# rusefi-ci This dockerfile will automatically download and configure the github actions self-hosted runner To run, first build the image with: `docker build --build-arg GID=$(getent group docker | cut -d ':' -f 3) -t rusefi-ci .` Then run the newly built image. ```bash docker run --detach --privileged \ -e RUNNER_NAME=test-runner2 \ -e RUNNER_LABELS=ubuntu-latest \ -e GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN= \ -e RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com//rusefi \ rusefi-ci ``` Replace `` with your own username if you are running on your own fork. If you are running an organization-level runner, you will need to replace `RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL` with `RUNNER_ORGANIZATION_URL`. Add `--restart=unless-stopped` in order to have the container survive reboots The container uses a persistent volume mounted at /opt/actions-runner. After initial startup, the container will skip registration unless the peristent volume is erased. ## Environment variables The following environment variables allows you to control the configuration parameters. | Name | Description | Required/Default value | |------|---------------|-------------| | RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL | The runner will be linked to this repository URL | Required if `RUNNER_ORGANIZATION_URL` is not provided | | RUNNER_ORGANIZATION_URL | The runner will be linked to this organization URL. *(Self-hosted runners API for organizations is currently in public beta and subject to changes)* | Required if `RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL` is not provided | | GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN | Personal Access Token. Used to dynamically fetch a new runner token (recommended, see below). | Required if `RUNNER_TOKEN` is not provided. | RUNNER_TOKEN | Runner token provided by GitHub in the Actions page. These tokens are valid for a short period. | Required if `GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN` is not provided | RUNNER_WORK_DIRECTORY | Runner's work directory | `"_work"` | RUNNER_NAME | Name of the runner displayed in the GitHub UI | Hostname of the container | RUNNER_LABELS | Extra labels in addition to the default: 'self-hosted,Linux,X64' (based on your OS and architecture) | `""` | RUNNER_REPLACE_EXISTING | `"true"` will replace existing runner with the same name, `"false"` will use a random name if there is conflict | `"true"` ## Runner Token In order to link your runner to your repository/organization, you need to provide a token. There is two way of passing the token : * via `GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN` (recommended), containing a [fine-grained Personnal Access Token](https://github.com/settings/tokens). This token will be used to dynamically fetch a new runner token, as runner tokens are valid for a short period of time. * For a single-repository runner, select the repository under "Only select repositories", then under "Repository Permissions" set "Administration" to read-write. * For an organization runner, select the repository and set "Organization self hosted runners"to read-write. * via `RUNNER_TOKEN`. This token is displayed in the Actions settings page of your organization/repository, when opening the "Add Runner" page. ## Helper Functions If you stop and start workes often, you may find it useful to have a function for starting workers. I have added the below functions to my .bashrc: ```bash ghatoken () { echo -n "Paste token:" read TOKEN KEY=$(echo "$TOKEN" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a | tr -d '\n') perl -pi -e 's#(?<=KEY=").*?(?="\sd)#'"$KEY"'#' ~/.bashrc } gha () { KEY="" docker run -it --privileged -e RUNNER_NAME=runner-$1 -e RUNNER_LABELS=ubuntu-latest -e GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo "$KEY" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -d) -e RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com//rusefi rusefi-ci } ``` Replace `` with your own username if you are running on your own fork. If you are running an organization-level runner, you will need to replace `RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL` with `RUNNER_ORGANIZATION_URL`. Once the functions are in your .bashrc, and you have sourced your .bashrc, by opening a new shell or by running `. ~/.bashrc`, run `ghatoken`, paste in your PAT, and enter a password. This password will be used every time you start a runner.