using Data; //using PropertiesRes; using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.IO.Ports; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Timers; using System.Windows.Forms; internal class Class17 { private BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_0 = new BackgroundWorker(); private BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_1 = new BackgroundWorker(); private BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_2; private BinaryReader binaryReader_0; private bool bool_0; private bool bool_1; private bool IsUSBConnected = true; private bool bool_11; private bool bool_12; private bool bool_13; private bool bool_15 = true; private bool bool_16; private bool bool_17; private bool bool_2; private bool bool_3; private bool bool_4; private bool bool_5; private bool bool_6; private bool bool_7 = false; private bool bool_71; private bool bool_72; private bool bool_8; private bool bool_9; private byte byte_0; private Class10_settings class10_settings_0; private Class18 class18_0; internal Class33_Sensors class33_Sensors; internal Class2_serialWB class2_serialWB_0; private Class25 class25_0; private DataloggingState dataloggingState_0 = DataloggingState.Disconnected; private DataloggingState dataloggingState_1; internal Enum10 enum10_0; internal Enum9 enum9_0; private FileStream fileStream_0; public FrmMain frmMain_0; private int int_0; private int int_1; private int int_2; private List list_0; internal List list_1 = new List(); private long long_0; public long long_1; private long long_2; private long long_3; private long long_4; private Queue queue_0 = new Queue(); public SerialPort serialPort_0; private Stopwatch stopwatch_0 = new Stopwatch(); private Stopwatch stopwatch_1 = new Stopwatch(); private Stopwatch stopwatch_2 = new Stopwatch(); private string string_0 = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\~tmp.bml"; private string string_1 = string.Empty; public string string_2; private Struct12 struct12_0 = new Struct12(); private Struct17 struct17_0 = new Struct17(); private Struct20 struct20_0 = new Struct20(); private Struct23 struct23_0 = new Struct23(); private Thread thread_0; private Thread thread_1; private Thread thread_2; private System.Timers.Timer timer_0 = new System.Timers.Timer(10.0); private System.Timers.Timer timer_1 = new System.Timers.Timer(100.0); private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer_2; private long FrameCounts = 0; private int ConnectRetry = 0; private DateTime LastCheck = DateTime.Now; private bool FakeDatalog = false; public bool TryingtoConnect = false; public event Delegate46 delegate46_0; public event Delegate54 delegate54_0; public event Delegate50 delegate50_0; public event Delegate48 delegate48_0; public event Delegate49 delegate49_0; public event Delegate47 delegate47_0; public event Delegate45 delegate45_0; public event Delegate53 delegate53_0; //event only running on datalog log file loading internal Class17() //refer to Class11 in HTS { this.backgroundWorker_0.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; this.backgroundWorker_0.WorkerReportsProgress = false; this.backgroundWorker_0.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker_0_DoWork); this.backgroundWorker_1.WorkerReportsProgress = false; this.backgroundWorker_1.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; this.backgroundWorker_1.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker_1_DoWork); this.backgroundWorker_1.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker_1_RunWorkerCompleted); this.timer_0.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(this.timer_0_Elapsed); this.timer_1.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(this.timer_1_Elapsed); Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += new PowerModeChangedEventHandler(this.method_6); } private void backgroundWorker_0_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { if (!FakeDatalog) { try { this.method_18(); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Can't open port:" + this.class10_settings_0.string_1, "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); goto Label_0C1E; } } int num = 0x33; //<- 51 to 56 int num2 = 0x10; int num3 = 0x19; byte[] buffer_0 = new byte[num + 1]; int num4 = 0; this.long_1 = 0L; /*if (!this.method_28()) { goto Label_0C1E; }*/ if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_25) //WidebandSerialInput { try { if (!this.class2_serialWB_0.method_2()) { goto Label_0C1E; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message, "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); goto Label_0C1E; } } this.method_35(true); //set connected if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_8 || this.method_23()) { this.method_4(DataloggingState.Recording); } //############ Label_00F3: if (this.serialPort_0 != null) this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; while (this.bool_4) { //this.LogThis("in wait for emulator"); this.DiscardBuffer(); this.bool_3 = true; DataloggingState state = this.method_3(); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Waiting); while (this.class25_0.method_11()) { Thread.Sleep(20); } this.method_4(state); this.bool_4 = false; this.bool_3 = false; } this.int_0 = 0; ConnectRetry = 0; //############ Label_0105: if (this.bool_9) { this.LogThis("Mil reset request"); try { byte num5 = 80; if (this.int_0 == this.class10_settings_0.int_21) { this.LogThis("Reset MIL Failed"); MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Reset MIL Failed", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } if (this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 == DataloggingMode.datalogDemon) { this.method_47(); this.method_48(); buffer_0 = new byte[4]; this.method_11(buffer_0, 4); num5 = buffer_0[1]; } else { if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { this.serialPort_0.Write('P'.ToString()); num5 = (byte)this.serialPort_0.ReadByte(); } } if (num5 != 80) { this.LogThis("Mil reset failed"); if (this.serialPort_0 != null) this.serialPort_0.DiscardInBuffer(); this.int_0++; goto Label_0105; } this.LogThis("Mil reset finished"); } catch (Exception) { if (this.serialPort_0 != null) this.serialPort_0.DiscardInBuffer(); this.int_0++; goto Label_0105; } this.bool_9 = false; goto Label_00F3; } if (!this.method_28()) { goto Label_0C1E; } if (this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 == DataloggingMode.datalogDemon) { this.method_46(); } this.stopwatch_1.Start(); if ((this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 != DataloggingMode.datalogMultiByteX) && (this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 != DataloggingMode.datalogMultiByteT)) { goto Label_070C; } //############ Label_027C: if (this.backgroundWorker_0.CancellationPending) { goto Label_0C1E; } if (this.bool_4 || this.bool_9) { goto Label_00F3; } if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_28) { this.class10_settings_0.method_10(); } this.stopwatch_0.Start(); this.stopwatch_1.Start(); num4++; try { if (!FakeDatalog) this.serialPort_0.Write(this.GetDatalogCommand()); //this.LogThis("Send datalogging command: '" + this.method_31() + "'"); //if (this.serialPort_0 != null) this.serialPort_0.Write(this.GetDatalogCommand()); if (this.int_0 == this.class10_settings_0.int_21) { this.LogThis("Timeout"); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Timeout); this.stopwatch_0.Stop(); this.stopwatch_1.Stop(); while (!this.backgroundWorker_0.CancellationPending) { try { if (!this.method_18() || !this.method_29(false)) { continue; } this.LogThis("Timeout but found ISR"); bool flag = false; if (this.method_50()) { flag = true; this.timer_0.Stop(); } this.method_4(DataloggingState.Connected); if (flag) { this.timer_0.Start(); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Recording); } num4 = 0; goto Label_00F3; } catch (Exception exception2) { this.LogThis("Timeout Error " + exception2.Message); continue; } } } else { this.method_42(); //clear checksum int NLenght = 0; if (this.class10_settings_0.method_8() == DataloggingTable.tableMain) NLenght = num; else if (this.class10_settings_0.method_8() == DataloggingTable.tableMinimal) NLenght = num2; else if (this.class10_settings_0.method_8() == DataloggingTable.table3) NLenght = num3; //############### //read datalog bytes array if (FakeDatalog) { buffer_0 = FakeThisDatalog(NLenght); } else { for (int i = 0; i < NLenght; i++) { buffer_0[i] = this.method_7(); this.method_43(buffer_0[i]); //add to cheksum } } //############### if (!FakeDatalog) { //compare array with checksum if (this.method_7() != this.method_41()) { this.LogThis("Bad checksum on packet"); if (this.serialPort_0 != null) this.serialPort_0.DiscardInBuffer(); goto Label_027C; } } if ((buffer_0[6] == 0) && (buffer_0[7] == 0)) { this.LogThis("Received buffer is empty"); goto Label_027C; } this.struct12_0 = this.method_38(buffer_0); this.method_49(this.struct12_0); if (this.method_50()) { this.queue_0.Enqueue(this.struct12_0); } if ((!FakeDatalog && num4 == (this.class10_settings_0.int_25 + 1)) || (FakeDatalog && num4 == 20)) { num4 = 0; this.method_40_SendBytes_Delegate(); } if (!this.backgroundWorker_0.CancellationPending) { this.long_1 += 1L; goto Label_027C; } } goto Label_0C1E; } catch (TimeoutException) { this.LogThis("Read Timeout! (set the timeout higher in the setting to possibly avoid this issue)"); this.int_0++; num4 = 0; if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { this.serialPort_0.DiscardOutBuffer(); this.serialPort_0.DiscardInBuffer(); } goto Label_027C; } catch (Exception exception3) { if (exception3.Message == "Innovate Connection Error detected") { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception3.Message); goto Label_0C1E; } this.LogThis("Read Error " + exception3.Message); if (this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) { this.int_0++; num4 = 0; if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { if (this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { this.serialPort_0.DiscardOutBuffer(); this.serialPort_0.DiscardInBuffer(); } } if (this.int_0 != this.class10_settings_0.int_21) goto Label_027C; //bluetooth disconnect this.method_4(DataloggingState.Timeout); /*if (!this.class10_settings_0.bool_31) { try { if (this.serialPort_0 != null) this.serialPort_0.Close(); if (this.serialPort_0 != null) this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); } catch { } this.serialPort_0 = null; } else if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_31) { this.class25_0.EmulatorDisconnect(); }*/ this.method_35(false); this.LogThis("Bluetooth