using Data; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Windows.Forms; internal class ctrlMapGraph : UserControl { //private BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_0 = new BackgroundWorker(); private bool bool_0; private bool bool_1; private bool bool_2; private bool bool_3; private bool bool_4; private Brush brush_0; private Class10_settings class10_settings_0; private Class16_u class16_u_0 = new Class16_u(); private Class18 class18_0; private Class7_u[,] class7_u_0; //private Class7_u class7_1; private ToolStripMenuItem clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1; private Color[] color_0 = new Color[4]; private CtrlGrid ctrlGrid_0; private double double_0; private float float_0; private float float_1; private float float_10; private float float_11; private float float_12; private float float_13; private float float_14; private float float_15; private float float_16; private float float_17; private float float_18; private float float_19; private float float_2; private float float_20; private float float_21; private float float_22; private float float_23; private float float_24; private float float_25; private float float_26 = 0.5f; private float float_27 = 0.5f; private float float_3; private float float_4; private float float_5; private float float_6 = 8f; private float float_7; private float float_8; private float float_9; private FrmGridChart frmGridChart_0; private Graphics graphics_0; private IContainer icontainer_0; private int int_0; private int int_1; private int int_10 = 40; private int int_10_0 = 15; private int int_11 = 22; private int int_12; private int int_13; private int int_14; private int int_15; private int int_2; private int int_3; private int int_4; private int int_5; private int int_6; private int[,] int_7; private int int_8; private int int_9; private List class7_u_1 = new List(); public MapGraphType mapGraphType_0; private Point point_0; private Point point_1; private Point point_2; private PointF[] pointF_0 = new PointF[4]; private Rectangle rectangle_0; private Struct19[] struct19_0; private List Struct12_list_0; private IContainer components; private Struct19[,] struct19_2; private int Last_Used_Sensor = 0; private int Cint_Colomn = 14; private int Cint_Sensor = 0; private int custom_value_int; private float custom_value_float; public ctrlMapGraph() { this.InitializeComponent(); //this.backgroundWorker_0.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker_0_DoWork); } private void adjustSelectionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.frmGridChart_0.toolBtnAdjSel_Click(sender, e); } /*private void backgroundWorker_0_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { while (this.bool_2) { int x; int num2; int y; int num4; int num5; int num6; MouseEventArgs argument = (MouseEventArgs) e.Argument; if (argument.X > this.point_0.X) { x = argument.X; num2 = this.point_0.X; num5 = this.point_0.X; } else { x = this.point_0.X; num2 = argument.X; num5 = argument.X; } if (argument.Y > this.point_0.Y) { y = argument.Y; num4 = this.point_0.Y; num6 = this.point_0.Y; } else { y = this.point_0.Y; num4 = argument.Y; num6 = argument.Y; } this.rectangle_0 = new Rectangle(num5, num6, x - num2, y - num4); this.bool_2 = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); j++) { if (this.class7_0[i, j] != null) { Class7_u class7_u_0 = this.class7_0[i, j]; if (this.rectangle_0.Contains((int) class7_u_0.method_8(), (int) class7_u_0.method_10())) { this.class7_0[i, j].bool_1 = true; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(i, j, true); base.Invalidate(false); base.Update(); return; } } } } this.Refresh(); } }*/ private void clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.method_17(); } private void ctrlMapGraph_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { this.bool_4 = e.Control; /*if (this.class10_0.GetKeyPressed(e, "Increase Selected Cells")) { this.frmGridChart_0.toolIncrease_Click(null, null); e.SuppressKeyPress = true; e.Handled = true; } else if (this.class10_0.GetKeyPressed(e, "Decrease Selected Cells")) { this.frmGridChart_0.toolDecrease_Click(null, null); e.SuppressKeyPress = true; e.Handled = true; } else */ if (this.class10_settings_0.GetKeyPressed(e, "Press escape to cancel the current dragging")) { this.bool_3 = false; } else { e.Handled = false; } } private void ctrlMapGraph_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.int_14 = base.ClientRectangle.Height; this.int_15 = base.ClientRectangle.Width; try { this.class16_u_0.method_1(null, base.ClientRectangle.Width, base.ClientRectangle.Height); this.method_3(); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message + " " + exception.Source); throw; } } private void ctrlMapGraph_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if ((this.mapGraphType_0 != MapGraphType.rpmPlot) && (this.mapGraphType_0 != MapGraphType.timePlot)) { try { this.point_0.X = e.X; this.point_0.Y = e.Y; this.point_1.Y = e.Y; this.point_1.X = e.X; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); j++) { if (this.class7_u_0[i, j] != null) { Class7_u class7_u_0 = this.class7_u_0[i, j]; Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(((int)class7_u_0.method_8()) - 4, ((int)class7_u_0.method_10()) - 4, 8, 8); Point p = new Point(Control.MousePosition.X, Control.MousePosition.Y); p = base.PointToClient(p); if (rectangle.Contains(p.X, p.Y) && !this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_1) { if (!this.bool_4) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_17_ClearSelection(); this.class7_u_1.Clear(); } this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_1 = true; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(i, j, this.bool_4); base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } if (rectangle.Contains(p.X, p.Y) && this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_1) { this.bool_3 = true; } else { this.bool_0 = true; } } } } } } catch { } } } private void ctrlMapGraph_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Cross; } private void ctrlMapGraph_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Focus(); } private void ctrlMapGraph_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } private void ctrlMapGraph_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if ((this.mapGraphType_0 != MapGraphType.rpmPlot) && (this.mapGraphType_0 != MapGraphType.timePlot)) { try { this.point_1.X = e.X; this.point_1.Y = e.Y; if (this.bool_3) { foreach (Class7_u class7_u_0 in this.class7_u_1) { this.double_0 = -((float) (e.Y - this.point_0.Y) / (float) (this.int_12 - this.point_0.Y)) * 100.0; } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled } else if (this.bool_0 && !this.bool_3) { int x; int num5; int y; int num7; int num8; int num9; MouseEventArgs args = e; if (args.X > this.point_0.X) { x = args.X; num5 = this.point_0.X; num8 = this.point_0.X; } else { x = this.point_0.X; num5 = args.X; num8 = args.X; } if (args.Y > this.point_0.Y) { y = args.Y; num7 = this.point_0.Y; num9 = this.point_0.Y; } else { y = this.point_0.Y; num7 = args.Y; num9 = args.Y; } this.rectangle_0 = new Rectangle(num8, num9, x - num5, y - num7); this.bool_2 = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); j++) { if (this.class7_u_0[i, j] != null) { if (this.rectangle_0.Contains((int)this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8(), (int)this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10())) { if (!this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_1) { this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_1 = true; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(i, j, true); } } else { this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_1 = false; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_16(i, j); } } } } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled } else { for (int k = 0; k < this.int_2; k++) { for (int m = 0; m < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); m++) { if (this.class7_u_0[k, m] != null) { Class7_u class7_u_0 = this.class7_u_0[k, m]; Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(((int)class7_u_0.method_8()) - 4, ((int)class7_u_0.method_10()) - 4, 8, 8); Point p = new Point(Control.MousePosition.X, Control.MousePosition.Y); p = base.PointToClient(p); if (rectangle.Contains(p.X, p.Y) && class7_u_0.bool_1) { if (!this.bool_1) { this.bool_1 = true; this.int_0 = k; this.int_1 = m; } break; } this.bool_1 = false; } } } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled } this.point_2.X = e.X; this.point_2.Y = e.Y; } catch { } } } private void ctrlMapGraph_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.bool_0 = false; this.bool_2 = false; if (this.bool_3) { this.class18_0.method_155("Table : " + this.class18_0.method_4().ToString() + " graph adjustments"); foreach (Class7_u class7_u_0 in this.class7_u_1) { try { float num = this.class18_0.method_174((byte) class7_u_0.method_0(), (byte) class7_u_0.method_2()); this.class18_0.method_176((byte) class7_u_0.method_0(), (byte) class7_u_0.method_2(), num + (num * ((float) (Math.Round(this.double_0, 0) / 100.0)))); this.ctrlGrid_0.method_34(class7_u_0.method_0(), class7_u_0.method_2()); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } } this.class18_0.method_153(); this.bool_3 = false; } this.Refresh(); } private void ctrlMapGraph_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { this.bool_0 = false; this.bool_3 = false; base.Invalidate(); } if (e.Shift) { if (e.Shift && (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right)) { for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); j++) { if (this.class7_u_0[i, j] != null) { byte num3 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; byte num5 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; byte num4 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; byte num6 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; if ((this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_1 && (i == num4)) && ((j == num6) && (j < (this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1)))) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(i, j + 1, true); num3 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; num5 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; num4 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; num6 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_17_ClearSelection(); for (int k = num3; k <= i; k++) { for (int m = num5; m <= (j + 1); m++) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(k, m, true); } } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } } } } } else if (e.Shift && (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)) { for (int n = 0; n < this.int_2; n++) { for (int num10 = 0; num10 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); num10++) { if (this.class7_u_0[n, num10] != null) { byte num11 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; byte num13 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; byte num12 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; byte num14 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; if (((this.class7_u_0[n, num10].bool_1 && (n == num12)) && ((num10 == num14) && (num10 <= this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber()))) && (num10 > 0)) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(n, num10 - 1, e.Shift); num11 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; num13 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; num12 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; num14 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_17_ClearSelection(); for (int num15 = num11; num15 <= n; num15++) { for (int num16 = num13; num16 <= (num10 - 1); num16++) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num15, num16, true); } } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } } } } } else if (e.Shift && (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down)) { for (int num17 = 0; num17 < this.int_2; num17++) { for (int num18 = 0; num18 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); num18++) { if (this.class7_u_0[num17, num18] != null) { byte num19 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; byte num21 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; byte num20 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; byte num22 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; if ((this.class7_u_0[num17, num18].bool_1 && (num17 == num20)) && (num18 == num22)) { if (this.class18_0.method_40()) { if ((num17 < (this.int_2 - 1)) && (num17 >= 0)) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num17 + 1, num18, e.Shift); num19 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; num21 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; num20 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; num22 