name: Firmware at GHA # # this github action uses to scan the file system and automatically produce build matrix! # on: push: pull_request: schedule: - cron: '0 0 * * *' workflow_dispatch: inputs: lts: description: 'LTS Build' required: false type: boolean jobs: build-libopenblt-linux: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: true - name: cmake configure libopenblt working-directory: ./firmware/ext/openblt/Host/Source/LibOpenBLT/build run: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # - name: make libopenblt # working-directory: ./firmware/ext/openblt/Host/Source/LibOpenBLT/build # run: make -j8 - name: cmake configure libopenblt_jni working-directory: ./misc/libopenblt_jni/build run: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # - name: make libopenblt_jni # working-directory: ./misc/libopenblt_jni/build # run: make -j8 - name: coalesce if: 0 run: | mkdir deliver cp ./firmware/ext/openblt/Host/ deliver/ cp ./misc/libopenblt_jni/build/ deliver/ # - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 # if: 0 # name: libopenblt-linux # path: | # ./deliver/ # ./deliver/ release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Dump GitHub context env: GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }} run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT" - name: Set run condition variables run: | if [ "${{github.event_name}}" = "schedule" ] && [ "${{github.repository}}" = "rusefi/rusefi" ]; then echo "full=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "upload=release" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi - uses: mukunku/tag-exists-action@v1.6.0 id: checkTag with: tag: ${{ }} - name: Create Release Tag if: ${{ env.full == 'true' && env.upload == 'release' && steps.checkTag.outputs.exists == 'false' }} id: tag uses: mathieudutour/github-tag-action@v6.2 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }} custom_tag: ${{ }} tag_prefix: '' - name: Create Release if: ${{ env.full == 'true' && env.upload == 'release' }} uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1.14.0 with: tag: ${{ }} name: "Nightly ${{ }}" artifacts: "artifacts/rusefi_bundle_*.zip" replacesArtifacts: false token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }} allowUpdates: true prerelease: true - name: coalesce if: 0 run: | mkdir deliver cp ./firmware/ext/openblt/Host/libopenblt.dylib deliver/ cp ./misc/libopenblt_jni/build/libopenblt_jni.dylib deliver/ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: bootcommander-linux path: | ./deliver/libopenblt.dylib ./deliver/libopenblt_jni.dylib generate-matrix: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: matrix: ${{ steps.set-matrix.outputs.matrix }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Set matrix id: set-matrix run: | export EVENT_NAME="${{github.event_name}}" export RUN_ATTEMPT="${{github.run_attempt}}" export COMMIT_MESSAGE="${{github.event.head_commit.message}}" echo "matrix=$(bash firmware/bin/" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT build-firmware: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: [ # todo proper build of build-libopenblt #5866 #build-libopenblt-linux, #build-libopenblt-macos, release, generate-matrix] if: ${{ ! contains(needs.generate-matrix.outputs.matrix, '[]') }} strategy: # Let all builds finish even if one fails early fail-fast: false matrix: ${{fromJson(needs.generate-matrix.outputs.matrix)}} steps: - name: Check branch name if: ${{ contains(github.ref_name, '.') }} run: echo '::error::Branch names must not contain ".", this breaks firmware autoupdates.' && exit 1 - name: Set run condition variables run: | if [ "${{github.event_name}}" = "schedule" ] && [ "${{github.repository}}" = "rusefi/rusefi" ]; then echo "Scheduled mode" echo "full=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "upload=release" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" >> $GITHUB_ENV elif [ "${{github.event_name}}" = "push" ]\ && [ "${{github.ref}}" = "refs/heads/master" ]\ || [ "${{toJSON(inputs.lts)}}" = "true" ]; then echo "Full mode" echo "full=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "upload=server" >> $GITHUB_ENV else echo "Partial mode" echo "partial=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Checkout Submodules run: | git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ChibiOS git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ChibiOS-Contrib git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/libfirmware git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ext/lua git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ext/uzlib