might be unpowered!"); //this.method_2() this.method_20(); //goto Label_0C1E; } else if (!this.IsUSBConnected) { if (!this.class10_settings_0.bool_31) { try { if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { if (this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) this.serialPort_0.Close(); this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception) { } this.serialPort_0 = null; } else if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_31) { this.class25_0.EmulatorDisconnect(); } this.timer_1.Stop(); this.LogThis("Read Error Port unavailable"); MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "USB error port not available", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); //this.method_2(); this.method_20(); } //################## //new disconnect code if (this.int_0 == this.class10_settings_0.int_21) { //this.method_2(); //this.method_20(); goto Label_0C1E; } //###################### this.int_0++; num4 = 0; goto Label_027C; } Label_070C: if (this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 != DataloggingMode.datalogDemon) { goto Label_0BAF; } //Datlogging for demon Label_071D: if (this.backgroundWorker_0.CancellationPending) { goto Label_0C1E; } if (this.bool_4 || this.bool_9) { goto Label_00F3; } if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_28) { this.class10_settings_0.method_10(); } this.stopwatch_0.Start(); this.stopwatch_1.Start(); num4++; try { buffer_0 = new byte[0x37]; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[0x33]; this.method_48(); if (this.int_0 == this.class10_settings_0.int_21) { this.LogThis("Timeout"); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Timeout); this.stopwatch_0.Stop(); this.stopwatch_1.Stop(); while (!this.backgroundWorker_0.CancellationPending) { try { //this.LogThis("Timeout - Cancellation Pending"); if (!this.method_18()) { continue; } //this.LogThis("comm open"); if (!this.method_29(false)) { continue; } bool flag2 = false; if (this.method_50()) { flag2 = true; this.timer_0.Stop(); } this.method_4(DataloggingState.Connected); if (flag2) { this.timer_0.Start(); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Recording); } num4 = 0; goto Label_00F3; } catch (Exception exception4) { this.LogThis("Error " + exception4.Message); continue; } } } else { this.method_42(); if (this.class10_settings_0.method_8() != DataloggingTable.tableMain) { this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " does not support multi tables yet"); goto Label_0C1E; //return; //throw new Exception(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " does not support multi tables yet"); } this.method_11(buffer_0, 0x36); this.method_44(buffer_0, 0x36); if (this.method_7() != this.method_41()) { this.LogThis("Bad checksum on packet from " + this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0); //demon goto Label_071D; } if (buffer_0[1] == 0x54) { this.LogThis("ecu to demon Read timeout!"); this.int_0++; num4 = 0; this.DiscardBuffer(); goto Label_071D; } for (int m = 0; m < 0x33; m++) { buffer2[m] = buffer_0[m + 1]; } this.method_42(); this.method_44(buffer2, 0x33); byte num12 = buffer_0[0x34]; if (num12 == this.method_41()) { this.struct12_0 = this.method_38(buffer2); } this.method_49(this.struct12_0); if (this.method_50()) { this.queue_0.Enqueue(this.struct12_0); } if (num4 == (this.class10_settings_0.int_25 + 1)) { num4 = 0; this.method_40_SendBytes_Delegate(); } if (!this.backgroundWorker_0.CancellationPending) { this.long_1 += 1L; goto Label_071D; } } goto Label_0C1E; } catch (TimeoutException) { this.LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " Read Timeout (set the timeout higher in the setting to possibly avoid this issue)"); this.int_0++; num4 = 0; this.DiscardBuffer(); goto Label_071D; } catch (Exception exception5) { if (exception5.Message == "Innovate Connection Error detected") { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception5.Message); goto Label_0C1E; } this.LogThis("Error " + exception5.Message); /*if (((exception5.Message == "Access to the port is denied.") || (exception5.Message == "The port is closed.")) || (exception5.Message == "A device attached to the system is not functioning.\r" + Environment.NewLine + "")) { this.serialPort_0 = null; goto Label_0C1E; }*/ if (!this.IsUSBConnected) { this.serialPort_0 = null; //this.method_2(); //this.method_20(); this.LogThis("Port unavailable"); MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "USB port not available", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); goto Label_0C1E; } this.int_0++; num4 = 0; goto Label_071D; } Label_0BAF: this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " datalog protocol not selected"); return; //throw new Exception(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " datalog protocol not selected"); Label_0C1E: if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_25 && (this.class2_serialWB_0 != null)) { this.class2_serialWB_0.method_3(); } if (this.timer_1.Enabled) { this.timer_1.Stop(); } this.bool_3 = false; this.bool_4 = false; this.long_1 = 0L; this.stopwatch_1.Reset(); this.method_20(); this.method_51(false); LogThis(string_1); } private byte[] FakeThisDatalog(int num) { byte[] buffer_0 = { 0X7E, 0X8F, 0XA7, 0XF9, 0X2E, 0X2E, 0X1B, 0X03, 0X01, 0X08, 0X03, 0X00, 0X00, 0X20, 0X00, 0X04, 0X00, 0X55, 0X04, 0XAE, 0X97, 0X08, 0X6D, 0X20, 0X00, 0X82, 0X95, 0X8F, 0X82, 0X00, 0X80, 0XA6, 0X81, 0X80, 0X80, 0X97, 0X80, 0X80, 0X01, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00, 0X7F, 0X3B, 0XAA, 0X00, 0XCC, 0X02, 0X23 }; Random rnd = new Random(); buffer_0[0] = (byte) rnd.Next(0,255); buffer_0[1] = (byte)rnd.Next(0, 255); buffer_0[5] = (byte)rnd.Next(0, 255); /*byte[] buffer_0 = new byte[num + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (i == 0) buffer_0[i] = 180; else if (i == 1) buffer_0[i] = 90; else if (i == 2) buffer_0[i] = 127; else if (i == 4) buffer_0[i] = 20; else if (i == 5) buffer_0[i] = 0; //tps else if (i == 6) buffer_0[i] = 0xb0; //rpm1 else if (i == 7) buffer_0[i] = 0x04; //rpm2 else if (i == 8) buffer_0[i] = 65; else buffer_0[i] = this.method_7(); this.method_43(buffer_0[i]); }*/ return buffer_0; } private void backgroundWorker_1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { while ((this.queue_0.Count != 0) && !this.backgroundWorker_1.CancellationPending) { this.method_52(this.queue_0.Dequeue()); } } private void backgroundWorker_1_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { this.timer_0.Start(); } public void SetDemonDatalogCheck(bool bool_16_0) { this.bool_16 = bool_16_0; } private void backgroundWorker_2_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { if ((this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 != DataloggingMode.datalogDemon) || !this.class10_settings_0.bool_31) { goto Label_0500; } //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //Section for Demon Datalogging!! trying on cached port! if (this.method_34_GetConnected()) { this.bool_11 = true; return; } LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detection started"); if ((this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud != 921600) && (this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud != 115200)) this.LogThis("The baudrate is not compatible for the Demon" + Environment.NewLine + "Please set baudrate to 921600 (or 115200)"); int dtCommCache = 1; string[] portNames = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); try { if (this.class10_settings_0.dtCommCache != 0) { dtCommCache = this.class10_settings_0.dtCommCache; this.bool_11 = false; LogThis("Cached port: COM" + dtCommCache.ToString() + " (baud: " + this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud.ToString() + ")"); try //not used { if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { if (this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { this.serialPort_0.Close(); } this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); this.serialPort_0 = null; } } catch { } bool flag = false; if (!this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) { for (int i = 0; i < portNames.Length; i++) { if (portNames[i] == ("COM" + dtCommCache.ToString())) { flag = true; } } } else flag = true; if (flag) { this.serialPort_0 = new SerialPort("COM" + dtCommCache.ToString(), this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud); this.serialPort_0.ReadTimeout = this.class10_settings_0.int_20; this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; //if (this.class10_settings_0.emulatorMode_0 != EmulatorMode.Demon && this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; this.serialPort_0.ReadBufferSize = 0x1100; this.serialPort_0.Encoding = Encoding.Default; this.serialPort_0.Open(); LogThis("Cached port: COM" + dtCommCache.ToString() + " open" + " (baud: " + this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud.ToString() + ")"); bool flagT = this.class25_0.IsEmulatorConnected(false); if (flagT) { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " found"); if (this.bool_16) { if (this.method_29(false)) { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " and ecu found"); this.class10_settings_0.string_1 = "COM" + dtCommCache.ToString(); this.bool_11 = true; } else { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " found but ecu not detected. Check connection between ecu and demon"); this.bool_11 = false; } } else { this.class10_settings_0.string_1 = "COM" + dtCommCache.ToString(); this.bool_11 = true; } this.serialPort_0.Close(); this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); return; } LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " not found on cached port: COM" + dtCommCache.ToString()); } else { LogThis("Cached port failed to open"); } dtCommCache = 1; this.bool_11 = false; goto Label_02B4; } else { LogThis("Cached port is COM0 or not saved"); dtCommCache = 1; this.bool_11 = false; goto Label_02B4; } } catch (Exception exception) { LogThis("Cached port failed with error:" + Environment.NewLine + "" + exception.Message); } dtCommCache = 1; this.bool_11 = false; //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //Section for Demon datalogging trying to auto-scan port! Label_02B4: try { if (dtCommCache == 41) { LogThis("Port Scan Failed"); this.bool_11 = false; if (this.class25_0.Report_Error) { LogThis("If you try to datalog on a chip you must change the emulator to:" + Environment.NewLine + "Moates Ostrich in the settings!"); MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Can't connect with demon" + Environment.NewLine + "See the debug