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_17_ClearSelection(); for (int num23 = num19; num23 <= num20; num23++) { for (int num24 = num21; num24 <= num22; num24++) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num23, num24, true); } } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } } else if ((!this.class18_0.method_40() && (num17 <= (this.int_2 - 1))) && (num17 > 0)) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num17 - 1, num18, e.Shift); num19 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; num21 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; num20 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; num22 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_17_ClearSelection(); for (int num25 = num19; num25 <= num20; num25++) { for (int num26 = num21; num26 <= num22; num26++) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num25, num26, true); } } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } if (num17 < (this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 2)) { } } } } } } else if (e.Shift && (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up)) { for (int num27 = 0; num27 < this.int_2; num27++) { for (int num28 = 0; num28 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); num28++) { if (this.class7_u_0[num27, num28] != null) { byte num29 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; byte num31 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; byte num30 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; byte num32 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; if ((this.class7_u_0[num27, num28].bool_1 && (num27 == num30)) && (num28 == num32)) { if (this.class18_0.method_40()) { if (num27 > 0) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num27 - 1, num28, e.Shift); num29 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; num31 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; num30 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; num32 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_17_ClearSelection(); for (int num33 = num29; num33 <= num30; num33++) { for (int num34 = num31; num34 <= num32; num34++) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num33, num34, true); } } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } } else if (!this.class18_0.method_40() && (num27 < (this.int_2 - 1))) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num27 + 1, num28, e.Shift); num29 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[0]; num31 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[1]; num30 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[2]; num32 = (byte) this.ctrlGrid_0.method_10()[3]; this.ctrlGrid_0.method_17_ClearSelection(); for (int num35 = num29; num35 <= (num27 + 1); num35++) { for (int num36 = num31; num36 <= num28; num36++) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num35, num36, true); } } base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } } } } } } } else if (!e.Shift && !e.Control) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) { for (int num37 = 0; num37 < this.int_2; num37++) { for (int num38 = 0; num38 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); num38++) { if ((this.class7_u_0[num37, num38] != null) && this.class7_u_0[num37, num38].bool_1) { if (num38 < (this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1)) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num37, num38 + 1, false); base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled } return; } } } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) { for (int num39 = 0; num39 < this.int_2; num39++) { for (int num40 = 0; num40 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); num40++) { if ((this.class7_u_0[num39, num40] != null) && this.class7_u_0[num39, num40].bool_1) { if ((num40 <= this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber()) && (num40 > 0)) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num39, num40 - 1, false); base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled } return; } } } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up) { for (int num41 = 0; num41 < this.int_2; num41++) { for (int num42 = 0; num42 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); num42++) { if ((this.class7_u_0[num41, num42] != null) && this.class7_u_0[num41, num42].bool_1) { if (!this.class18_0.method_40()) { if (!this.class18_0.method_40()) { if (num41 >= (this.int_2 - 1)) { continue; } this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num41 + 1, num42, false); base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled } return; } if (num41 > 0) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num41 - 1, num42, false); base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } } } } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down) { for (int num43 = 0; num43 < this.int_2; num43++) { for (int num44 = 0; num44 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); num44++) { if ((this.class7_u_0[num43, num44] != null) && this.class7_u_0[num43, num44].bool_1) { if (!this.class18_0.method_40()) { if (!this.class18_0.method_40()) { if ((num43 > (this.int_2 - 1)) || (num43 <= 0)) { continue; } this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num43 - 1, num44, false); base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled } return; } if ((num43 < (this.int_2 - 1)) && (num43 >= 0)) { this.ctrlGrid_0.method_15(num43 + 1, num44, false); base.Invalidate(); //this.Refresh(); // this one disabled return; } } } } } } } private void ctrlMapGraph_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.class16_u_0.method_1(base.CreateGraphics(), base.ClientRectangle.Width, base.ClientRectangle.Height); if ((this.int_14 != 0) && (this.int_15 != 0)) { float num = ((float) base.ClientRectangle.Height) / ((float) this.int_14); float num2 = ((float) base.ClientRectangle.Width) / ((float) this.int_15); if (this.struct19_0 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.class10_settings_0.int_5; i++) { this.struct19_0[i].int_0 = ((int) ((this.struct19_0[i].int_0 - this.int_5) * num2)) + this.int_5; this.struct19_0[i].int_1 = (int) (this.struct19_0[i].int_1 * num); } } } else { this.method_17(); } this.int_15 = base.ClientRectangle.Width; this.int_14 = base.ClientRectangle.Height; this.Refresh(); // this one disabled } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message + " " + exception.Source); } } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (this.icontainer_0 != null)) { this.icontainer_0.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } private void hideGraphMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.class10_settings_0.bool_6 = !this.class10_settings_0.bool_6; //this.frmGridChart_0.splitContainer1.Panel2Collapsed = !this.class10_0.bool_6; base.Invalidate(); } private void InitializeComponent() { this.clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1 // this.clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1.Name = "clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1"; this.clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(169, 22); this.clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1.Text = "Clear Plots"; this.clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.clearPlotsToolStripMenuItem1_Click); // // ctrlMapGraph // this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(7F, 14F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Lucida Sans", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.Name = "ctrlMapGraph"; this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(126, 112); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_Load); this.KeyUp += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_KeyDown); this.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_MouseDown); this.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_MouseEnter); this.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_MouseLeave); this.MouseHover += new System.EventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_MouseHover); this.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_MouseMove); this.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_MouseUp); this.PreviewKeyDown += new System.Windows.Forms.PreviewKeyDownEventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_PreviewKeyDown); this.Resize += new System.EventHandler(this.ctrlMapGraph_Resize); this.ResumeLayout(false); } /*private void Item2D_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.mapGraphType_0 = MapGraphType.twoD; this.class10_0.int_2 = (int) this.mapGraphType_0; this.method_18(); base.Invalidate(); } private void item3d_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.mapGraphType_0 = MapGraphType.threeD; this.class10_0.int_2 = (int) this.mapGraphType_0; this.method_18(); base.Invalidate(); }*/ internal void method_0(ref Class18 class18_1, ref Class10_settings class10_1, ref CtrlGrid ctrlGrid_1, ref FrmGridChart frmGridChart_1) { try { this.class18_0 = class18_1; this.class18_0.delegate58_0 += new Class18.Delegate58(this.method_3); this.class10_settings_0 = class10_1; this.ctrlGrid_0 = ctrlGrid_1; this.frmGridChart_0 = frmGridChart_1; this.ctrlGrid_0.delegate44_0 += new CtrlGrid.Delegate44(this.method_2); this.class10_settings_0.delegate14_0 += new Class10_settings.Delegate14(this.method_1); foreach (Control control in base.Controls) { float emSize = control.Font.Size * (class18_0.class10_settings_0.scaleRate / 100f); control.Font = new Font(control.Font.Name, emSize, control.Font.Style, control.Font.Unit); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message + " " + exception.Source); throw; } } private void method_1() { base.Invalidate(); } private void method_10() { float num; string str; Pen pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_11, 1f); Pen pen2 = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_14, 1f); Font font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 8f, FontStyle.Regular); Font font2 = new Font("Lucida Sans", 8f, FontStyle.Regular); SolidBrush brush2 = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); float num2 = 0f; StringFormat format = new StringFormat { FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical }; //Rpm this.graphics_0.DrawString("RPM\n*1000", font, brush2, (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Left + 2), (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - (this.int_11 - (font.Height / 8)) - 7)); for (float i = 0f; i <= (this.float_4 / this.float_2); i++) { num = this.int_10 + ((i * this.int_13) / (this.float_4 / this.float_2)); str = (num2 / 1000).ToString(); if (i != 0) this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font, brush2, num - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Width / 2f), (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - (this.int_11 - (font.Height / 8)) + 5)); if (i != 0 && i != (this.float_4 / this.float_2)) this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen2, base.ClientRectangle.Left + num, (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_11), base.ClientRectangle.Left + num, (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_11)); else this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, base.ClientRectangle.Left + num, (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_11), base.ClientRectangle.Left + num, (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_11)); num2 += this.float_2; } num2 = 0f; //Fuel Value for (float j = 0f; j <= (this.float_5 / this.float_3); j++) { num = this.int_11 + ((j * this.int_12) / (this.float_5 / this.float_3)); if (num2 != 0f) { this.graphics_0.DrawString((num2).ToString("N0"), font2, brush2, (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Left + 2), (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - num - 5)); } if (j != 0 && j != (this.float_5 / this.float_3)) this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen2, (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Left + this.int_10), base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - num, base.ClientRectangle.Right - this.int_10_0, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - num); else this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Left + this.int_10), base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - num, base.ClientRectangle.Right - this.int_10_0, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - num); num2 += this.float_3; } pen.Dispose(); font.Dispose(); brush2.Dispose(); format.Dispose(); format = null; pen = null; font = null; brush2 = null; } private void method_11() { try { SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2f); Pen pen2 = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_2, 1f); Pen pen3 = new Pen(this.class18_0.class10_settings_0.color_Trace, 