// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/wall_fuel_state.txt Sun Oct 17 01:13:41 UTC 2021 // by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer // begin #pragma once #include "rusefi_types.h" // start of wall_fuel_state struct wall_fuel_state { /** * * fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect, for current cycle * offset 0 */ float wallFuelCorrection = (float)0; /** * Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time, for each injector. * offset 4 */ floatms_t wallFuel = (floatms_t)0; /** total size 8*/ }; // end // this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/wall_fuel_state.txt Sun Oct 17 01:13:41 UTC 2021