# # see https://github.com/rusefi/fw-Paralela/blob/master/.github/workflows/compile-board.yaml as an example of how to build custom board firmware # name: Build Custom Board Firmware inputs: rusefi_dir: description: 'Path to rusefi submodule' required: false default: ext/rusefi meta_info: description: 'Path to meta info file' required: false default: meta-info.env meta_output: description: 'Path to meta output directory' required: false default: ./generated/ sim_output: required: false default: ./generated/ lts: description: 'LTS Build' required: false default: 'false' bundle_simulator: description: 'Include Simulator in Bundle' required: false default: 'false' run_simulator: description: 'Build and Run Simulator' required: false default: 'false' push: description: 'Push generated configs' required: false default: 'true' artifacts: required: false default: bin hex dfu map elf list srec bundle autoupdate uploads: required: false default: ini bundles MY_REPO_PAT: description: 'Token for accessing private repos' required: false RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_USER: required: false RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_PASS: required: false RUSEFI_FTP_SERVER: required: false RUSEFI_SSH_SERVER: required: false RUSEFI_SSH_USER: required: false RUSEFI_SSH_PASS: required: false ADDITIONAL_ENV: required: false runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Mask Secrets shell: bash run: | [ -z "${{inputs.MY_REPO_PAT}}" ] || echo "::add-mask::${{inputs.MY_REPO_PAT}}" [ -z "${{inputs.RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_USER}}" ] || echo "::add-mask::${{inputs.RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_USER}}" [ -z "${{inputs.RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_PASS}}" ] || echo "::add-mask::${{inputs.RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_PASS}}" [ -z "${{inputs.RUSEFI_FTP_SERVER}}" ] || echo "::add-mask::${{inputs.RUSEFI_FTP_SERVER}}" [ -z "${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_SERVER}}" ] || echo "::add-mask::${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_SERVER}}" [ -z "${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_USER}}" ] || echo "::add-mask::${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_USER}}" [ -z "${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_PASS}}" ] || echo "::add-mask::${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_PASS}}" [ -z "${{inputs.ADDITIONAL_ENV}}" ] || echo "::add-mask::${{inputs.ADDITIONAL_ENV}}" - name: Set Token shell: bash run: | if [ -n "${{ inputs.MY_REPO_PAT }}" ]; then echo "Using current secret" echo "TOKEN=${{ inputs.MY_REPO_PAT }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" else echo "Using current token" echo "TOKEN=${{ github.token }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" fi - name: Echo shell: bash run: | echo "rusefi_dir=${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}" echo "meta_info=${{inputs.meta_info}}" - name: Checkout Submodules working-directory: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}} shell: bash run: | git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ChibiOS git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ChibiOS-Contrib git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/libfirmware git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ext/lua git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ext/uzlib git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/ext/openblt git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/controllers/lua/luaaa git submodule update --init --depth=1 firmware/controllers/can/wideband_firmware git submodule update --init --depth=1 java_console/luaformatter git submodule update --init --depth=1 java_console/peak-can-basic - name: Invoking Post-Checkout Action shell: bash run: | if [ -f .github/workflows/actions/post-checkout.sh ]; then bash .github/workflows/actions/post-checkout.sh fi - name: Set Env Variables shell: bash run: | echo "RUSEFI_SSH_SERVER=${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_SERVER}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RUSEFI_SSH_USER=${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_USER}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RUSEFI_SSH_PASS=${{inputs.RUSEFI_SSH_PASS}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "LTS=${{toJSON(inputs.lts)}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "BUNDLE_SIMULATOR=${{toJSON(inputs.bundle_simulator)}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "RUN_SIMULATOR=${{toJSON(inputs.run_simulator)}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "REF=${{github.ref_name}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "${{ inputs.ADDITIONAL_ENV }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV which realpath >/dev/null 2>&1 || (which grealpath >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias realpath='grealpath') echo "META_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER=$(realpath ${{inputs.meta_output}})/" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "SIM_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER=$(realpath ${{inputs.sim_output}})/" >> $GITHUB_ENV source ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware/config/boards/common_script_read_meta_env.inc "${{inputs.meta_info}}" cd ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware BOARD_DIR=$(realpath --relative-to=. "${{github.workspace}}/$BOARD_DIR") BOARD_META_PATH=$(realpath --relative-to=. "${{github.workspace}}/$BOARD_META_PATH") echo "BOARD_DIR=$BOARD_DIR" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "BOARD_META_PATH=$BOARD_META_PATH" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "SHORT_BOARD_NAME=$SHORT_BOARD_NAME" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "BUNDLE_NAME=$BUNDLE_NAME" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Install Arm GNU Toolchain (arm-none-eabi-gcc) uses: carlosperate/arm-none-eabi-gcc-action@v1 with: release: '12.3.Rel1' - uses: actions/setup-java@v4 with: distribution: 'zulu' java-version: '11' - name: Test Compiler shell: bash run: javac -version - name: Install Tools shell: bash run: | if [ "$BUNDLE_SIMULATOR" == "true" -o "$RUN_SIMULATOR" == "true" ]; then SIM_REQS="gcc-multilib g++-multilib" fi if [ "$BUNDLE_SIMULATOR" == "true" ]; then SIM_REQS+=" g++-mingw-w64 gcc-mingw-w64 zip dosfstools" fi sudo bash ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/misc/actions/add-ubuntu-latest-apt-mirrors.sh