1f); Pen pen4 = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_2); SolidBrush brush2 = new SolidBrush(this.class18_0.class10_settings_0.color_Trace); Font font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 6.5f, FontStyle.Bold); SolidBrush brush3 = new SolidBrush(Color.White); Class7_u class7_u_0 = null; Class7_u class7_u_1 = null; //this.class7_1 = null; int green = 0; int row = 0; float num3 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { row = 0; class7_u_0 = null; class7_u_1 = null; green = (0xff - ((((0xff * i) + 1) / this.int_2) + 1)) % 0xff; if (green < 0) { green *= -1; } row = 0; while (row < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber()) { pen.Color = this.class18_0.method_236((double)this.class18_0.method_174((byte)i, (byte)row)); brush.Color = this.class18_0.method_236((double)this.class18_0.method_174((byte)i, (byte)row)); num3 = this.class18_0.method_174((byte)i, (byte)row); if (num3 < 0f) { num3 = 0f; } float yChart = (this.int_12 - ((this.int_12 * num3) / this.float_5)) + this.int_11; float xChart = this.int_10 + ((((float)this.class18_0.method_159((byte)row)) / this.float_4) * this.int_13); if (this.class7_u_0[i, row] == null) { this.class7_u_0[i, row] = new Class7_u(xChart, yChart, (float)this.class18_0.method_159((byte)row), this.class18_0.method_174((byte)i, (byte)row), i, row); this.class7_u_0[i, row].bool_1 = this.ctrlGrid_0.method_13(i, row); this.class7_u_0[i, row].bool_2 = this.ctrlGrid_0.method_14(i, row); } else if (!this.bool_3) { this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_9(xChart); this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_11(yChart); this.class7_u_0[i, row].float_4 = yChart; this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_7(this.class18_0.method_174((byte)i, (byte)row)); this.class7_u_0[i, row].bool_1 = this.ctrlGrid_0.method_13(i, row); this.class7_u_0[i, row].bool_2 = this.ctrlGrid_0.method_14(i, row); } class7_u_1 = this.class7_u_0[i, row]; this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(brush, (float)(class7_u_1.method_8() - 2f), (float)(class7_u_1.method_10() - 2f), (float)5f, (float)5f); if (class7_u_0 != null) { /*if (i > 0 && row > 0) { try { this.pointF_0 = new PointF[4]; this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_0[i, row].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_0[i, row].method_10(); this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_0[i - 1, row].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_0[i - 1, row].method_10(); this.pointF_0[2].X = this.class7_0[i - 1, row - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[2].Y = this.class7_0[i - 1, row - 1].method_10(); this.pointF_0[3].X = this.class7_0[i, row - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[3].Y = this.class7_0[i, row - 1].method_10(); this.graphics_0.FillPolygon(brush, pointF_0); } catch (Exception Message) { Console.WriteLine(Message); } } pen.Color = Color.Black;*/ this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, class7_u_0.method_8(), class7_u_0.method_10(), class7_u_1.method_8(), class7_u_1.method_10()); if (class7_u_0.bool_2 && !this.class10_settings_0.bool_45) { switch (this.class10_settings_0.mapGraphSelect_0) { case MapGraphSelect.sqaure: this.graphics_0.DrawRectangle(pen3, (float)(class7_u_0.method_8() - 4f), (float)(class7_u_0.method_10() - 3.5f), (float)8f, (float)8f); break; case MapGraphSelect.fill: { SolidBrush brush4 = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_Trace); this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(brush4, (float)(class7_u_0.method_8() - 2f), (float)(class7_u_0.method_10() - 4f), (float)8f, (float)8f); brush4.Dispose(); brush4 = null; break; } } } if (class7_u_0.bool_1) { switch (this.class10_settings_0.mapGraphSelect_0) { case MapGraphSelect.sqaure: this.graphics_0.DrawRectangle(pen4, (float)(class7_u_0.method_8() - 4f), (float)(class7_u_0.method_10() - 3.5f), (float)8f, (float)8f); break; case MapGraphSelect.fill: { SolidBrush brush5 = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_2); this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(brush5, (float)(class7_u_0.method_8() - 4f), (float)(class7_u_0.method_10() - 3.5f), (float)8f, (float)8f); brush5.Dispose(); brush5 = null; break; } } } } if ((row != 0) && this.class7_u_0[i, row - 1].bool_1) { this.graphics_0.DrawRectangle(pen2, (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row - 1].method_8() - 4f), (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row - 1].method_10() - 3.5f), (float)8f, (float)8f); } if (this.class7_u_0[i, row].bool_2 && !this.class10_settings_0.bool_45) { switch (this.class10_settings_0.mapGraphSelect_0) { case MapGraphSelect.sqaure: this.graphics_0.DrawRectangle(pen3, (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_8() - 4f), (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_10() - 3.5f), (float)8f, (float)8f); break; case MapGraphSelect.fill: { SolidBrush brush6 = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_Trace); this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(brush6, (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_8() - 2f), (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_10() - 4f), (float)8f, (float)8f); brush6.Dispose(); brush6 = null; break; } } } if ((row != 0) && this.class7_u_0[i, row - 1].bool_2) { bool flag1 = this.class10_settings_0.bool_45; } if (this.class7_u_0[i, row].bool_1) { switch (this.class10_settings_0.mapGraphSelect_0) { case MapGraphSelect.sqaure: this.graphics_0.DrawRectangle(pen4, (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_8() - 4f), (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_10() - 3.5f), (float)8f, (float)8f); break; case MapGraphSelect.fill: { SolidBrush brush7 = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_2); this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(brush7, (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_8() - 4f), (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, row].method_10() - 3.5f), (float)8f, (float)8f); brush7.Dispose(); brush7 = null; break; } } } class7_u_0 = class7_u_1; row++; } //mBar value /*if (this.class10_0.bool_17) { if (this.class10_0.bool_18) { this.graphics_0.DrawString(this.class18_0.method_163((byte) i).ToString(), font, brush3, (float) (this.class7_0[i, row - 1].method_8() + 5f), (float) (this.class7_0[i, row - 1].method_10() - 6f)); } else { this.graphics_0.DrawString(this.class18_0.method_167((byte) i), font, brush3, (float) (this.class7_0[i, row - 1].method_8() + 5f), (float) (this.class7_0[i, row - 1].method_10() - 6f)); } }*/ } pen.Dispose(); pen = null; pen4.Dispose(); pen4 = null; pen3.Dispose(); pen3 = null; pen2.Dispose(); pen2 = null; font.Dispose(); font = null; brush3.Dispose(); brush3 = null; brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush2.Dispose(); brush2 = null; } catch{ } } //Mouse Move drag +/- edit value percentage private void method_12(string string_0, float float_28, float float_29, bool bool_5) { if (bool_5) { this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, 190, 20)), (float) (float_28 - 5f), (float) (float_29 - 20f), (float) 35f, (float) 15f); } else { this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(215, 120, 120)), (float) (float_28 - 5f), (float) (float_29 - 20f), (float) 35f, (float) 15f); } this.graphics_0.DrawString(string_0, new Font("Lucida Sans", 7f, FontStyle.Regular), new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11), (float) (float_28 - 5f), (float) (float_29 - 20f)); } private void method_13(string string_0, float float_28, float float_29) { this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), (float) (float_28 - 5f), (float) (float_29 - 20f), (float) (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(string_0, new Font("Lucida Sans", 7f, FontStyle.Regular)).Width + 2f), (float) 15f); this.graphics_0.DrawString(string_0, new Font("Lucida Sans", 7f, FontStyle.Regular), new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11), (float) (float_28 - 5f), (float) (float_29 - 20f)); } private void method_14(bool Inverted) { try { if (!this.bool_3) { int OffsetDoubling = 10; if (this.class18_0.method_40()) OffsetDoubling = 8; if (this.class18_0.method_38()) OffsetDoubling = 8; this.float_26 = 0.25f; //0.4 .. 0.35 this.float_27 = 0.1f; //0.3 this.float_6 = 10f; this.float_7 = 5f; //30 XOffset this.float_8 = 25f; //20 YOffset from bottom this.float_11 = this.method_6(); this.float_10 = this.method_7(); float TopOffset = 20f; //top YOffset this.float_12 = this.float_7 + (base.ClientRectangle.Width * this.float_26); this.float_13 = (base.ClientRectangle.Height - this.float_8) - this.float_6; this.float_14 = this.float_7 * OffsetDoubling; // double xOffset on left side this.float_15 = ((base.ClientRectangle.Height - this.float_8) - this.float_6) - ((this.float_12 * this.float_27) * 8); // *2 this.float_16 = (base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.float_7) - this.float_6; this.float_17 = ((base.ClientRectangle.Height - this.float_8) - this.float_6) - (((this.float_16 - this.float_12) * this.float_27) / 4); //not "/4" this.float_18 = this.float_14 - this.float_12; this.float_19 = this.float_15 - this.float_13; this.float_20 = this.float_16 - this.float_12; this.float_21 = this.float_17 - this.float_13; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); k++) { //if (this.class18_0.method_40()) if (Inverted) this.float_22 = ((float)(this.class18_0.method_163((byte)(this.int_2 - 1)) - this.class18_0.method_163((byte)i))) / ((float)(this.class18_0.method_163((byte)(this.int_2 - 1)) - this.class18_0.method_165(0))); else this.float_22 = ((float)(this.class18_0.method_163((byte)i) - this.class18_0.method_163(0))) / ((float)(this.class18_0.method_163((byte)(this.int_2 - 1)) - this.class18_0.method_165(0))); this.float_23 = ((float)(this.class18_0.method_159((byte)k) - this.class18_0.method_159(0))) / (this.float_10 - this.class18_0.method_159(0)); if (this.class7_u_0[i, k] == null) this.class7_u_0[i, k] = new Class7_u(); if (!this.bool_3) { this.class7_u_0[i, k].method_1(i); this.class7_u_0[i, k].method_3(k); this.class7_u_0[i, k].method_9((float)((int)((this.float_12 + (this.float_18 * this.float_22)) + (this.float_20 * this.float_23)))); this.class7_u_0[i, k].method_11((float)((int)((this.float_13 + (this.float_19 * this.float_22)) + (this.float_21 * this.float_23)))); this.class7_u_0[i, k].float_4 = this.class7_u_0[i, k].method_10(); this.class7_u_0[i, k].method_7((float)((int)((this.float_13 + (this.float_19 * this.float_22)) + (this.float_21 * this.float_23)))); this.class7_u_0[i, k].method_13(this.class18_0.method_174((byte)i, (byte)k)); this.class7_u_0[i, k].bool_1 = this.ctrlGrid_0.method_13(i, k); this.class7_u_0[i, k].bool_2 = this.ctrlGrid_0.method_14(i, k); } } } if (this.class18_0.method_40()) { this.float_24 = (base.ClientRectangle.Top - this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6()) + TopOffset; } else { this.float_24 = (base.ClientRectangle.Top - this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6()) + TopOffset; } float num3 = 0f; for (int j = 0; j < this.int_2; j++) { for (int m = 0; m < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); m++) { if (!this.bool_3) { num3 = this.class18_0.method_174((byte)j, (byte)m); if (num3 < 0f) { num3 = 0f; } this.float_25 = num3 / this.float_11; Class7_u class7_u_0 = this.class7_u_0[j, m]; class7_u_0.method_11(class7_u_0.method_10() + (this.float_24 * this.float_25)); } } } } } catch { } } private void method_15() { try { Pen pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); Font font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 7f, FontStyle.Bold); Font font2 = new Font("Lucida Sans", 14f, FontStyle.Bold); SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); SolidBrush brush2 = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_14); StringFormat format = new StringFormat { FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft }; StringFormat format2 = new StringFormat { FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical }; string s = null; int ColumnsN = ((base.ClientRectangle.Width + base.ClientRectangle.Height) / 90); //Get Maximum float XMax = 0; float YMax = 9999; float NMax = 0; for (int i = this.int_2 - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (int j = this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1; j > 0; j--) { if (this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8() > XMax) XMax = this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8(); if (this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10() < YMax) YMax = this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10(); if (this.class18_0.method_174((byte)i, (byte)j) > NMax) NMax = this.class18_0.method_174((byte)i, (byte)j); } } //Fill bottom Rectangle before loading lines this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_6(); this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_6(); this.pointF_0[2].X = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[2].Y = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); this.pointF_0[3].X = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[3].