtual double getEstimatedValueAtPoint(int i, const double *params) const = 0;
/// Returns the residual (error delta) of the function (return (dataPoints[i] - estimatedPoint(i)))
virtual double getResidual(int i, const double *params) const = 0;
/// Return the partial derivate of the function with respect to parameter pIndex at point [i].
/// Can be overridden if analytical gradient function's representation is available
virtual double getPartialDerivative(int i, const double *params, int pIndex) const {
// some magic value
const double delta = 1.0e-6;
// we need to alter parameters around the neighborhood of 'pIndex', so we make a working copy
double tmpParams[numParams];
for (int k = 0; k < numParams; k++)
tmpParams[k] = params[k];
tmpParams[pIndex] = params[pIndex] + delta;
double dplusResult = getEstimatedValueAtPoint(i, tmpParams);
tmpParams[pIndex] = params[pIndex] - delta;
double dminusResult = getEstimatedValueAtPoint(i, tmpParams);
return (dplusResult - dminusResult) / (delta * 2.0);
template<int numParams>
class LevenbergMarquardtSolver {
// ctor
LevenbergMarquardtSolver(LMSFunction<numParams> *func, double parameters[numParams]) {
this->func = func;
this->parameters = parameters;
// lambda - magic coef.
// maxIterations - if too many iterations (loop exit condition #1)
// minDelta - if the progress on iteration is too small (loop exit condition #2)
int solve(double lambda_ = 0.001, double minDelta = 1e-15, int maxIterations = 100) {
this->lambda = lambda_;
iterationCount = 0;
double delta = 0;
do {
double merit = calcMerit(parameters);
bool isSolved = calcNewParameters();
double newMerit = calcMerit(newParameters);
if (!isSolved) {
return -1;
// if we don't like the new parameters
if (newMerit >= merit) {
// decrease the step
lambda *= lambdaMultiplier;
// if we're good, accept them
else {
// update via copy
memcpy(parameters, newParameters, sizeof(newParameters));
// let's increase the step even more
lambda /= lambdaMultiplier;
// find out if we progressed enough in this iteration
delta = fabs(newMerit - merit);
#ifdef LMS_DEBUG
printf("[%d] (%g,%g,%g,%g) l=%g m=%g (%g-%g = %g)\r\n", iterationCount, parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3], lambda, merit,
newMerit, merit, newMerit - merit);
} while (delta > minDelta && iterationCount < maxIterations);
return iterationCount;
double *getParameters() const {
return parameters;
// Find the parameter increments by solving the Hessian x Gradient equation
bool calcNewParameters() {
// get H^-1 matrix (inverse Hessian)
double hinv[numParams][numParams];
bool ret = MatrixHelper<double, numParams>::inverseMatrix(hinv, hessian);
if (!ret)
return false;
for (int row = 0; row < numParams; row++) {
double increment = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < numParams; col++) {
increment += hinv[row][col] * gradient[col];
newParameters[row] = parameters[row] + increment;
return true;
// Calculate the sum of the squares of the residuals
double calcMerit(double *params) {
double res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < func->getNumPoints(); i++) {
double r = func->getResidual(i, params);
res += r * r;
return res;
/// Calculate the Hessian matrix (2nd derivative) approximation
void calcHessian() {
for (int row = 0; row < numParams; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < numParams; col++) {
double res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < func->getNumPoints(); i++) {
res += func->getPartialDerivative(i, parameters, row) * func->getPartialDerivative(i, parameters, col);
hessian[row][col] = (row == col) ? res * (lambda + 1.0) : res;
// Calculate the 1st derivatives of the residual func
void calcGradient() {
for (int row = 0; row < numParams; row++) {
double res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < func->getNumPoints(); i++) {
res += func->getResidual(i, parameters) * func->getPartialDerivative(i, parameters, row);
gradient[row] = res;
// optimization function
LMSFunction<numParams> *func;
// Current (accepted) parameters vector
double *parameters; // [numParams]
// Incremented (next step) parameters vector
double newParameters[numParams];
// Hessian matrix
double hessian[numParams][numParams];
// Gradients vector
double gradient[numParams];
// some magic number
const double lambdaMultiplier = 10.0;
// coeff used to adapt the descent step (and speed)
double lambda;
// Total number of iterations
int iterationCount;