/** * @file signature.cpp * @brief A special file which is recompiled every time the .ini file changes. * * This is a minimalistic fast-compiling cpp-file. Any additional massive includes are not welcomed. * * @date Jul 2, 2020 * @author andreika (c) 2020 */ #include "pch.h" #include "signature.h" // We take these precautions to avoid redefinition of signature in generated .h files // todo: do not code generate SIGNATURE_HASH and TS_SIGNATURE so that we do not have to hack here #undef SIGNATURE_HASH #undef TS_SIGNATURE #pragma message ("SHORT_BOARD_NAME: " QUOTE(SHORT_BOARD_NAME)) #define SIGNATURE_NAME signature_ #define SIGNATURE_EXT .h #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST #define SIGNATURE_H_FILENAME QUOTE(SIGNATURE_NAME SHORT_BOARD_NAME SIGNATURE_EXT) #include SIGNATURE_H_FILENAME #pragma message ("TS_SIGNATURE: " TS_SIGNATURE) const char *getTsSignature() { return TS_SIGNATURE; } #endif