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); this.graphics_0.FillPolygon(brush2, this.pointF_0); this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_6(); this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_6(); this.pointF_0[2].X = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[2].Y = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_6() + 8; this.pointF_0[3].X = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[3].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_6() + 8; this.graphics_0.FillPolygon(brush2, this.pointF_0); this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_6(); this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); this.pointF_0[2].X = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[2].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6() + 8; this.pointF_0[3].X = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[3].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_6() + 8; this.graphics_0.FillPolygon(brush2, this.pointF_0); //Fill Top Rectangle before loading lines float X1 = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_8(); float X2 = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); float X3 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_8(); float X4 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); float Y1 = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_6(); float Y2 = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); float Y3 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_6(); float Y4 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); int iryrt = 0; if (iryrt == 0) { this.pointF_0[0].X = X4; this.pointF_0[0].Y = YMax - 5; this.pointF_0[1].X = X2; this.pointF_0[1].Y = Y2 + ((0 * ((Y4 - Y2) / (ColumnsN - 1))) - (Y4 - YMax)) - 5; this.pointF_0[2].X = X2; this.pointF_0[2].Y = Y2; this.pointF_0[3].X = X4; this.pointF_0[3].Y = Y4; this.graphics_0.FillPolygon(brush2, this.pointF_0); X2 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_8(); X3 = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); Y2 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_6(); Y3 = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); this.pointF_0[0].X = X2; this.pointF_0[0].Y = YMax - 5; this.pointF_0[1].X = X4; this.pointF_0[1].Y = YMax - 5; this.pointF_0[2].X = X4; this.pointF_0[2].Y = Y4; this.pointF_0[3].X = X2; this.pointF_0[3].Y = Y2; this.graphics_0.FillPolygon(brush2, this.pointF_0); } //########################################### X1 = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_8(); X2 = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); X3 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_8(); X4 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); Y1 = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_6(); Y2 = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); Y3 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_6(); Y4 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_u_0[((this.int_2 - 1) / 2), 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_u_0[((this.int_2 - 1) / 2), 0].method_6(); s = "MAP"; //this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font2, brush, (float)(this.pointF_0[1].X - this.graphics_0.MeasureString(s, font2).Width) - 30, (float)(this.pointF_0[1].Y + 6)); this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font2, brush, (float)(this.pointF_0[1].X - this.graphics_0.MeasureString(s, font2).Width) - 8, (float)(this.pointF_0[1].Y + 8), format2); int ColumnsN2 = ((base.ClientRectangle.Width + base.ClientRectangle.Height) / 120); //Draw Maps rows for (int i = ColumnsN2-1; i > 0; i--) { this.pointF_0[0].X = X1 + (i * ((X3 - X1) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))); this.pointF_0[0].Y = Y1 + (i * ((Y3 - Y1) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].X = X2 + (i * ((X4 - X2) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].Y = Y2 + (i * ((Y4 - Y2) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))); //Draw Rows this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); //Draw Name int irtt = (i * this.int_2) / (ColumnsN2 - 1); s = this.class18_0.method_163((byte)irtt).ToString(); //if (this.class18_0.method_4() == SelectedTable.fuel1_lo || this.class18_0.method_4() == SelectedTable.fuel1_hi || this.class18_0.method_4() == SelectedTable.fuel2_lo || this.class18_0.method_4() == SelectedTable.fuel2_hi) //{ // if (this.class18_0.method_206(byte.Parse(s)) <= this.class10_0.int_6) // s = 0.ToString("0.00") + " psi"; // else // s = this.class18_0.method_193(byte.Parse(s)).ToString("0.00") + this.class10_0.mapSensorUnits_1.ToString(); //} //this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font, brush, this.pointF_0[0].X + 0f, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 6f, format); if (i != 0 && i != ColumnsN2 - 1) this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font, brush, this.pointF_0[0].X - 6, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 11, format2); //Extra 3D this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 8); if (i == 0) this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 8, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y + 8); //Draw Top Lines this.pointF_0[0].X = X2 + (i * ((X4 - X2) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))); this.pointF_0[0].Y = Y2 + (i * ((Y4 - Y2) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].X = X2 + (i * ((X4 - X2) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].Y = Y2 + (i * ((Y4 - Y2) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))) - (Y4 - YMax) - 5; this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); if (i != 0) { this.pointF_0[0].X = X4; this.pointF_0[0].Y = YMax - 5; this.pointF_0[1].X = X2; this.pointF_0[1].Y = Y2 + ((0 * ((Y4 - Y2) / (ColumnsN2 - 1))) - (Y4 - YMax)) - 5; this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); } } //Previous Maps rows /*for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_0[i, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_0[i, 0].method_6(); this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_0[i, this.class18_0.method_32() - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_0[i, this.class18_0.method_32() - 1].method_6(); //this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); float Divider = 1f; if (this.int_2 > 8) Divider = 2f; if (this.int_2 > 15) Divider = 3f; if (this.int_2 > 20) Divider = 4f; if ((((((float)i) % Divider) == 0f) || (i == (this.int_2 - 1))) && i != this.int_2 - 2) { s = this.class18_0.method_163((byte)i).ToString(); if (i != 0) this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font, brush, this.pointF_0[0].X + 0f, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 6f, format); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); //Extra 3D this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 8); if (i == 0) this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 8, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y + 8); } }*/ brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); /*if (this.class18_0.method_40()) { this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_6(); this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32() - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_0[this.int_2 - 1, ((this.class18_0.method_32() / 4) * 3)].method_6(); } else this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_0[0, ((this.class18_0.method_32() / 4) * 3)].method_6();*/ this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_u_0[0, ((this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() / 4) * 3)].method_6(); s = "RPM"; this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font2, brush, ((base.ClientRectangle.Width / 4) * 3), this.pointF_0[1].Y + 17f); //########################################### X1 = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_8(); X2 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_8(); X3 = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); X4 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_8(); Y1 = this.class7_u_0[0, 0].method_6(); Y2 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, 0].method_6(); Y3 = this.class7_u_0[0, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); Y4 = this.class7_u_0[this.int_2 - 1, this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1].method_6(); //Draw RPM Columns for (int i = 0; i < ColumnsN; i++) { this.pointF_0[0].X = X1 + (i * ((X3 - X1) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.pointF_0[0].Y = Y1 + (i * ((Y3 - Y1) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].X = X2 + (i * ((X4 - X2) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].Y = Y2 + (i * ((Y4 - Y2) / (ColumnsN - 1))); //Draw Columns this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); //Draw Name if (i != 0) { int irtt = (i * this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber()) / (ColumnsN - 1); s = this.class18_0.method_159((byte)irtt).ToString(); this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font, brush, this.pointF_0[0].X + 10, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 10, format); } //Extra 3D this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 8); if (i == 0) this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 8, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y + 8); //Draw Top lines this.pointF_0[0].X = X2 + (i * ((X4 - X2) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.pointF_0[0].Y = Y2 + (i * ((Y4 - Y2) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].X = X2 + (i * ((X4 - X2) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].Y = YMax - 5; this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); } //Previous rpm columns /*for (int j = 0; j < this.class18_0.method_32(); j++) { if (this.class18_0.method_40()) { this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_0[this.int_2 - 1, j].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_0[this.int_2 - 1, j].method_6(); } else { this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_0[0, j].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_0[0, j].method_6(); } this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_0[this.int_2 - 1, j].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_0[this.int_2 - 1, j].method_6(); //this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); if (((j % 3) == 0) || (j == (this.class18_0.method_32() - 1))) { s = this.class18_0.method_159((byte)j).ToString(); if (j != 0) this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font, brush, this.pointF_0[0].X + 10, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 10, format); if (this.class18_0.method_40()) { this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_0[0, j].