logs for the issue", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } return; } if ((this.serialPort_0 != null) && this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { this.serialPort_0.Close(); } if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); this.serialPort_0 = null; } string str = "COM" + dtCommCache.ToString(); bool flag2 = false; if (!this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) { for (int j = 0; j < portNames.Length; j++) if (portNames[j] == str) flag2 = true; } else flag2 = true; //flag2 = true; if (flag2) { this.serialPort_0 = new SerialPort("COM" + dtCommCache.ToString(), this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud); this.serialPort_0.ReadTimeout = this.class10_settings_0.int_20; this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; //if (this.class10_settings_0.emulatorMode_0 != EmulatorMode.Demon && this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; this.serialPort_0.ReadBufferSize = 0x1100; this.serialPort_0.Encoding = Encoding.Default; this.serialPort_0.Open(); LogThis("Port open: COM" + dtCommCache.ToString() + " (baud: " + this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud.ToString() + ")"); bool flag3 = this.class25_0.IsEmulatorConnected(false); LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " replied=" + flag3.ToString()); if (flag3) { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " found"); if (this.bool_16) { if (this.method_29(false)) { this.class10_settings_0.string_1 = "COM" + dtCommCache.ToString(); this.class10_settings_0.dtCommCache = dtCommCache; LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " found on port: COM" + dtCommCache.ToString()); this.bool_11 = true; } else { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " found but ecu not detected. Check connection between ecu and demon"); this.bool_11 = false; } } else { this.class10_settings_0.string_1 = "COM" + dtCommCache.ToString(); this.class10_settings_0.dtCommCache = dtCommCache; LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " found on port: COM" + dtCommCache.ToString()); this.bool_11 = true; } return; } } dtCommCache++; goto Label_02B4; } catch { dtCommCache++; goto Label_02B4; } //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //################################################################################### // Section for Ostrich/Chips datalogging!! trying on cached port Label_0500: LogThis("Ecu detection started"); int num4 = 1; string[] strArray2 = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); try { if (this.class10_settings_0.dtCommCache != 0) { num4 = this.class10_settings_0.dtCommCache; this.bool_11 = false; LogThis("Cached port: COM" + num4.ToString() + " (baud: " + this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud.ToString() + ")"); try //not used!! { if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { if (this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { this.serialPort_0.Close(); } this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); this.serialPort_0 = null; } } catch { } bool flag4 = false; if (!this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) { for (int k = 0; k < strArray2.Length; k++) { if (strArray2[k] == ("COM" + num4.ToString())) { flag4 = true; } } } else flag4 = true; if (flag4) { this.serialPort_0 = new SerialPort("COM" + num4.ToString(), this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud); this.serialPort_0.ReadTimeout = this.class10_settings_0.int_20; this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; //if (this.class10_settings_0.emulatorMode_0 != EmulatorMode.Demon && this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; this.serialPort_0.Encoding = Encoding.Default; this.serialPort_0.Open(); LogThis("Cached port: COM" + num4.ToString() + " open" + " (baud: " + this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud.ToString() + ")"); if (this.method_29(false)) { this.class10_settings_0.string_1 = "COM" + num4.ToString(); this.class10_settings_0.dtCommCache = num4; if (!this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) { this.serialPort_0.Close(); this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); } this.bool_11 = true; LogThis("Ecu found"); return; } LogThis("Ecu not found on cached port!"); } else { LogThis("Cached port failed to open"); } num4 = 1; this.bool_11 = false; goto Label_06FE; } else { LogThis("Cached port is COM0 or not saved"); } num4 = 1; this.bool_11 = false; goto Label_06FE; } catch (Exception exception2) { LogThis("Cached port failed with error:" + Environment.NewLine + "" + exception2.Message); } num4 = 1; this.bool_11 = false; //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //Section for Ostrich/Chips datalogging!! trying to auto-scan port! Label_06FE: try { if (num4 == 41) { LogThis("Port Scan Failed"); this.bool_11 = false; MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Can't connect with ECU" + Environment.NewLine + "See the debug logs for the issue", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else { if ((this.serialPort_0 != null) && this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { this.serialPort_0.Close(); } if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); this.serialPort_0 = null; } string str2 = "COM" + num4.ToString(); bool flag5 = false; if (!this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) { for (int m = 0; m < strArray2.Length; m++) { if (strArray2[m] == str2) { flag5 = true; } } } else flag5 = true; if (!flag5) { num4++; goto Label_06FE; } this.serialPort_0 = new SerialPort("COM" + num4.ToString(), this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud); this.serialPort_0.ReadTimeout = this.class10_settings_0.int_20; this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; //if (this.class10_settings_0.emulatorMode_0 != EmulatorMode.Demon && this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; this.serialPort_0.Encoding = Encoding.Default; this.serialPort_0.Open(); LogThis("Port open: COM" + num4.ToString() + " (baud: " + this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud.ToString() + ")"); bool flag6 = this.method_29(false); LogThis("ECU replied=" + flag6.ToString()); if (flag6) { this.class10_settings_0.string_1 = "COM" + num4.ToString(); this.class10_settings_0.dtCommCache = num4; LogThis("Ecu found on port: COM" + num4.ToString()); this.bool_11 = true; } else { num4++; goto Label_06FE; } } } catch { num4++; goto Label_06FE; } } internal void method_0(ref Class18 class18_1, ref Class10_settings class10_1, ref Class25 class25_1, ref FrmMain frmMain_1) { this.class18_0 = class18_1; this.class18_0.delegate58_0 += new Class18.Delegate58(this.method_1); this.class10_settings_0 = class10_1; this.class25_0 = class25_1; this.frmMain_0 = frmMain_1; this.class2_serialWB_0 = new Class2_serialWB(ref this.class18_0, ref this.frmMain_0); //this.class2_serialWB_0.method_0(); //########## try { this.class2_serialWB_0.method_0(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); try { Process process = new Process(); string environmentVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("systemroot"); process.StartInfo.FileName = environmentVariable + "\\system32\\regsvr32.exe"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + Application.StartupPath + "\\mtssdk.ocx\""; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; process.Start(); process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process.WaitForExit(); int exitCode = process.ExitCode; if (exitCode != 0) { MessageBox.Show("failed to register innovate ocx, Innovate widebands wont work."); Application.Exit(); } } catch { } } this.class2_serialWB_0.method_0(); //############### //this.Class14_Display_0 = new Class14_Display(ref this.class18_0); this.class33_Sensors = new Class33_Sensors(ref this.class18_0); } private void method_1() { if ((!this.class18_0.method_30_HasFileLoadedInBMTune() && (this.backgroundWorker_0 != null)) && this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy) { this.backgroundWorker_0.CancelAsync(); } } public void method_10(int int_3) { this.serialPort_0.ReadTimeout = int_3; } public void method_11(byte[] byte_1, int int_3) { //if (this.method_12(int_3)) this.serialPort_0.Read(byte_1, 0, int_3); //Old system is just this this.method_12(int_3); this.serialPort_0.Read(byte_1, 0, int_3); } private void method_12(int int_3) { this.timer_2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); this.timer_2.Interval = this.serialPort_0.ReadTimeout; this.timer_2.Tick += new EventHandler(this.timer_2_Tick); this.bool_13 = false; this.timer_2.Start(); while (this.serialPort_0.BytesToRead < int_3) { if (this.bool_13) { this.timer_2.Stop(); throw new TimeoutException("Chunk timeout"); } Application.DoEvents(); } this.timer_2.Stop(); } /*private bool method_12(int int_3) { int ThisTries = 0; while (this.serialPort_0.BytesToRead < int_3 && ThisTries < 30) { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep((this.serialPort_0.ReadTimeout / 2) / 30); ThisTries++; } if (this.serialPort_0.BytesToRead >= int_3) return true; else return false; }*/ public void DiscardBuffer() { if (!FakeDatalog) { if (this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { try { this.serialPort_0.DiscardInBuffer(); this.serialPort_0.DiscardOutBuffer(); } catch (Exception) { } } } } public void method_14(byte byte_1) { try { this.serialPort_0.Write(((char) byte_1).ToString()); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } } public void method_15(string string_3) { try { this.serialPort_0.Write(string_3); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } } public void method_16(byte[] byte_1, int int_3, int int_4) { try { this.serialPort_0.Write(byte_1, int_3, int_4); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } } public bool method_17() { return ((this.serialPort_0 != null) && this.serialPort_0.IsOpen); } public bool method_18() { return this.method_19(false); } public bool method_19(bool bool_18) { bool flag; if (FakeDatalog) { return true; } else { if ((this.serialPort_0 != null) && this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { if (bool_18) LogThis("port: " + this.class10_settings_0.string_1.ToString() + " is already open!"); //### //Close and Reopen Port to try if (ConnectRetry >= this.class10_settings_0.int_21) { DisposeSerial(); return false; } else { return true; } //return true; } this.serialPort_0 = new SerialPort(this.class10_settings_0.string_1, this.class10_settings_0.Datalog_Baud); this.serialPort_0.ReadTimeout = this.class10_settings_0.int_20; //this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; if (this.class10_settings_0.emulatorMode_0 != EmulatorMode.Demon && this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) this.serialPort_0.WriteTimeout = 300; this.serialPort_0.ReadBufferSize = 0x1100; this.serialPort_0.Encoding = Encoding.Default; try { LogThis("try to open port: " + this.class10_settings_0.string_1.ToString() + " (baud: " + this.serialPort_0.BaudRate.ToString() + ")"); this.serialPort_0.Open(); LogThis("port: " + this.class10_settings_0.string_1.ToString() + " open: " + this.method_17().ToString()); if (bool_18 && this.method_17()) { if (this.class10_settings_0.emulatorMode_0 != EmulatorMode.Demon) { this.method_4(DataloggingState.Link); flag = this.method_17(); } else { bool flagT = this.class25_0.IsEmulatorConnected(false); if (flagT) { if (this.bool_16) { if (this.method_29(false)) { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " and ecu found"); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Link); flag = true; } else { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " found but ecu not detected. Check connection between ecu and " + this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0); flag = false; } } else { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " found"); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Link); flag = true; } } else { flag = false; } } } else { flag = this.method_17(); } } catch (Exception exception2) { LogThis("Failed to open port:" + this.class10_settings_0.string_1 + " with error:" + Environment.NewLine + "" + exception2.Message); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Failed to open port:" + this.class10_settings_0.string_1, "BMTune"); } if (!flag) { //method_20(); DisposeSerial(); } } return flag; } private void DisposeSerial() { try { if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { if (this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) this.serialPort_0.Close(); this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message); } this.serialPort_0 = null; } public void method_2() { if (this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { this.method_75(); } if (this.method_54()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Temporary datalog file found. " + Environment.NewLine + "" + Environment.NewLine + " Save the temporary file?", "Datalog", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly, false) == DialogResult.Yes) { this.method_SaveDatalog(); } else { File.Delete(this.string_0); } } if (this.method_34_GetConnected()) { this.method_36(); } if (this.backgroundWorker_1 != null) { while (this.backgroundWorker_1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } this.backgroundWorker_1.Dispose(); this.backgroundWorker_1 = null; } if (this.backgroundWorker_0 != null) { if (this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy) this.backgroundWorker_0.CancelAsync(); while (this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } this.backgroundWorker_0.Dispose(); this.backgroundWorker_0 = null; } this.method_20(); } public void method_20() { this.method_35(false); if (this.serialPort_0 != null) { if (this.class25_0.method_10()) { if (this.class25_0.GetConnected()) this.method_4(DataloggingState.Link); } else { DisposeSerial(); } } else { this.method_4(DataloggingState.Disconnected); if (this.class25_0.GetConnected()) this.class25_0.EmulatorDisconnect(); } } public bool method_21() { return this.bool_3; } public void method_22(bool bool_18) { this.bool_4 = bool_18; } public bool method_23() { return this.bool_5; } public void method_24(bool bool_18) { this.bool_5 = bool_18; } public bool method_25() { return (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.string_1)); } public bool method_27() { if (!FakeDatalog) { //Do not run 2x Threads! if (this.backgroundWorker_2 != null) { this.backgroundWorker_2.Dispose(); this.backgroundWorker_2 = null; } this.LogThis("Auto-scan started"); TryingtoConnect = true; //TryingtoConnect are Only used for FrmMain Title bar this.method_4(DataloggingState.Connecting); this.backgroundWorker_2 = new BackgroundWorker(); this.backgroundWorker_2.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker_2_DoWork); this.backgroundWorker_2.WorkerReportsProgress = false; this.backgroundWorker_2.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false; this.backgroundWorker_2.RunWorkerAsync(); while (this.backgroundWorker_2.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!this.method_34_GetConnected()) this.method_4(DataloggingState.Disconnected); //method_34_GetConnected return value of bool_1 TryingtoConnect = false; } else { this.bool_11 = true; } return this.bool_11; } public bool method_28() { if (!FakeDatalog) { return this.method_29(true); } else { this.long_0 = 0x20L; return true; } } public bool method_29(bool bool_18) { int num6; bool flag2; if ((this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 != DataloggingMode.datalogDemon) || !this.class10_settings_0.bool_31) { goto Label_02D0; } if (this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 == EmulatorMoatesType.neptuneRTP) { return true; } //###################################################################################################### //###################################################################################################### //###################################################################################################### // Section for Demon datalogging int num = this.class10_settings_0.int_21; int num2 = 0; try { if (!this.method_17()) { this.method_18(); } } catch (Exception) { } this.DiscardBuffer(); Label_004E: if ((num2 == num) && bool_18) { LogThis("If you try to datalog on a chip you must change the emulator to:" + Environment.NewLine + "Moates Ostrich in the settings!"); MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Can't connect with demon on " + this.class10_settings_0.string_1 + "" + Environment.NewLine + "See the debug logs for the issue", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return false; } this.method_42(); byte[] buffer_0 = new byte[0x11]; byte num3 = 0; buffer_0[0] = 0x44; //D buffer_0[1] = 0x52; //R buffer_0[2] = 0; //0 buffer_0[3] = 0x17; // buffer_0[4] = 0; buffer_0[5] = 0; buffer_0[6] = 3; buffer_0[7] = 1; buffer_0[8] = 1; buffer_0[9] = 0x10; buffer_0[10] = 1; buffer_0[11] = 1; buffer_0[12] = 0x10; buffer_0[13] = 1; buffer_0[14] = 1; buffer_0[15] = 0x10; this.method_44(buffer_0, 0x10); num3 = this.method_41(); buffer_0[0x10] = num3; try { this.method_16(buffer_0, 0, 0x11); byte num4 = this.method_7(); if (num4 == 0x4f) { num2 = 0; LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detected and replied success"); } else { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detected and replied: " + num4.ToString("X2") + " " + ((char)num4).ToString()); num2++; goto Label_004E; } } catch (Exception exception) { LogThis("Error message " + exception.Message + " retry #:" + num2.ToString()); num2++; goto Label_004E; } Label_0196: this.DiscardBuffer(); if (num2 == num) { if (bool_18) { LogThis("If you try to datalog on a chip you must change the emulator to:" + Environment.NewLine + "Moates Ostrich in the settings!"); MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Can't connect with demon on " + this.class10_settings_0.string_1 + "" + Environment.NewLine + "See the debug logs for the issue", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } return false; } buffer_0 = new byte[1]; buffer_0[0] = 100; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[6]; try { this.method_16(buffer_0, 0, 1); this.method_11(buffer2, 6); this.method_42(); this.method_44(buffer2, 5); num3 = this.method_41(); byte num5 = buffer2[5]; if (num5 == num3) { if (buffer2[1] == 0xcd) { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detected and we have ecu reply"); buffer2 = null; buffer_0 = null; num5 = 0; num3 = 0; return true; } if (buffer2[1] == 84 || buffer2[1] == 0x84) { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detected but the ecu doesn't have power, please put the ignition key On."); this.frmMain_0.SetStatuDatalog("No power to ecu"); num2++; //return false; } if (buffer2[1] != 0xcd && buffer2[1] != 84 && buffer2[1] != 0x84) LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detected but we have timeout between demon and ecu" + Environment.NewLine + "Check Wiring and components and retry"); this.DiscardBuffer(); num2++; } else { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detected but we have a checksum error"); num2++; } goto Label_0196; } catch (Exception exception2) { LogThis(exception2.Message); num2++; goto Label_0196; } //###################################################################################################### //###################################################################################################### //###################################################################################################### // Section for Ostrich/Chips Datalogging Label_02D0: num6 = this.class10_settings_0.int_21; int num7 = 0; byte num8 = 0; byte num9 = 0; ConnectRetry = 0; switch (this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0) { case DataloggingMode.datalogMultiByteT: //this one for ostrich, chips, etc num8 = 0x10; this.long_0 = 0x20L; break; case DataloggingMode.datalogDemon: if (this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 == EmulatorMoatesType.neptuneRTP) { num8 = 0x10; this.long_0 = 0x20L; break; //return true; } else { this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("datalogging error: demon"); num8 = 0x10; this.long_0 = 0x20L; break; //throw new Exception("datalogging error: demon"); } case DataloggingMode.datalogMultiByteX: num8 = 0xab; this.long_0 = 0x90L; break; case DataloggingMode.datalogSingleByte: num8 = 0xab; this.long_0 = 0x90L; break; default: this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("datalogging error: unknow datalog type"); num8 = 0x10; this.long_0 = 0x20L; break; //throw new Exception("datalogging error: demon"); } Label_035F: if (!this.method_17()) { this.method_18(); } this.DiscardBuffer(); try { if (num7 == num6) { if (bool_18) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Can't connect with ecu on " + this.class10_settings_0.string_1 + "" + Environment.NewLine + "See the debug logs for the issue", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } return false; } this.serialPort_0.Write(((char)num8).ToString()); //here too byte num10 = (byte)this.serialPort_0.ReadByte(); //ConnectRetry = 0; if ((num10 == num9) && (num10 != 0xcd)) { //flag2 = false; if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_CheckJ12) { flag2 = true; } else { flag2 = false; } MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "J12/J4 not removed in the ecu?", "BMTune"); LogThis("Received byte is same as send byte"); LogThis("J12/J4 inplace detect"); LogThis("remove J12(USDM ecu) or J4(JDM ecu) to be able to datalog"); } num9 = num10; if (num10 == 0xcd) { LogThis("Ecu replied correct handshake byte"); this.bool_11 = true; flag2 = true; } else { LogThis("Ecu DIDN'T Replied correct handshake byte!" + Environment.NewLine + "Replied: " + num10.ToString("X2") + "(expected is: 0xCD)"); if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_CheckJ12) { this.bool_11 = true; flag2 = true; } else { ConnectRetry++; num7++; goto Label_035F; } } } catch (Exception exception3) { ConnectRetry++; LogThis(exception3.Message); num7++; goto Label_035F; } return flag2; } public DataloggingState method_3() { return this.dataloggingState_0; } public void method_30() { this.bool_9 = true; } private string GetDatalogCommand() { switch (this.class10_settings_0.method_8()) { case DataloggingTable.tableMain: { if (this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 == DataloggingMode.datalogMultiByteT) { char ch2 = ' '; return ch2.ToString(); } char ch = '\x0090'; return ch.ToString(); } case DataloggingTable.tableMinimal: { if (this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 != DataloggingMode.datalogMultiByteT) { this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("Error: DatalogginCommand"); //throw new Exception("DatalogginCommand"); } char ch4 = '0'; return ch4.ToString(); //char ch3 = '\x0090'; //return ch3.ToString(); } case DataloggingTable.table3: { if (this.class10_settings_0.dataloggingMode_0 != DataloggingMode.datalogMultiByteT) { this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("Error: DatalogginCommand"); //throw new Exception("DatalogginCommand"); } char ch6 = '0'; return ch6.ToString(); //char ch5 = '\x0090'; //return ch5.ToString(); } } this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("Error: DatalogginCommand"); char chx = ' '; return chx.ToString(); //throw new Exception("DatalogginCommand"); } private void LogThis(string string_1) { frmMain_0.LogThis("Datalog - " + string_1); } public bool method_34_GetConnected() { return this.bool_1; } public void method_35(bool bool_18) { this.bool_1 = bool_18; if (bool_18) { this.method_4(DataloggingState.Connected); } else { this.method_4(DataloggingState.Disconnected); } } //Datalog connect button clic from main menu public void method_36() { //bool_27 = autoscan //method_34_GetConnected = bool_1 if (!this.class10_settings_0.bool_27 || this.method_34_GetConnected()) { this.method_37(); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_27 && !this.method_34_GetConnected()) { //method_27 = autoscan thread backgroundWorker_2 //method_37 = connect to device! LogThis("Auto scan enabled"); if (this.method_27()) { this.method_37(); } } } public void method_37() { /*Console.WriteLine("1." + this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy); Console.WriteLine("2." + this.method_34_GetConnected()); Console.WriteLine("3." + this.bool_11); Console.WriteLine("4." + serialPort_0.IsOpen);*/ this.int_0 = 0; if (!this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy) { //Console.WriteLine("restart"); if (this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { this.method_75(); } //TryingtoConnect = true; // //this.method_4(DataloggingState.Connecting); //this is not called this.stopwatch_1.Reset(); this.FrameCounts = 0L; if (this.list_0 != null) this.list_0 = null; this.backgroundWorker_0.RunWorkerAsync(); if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_8 || this.method_23()) { this.method_StartRecord(); } //if (!this.method_34_GetConnected()) this.method_4(DataloggingState.Disconnected); //this is not called //TryingtoConnect = false; // } else if (this.method_34_GetConnected()) { if (this.method_50()) { this.method_StartRecord(); } if (this.method_23() && this.method_54()) { string destFileName = (this.string_1 + @"\log_") + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy_HHmm") + ".bml"; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(this.string_0); try { info.CopyTo(destFileName); byte[] byte_99_0 = this.class18_0.method_92(File.ReadAllBytes(destFileName)); File.WriteAllBytes(destFileName, byte_99_0); } catch (Exception) { } finally { info.Delete(); info = null; } } this.backgroundWorker_0.CancelAsync(); method_35(false); } } private Struct12 method_38(byte[] byte_1) { this.stopwatch_0.Stop(); if (this.class10_settings_0.method_8() == DataloggingTable.tableMain) { this.struct12_0 = new Struct12(); this.struct12_0.byte_0 = byte_1[0]; this.struct12_0.byte_1 = byte_1[1]; this.struct12_0.byte_2 = byte_1[2]; this.struct12_0.byte_3 = byte_1[3]; this.struct12_0.byte_4 = byte_1[4]; this.struct12_0.byte_5 = byte_1[5]; this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[6], byte_1[7]); this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8 = byte_1[8]; this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9 = byte_1[9]; this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10 = byte_1[10]; this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 = byte_1[11]; this.struct12_0.byte_10_E12 = byte_1[12]; this.struct12_0.byte_11_E13 = byte_1[13]; this.struct12_0.byte_12_E14 = byte_1[14]; this.struct12_0.byte_13_E15 = byte_1[15]; this.struct12_0.byte_14_E16 = byte_1[0x10]; this.struct12_0.ushort_1_E17_18 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[0x11], byte_1[0x12]); this.struct12_0.byte_15_E19 = byte_1[0x13]; this.struct12_0.byte_16_E20 = byte_1[20]; this.struct12_0.byte_20 = this.class18_0.method_215(this.struct12_0.byte_14_E16, (long) this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7); this.struct12_0.byte_21_E21 = byte_1[0x15]; this.struct12_0.byte_22_E22 = byte_1[0x16]; this.struct12_0.byte_23_E23 = byte_1[0x17]; this.struct12_0.byte_24_E24 = byte_1[0x18]; this.struct12_0.byte_27_E25 = byte_1[0x19]; this.struct12_0.byte_28_E26 = byte_1[0x1a]; this.struct12_0.long_0_E27_28 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[0x1b], byte_1[0x1c]); this.struct12_0.long_1_E29_30 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[0x1d], byte_1[30]); this.struct12_0.long_2_E31_32 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[0x1f], byte_1[0x20]); this.struct12_0.byte_29_E33 = byte_1[0x21]; this.struct12_0.byte_30_E34 = byte_1[0x22]; this.struct12_0.byte_31_E35 = byte_1[0x23]; this.struct12_0.byte_32_E36 = byte_1[0x24]; this.struct12_0.byte_33_E37 = byte_1[0x25]; this.struct12_0.byte_34_E38 = byte_1[0x26]; this.struct12_0.byte_35_E39 = byte_1[0x27]; this.struct12_0.byte_37_E40 = byte_1[40]; this.struct12_0.byte_38_E41 = byte_1[0x29]; this.struct12_0.byte_39_E42 = byte_1[0x2a]; this.struct12_0.byte_36_E43 = byte_1[0x2b]; this.struct12_0.byte_25_E44 = byte_1[0x2c]; this.struct12_0.byte_26_E45 = byte_1[0x2d]; this.struct12_0.byte_44_E46 = byte_1[0x2e]; this.struct12_0.byte_45_E47 = byte_1[0x2f]; this.struct12_0.byte_46_E48 = byte_1[0x30]; this.struct12_0.ushort_2_E49_50 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[0x31], byte_1[50]); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.method_8() == DataloggingTable.tableMinimal) { this.struct12_0 = new Struct12(); this.struct12_0.byte_0 = byte_1[0]; this.struct12_0.byte_1 = byte_1[1]; this.struct12_0.byte_2 = byte_1[2]; this.struct12_0.byte_4 = byte_1[3]; this.struct12_0.byte_5 = byte_1[4]; this.struct12_0.byte_14_E16 = byte_1[5]; this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9 = byte_1[6]; this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10 = byte_1[7]; this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 = byte_1[8]; this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[9], byte_1[10]); this.struct12_0.ushort_1_E17_18 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[11], byte_1[12]); this.struct12_0.byte_15_E19 = byte_1[13]; this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8 = byte_1[14]; this.struct12_0.byte_35_E39 = byte_1[15]; this.struct12_0.byte_20 = this.class18_0.method_215(this.struct12_0.byte_14_E16, (long) this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.method_8() == DataloggingTable.table3) { this.struct12_0 = new Struct12(); this.struct12_0.byte_0 = byte_1[0]; this.struct12_0.byte_1 = byte_1[1]; this.struct12_0.byte_2 = byte_1[2]; this.struct12_0.byte_4 = byte_1[3]; this.struct12_0.byte_5 = byte_1[4]; this.struct12_0.byte_14_E16 = byte_1[5]; this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[6], byte_1[7]); this.struct12_0.long_6 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[8], byte_1[9]); this.struct12_0.long_7 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[10], byte_1[11]); this.struct12_0.byte_47 = byte_1[12]; this.struct12_0.byte_20 = this.class18_0.method_215(this.struct12_0.byte_14_E16, (long) this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7); this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9 = byte_1[13]; this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10 = byte_1[14]; this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 = byte_1[15]; this.struct12_0.ushort_1_E17_18 = this.class18_0.method_146(byte_1[0x10], byte_1[0x11]); this.struct12_0.byte_15_E19 = byte_1[0x12]; this.struct12_0.byte_24_E24 = byte_1[0x13]; this.struct12_0.byte_38_E41 = byte_1[20]; this.struct12_0.byte_25_E44 = byte_1[0x15]; this.struct12_0.byte_26_E45 = byte_1[0x16]; this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8 = byte_1[0x17]; this.struct12_0.byte_35_E39 = byte_1[0x18]; } FrameCounts++; if (this.method_34_GetConnected() && !this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { this.struct12_0.long_3 = FrameCounts; this.struct12_0.long_4 = 10; } else { this.struct12_0.long_3 = this.stopwatch_1.ElapsedMilliseconds; this.struct12_0.long_4 = this.stopwatch_0.ElapsedMilliseconds; } this.stopwatch_0.Reset(); this.struct12_0.long_5 = this.long_1; this.struct12_0.byte_40 = this.struct12_0.byte_24_E24; this.struct12_0.byte_41 = this.struct12_0.byte_25_E44; this.struct12_0.byte_42 = this.struct12_0.byte_26_E45; if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_25) { try { this.struct12_0.byte_43 = this.class18_0.method_213(this.class18_0.method_241(this.class2_serialWB_0.method_1())); goto Label_07C3; } catch { throw; } } switch (this.class10_settings_0.wbinput_0) { case WBinput.o2Input: this.struct12_0.byte_43 = this.struct12_0.byte_2; break; case WBinput.eldInput: this.struct12_0.byte_43 = this.struct12_0.byte_24_E24; break; case WBinput.egrInput: this.struct12_0.byte_43 = this.struct12_0.byte_25_E44; break; case WBinput.b6Input: this.struct12_0.byte_43 = this.struct12_0.byte_26_E45; break; default: this.struct12_0.byte_43 = this.struct12_0.byte_2; this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("wideband input error in selection"); break; //throw new Exception("wideband input error in selection"); } Label_07C3: if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_23 && (this.class18_0.GetByteAt(this.class18_0.class13_u_0.long_50) == 0)) { if (this.struct12_0.byte_3 != 0) { int num = (int) Math.Round((double) ((((this.struct12_0.byte_3 / 2) + 0x18) * 7.221) - 59.0), 0); if (this.class10_settings_0.int_6 != num) { this.class10_settings_0.int_6 = num; } } else { this.class10_settings_0.int_6 = 0x3f2; } } this.struct23_0.bool_0 = this.class18_0.method_258(this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8, 3); this.struct23_0.bool_1 = this.class18_0.method_258(this.struct12_0.byte_35_E39, 5); this.frmMain_0.method_2(ref this.struct12_0); if (this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9 > (this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1)) { this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9 = (byte) (this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1); } if (this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10 > (this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1)) { this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10 = (byte) (this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber() - 1); } if (this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 > (this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber() - 1)) { if (!this.class18_0.method_42()) { if (((this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 > 0x17) && !this.bool_12) && (this.class18_0.class15_0.method_22() != BMTuneVersions.datalogger)) { if (this.struct12_0.byte_4 < this.class18_0.method_165(0)) { this.bool_12 = true; if (MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, string.Concat(new object[] { "Error!" + Environment.NewLine + "Current mbar is lower then column1.", Environment.NewLine, "Current mbar is ", this.class18_0.method_206(this.struct12_0.byte_4), " and colomn 1 mbar is ", this.class18_0.method_163(0), Environment.NewLine, "Would like to lower column 1 mbar to ", this.class18_0.method_206(this.struct12_0.byte_4 - 3), "?" }), "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Hand) == DialogResult.Yes) { int num2 = this.class18_0.method_206(this.struct12_0.byte_4 - 3); this.class18_0.method_173(0, num2); this.class18_0.method_53(); } } else { this.bool_12 = true; MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Error!" + Environment.NewLine + "Current load is higher then load of last column!"); } } } else { this.bool_12 = true; MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Error!" + Environment.NewLine + "Set the TPS range indexing properly!"); } this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 = (byte) (this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber() - 1); } if (this.struct23_0.bool_0) { this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10; this.struct23_0.float_0 = 0f; if (this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber()) { int num3 = this.class18_0.method_159(this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10); int num4 = this.class18_0.method_159((byte) (this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10 + 1)); this.struct23_0.float_0 = ((float) this.class18_0.method_218((long) this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7)) / ((float) (num3 + num4)); } } else { this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9; this.struct23_0.float_0 = 0f; if (this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0 < this.class18_0.method_32_GetRPM_RowsNumber()) { int num5 = this.class18_0.method_159(this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9); int num6 = this.class18_0.method_159((byte) (this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9 + 1)); this.struct23_0.float_0 = ((float) this.class18_0.method_218((long) this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7)) / ((float) (num5 + num6)); } } this.struct23_0.float_1 = 0f; if (this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 < ((byte) (this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber() - 1))) { int num7 = this.class18_0.method_165(this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11); int num8 = this.class18_0.method_165((byte) (this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 + 1)); this.struct23_0.float_1 = ((float) this.struct12_0.byte_4) / ((float) (num7 + num8)); } this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_1 = this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11; this.struct23_0.struct24_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0; if (this.struct23_0.float_0 >= 0.5) this.struct23_0.struct24_1.int_0++; if (this.struct23_0.float_1 >= 0.5) this.struct23_0.struct24_1.int_1++; this.struct12_0.struct24_0 = this.struct23_0.struct24_1; this.struct23_0.struct24_2 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0; this.struct23_0.method_0(this.struct23_0.struct24_0, ref this.class10_settings_0); this.struct23_0.byte_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_43; bool flag = this.class18_0.method_258(this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8, 4) || this.class18_0.method_258(this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8, 5); this.struct17_0.bool_0 = this.struct23_0.bool_0; this.struct12_0.bool_11 = this.struct23_0.bool_0; this.struct17_0.bool_1 = this.struct23_0.bool_1; this.struct12_0.bool_12 = this.struct23_0.bool_1; if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_48) this.struct17_0.bool_2 = flag; else this.struct17_0.bool_2 = false; this.struct17_0.struct24_0.int_0 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0; this.struct17_0.struct24_0.int_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_1; this.struct17_0.float_0 = this.struct23_0.float_0; this.struct17_0.float_1 = this.struct23_0.float_1; this.struct17_0.method_1(this.struct17_0.struct24_0, ref this.class18_0); this.struct17_0.struct24_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_1; this.struct17_0.byte_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_43; this.struct17_0.long_1 = this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7; this.struct17_0.byte_2 = this.struct12_0.byte_4; this.struct17_0.byte_1 = this.struct12_0.byte_5; this.struct17_0.byte_3 = this.struct12_0.byte_0; this.struct17_0.byte_4 = this.struct12_0.byte_1; this.struct17_0.byte_5 = this.struct12_0.byte_20; this.struct17_0.long_0 = this.struct12_0.long_3; float num9 = 0f; this.struct12_0.bool_0 = this.class10_settings_0.bool_36 && !this.method_88(AnalogInputs.analog1); this.struct12_0.bool_1 = this.class10_settings_0.bool_38 && !this.method_88(AnalogInputs.analog2); this.struct12_0.bool_2 = this.class10_settings_0.bool_40 && !this.method_88(AnalogInputs.analog3); this.struct12_0.bool_3 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_cht1); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_cht1)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 1) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.struct12_0.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 2) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.struct12_0.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 3) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.struct12_0.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_0 = num9; this.struct12_0.bool_4 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_cht2); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_cht2)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 1) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.struct12_0.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 2) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.struct12_0.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 3) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.struct12_0.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_1 = num9; this.struct12_0.bool_5 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_cht3); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_cht3)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 1) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.struct12_0.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 2) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.struct12_0.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 3) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.struct12_0.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_2 = num9; this.struct12_0.bool_6 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_cht4); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_cht4)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 1) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.struct12_0.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 2) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.struct12_0.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 3) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.struct12_0.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_3 = num9; this.struct12_0.bool_7 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_chtAvg); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_chtAvg)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 1) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.struct12_0.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 2) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.struct12_0.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 3) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.struct12_0.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_4 = num9; this.struct12_0.bool_8 = this.method_86(SensorsX.backPres); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.backPres)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 1) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.struct12_0.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 2) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.struct12_0.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 3) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.struct12_0.