git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ext/openblt git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/controllers/lua/luaaa git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/controllers/can/wideband_firmware git submodule update --init --depth=1 java_console/luaformatter git submodule update --init --depth=1 java_console/peak-can-basic - uses: actions/setup-java@v4 with: distribution: 'zulu' java-version: '11' - name: Install multilib, mingw, sshpass and mtools run: | sudo bash misc/actions/ sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib g++-mingw-w64 gcc-mingw-w64 sshpass mtools zip dosfstools - name: Set Build Env Variables working-directory: ./firmware/ run: | echo LTS=${{toJSON(inputs.lts)}} >> $GITHUB_ENV echo REF=${{github.ref_name}} >> $GITHUB_ENV echo BOARD_META_PATH=${{matrix.meta-info}} >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Git Status run: | git status # # Note to humans: on personal devices we have firmware/ and # - name: Install Arm GNU Toolchain (arm-none-eabi-gcc) uses: carlosperate/arm-none-eabi-gcc-action@v1 with: release: '12.3.Rel1' # Make sure the compiler we just downloaded works - just print out the version - name: Test arm-none-eabi-gcc Compiler run: arm-none-eabi-gcc -v - name: Configs build_server upload SSH variables if: ${{ env.full == 'true' && env.upload == 'server' }} env: ACTIONS_ALLOW_UNSECURE_COMMANDS: 'true' run: | echo "RUSEFI_SSH_SERVER=${{secrets.RUSEFI_SSH_SERVER}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RUSEFI_SSH_USER=${{secrets.RUSEFI_SSH_USER}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RUSEFI_SSH_PASS=${{secrets.RUSEFI_SSH_PASS}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV # - name: Download LibOpenBLT Tool (Linux) # uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: # name: libopenblt-linux # path: ./firmware/ext/openblt/Host/ # - name: Download LibOpenBLT Tool (MacOS) # uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: # name: libopenblt-macos # path: ./firmware/ext/openblt/Host/ # Build the firmware! - name: Build Firmware working-directory: ./firmware/ run: | make clean if [ "$full" == "true" ]; then bash bin/ -b ${{env.BOARD_META_PATH}} else bash bin/ ${{env.BOARD_META_PATH}} all deliver/rusefi.dfu deliver/rusefi.bin fi - name: Upload Bundle if: ${{ env.full == 'true' }} working-directory: ./artifacts run: | source ../firmware/config/boards/ ../firmware/${{ env.BOARD_META_PATH }} bash ../firmware/bin/ - name: Add Bundles to Release if: ${{ env.full == 'true' && env.upload == 'release' }} uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1.14.0 with: tag: ${{ }} name: "Nightly ${{ }}" artifacts: "artifacts/rusefi_bundle_*.zip" replacesArtifacts: false token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }} allowUpdates: true prerelease: true - name: Upload .ini files to rusEFI Online server if: ${{ env.full == 'true' }} working-directory: ./firmware run: | source config/boards/ ${{ env.BOARD_META_PATH }} cd ${META_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER}tunerstudio/generated ${OLDPWD}/tunerstudio/ ${{ secrets.RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_USER }} ${{ secrets.RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_PASS }} ${{ secrets.RUSEFI_FTP_SERVER }} - name: Upload github action elf artifact if: ${{ env.partial == 'true' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_${{}}.elf path: ./firmware/build/rusefi.elf - name: Upload github action map artifact if: ${{ env.partial == 'true' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_${{}}.map path: ./firmware/build/ - name: Upload github action bin artifact if: ${{ env.partial == 'true' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_${{}}.bin path: ./firmware/deliver/rusefi*.bin - name: Upload github action hex artifact if: ${{ env.partial == 'true' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_${{}}.hex # we have a bit of a mess - this file from 'build' folder is only legit for not-BLT builds # todo: we should produce .hex in both OpenBLT and non-OpenBLT case same as we do for .bin and .elf path: ./firmware/build/rusefi*.hex - name: Upload github action dfu artifact if: ${{ env.partial == 'true' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_${{}}.dfu path: ./firmware/deliver/rusefi*.dfu - name: Upload bundle artifact if: ${{ env.full == 'true' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_bundle_${{}}.zip path: ./artifacts/rusefi_bundle_${{}}.zip - name: Upload github action autoupdate artifact if: ${{ env.full == 'true' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_bundle_${{}} path: ./artifacts/rusefi_bundle_${{}}