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_0[0, j].method_6(); } this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); //Extra 3D this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 8); if (j == 0) this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y + 8, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y + 8); } }*/ //Draw maps/igntion "values" bars for (int i2 = 1; i2 < ColumnsN; i2++) { this.pointF_0[0].X = X2; this.pointF_0[0].Y = Y2 + (i2 * ((YMax - 5 - Y2) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].X = X4; this.pointF_0[1].Y = Y4 + (i2 * ((YMax - 5 - Y4) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); s = ((int) (i2 * (NMax / (ColumnsN - 1)))).ToString(); this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font, brush, this.pointF_0[0].X - 3, this.pointF_0[0].Y - 5, format); this.pointF_0[0].X = X4; this.pointF_0[0].Y = Y4 + (i2 * ((YMax - 5 - Y4) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.pointF_0[1].X = X3; this.pointF_0[1].Y = Y3 + (i2 * ((YMax - 5 - Y4) / (ColumnsN - 1))); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.pointF_0[0].X, this.pointF_0[0].Y, this.pointF_0[1].X, this.pointF_0[1].Y); } s = "Fuel Value"; if (this.class18_0.method_40()) s = "Ignition"; if (this.class18_0.method_38()) s = "VE%"; this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font2, brush, base.ClientRectangle.Left + 1, (base.ClientRectangle.Height / 4), format2); //Reinvert for igntion graph if (this.class18_0.method_40()) this.method_14(true); pen.Dispose(); pen = null; brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush2.Dispose(); brush2 = null; font.Dispose(); font = null; font2.Dispose(); font2 = null; format.Dispose(); format = null; s = null; } catch { } } private void method_16() { try { SolidBrush brush = null; Pen pen = null; for (int i = this.int_2 - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (int j = this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1; j > 0; j--) { this.pointF_0[0].X = this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8(); this.pointF_0[0].Y = this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10(); this.pointF_0[1].X = this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j].method_8(); this.pointF_0[1].Y = this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j].method_10(); this.pointF_0[2].X = this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[2].Y = this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j - 1].method_10(); this.pointF_0[3].X = this.class7_u_0[i, j - 1].method_8(); this.pointF_0[3].Y = this.class7_u_0[i, j - 1].method_10(); if ((this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_2 && this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j].bool_2) && (this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j - 1].bool_2 && this.class7_u_0[i, j - 1].bool_2)) { brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0x69, 180)); this.graphics_0.FillPolygon(brush, this.pointF_0); } else { this.float_9 = (((this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_12() + this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j].method_12()) + this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j - 1].method_12()) + this.class7_u_0[i, j - 1].method_12()) / 4f; brush = new SolidBrush(this.method_9(this.float_9)); this.graphics_0.FillPolygon(brush, this.pointF_0); if (brush != null) { brush.Dispose(); brush = null; } } pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 0.5f); this.graphics_0.DrawPolygon(pen, this.pointF_0); if (brush != null) { brush.Dispose(); brush = null; } pen.Dispose(); pen = null; brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_2); pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_2); if (this.class7_u_0[i, j].bool_1) { this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(brush, (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8() - 3f), (float)(this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10() - 3f), (float)6f, (float)6f); if (i > 0) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8(), this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10(), this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j].method_8(), this.class7_u_0[i - 1, j].method_10()); } if (j > 0) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8(), this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10(), this.class7_u_0[i, j - 1].method_8(), this.class7_u_0[i, j - 1].method_10()); } if (i < (this.int_2 - 1)) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8(), this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10(), this.class7_u_0[i + 1, j].method_8(), this.class7_u_0[i + 1, j].method_10()); } if (j < (this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1)) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_8(), this.class7_u_0[i, j].method_10(), this.class7_u_0[i, j + 1].method_8(), this.class7_u_0[i, j + 1].method_10()); } } } } if (brush != null) { brush.Dispose(); brush = null; } pen.Dispose(); pen = null; } catch { } } public void Reset_Struct_Sensor() { if (this.struct19_0 == null) this.struct19_0 = new Struct19[this.class10_settings_0.int_5]; if (this.Struct12_list_0 != null) { while (this.Struct12_list_0.Count > this.class10_settings_0.int_5) this.Struct12_list_0.RemoveAt(0); this.int_6 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.Struct12_list_0.Count; i++) { if (this.mapGraphType_0 == MapGraphType.timePlot) this.method_23(this.class10_settings_0.int_5, this.Struct12_list_0[i].byte_43, (float)this.class18_0.method_200(this.Struct12_list_0[i].byte_43), this.float_0, this.float_1); else if (this.mapGraphType_0 == MapGraphType.custom) callfor23(this.Struct12_list_0[i]); } } } public void Next_Live_Plots() { if (this.struct19_0 != null) { for (int i = 1; i < this.class10_settings_0.int_5; i++) { //int_0 = X position, int_1 = Y position this.struct19_0[i - 1].int_0 = this.struct19_0[i - 1].int_0; this.struct19_0[i - 1].int_1 = this.struct19_0[i].int_1; } } if (this.Struct12_list_0 != null && this.Struct12_list_0.Count > 0) this.Struct12_list_0.RemoveAt(0); this.int_6--; } //Reset Live Plots Functions public void method_17() { this.int_6 = 0; if (this.struct19_0 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.class10_settings_0.int_5; i++) { this.struct19_0[i].int_0 = 0; this.struct19_0[i].int_1 = 0; } } if (this.Struct12_list_0 != null) this.Struct12_list_0.Clear(); this.int_7 = null; this.struct19_2 = null; this.Refresh(); GC.Collect(); } public void method_18() { this.struct19_0 = null; } public void method_19(Struct12 struct12_0) { if (this.mapGraphType_0 == MapGraphType.timePlot || this.mapGraphType_0 == MapGraphType.custom) { if (this.struct19_0 == null) { this.struct19_0 = new Struct19[this.class10_settings_0.int_5]; this.Struct12_list_0 = new List(); } if (this.struct19_0.Length != this.class10_settings_0.int_5) { this.int_6 = 0; this.struct19_0 = new Struct19[this.class10_settings_0.int_5]; this.Struct12_list_0 = new List(); } if (this.int_6 == this.class10_settings_0.int_5) { this.Next_Live_Plots(); } //Store full datalog array this.Struct12_list_0.Add(struct12_0); if (this.mapGraphType_0 == MapGraphType.timePlot) this.method_23(this.class10_settings_0.int_5, struct12_0.byte_43, (float)this.class18_0.method_200(struct12_0.byte_43), this.float_0, this.float_1); else callfor23(struct12_0); } } private void callfor23(Struct12 struct12_0) { custom_value_int = 17596; custom_value_float = -9.68779f; SensorsX sensors_0 = (SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor; switch (sensors_0) { case SensorsX.rpmX: this.method_10(SensorsX.rpmX, struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7); break; case SensorsX.ectX: this.method_9(SensorsX.ectX, struct12_0.byte_0); break; case SensorsX.iatX: this.method_9(SensorsX.iatX, struct12_0.byte_1); break; case SensorsX.tpsX: this.method_9(SensorsX.tpsX, struct12_0.byte_5); break; case SensorsX.tpsV: this.method_9(SensorsX.tpsV, struct12_0.byte_5); break; case SensorsX.ignFnl: this.method_9(SensorsX.ignFnl, struct12_0.byte_15_E19); break; case SensorsX.ignTbl: this.method_9(SensorsX.ignTbl, struct12_0.byte_16_E20); break; case SensorsX.vssX: this.method_9(SensorsX.vssX, struct12_0.byte_14_E16); break; case SensorsX.gearX: this.method_9(SensorsX.gearX, struct12_0.byte_20); break; case SensorsX.injFV: this.method_10(SensorsX.injFV, (long)struct12_0.ushort_1_E17_18); break; case SensorsX.injDur: this.method_10(SensorsX.injDur, (long)struct12_0.ushort_1_E17_18); break; case SensorsX.injDuty: this.method_10(SensorsX.injDuty, (long)struct12_0.ushort_1_E17_18); break; case SensorsX.ecuO2V: this.method_9(SensorsX.ecuO2V, struct12_0.byte_2); break; case SensorsX.wbO2V: this.method_9(SensorsX.wbO2V, struct12_0.byte_43); break; case SensorsX.afr: this.method_9(SensorsX.afr, struct12_0.byte_43); break; case SensorsX.mapV: this.method_9(SensorsX.mapV, struct12_0.byte_4); break; case SensorsX.mapX: this.method_9(SensorsX.mapX, struct12_0.byte_4); break; case SensorsX.boostX: this.method_9(SensorsX.boostX, struct12_0.byte_4); break; case SensorsX.paX: this.method_9(SensorsX.paX, struct12_0.byte_3); break; case SensorsX.frame: this.method_10(SensorsX.frame, struct12_0.long_5); break; case SensorsX.interval: this.method_10(SensorsX.interval, struct12_0.long_4); break; case SensorsX.duration: this.method_10(SensorsX.duration, struct12_0.long_3); break; case this.method_9(, struct12_0.byte_19); break; case SensorsX.batV: this.method_9(SensorsX.batV, struct12_0.byte_27_E25); break; case SensorsX.eldV: this.method_9(SensorsX.eldV, struct12_0.byte_24_E24); break; case SensorsX.outAc: this.method_9(SensorsX.outAc, struct12_0.byte_22_E22); break; case SensorsX.outPurge: this.method_9(SensorsX.outPurge, struct12_0.byte_22_E22); break; case SensorsX.outFanc: this.method_9(SensorsX.outFanc, struct12_0.byte_22_E22); break; case SensorsX.outFpump: this.method_9(SensorsX.outFpump, struct12_0.byte_22_E22); break; case SensorsX.outIab: this.method_9(SensorsX.outIab, struct12_0.byte_22_E22); break; case SensorsX.outAltCtrl: this.method_9(SensorsX.outAltCtrl, struct12_0.byte_22_E22); break; case SensorsX.outVtsX: this.method_9(SensorsX.outVtsX, struct12_0.byte_23_E23); break; case SensorsX.outMil: this.method_9(SensorsX.outMil, struct12_0.byte_23_E23); break; case SensorsX.outO2h: this.method_9(SensorsX.outO2h, struct12_0.byte_23_E23); break; case SensorsX.outVtsM: this.method_9(SensorsX.outVtsM, struct12_0.byte_6_E8); break; case SensorsX.inVtsFeedBack: this.method_9(SensorsX.inVtsFeedBack, struct12_0.byte_21_E21); break; case SensorsX.outFuelCut: this.method_9(SensorsX.outFuelCut, struct12_0.byte_6_E8); break; case SensorsX.inAccs: this.method_9(SensorsX.inAccs, struct12_0.byte_21_E21); break; case SensorsX.inVtp: this.method_9(SensorsX.inVtp, struct12_0.byte_21_E21); break; case SensorsX.inStartS: this.method_9(SensorsX.inStartS, struct12_0.byte_21_E21); break; case SensorsX.inBksw: this.method_9(SensorsX.inBksw, struct12_0.byte_21_E21); break; case SensorsX.inParkN: this.method_9(SensorsX.inParkN, struct12_0.byte_21_E21); break; case SensorsX.inAtShift1: this.method_9(SensorsX.inAtShift1, struct12_0.byte_6_E8); break; case SensorsX.inAtShift2: this.method_9(SensorsX.inAtShift2, struct12_0.byte_6_E8); break; case SensorsX.inPsp: this.method_9(SensorsX.inPsp, struct12_0.byte_21_E21); break; case SensorsX.inSCC: this.method_9(SensorsX.inSCC, struct12_0.byte_21_E21); break; case SensorsX.postFuel: this.method_9(SensorsX.postFuel, struct12_0.byte_6_E8); break; case SensorsX.ectFc: this.method_9(SensorsX.ectFc, struct12_0.byte_28_E26); break; case SensorsX.o2Short: this.method_10(SensorsX.o2Short, struct12_0.long_0_E27_28); break; case SensorsX.o2Long: this.method_10(SensorsX.o2Long, struct12_0.long_1_E29_30); break; case SensorsX.iatFc: this.method_10(SensorsX.iatFc, struct12_0.long_2_E31_32); break; case SensorsX.veFc: this.method_9(SensorsX.veFc, struct12_0.byte_29_E33); break; case SensorsX.iatIc: this.method_9(SensorsX.iatIc, struct12_0.byte_30_E34); break; case SensorsX.ectIc: this.method_9(SensorsX.ectIc, struct12_0.byte_31_E35); break; case SensorsX.gearIc: this.method_9(SensorsX.gearIc, struct12_0.byte_32_E36); break; case SensorsX.gearFc: this.method_9(SensorsX.gearFc, struct12_0.byte_33_E37); break; case SensorsX.ftsClutchInput: this.method_9(SensorsX.ftsClutchInput, struct12_0.byte_34_E38); break; case SensorsX.ftlInput: this.method_9(SensorsX.ftlInput, struct12_0.byte_34_E38); break; case SensorsX.gpo1_in: this.method_9(SensorsX.gpo1_in, struct12_0.byte_34_E38); break; case SensorsX.gpo2_in: this.method_9(SensorsX.gpo2_in, struct12_0.byte_34_E38); break; case SensorsX.gpo3_in: this.method_9(SensorsX.gpo3_in, struct12_0.byte_34_E38); break; case SensorsX.bstInput: this.method_9(SensorsX.bstInput, struct12_0.byte_34_E38); break; case SensorsX.ftlActive: this.method_9(SensorsX.ftlActive, struct12_0.byte_35_E39); break; case SensorsX.ftsActive: this.method_9(SensorsX.ftsActive, struct12_0.byte_35_E39); break; case SensorsX.antilagActive: this.method_9(SensorsX.antilagActive, struct12_0.byte_35_E39); break; case SensorsX.boostcutActive: this.method_9(SensorsX.boostcutActive, struct12_0.byte_35_E39); break; case SensorsX.ignitionCut: this.method_9(SensorsX.ignitionCut, struct12_0.byte_6_E8); break; case SensorsX.sccChecker: this.method_9(SensorsX.sccChecker, struct12_0.byte_6_E8); break; case SensorsX.gpo1_out: this.method_9(SensorsX.gpo1_out, struct12_0.byte_36_E43); break; case SensorsX.gpo2_out: this.method_9(SensorsX.gpo2_out, struct12_0.byte_36_E43); break; case SensorsX.gpo3_out: this.method_9(SensorsX.gpo3_out, struct12_0.byte_36_E43); break; case SensorsX.bstStage2: this.method_9(SensorsX.bstStage2, struct12_0.byte_36_E43); break; case SensorsX.bstStage3: this.method_9(SensorsX.bstStage3, struct12_0.byte_36_E43); break; case SensorsX.bstStage4: this.method_9(SensorsX.bstStage4, struct12_0.byte_36_E43); break; case SensorsX.overheatActive: this.method_9(SensorsX.overheatActive, struct12_0.byte_36_E43); break; case SensorsX.leanProtection: this.method_9(SensorsX.leanProtection, struct12_0.byte_36_E43); break; case SensorsX.fanCtrl: this.method_9(SensorsX.fanCtrl, struct12_0.byte_35_E39); break; case SensorsX.bstActive: this.method_9(SensorsX.bstActive, struct12_0.byte_35_E39); break; case SensorsX.secMaps: this.method_9(SensorsX.secMaps, struct12_0.byte_35_E39); break; case SensorsX.ebcActive: this.method_9(SensorsX.ebcActive, struct12_0.byte_35_E39); break; case SensorsX.ebcInput: this.method_9(SensorsX.ebcInput, struct12_0.byte_34_E38); break; case SensorsX.ebcHiInput: this.method_9(SensorsX.ebcHiInput, struct12_0.byte_34_E38); break; case SensorsX.ebcDutyX: this.method_9(SensorsX.ebcDutyX, struct12_0.byte_38_E41); break; case SensorsX.ebcBaseDuty: this.method_9(SensorsX.ebcBaseDuty, struct12_0.byte_37_E40); break; case SensorsX.ebcCurrent: this.method_9(SensorsX.ebcCurrent, struct12_0.byte_4); break; case SensorsX.ebcTarget: this.method_9(SensorsX.ebcTarget, struct12_0.byte_39_E42); break; case SensorsX.analog1: this.method_9(SensorsX.analog1, struct12_0.byte_40); break; case SensorsX.analog2: this.method_9(SensorsX.analog2, struct12_0.byte_41); break; case SensorsX.analog3: this.method_9(SensorsX.analog3, struct12_0.byte_42); break; } if (custom_value_int != 17596) //this.class10_0.int_5 ... byte_43 ..... this.method_23_int(custom_value_int, int.