sudo apt-get install sshpass mtools $SIM_REQS - name: Repo Status shell: bash run: | git status - name: rusefi_dir Status working-directory: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}} shell: bash run: | if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>&1)" == "true" ]; then git status else echo "Not a repository" fi - name: Build Firmware working-directory: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware shell: bash run: | ARTIFACTS=(${{inputs.artifacts}} ${{inputs.uploads}}) TARGETS=() shopt -s expand_aliases alias ac="printf '%s\0' "${ARTIFACTS[@]}" | grep -F -x -z --" if ac 'ini'; then TARGETS+=("config"); fi if ac 'bin'; then TARGETS+=("deliver/rusefi.bin"); fi if ac 'dfu'; then TARGETS+=("deliver/rusefi.dfu"); fi if ac 'hex'; then TARGETS+=("build/rusefi.hex"); fi if ac 'map'; then TARGETS+=("build/rusefi.map"); fi if ac 'elf'; then TARGETS+=("build/rusefi.elf"); fi if ac 'list'; then TARGETS+=("build/rusefi.list"); fi if ac 'srec'; then TARGETS+=("build/rusefi.srec"); fi if ac 'bundles' || ac 'bundle'; then TARGETS+=("../artifacts/rusefi_bundle_${SHORT_BOARD_NAME}.zip"); fi if ac 'bundles' || ac 'autoupdate'; then TARGETS+=("../artifacts/rusefi_bundle_${SHORT_BOARD_NAME}_autoupdate.zip"); fi if ac 'obfuscated'; then TARGETS+=("../artifacts/rusefi_bundle_${SHORT_BOARD_NAME}_obfuscated.zip"); fi if [ "$RUN_SIMULATOR" == "true" ]; then TARGETS+=("../simulator/build/rusefi_simulator" "../java_tools/tune-tools/build/libs/tune-tools-all.jar") fi bash bin/compile.sh $BOARD_META_PATH ${TARGETS[@]} - name: Upload Bundle if: ${{ contains(inputs.uploads, 'bundles') }} working-directory: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/artifacts shell: bash run: bash ../firmware/bin/upload_bundle.sh - name: Run Simulator if: ${{ inputs.run_simulator == 'true' }} shell: bash run: | cd ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/simulator/ ./build/rusefi_simulator 10 ./write_tune.sh cd $OLDPWD if [ ! "${SIM_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER}" -ef "${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/simulator/generated" ]; then mkdir -p ${SIM_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER}canned-tunes cp ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/simulator/generated/*.msq ${SIM_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER} cp ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/simulator/generated/canned-tunes/*.md ${SIM_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER}canned-tunes fi - name: Git Config if: ${{ inputs.push == 'true' }} shell: bash run: | git config --local user.email "action@github.com" git config --local user.name "GitHub git update Action" - name: Add Tune to Commit if: ${{ inputs.run_simulator == 'true' && inputs.push == 'true' }} shell: bash run: | git add "${SIM_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER}*msq" git add "${SIM_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER}canned-tunes/*md" OUT=$(git commit -m "Auto-generated Default Tune" 2>&1) || echo "commit failed, finding out why" if echo "$OUT" | grep 'nothing to commit'; then echo "Tune: looks like nothing to commit" exit 0 fi echo "[$OUT]" - name: Add Config to Commit if: ${{ inputs.push == 'true' }} shell: bash run: | git add ${META_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER}* OUT=$(git commit -m "Auto-generated Configs" 2>&1) || echo "commit failed, finding out why" if echo "$OUT" | grep 'nothing to commit'; then echo "Configs: looks like nothing to commit" exit 0 fi git status - name: Add Connectors to Commit if: ${{ inputs.push == 'true' }} shell: bash run: | if [ -d $BOARD_DIR/connectors ]; then git add $BOARD_DIR/connectors/* fi OUT=$(git commit -m "Auto-generated Connectors" 2>&1) || echo "commit failed, finding out why" if echo "$OUT" | grep 'nothing to commit'; then echo "Connectors: looks like nothing to commit" exit 0 fi echo "[$OUT]" - name: Push if: ${{ inputs.push == 'true' }} uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master with: github_token: ${{env.TOKEN}} - name: Upload .ini files to rusEFI Online server if: ${{ contains(inputs.uploads, 'ini') }} working-directory: ${{env.META_OUTPUT_ROOT_FOLDER}}tunerstudio/generated shell: bash run: ${{github.workspace}}/${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware/tunerstudio/upload_ini.sh ${{ inputs.RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_USER }} ${{ inputs.RUSEFI_ONLINE_FTP_PASS }} ${{ inputs.RUSEFI_FTP_SERVER }} - name: Upload github action bin artifact if: ${{ contains(inputs.artifacts, 'bin') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi.bin path: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware/deliver/rusefi*.bin - name: Upload github action srec artifact if: ${{ contains(inputs.artifacts, 'srec') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_update.srec path: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware/build/rusefi.srec - name: Upload github action hex artifact if: ${{ contains(inputs.artifacts, 'hex') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi.hex path: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware/build/rusefi*.hex - name: Upload github action list artifact if: ${{ contains(inputs.artifacts, 'list') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi.list path: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware/build/rusefi*.list - name: Upload github action map artifact if: ${{ contains(inputs.artifacts, 'map') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi.map path: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware/build/rusefi*.map - name: Upload github action elf artifact if: ${{ contains(inputs.artifacts, 'elf') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi.elf path: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/firmware/build/rusefi*.elf - name: Upload github action bundle artifact if: ${{ contains(inputs.artifacts, 'bundle') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_bundle_${{env.SHORT_BOARD_NAME}}.zip path: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/artifacts/rusefi_bundle_${{env.SHORT_BOARD_NAME}}.zip - name: Upload github action bundle autoupdate artifact if: ${{ contains(inputs.artifacts, 'autoupdate') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: rusefi_bundle_${{env.SHORT_BOARD_NAME}}_autoupdate.zip path: ${{inputs.rusefi_dir}}/artifacts/rusefi_bundle_${{env.SHORT_BOARD_NAME}}_autoupdate.zip