# rusefi-ci This dockerfile will automatically download and configure the github actions self-hosted runner To run, first build the image with: `docker build -t rusefi-ci .` Then run the newly built image passing `OWNER`, `REPO`, and `REG_TOKEN` (time-limited github actions registration token) ```bash docker run --detach \ --ENV OWNER=ZHoob2004 \ --ENV REPO=rusefi \ --ENV REG_TOKEN= \ --ENV LABELS="linux,self-hosted" \ rusefi-ci ``` Note: the LABELS environment variable is optional, and if omitted will use the default labels as determined by the github runner. Add `--restart=unless-stopped` in order to have the container survive reboots The container uses a persistent volume mounted at /opt/actions-runner. After initial startup, the container will skip registration unless the peristent volume is erased.