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customMin")), int.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customMax"))); if (custom_value_float != -9.68779f) this.method_23_float(custom_value_float, float.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customMin")), float.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customMax"))); } private void method_9(SensorsX sensors_0, byte byte_0) { switch (sensors_0) { case SensorsX.rpmX: case SensorsX.injDur: case SensorsX.injDuty: case SensorsX.injFV: case SensorsX.frame: case SensorsX.duration: case SensorsX.interval: case SensorsX.iatFc: case SensorsX.o2Short: case SensorsX.o2Long: case SensorsX.loadType: case SensorsX.test0: case SensorsX.analog1: case SensorsX.analog2: case SensorsX.analog3: case SensorsX.iacvDuty: return; case SensorsX.vssX: custom_value_int = this.class18_0.method_197(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.gearX: custom_value_int = byte_0; return; case SensorsX.mapX: custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_193(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.boostX: if (this.class18_0.method_206(byte_0) <= this.class10_settings_0.int_6) { custom_value_float = 0; return; } custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_193(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.paX: custom_value_int = ((int)Math.Round((double)((((byte_0 / 2) + 0x18) * 7.221) - 59.0), 0)); return; case SensorsX.tpsX: custom_value_int = this.class18_0.method_198(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.tpsV: custom_value_float = (float) this.class18_0.method_196(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.ignFnl: custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_188(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.ignTbl: custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_188(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.ectX: custom_value_float = (float) this.class18_0.method_191(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.iatX: custom_value_float = (float) this.class18_0.method_191(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.afr: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_200(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.ecuO2V: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_196(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.wbO2V: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_196(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.batV: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_208(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.eldV: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_196(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.knockV: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_196(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.mapV: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_196(byte_0); return; case custom_value_int = byte_0; return; case SensorsX.ectFc: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_205(byte_0, Enum6.const_1); return; case SensorsX.veFc: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_205(byte_0, Enum6.const_1); return; case SensorsX.ectIc: custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_189(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.iatIc: custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_189(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.gearIc: custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_189(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.gearFc: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_205(byte_0, Enum6.const_1); return; case SensorsX.postFuel: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 0)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outIab: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 2)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outVtsX: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 7)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outVtsM: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 3)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outAc: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 7)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outO2h: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 6)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outMil: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 5)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outPurge: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 6)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outFanc: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 4)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outFpump: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 0)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outFuelCut: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 4) || this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 5)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.outAltCtrl: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 5)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inPsp: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 7)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inSCC: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 5)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inAccs: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 2)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inBksw: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 1)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inVtp: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 3)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inVtsFeedBack: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 6)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inParkN: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 0)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inStartS: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 4)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inAtShift1: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 6)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.inAtShift2: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 7)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.secMaps: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 5)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ftlInput: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 0)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ftlActive: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 0)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ftsClutchInput: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 1)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ftsActive: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 2)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.boostcutActive: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 3)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.overheatActive: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 6)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.antilagActive: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 1)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ignitionCut: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 2)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.sccChecker: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 1)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ebcInput: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 2)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ebcHiInput: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 3)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ebcActive: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 4)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.ebcBaseDuty: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_207(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.ebcDutyX: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_207(byte_0); return; case SensorsX.ebcTarget: custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_245(this.class18_0.method_206(byte_0)); return; case SensorsX.ebcCurrent: custom_value_float = this.class18_0.method_245(this.class18_0.method_206(byte_0)); return; case SensorsX.gpo1_in: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 4)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.gpo1_out: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 0)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.gpo2_in: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 5)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.gpo2_out: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 1)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.gpo3_in: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 6)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.gpo3_out: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 2)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.fanCtrl: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 6)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.bstStage2: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 3)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.bstStage3: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 4)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.bstStage4: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 5)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.bstActive: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 7)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.bstInput: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 7)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; case SensorsX.leanProtection: if (this.class18_0.method_258(byte_0, 7)) custom_value_int = 1; else custom_value_int = 0; return; default: return; } } private void method_10(SensorsX sensors_0, long long_0) { string str; switch (sensors_0) { case SensorsX.rpmX: custom_value_int = this.class18_0.method_218(long_0); return; case SensorsX.vssX: case SensorsX.gearX: case SensorsX.mapX: case SensorsX.boostX: case SensorsX.paX: case SensorsX.tpsX: case SensorsX.tpsV: case SensorsX.ignFnl: case SensorsX.ignTbl: case SensorsX.ectX: case SensorsX.iatX: case SensorsX.afr: case SensorsX.ecuO2V: case SensorsX.wbO2V: case SensorsX.batV: case SensorsX.eldV: case SensorsX.knockV: case SensorsX.mapV: case case SensorsX.ectFc: case SensorsX.veFc: case SensorsX.ectIc: case SensorsX.iatIc: case SensorsX.gearIc: case SensorsX.gearFc: case SensorsX.postFuel: case SensorsX.outIab: case SensorsX.outVtsX: case SensorsX.outVtsM: case SensorsX.outAc: case SensorsX.outO2h: case SensorsX.outMil: case SensorsX.outPurge: case SensorsX.outFanc: case SensorsX.outFpump: case SensorsX.outFuelCut: case SensorsX.outAltCtrl: case SensorsX.inPsp: case SensorsX.inSCC: case SensorsX.inAccs: case SensorsX.inBksw: case SensorsX.inVtp: case SensorsX.inVtsFeedBack: case SensorsX.inParkN: return; case SensorsX.injDur: custom_value_float = (float) this.class18_0.method_224((int)long_0); return; case SensorsX.injDuty: custom_value_float = (float) this.class18_0.method_225((int)long_0, this.int_0, 0); return; case SensorsX.injFV: custom_value_float = (float) this.class18_0.method_223((int)long_0); return; case SensorsX.frame: custom_value_int = (int) long_0; return; case SensorsX.duration: str = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)long_0).ToString(); if (str.Length <= 8) { str = str + ".000"; custom_value_float = float.Parse(str); break; } str = str.Remove(str.Length - 5, 5); custom_value_float = float.Parse(str); break; case SensorsX.interval: custom_value_int = (int) long_0; return; case SensorsX.iatFc: custom_value_float = (float) this.class18_0.method_203(long_0, Enum6.const_0); return; case SensorsX.o2Short: custom_value_float = (float)this.class18_0.method_203(long_0, Enum6.const_0); return; case SensorsX.o2Long: custom_value_float = (float) this.class18_0.method_203(long_0, Enum6.const_0); return; default: return; } } private void method_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (this.class7_u_0 != null) { this.class7_u_1.