#!/bin/bash # file gen_config_board.sh # for example ./gen_config_board.sh config/boards/hellen/hellen128 hellen128 # ./gen_config_board.sh config/boards/hellen/hellen-honda-k hellen-honda-k # or ./gen_config_board.sh config/boards/atlas atlas # ./gen_config_board.sh config/boards/proteus proteus_f7 # ./gen_config_board.sh config/boards/hellen/uaefi uaefi # ./gen_config_board.sh config/boards/hellen/small-can-board small-can-board # ./gen_config_board.sh config/boards/f407-discovery f407-discovery # ./gen_config_board.sh config/boards/nucleo_f767 nucleo_f767 set -e echo "This script reads rusefi_config.txt and produces firmware persistent configuration headers" echo "the storage section of rusefiXXX.ini is updated as well" BOARD_DIR=${1:-$BOARD_DIR} SHORT_BOARD_NAME=${2:-$SHORT_BOARD_NAME} INI=${3:-"rusefi_$SHORT_BOARD_NAME.ini"} if [ -z "$BOARD_DIR" ]; then echo "Board dir parameter expected" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$SHORT_BOARD_NAME" ]; then echo "Short board name parameter expected" exit 1 fi echo "BOARD_DIR=${BOARD_DIR} SHORT_BOARD_NAME=${SHORT_BOARD_NAME}" which realpath >/dev/null 2>&1 || (which grealpath >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias realpath='grealpath') FDIR=$(realpath $(dirname "$0")) BOARD_DIR=$(realpath --relative-to "$FDIR" "$BOARD_DIR") cd "$FDIR" source gen_config_common.sh echo "Using COMMON_GEN_CONFIG [$COMMON_GEN_CONFIG]" # in rare cases order of arguments is important - '-tool' should be specified before '-definition' java \ $COMMON_GEN_CONFIG_PREFIX \ -tool gen_config.sh \ $COMMON_GEN_CONFIG \ -enumInputFile controllers/algo/rusefi_hw_stm32_enums.h \ -enumInputFile controllers/algo/rusefi_hw_adc_enums.h \ -c_defines controllers/generated/rusefi_generated_${SHORT_BOARD_NAME}.h \ -c_destination controllers/generated/engine_configuration_generated_structures_${SHORT_BOARD_NAME}.h [ $? -eq 0 ] || { echo "ERROR generating TunerStudio config for ${BOARD_DIR}"; exit 1; } if [ -z "META_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER" ]; then META_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER="" fi echo "Happy ${SHORT_BOARD_NAME}!" exit 0