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* @file interpolation.h
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "scaled_channel.h"
namespace priv {
struct BinResult
size_t Idx;
float Frac;
* @brief Finds the location of a value in the bin array.
* @param value The value to find in the bins.
* @return A result containing the index to the left of the value,
* and how far from (idx) to (idx + 1) the value is located.
template<class TBin, int TSize>
BinResult getBin(float value, const TBin (&bins)[TSize]) {
// Enforce numeric only (int, float, uintx_t, etc)
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic_v<TBin>, "Table bins must be an arithmetic type");
// Enforce that there are enough bins to make sense (what does one bin even mean?)
static_assert(TSize >= 2);
// Handle NaN
if (std::isnan(value)) {
return { 0, 0.0f };
// Handle off-scale low
if (value <= bins[0]) {
return { 0, 0.0f };
// Handle off-scale high
if (value >= bins[TSize - 1]) {
return { TSize - 2, 1.0f };
size_t idx = 0;
// Find the last index less than the searched value
// Linear search for now, maybe binary search in future
// after collecting real perf data
for (idx = 0; idx < TSize - 1; idx++) {
if (bins[idx + 1] > value) {
float low = bins[idx];
float high = bins[idx + 1];
// Compute how far along the bin we are
// (0.0f = left side, 1.0f = right side)
float fraction = (value - low) / (high - low);
return { idx, fraction };
template<class TBin, int TSize, int TMult, int TDiv>
BinResult getBin(float value, const scaled_channel<TBin, TMult, TDiv> (&bins)[TSize]) {
return getBin(value * (float(TMult) / TDiv), *reinterpret_cast<const TBin (*)[TSize]>(&bins));
static inline float linterp(float low, float high, float frac)
return high * frac + low * (1 - frac);
} // namespace priv
template <class TBin, class TValue, int TSize>
float interpolate2d(const float value, const TBin (&bin)[TSize], const TValue (&values)[TSize]) {
// Enforce numeric only (int, float, uintx_t, etc)
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic_v<TBin> || is_scaled_channel<TBin>, "Table values must be an arithmetic type or scaled channel");
auto b = priv::getBin(value, bin);
// Convert to float as we read it out
float low = static_cast<float>(values[b.Idx]);
float high = static_cast<float>(values[b.Idx + 1]);
float frac = b.Frac;
return priv::linterp(low, high, frac);
// TS defines tables as [y_row_count x x_column_count] and we follow that weird Y, X order of arguments here
template<typename VType, unsigned RNum, typename RType, unsigned X_ColumnNum, typename X_CType>
float interpolate3d(const VType (&table)[RNum][X_ColumnNum],
const RType (&rowBins)[RNum], float yRowValue,
const X_CType (&colBins)[X_ColumnNum], float xColValue)
auto row = priv::getBin(yRowValue, rowBins);
auto col = priv::getBin(xColValue, colBins);
// Orient the table such that (0, 0) is the bottom left corner,
// then the following variable names will make sense
float lowerLeft = table[row.Idx ][col.Idx ];
float upperLeft = table[row.Idx + 1][col.Idx ];
float lowerRight = table[row.Idx ][col.Idx + 1];
float upperRight = table[row.Idx + 1][col.Idx + 1];
// Interpolate each side by itself
float left = priv::linterp(lowerLeft, upperLeft, row.Frac);
float right = priv::linterp(lowerRight, upperRight, row.Frac);
// Then interpolate between those
return priv::linterp(left, right, col.Frac);