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); j++) { if ((this.class7_u_0[i, j] != null) && this.ctrlGrid_0.method_13(i, j)) { this.class7_u_1.Add(this.class7_u_0[i, j]); } } } } } catch { } } public void method_20(Struct17 struct17_0) { if ((this.mapGraphType_0 == MapGraphType.rpmPlot) && (this.class18_0.method_198(struct17_0.byte_1) >= this.class10_settings_0.int_4)) { if (this.int_7 == null) { this.int_7 = new int[0x2ee0 / this.class10_settings_0.int_3, 3]; } if (this.struct19_2 == null) { this.struct19_2 = new Struct19[0x2ee0 / this.class10_settings_0.int_3, 2]; } int num = this.class18_0.method_218(struct17_0.long_1) / this.class10_settings_0.int_3; this.int_7[num, 0] += struct17_0.byte_0; this.int_7[num, 1] += struct17_0.byte_2; this.int_7[num, 2]++; } } private int method_21() { return (base.ClientRectangle.Height - (2 * this.int_4)); } private int method_22() { return ((base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.int_5) - this.int_3); } private void method_23(int int_18, byte byte_0, float float_28, float float_29, float float_30) { int num = ((base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4) + this.method_21()) - ((int) ((this.method_21() * (float_28 - float_29)) / (float_30 - float_29))); if (num < (base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4)) { num = base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4; } this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_0 = this.int_5 + ((int) Math.Abs((float) (this.method_22() * (((float) this.int_6) / ((float) int_18))))); this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_1 = num; this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_2 = this.int_6; this.struct19_0[this.int_6].byte_0 = byte_0; this.int_6++; } private void method_23_int(int Valuee, int Minn, int Maxx) { int num = ((base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4) + this.method_21()) - ((int)((this.method_21() * (Valuee - Minn)) / (Maxx - Minn))); if (num < (base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4)) { num = base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4; } this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_0 = this.int_5 + ((int)Math.Abs((float)(this.method_22() * (((float)this.int_6) / ((float) this.class10_settings_0.int_5))))); this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_1 = num; this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_2 = this.int_6; //this.struct19_0[this.int_6].byte_0 = 175; this.int_6++; } private void method_23_float(float Valuee, float Minn, float Maxx) { int num = ((base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4) + this.method_21()) - ((int)((this.method_21() * (Valuee - Minn)) / (Maxx - Minn))); if (num < (base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4)) { num = base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4; } this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_0 = this.int_5 + ((int)Math.Abs((float)(this.method_22() * (((float)this.int_6) / ((float)this.class10_settings_0.int_5))))); this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_1 = num; this.struct19_0[this.int_6].int_2 = this.int_6; //this.struct19_0[this.int_6].byte_0 = byte_0; this.int_6++; } private Struct19 method_25(int int_16, int int_17, float float_28, float float_29, float float_30) { Struct19 struct2 = new Struct19(); int num = ((base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4) + this.method_21()) - ((int) ((this.method_21() * (float_28 - float_29)) / (float_30 - float_29))); if (num < (base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4)) { num = base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4; } struct2.int_0 = this.int_5 + ((int) Math.Abs((float) (this.method_22() * (((float) int_16) / ((float) int_17))))); struct2.int_1 = num; return struct2; } private void method_26() { string str; Pen pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); Font font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 10f, FontStyle.Regular); Font font2 = new Font("Lucida Sans", 12f, FontStyle.Bold); Brush brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); //StringFormat format = new StringFormat { // FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical //}; int OffsetLeft = 15; int OffsetTop = 10; this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.int_5 - OffsetLeft, base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4 + OffsetTop, this.int_5 - OffsetLeft, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.int_5 - OffsetLeft, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4, base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.int_3, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4); brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_12); pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 10f, 4f }; float num = 0f; float num2 = this.int_5 - OffsetLeft; float num3 = base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.int_3; float num4 = (base.ClientRectangle.Height - this.int_4) - this.int_4; for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { num = (this.int_4 + (num4 - OffsetTop)) - ((i * (num4 - OffsetTop)) / 14f); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, num2, num + OffsetTop, num3, num + OffsetTop); str = Math.Round((double) (((this.float_1 - this.float_0) * (((float) i) / 14f)) + this.float_0), 2).ToString(); this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font, brush, (float) (num2 - this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Width - 2f), (float) (num - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Height / 2f) + OffsetTop)); } if (this.class10_settings_0.airFuelUnits_0 == AirFuelUnits.afr) str = "AFR"; else str = "Lambda"; //this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Left + 3), (float) ((base.ClientRectangle.Height / 2) - 40), format); this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float)((base.ClientRectangle.Width / 2) - 10 - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Width / 2)), (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Top + 5)); brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); str = "Time (frames)"; this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float) ((base.ClientRectangle.Width / 2) - 10 - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Width / 2)), (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - 20)); pen.Dispose(); pen = null; brush.Dispose(); brush = null; font.Dispose(); font = null; font2.Dispose(); font2 = null; //format.Dispose(); //format = null; str = null; } private void method_27() { int OffsetLeft = 15; int OffsetTop = 10; Pen pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_12, 2f); for (int i = 0; i < (this.int_6 - 1); i++) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.struct19_0[i].int_0 - OffsetLeft, this.struct19_0[i].int_1 + OffsetTop, this.struct19_0[i + 1].int_0 - OffsetLeft, this.struct19_0[i + 1].int_1 + OffsetTop); } pen.Dispose(); pen = null; } private void method_26_2() { string str; Pen pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); Font font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 10f, FontStyle.Regular); Font font2 = new Font("Lucida Sans", 12f, FontStyle.Bold); Brush brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); /*StringFormat format = new StringFormat { FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical };*/ int OffsetLeft = 24; int OffsetTop = 10; this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.int_5 - OffsetLeft, base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4 + OffsetTop, this.int_5 - OffsetLeft, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.int_5 - OffsetLeft, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4, base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.int_3, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4); brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_12); pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 10f, 4f }; float num = 0f; float num2 = this.int_5 - OffsetLeft; float num3 = base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.int_3; float num4 = (base.ClientRectangle.Height - this.int_4) - this.int_4; if (this.Cint_Sensor >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= Cint_Colomn; i++) { num = (this.int_4 + (num4 - OffsetTop)) - ((i * (num4 - OffsetTop)) / Cint_Colomn); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, num2, num + OffsetTop, num3, num + OffsetTop); //Console.WriteLine(this.class10_0.method_24((Sensors)this.Cint_Sensor, "customINT")); bool IsINT = bool.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customINT")); if (!IsINT) { this.float_0 = float.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customMin")); this.float_1 = float.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customMax")); str = Math.Round((double)(((this.float_1 - this.float_0) * (((float)i) / Cint_Colomn)) + this.float_0), 2).ToString(); } else { int ThatI1 = int.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customMin")); int ThatI2 = int.Parse(this.class10_settings_0.method_24((SensorsX)this.Cint_Sensor, "customMax")); str = ((int)(((ThatI2 - ThatI1) * (((float)i) / Cint_Colomn)) + ThatI1)).ToString(); } this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font, brush, (float)(num2 - this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Width - 2f), (float)(num - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Height / 2f) + OffsetTop)); } str = this.class10_settings_0.method_13((SensorsX)Cint_Sensor).ToString(); } else { for (int i = 0; i <= Cint_Colomn; i++) { num = (this.int_4 + (num4 - OffsetTop)) - ((i * (num4 - OffsetTop)) / Cint_Colomn); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, num2 - OffsetLeft, num + OffsetTop, num3, num + OffsetTop); } str = "INVALID SENSOR"; } //this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Left + 3), (float)((base.ClientRectangle.Height / 2) - 40), format); this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float)((base.ClientRectangle.Width / 2) - 10 - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Width / 2)), (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Top + 15)); brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); str = "Time (frames)"; this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float)((base.ClientRectangle.Width / 2) - 55), (float)(base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - 25)); pen.Dispose(); pen = null; brush.Dispose(); brush = null; font.Dispose(); font = null; font2.Dispose(); font2 = null; //format.Dispose(); //format = null; str = null; } private void method_27_2() { int OffsetLeft = 24; int OffsetTop = 10; Pen pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_12, 2f); for (int i = 0; i < (this.int_6 - 1); i++) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.struct19_0[i].int_0 - OffsetLeft, this.struct19_0[i].int_1 + OffsetTop, this.struct19_0[i + 1].int_0 - OffsetLeft, this.struct19_0[i + 1].int_1 + OffsetTop); } pen.Dispose(); pen = null; } private void method_28() { string str; Pen pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); Font font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 8f, FontStyle.Bold); Font font2 = new Font("Lucida Sans", 10f, FontStyle.Bold); Brush brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_13); StringFormat format = new StringFormat { FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical }; this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.int_5 + 5, base.ClientRectangle.Top + this.int_4, this.int_5 + 5, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.int_5 + 5, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4, base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.int_3, base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - this.int_4); pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 10f, 4f }; float num = 0f; float num2 = this.int_5; float num3 = base.ClientRectangle.Width - this.int_3; float num4 = (base.ClientRectangle.Height - this.int_4) - this.int_4; for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { num = (this.int_4 + num4) - ((i * num4) / 14f); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, num2 + 5, num, num3, num); str = Math.Round((double) (((this.float_1 - this.float_0) * (((float) i) / 14f)) + this.float_0), 2).ToString(); this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font, brush, (float) (num2 - this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Width), (float) (num - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Height / 2f))); } str = "AFR"; this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Left + 45), (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Top + 4)); brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_12); for (int j = 0; j <= 14; j++) { num = (this.int_4 + num4) - ((j * num4) / 14f); this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, num2 + 5, num, num3, num); str = Math.Round((double) this.class18_0.method_193((int) (255f * (((float) j) / 14f))), 2).ToString(); this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font, brush, (float) ((num2 - this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Width) - (this.int_5 - 40)), (float) (num - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(str, font).Height / 2f))); } str = "MAP"; this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Left + 2), (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Top + 4)); brush.Dispose(); brush = null; brush = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_11); str = "RPM X 1000"; this.graphics_0.DrawString(str, font2, brush, (float) ((base.ClientRectangle.Width / 2) - 40), (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - 20)); float num7 = 0f; float num8 = 0f; for (float k = 0f; k <= (this.float_4 / this.float_2); k++) { num7 = this.int_5 + ((k * this.method_22()) / (this.float_4 / this.float_2)); string s = (num8 / 1000f).ToString(); this.graphics_0.DrawString(s, font, brush, num7 - (this.graphics_0.MeasureString(s, font).Width / 2f) + 5f, (float) (base.ClientRectangle.Bottom - 30)); num8 += this.float_2; } pen.Dispose(); pen = null; brush.Dispose(); brush = null; font.Dispose(); font = null; font2.Dispose(); font2 = null; format.Dispose(); format = null; str = null; } private void method_29() { if (this.class10_settings_0 != null) { int num2 = 0; Pen pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_13, 2f); if (this.int_7 != null) { int num; for (int i = 0; i <= this.int_7.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { if (this.int_7[i, 0] != 0) { byte num4 = (byte) (this.int_7[i, 0] / this.int_7[i, 2]); byte num5 = (byte) (this.int_7[i, 1] / this.int_7[i, 2]); //*(this.struct19_2[i, 0]) = this.method_25(i * this.class10_0.int_3, 0x2af8, (float) this.class18_0.method_200(num4), this.float_0, this.float_1); //*(this.struct19_2[i, 1]) = this.method_25(i * this.class10_0.int_3, 0x2af8, (float) this.class18_0.method_206(num5), 0f, (float) this.class18_0.method_206(0xff)); (this.struct19_2[i, 0]) = this.method_25(i * this.class10_settings_0.int_3, 0x2af8, (float)this.class18_0.method_200(num4), this.float_0, this.float_1); (this.struct19_2[i, 1]) = this.method_25(i * this.class10_settings_0.int_3, 0x2af8, (float)this.class18_0.method_206(num5), 0f, (float)this.class18_0.method_206(0xff)); } } for (int j = 0; j < (this.int_7.GetUpperBound(0) - 1); j++) { if ((this.struct19_2[j, 0].int_1 != 0) && (this.struct19_2[j, 1].int_1 != 0)) { if (this.struct19_2[j + 1, 0].int_1 != 0) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.struct19_2[j, 0].int_0 + 5, this.struct19_2[j, 0].int_1, this.struct19_2[j + 1, 0].int_0 + 5, this.struct19_2[j + 1, 0].int_1); } continue; } if (j != 0) { num = j; num2 = j; while (this.struct19_2[num, 0].int_1 == 0) { num--; if (num <= 0) { break; } } while (this.struct19_2[num2, 0].int_1 == 0) { num2++; if (num2 == (this.int_7.GetUpperBound(0) - 1)) { break; } } if (((num > 0) && (num2 > 0)) && ((this.struct19_2[num, 0].int_1 != 0) && (this.struct19_2[num2, 0].int_1 != 0))) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.struct19_2[num, 0].int_0 + 5, this.struct19_2[num, 0].int_1, this.struct19_2[num2, 0].int_0 + 5, this.struct19_2[num2, 0].int_1); } } } pen.Dispose(); pen = null; pen = new Pen(this.class10_settings_0.color_12, 2f); for (int k = 0; k < (this.int_7.GetUpperBound(0) - 1); k++) { if ((this.struct19_2[k, 0].int_1 != 0) && (this.struct19_2[k, 1].int_1 != 0)) { if (this.struct19_2[k + 1, 1].int_1 != 0) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.struct19_2[k, 1].int_0 + 5, this.struct19_2[k, 1].int_1, this.struct19_2[k + 1, 1].int_0 + 5, this.struct19_2[k + 1, 1].int_1); } continue; } if (k != 0) { num = k; num2 = k; while (this.struct19_2[num, 1].int_1 == 0) { num--; if (num <= 0) { break; } } while (this.struct19_2[num2, 1].int_1 == 0) { num2++; if (num2 == (this.int_7.GetUpperBound(0) - 1)) { break; } } if (((num > 0) && (num2 > 0)) && ((this.struct19_2[num, 1].int_1 != 0) && (this.struct19_2[num2, 1].int_1 != 0))) { this.graphics_0.DrawLine(pen, this.struct19_2[num, 1].int_0 + 5, this.struct19_2[num, 1].int_1, this.struct19_2[num2, 1].int_0 + 5, this.struct19_2[num2, 1].int_1); } } } pen.Dispose(); pen = null; } } } private void method_3() { if (this.class18_0 != null) { if (this.class18_0.method_30_HasFileLoadedInBMTune()) { this.class7_u_0 = new Class7_u[this.class18_0.method_33(), this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber()]; } } } private int method_5() { double num = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); j++) { if (this.class18_0.method_174((byte) i, (byte) j) > num) { num = this.class18_0.method_174((byte) i, (byte) j); } } } if (this.class18_0.method_37()) { num = Math.Ceiling((double) (num / 50.0)) * 50.0; num += 50.0; } else if (this.class18_0.method_40()) { num = Math.Ceiling((double) (num / 5.0)) * 5.0; num += 5.0; } else if (this.class18_0.method_38()) { num = Math.Ceiling((double) (num / 25.0)) * 25.0; } return (int) num; } private float method_6() { double num = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); j++) { if (this.class18_0.method_174((byte) i, (byte) j) > num) { num = this.class18_0.method_174((byte) i, (byte) j); } } } return (float) num; } private int method_7() { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); i++) { if (this.class18_0.method_159((byte) i) > num) { num = this.class18_0.method_159((byte) i); } } return num; } private int method_8() { int num = 0; double num2 = 0.0; double num3 = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber(); i++) { if (this.class18_0.method_159((byte) i) > num) { num = this.class18_0.method_159((byte) i); } } num3 = num % 0x3e8; if (num3 < 500.0) { num2 = Math.Floor((double) (((double) num) / 1000.0)); } else { num2 = Math.Ceiling((double) (((double) num) / 1000.0)); } return (int) (num2 * 1000.0); } private Color method_9(float float_28) { return this.class18_0.method_236((double)float_28); /*if (this.class18_0.method_40()) { return this.class18_0.method_236((double) float_28); } if (this.class18_0.method_38()) { return this.class18_0.method_236((double) float_28); } if (this.class18_0.method_37()) { float num = Math.Abs((float) (float_28 / this.float_11)); return Color.FromArgb((int) (255f * num), 0xff - ((int) (255f * num)), 0); } return Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0, 0);*/ } public void SetImageBackgrounds() { this.Refresh(); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { //if (this.graphics_0 != null) this.graphics_0.Dispose(); if (this.frmGridChart_0 == null) { this.graphics_0 = pe.Graphics; this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(SystemColors.ControlDark), pe.ClipRectangle.X, pe.ClipRectangle.Y, pe.ClipRectangle.Width, pe.ClipRectangle.Height); return; } if (!this.class10_settings_0.bool_6) { return; } this.int_13 = base.ClientRectangle.Width - (this.int_10 + this.int_10_0); this.int_12 = base.ClientRectangle.Height - (2 * this.int_11); this.brush_0 = new SolidBrush(this.class10_settings_0.color_3); Rectangle ThisRec = new Rectangle(pe.ClipRectangle.X, pe.ClipRectangle.Y, pe.ClipRectangle.Width, pe.ClipRectangle.Height); Image ThisI; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\Back2.bmp"); if (info.Exists) ThisI = new Bitmap(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\Back2.bmp"); else ThisI = null; info = null; if (this.class18_0 == null) { this.graphics_0 = pe.Graphics; this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(this.brush_0, pe.ClipRectangle.X, pe.ClipRectangle.Y, pe.ClipRectangle.Width, pe.ClipRectangle.Height); //this.graphics_0.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(ThisI, ThisRec); if (ThisI != null) { this.graphics_0.DrawImage(ThisI, ThisRec); ThisI.Dispose(); ThisI = null; } return; } if (!this.class18_0.method_30_HasFileLoadedInBMTune() || !this.class16_u_0.method_0()) { this.graphics_0 = pe.Graphics; this.graphics_0.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None; this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(this.brush_0, pe.ClipRectangle.X, pe.ClipRectangle.Y, pe.ClipRectangle.Width, pe.ClipRectangle.Height); //this.graphics_0.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(ThisI, ThisRec); if (ThisI != null) { this.graphics_0.DrawImage(ThisI, ThisRec); ThisI.Dispose(); ThisI = null; } return; } if (!this.class16_u_0.method_0()) { return; } this.graphics_0 = this.class16_u_0.method_3(); this.graphics_0.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; this.graphics_0.FillRectangle(this.brush_0, pe.ClipRectangle.X, pe.ClipRectangle.Y, pe.ClipRectangle.Width, pe.ClipRectangle.Height); //this.graphics_0.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(ThisI, ThisRec); if (ThisI != null) { this.graphics_0.DrawImage(ThisI, ThisRec); ThisI.Dispose(); ThisI = null; } if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_20_ONLY_NA_VIEW) { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber(); i++) { if (this.class18_0.method_163((byte) i) < 0x41a) { num++; } } this.int_2 = num; } else { this.int_2 = this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber(); } switch (this.mapGraphType_0) { case MapGraphType.twoD: this.float_4 = this.method_8(); this.float_5 = this.method_5(); this.float_3 = this.float_5 / 4f; this.float_2 = 1000f; this.method_10(); this.method_11(); goto Label_044C; case MapGraphType.threeD: this.pointF_0 = new PointF[4]; this.method_14(false); this.method_15(); this.method_16(); goto Label_044C; case MapGraphType.timePlot: if (this.class10_settings_0.airFuelUnits_0 != AirFuelUnits.lambda) { this.float_0 = (float)this.class18_0.method_241(0.68); break; } this.float_0 = 0.68f; if (Last_Used_Sensor != 999) Reset_Struct_Sensor(); Last_Used_Sensor = 999; break; case MapGraphType.rpmPlot: if (this.class10_settings_0.airFuelUnits_0 != AirFuelUnits.lambda) { this.float_0 = (float)this.class18_0.method_241(0.68); } else { this.float_0 = 0.68f; } if (this.class10_settings_0.airFuelUnits_0 == AirFuelUnits.lambda) { this.float_1 = 1.36f; } else { this.float_1 = (float)this.class18_0.method_241(1.36); } this.int_3 = 20; this.int_4 = 30; this.float_2 = 1000f; this.float_4 = 11000f; this.int_5 = 80; this.method_28(); this.method_29(); goto Label_044C; case MapGraphType.custom: //this.float_0 = frmGridChart_0.CustomMin; //this.float_1 = frmGridChart_0.CustomMax; this.Cint_Colomn = this.class10_settings_0.int_GraphColumns; this.int_3 = 20; this.int_4 = 30; this.int_5 = 80; if (this.class10_settings_0.int_GraphSensor >= 0) { this.Cint_Sensor = this.class10_settings_0.int_GraphSensor; if (this.Cint_Sensor != Last_Used_Sensor) Reset_Struct_Sensor(); Last_Used_Sensor = this.Cint_Sensor; } this.method_26_2(); this.method_27_2(); goto Label_044C; default: goto Label_044C; } if (this.class10_settings_0.airFuelUnits_0 == AirFuelUnits.lambda) { this.float_1 = 1.36f; } else { this.float_1 = (float) this.class18_0.method_241(1.36); } this.int_3 = 20; this.int_4 = 20; this.int_5 = 60; this.method_26(); this.method_27(); Label_044C: if (this.bool_3) { using (List.Enumerator enumerator = this.class7_u_1.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Class7_u class7_u_0 = enumerator.Current; this.method_12(Math.Round(this.double_0, 0).ToString() + " %", (float) this.point_1.X, (float) this.point_1.Y, this.double_0 > 0.0); } goto Label_05C0; } } if (this.bool_1 && !this.bool_0) { string str2 = string.Empty; if (this.class18_0.method_163((byte) this.int_0) > this.class10_settings_0.int_6) { str2 = str2 + this.class18_0.method_167((byte) this.int_0) + " " + this.class10_settings_0.mapSensorUnits_1.ToString(); } else { str2 = str2 + this.class18_0.method_167((byte) this.int_0) + " " + this.class10_settings_0.mapSensorUnits_0.ToString(); } str2 = str2 + "/" + this.class18_0.method_159((byte) this.int_1); this.method_13(str2, (float) this.point_1.X, (float) this.point_1.Y); } Label_05C0: if (this.bool_2) { Pen pen = new Pen(Color.White, 1f) { DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash }; this.graphics_0.DrawRectangle(pen, this.rectangle_0); pen.Dispose(); pen = null; } this.class16_u_0.method_2(pe.Graphics); this.pointF_0 = null; } protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pe) { } }