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_5 = num9; this.struct12_0.bool_9 = this.method_86(SensorsX.fuelPres); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.fuelPres)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 1) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.struct12_0.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 2) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.struct12_0.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 3) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.struct12_0.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_6 = num9; this.struct12_0.bool_10 = this.method_86(SensorsX.iat2); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.iat2)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 1) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.struct12_0.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 2) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.struct12_0.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 3) { num9 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.struct12_0.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_7 = num9; if (this.delegate47_0 != null) { this.delegate47_0(this.struct17_0); } if (this.delegate50_0 != null) { this.delegate50_0(this.struct12_0); } this.struct20_0.byte_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_10_E12; this.struct20_0.byte_1 = this.struct12_0.byte_11_E13; this.struct20_0.byte_2 = this.struct12_0.byte_12_E14; this.struct20_0.byte_3 = this.struct12_0.byte_13_E15; if (((this.struct20_0.byte_0 != 0) || (this.struct20_0.byte_1 != 0)) || ((this.struct20_0.byte_2 != 0) || (this.struct20_0.byte_3 != 0))) { this.struct12_0.byte_19 = 1; } else { this.struct12_0.byte_19 = 0; } return this.struct12_0; } private void method_39() { this.thread_1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.method_40_SendBytes_Delegate)); this.thread_1.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; this.thread_1.Start(); } public void method_4(DataloggingState dataloggingState_2) { this.dataloggingState_0 = dataloggingState_2; if (this.delegate46_0 != null) { this.delegate46_0(this.dataloggingState_0, this.method_34_GetConnected()); } } private void method_40_SendBytes_Delegate() { if ((Application.OpenForms[0].WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized) && this.class18_0.method_30_HasFileLoadedInBMTune()) { if (this.delegate49_0 != null) { this.delegate49_0(this.struct23_0); } if (this.delegate45_0 != null) { this.delegate45_0(this.struct20_0); } if (this.delegate54_0 != null) { //this.class18_Sensors.LoadSensorsData(this.struct12_0); this.delegate54_0(this.struct12_0); } } } private byte method_41() { return this.byte_0; } private void method_42() { this.byte_0 = 0; } private void method_43(byte byte_1) { this.byte_0 = (byte) (this.byte_0 + byte_1); } private void method_44(byte[] byte_1, int int_3) { this.byte_0 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < int_3; i++) { this.byte_0 = (byte) (this.byte_0 + byte_1[i]); } } /*private bool method_45() { bool flag; int num = this.class10_0.int_21; int num2 = 0; Label_0013: if (num2 == num) { return false; } this.method_42(); byte[] buffer_0 = new byte[0x11]; buffer_0[0] = 0x44; buffer_0[1] = 0x52; buffer_0[2] = 0; buffer_0[3] = 0x17; buffer_0[4] = 0; buffer_0[5] = 0; buffer_0[6] = 3; buffer_0[7] = 1; buffer_0[8] = 1; buffer_0[9] = 0x10; buffer_0[10] = 1; buffer_0[11] = 1; buffer_0[12] = 0x10; buffer_0[13] = 1; buffer_0[14] = 1; buffer_0[15] = 0x10; this.method_44(buffer_0, 0x10); byte num3 = this.method_41(); buffer_0[0x10] = num3; try { this.method_16(buffer_0, 0, 0x11); byte num4 = this.method_7(); if (num4 == 0x4f) { num2 = 0; LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detected and replied succes"); flag = true; } else { LogThis(this.class25_0.emulatorMoatesType_0 + " detected and replied: " + num4.ToString("X2") + " " + ((char) num4).ToString()); num2++; goto Label_0013; } } catch (Exception exception) { LogThis("Error message " + exception.Message + " retry #:" + num2.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(new Form {TopMost = true}, exception.Message); num2++; goto Label_0013; } return flag; }*/ private bool method_46() { bool flag; int num = this.class10_settings_0.int_21; int num2 = 0; Label_0013: if (!this.method_17()) { this.method_18(); } this.DiscardBuffer(); if (num2 == num) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Failed to set datalog command", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return false; } this.method_42(); byte[] buffer_0 = new byte[11]; buffer_0[0] = 0x44; buffer_0[1] = 0x52; buffer_0[2] = 0; buffer_0[3] = 0x17; buffer_0[4] = 0; buffer_0[5] = 0; buffer_0[6] = 1; buffer_0[7] = 1; buffer_0[8] = 0x34; buffer_0[9] = 0x20; this.method_44(buffer_0, 10); byte num3 = this.method_41(); buffer_0[10] = num3; try { this.method_16(buffer_0, 0, 11); if (this.method_7() == 0x4f) { num2 = 0; flag = true; } else { num2++; goto Label_0013; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message); num2++; goto Label_0013; } return flag; } private bool method_47() { bool flag; int num = this.class10_settings_0.int_21; int num2 = 0; Label_0013: if (!this.method_17()) { this.method_18(); } this.DiscardBuffer(); if (num2 == num) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Failed to set datalog command:" + Environment.NewLine + "MIL CLEAR", "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return false; } this.method_42(); byte[] buffer_0 = new byte[11]; buffer_0[0] = 0x44; buffer_0[1] = 0x52; buffer_0[2] = 0; buffer_0[3] = 0x17; buffer_0[4] = 0; buffer_0[5] = 0; buffer_0[6] = 1; buffer_0[7] = 1; buffer_0[8] = 1; buffer_0[9] = 80; this.method_44(buffer_0, 10); byte num3 = this.method_41(); buffer_0[10] = num3; try { this.method_16(buffer_0, 0, 11); if (this.method_7() == 0x4f) { num2 = 0; flag = true; } else { num2++; goto Label_0013; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message); num2++; goto Label_0013; } return flag; } private void method_48() { try { byte[] buffer_0 = new byte[] { 100 }; this.serialPort_0.Write(buffer_0, 0, 1); buffer_0 = null; } catch (Exception) { throw; } } private void method_49(Struct12 struct12_1) { if (this.method_34_GetConnected() && !this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { if (this.list_0 == null) this.list_0 = new List(); struct12_1.long_3 = FrameCounts; this.list_0.Add(struct12_1); } if (!this.method_25()) { return; } this.enum9_0 = (Enum9)0; this.enum10_0 = (Enum10)0; bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; flag = ((this.class18_0.method_198(struct12_1.byte_5) >= 0) && (struct12_1.byte_14_E16 >= 0)) && (this.class18_0.method_218((long)struct12_1.ushort_0_E6_7) >= 0); flag3 = flag; switch (this.enum9_0) { case Enum9.const_0: goto Label_01C5; } if (this.enum10_0 == Enum10.const_0) { flag3 = flag && flag2; } else if (flag2 || flag) { flag3 = true; } else { flag3 = false; } Label_01C5: this.bool_15 = flag3; if (!flag3) { this.dataloggingState_1 = this.method_3(); } if (flag3) { if (this.method_25() && (this.method_3() != DataloggingState.Recording)) { this.method_4(DataloggingState.Recording); this.method_StartRecord(); } } else if (this.method_50()) { this.method_StartRecord(); if (this.method_25() && this.method_54()) { string destFileName = (this.string_1 + @"\log_") + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy_HHmmss") + ".bml"; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(this.string_0); try { info.CopyTo(destFileName); byte[] byte_99_0 = this.class18_0.method_92(File.ReadAllBytes(destFileName)); File.WriteAllBytes(destFileName, byte_99_0); } catch (Exception) { } finally { info.Delete(); info = null; } this.method_4(this.method_3()); } } } public bool method_50() { return this.bool_2; } public void method_51(bool bool_18) { this.bool_2 = bool_18; if (bool_18) { this.method_4(DataloggingState.Recording); } } private void method_52(Struct12 struct12_1) { BinaryWriter writer; FileStream output = new FileStream(this.string_0, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); writer = new BinaryWriter(output); writer.BaseStream.Position = writer.BaseStream.Length; this.long_2 = ((int)((writer.BaseStream.Length - 0x7b) - 0x10L)) / (0x7b + 1); this.long_3 = struct12_1.long_3; int num = 0; int num2 = 6; int num3 = 0x7b; if (writer.BaseStream.Position == 0L) { writer.Write((byte) 0x42); writer.Write((byte) 0x4d); writer.Write((byte) 0x54); writer.Write((byte) 0x75); writer.Write((byte) 0x6e); writer.Write((byte) 0x65); writer.Write((byte) 0x2e); writer.Write((byte) 0x62); writer.Write((byte) 0x6d); writer.Write((byte) 0x6c); writer.Write((ushort) num2); writer.Write((byte) num3); writer.Write(num); } writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_0); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_1); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_2); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_3); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_4); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_5); writer.Write(struct12_1.ushort_0_E6_7); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_6_E8); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_7_E9); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_8_E10); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_9_E11); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_10_E12); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_11_E13); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_12_E14); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_13_E15); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_14_E16); writer.Write(struct12_1.ushort_1_E17_18); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_15_E19); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_16_E20); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_21_E21); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_22_E22); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_23_E23); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_24_E24); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_27_E25); writer.Write(struct12_1.long_3); writer.Write(struct12_1.long_4); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_28_E26); writer.Write((ushort)struct12_1.long_0_E27_28); writer.Write((ushort)struct12_1.long_1_E29_30); writer.Write((ushort)struct12_1.long_2_E31_32); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_29_E33); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_30_E34); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_31_E35); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_32_E36); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_33_E37); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_34_E38); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_35_E39); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_37_E40); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_38_E41); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_39_E42); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_36_E43); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_25_E44); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_26_E45); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_44_E46); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_45_E47); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_46_E48); writer.Write(struct12_1.ushort_2_E49_50); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_43); writer.Write((ushort)struct12_1.long_6); writer.Write((ushort)struct12_1.long_7); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_0); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_1); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_2); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_3); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_0); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_4); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_1); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_5); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_2); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_6); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_3); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_7); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_4); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_8); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_5); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_9); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_6); writer.Write(struct12_1.bool_10); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_7); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_8); writer.Write(struct12_1.float_9); writer.Write(struct12_1.byte_47); writer.Close(); writer = null; output.Close(); output.Dispose(); output = null; /*if (this.delegate53_0 != null) { this.delegate53_0(this.long_2, this.method_64()); }*/ } public void method_StartRecord() { if (this.method_50()) { this.timer_0.Stop(); if (this.backgroundWorker_1.IsBusy) { this.backgroundWorker_1.CancelAsync(); } while (this.backgroundWorker_1.IsBusy) { } this.method_51(false); this.queue_0.Clear(); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Connected); if ((this.class10_settings_0.bool_26 && !this.method_23()) && !this.method_25()) { this.method_67(this.string_0); } } else { if (this.method_54()) { string text = "Temporary datalog file found." + Environment.NewLine + "" + Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to save the file?"; if (MessageBox.Show(text, "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly, false) == DialogResult.Yes) { this.method_SaveDatalog(); } else { File.Delete(this.string_0); } } while ((this.queue_0.Count > 0) && this.backgroundWorker_1.IsBusy) { } this.queue_0.Clear(); this.stopwatch_0.Reset(); this.stopwatch_1.Reset(); this.long_1 = 0L; this.timer_0.Start(); this.method_51(true); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Recording); } } public bool method_54() { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(this.string_0); bool flag = false; if (info.Exists) { flag = true; } info = null; return flag; } public void method_SaveDatalog() { if (this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { this.method_75(); } FileInfo info = new FileInfo(this.string_0); if (info.Exists) { SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); /*if (Settings.Default.logFilePath != string.Empty) { if (Settings.Default.logFilePath == Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\") Settings.Default.logFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } else { Settings.Default.logFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } dialog.InitialDirectory = Settings.Default.logFilePath;*/ if (this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath != string.Empty) { if (this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath == Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\") this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } else { this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } dialog.InitialDirectory = this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath; dialog.Filter = "BMTune datalog|*.bml"; dialog.OverwritePrompt = true; dialog.AddExtension = true; dialog.DefaultExt = ".bml"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { FileInfo info2 = new FileInfo(dialog.FileName); //Settings.Default.logFilePath = info2.DirectoryName; this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath = info2.DirectoryName; string fileName = dialog.FileName; if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName); info.CopyTo(fileName); byte[] byte_99_0 = this.class18_0.method_92(File.ReadAllBytes(fileName)); File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, byte_99_0); info.Delete(); } dialog.Dispose(); dialog = null; } info = null; } public void method_56() { if (this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); /*if (Settings.Default.logFilePath != string.Empty) { if (Settings.Default.logFilePath == Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\") { Settings.Default.logFilePath = Application.StartupPath; } dialog.InitialDirectory = Settings.Default.logFilePath; }*/ if (this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath != string.Empty) { if (this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath == Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\") { this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } dialog.InitialDirectory = this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath; } dialog.CheckFileExists = false; dialog.AddExtension = true; dialog.Filter = "CVS export|*.csv"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { StreamWriter writer; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(dialog.FileName); //Settings.Default.logFilePath = info.DirectoryName; this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath = info.DirectoryName; string fileName = dialog.FileName; dialog.Dispose(); dialog = null; try { writer = new StreamWriter(fileName); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message, "BMTune", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); writer = null; return; } writer.WriteLine("BMTune Datalog export of " + this.method_62()); writer.WriteLine("BMTune file: " + this.class18_0.method_23()); writer.WriteLine("Total Frames: " + this.method_65().ToString()); writer.WriteLine("Duration :" + this.method_64()); writer.WriteLine(this.method_59()); foreach (Struct12 struct2 in this.list_0) { writer.WriteLine(this.method_60(struct2)); } writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); writer = null; } } } private string method_57(SensorsX sensors_0) { return this.class10_settings_0.method_13(sensors_0).ToString(); } private string method_58() { return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator.ToString(); } private string method_59() { return (this.method_57(SensorsX.frame) + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.duration) + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.rpmX) + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.vssX) + "(" + this.class10_settings_0.vssUnits_0.ToString() + ")" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.gearX) + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.mapX) + "(mBar)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.boostX) + "(psi)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.paX) + "(mBar)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.tpsX) + "(%)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.tpsV) + "(v)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.injDur) + "(ms)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.injDuty) + "(%)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.injFV) + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.ignTbl) + "(degrees)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.ignFnl) + "(degrees)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.ectX) + "(" + this.class10_settings_0.temperatureUnits_0.ToString() + ")" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.iatX) + "(" + this.class10_settings_0.temperatureUnits_0.ToString() + ")" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.afr) + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.ecuO2V) + "(v)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.batV) + "(v)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.eldV) + "(v)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(SensorsX.mapV) + "(v)" + this.method_58() + this.method_57(; } private void method_6(object sender, PowerModeChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Mode == PowerModes.Suspend) { this.LogThis("Supsend detected and logging is connected: " + this.method_34_GetConnected().ToString()); this.bool_0 = this.method_34_GetConnected(); if (this.method_34_GetConnected()) { this.method_36(); } this.timer_1.Stop(); this.method_20(); } else if (e.Mode == PowerModes.Resume) { this.bool_0 = false; } } private string method_60(Struct12 struct12_1) { string str2; string str = (((float) struct12_1.long_3) / 1000f).ToString(); if (this.class18_0.method_206(struct12_1.byte_4) >= this.class10_settings_0.int_6) { str2 = this.class18_0.method_245(this.class18_0.method_206(struct12_1.byte_4)).ToString(); } else { str2 = "0"; } int num = this.class18_0.method_218((long) struct12_1.ushort_0_E6_7); return string.Concat(new object[] { struct12_1.long_5, this.method_58(), str, this.method_58(), num.ToString(), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_197(struct12_1.byte_14_E16).ToString(), this.method_58(), struct12_1.byte_20.ToString(), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_206(struct12_1.byte_4).ToString(), this.method_58(), str2, this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_206(struct12_1.byte_3).ToString(), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_198(struct12_1.byte_5).ToString(), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_196(struct12_1.byte_5).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_224((int) this.class18_0.method_223(struct12_1.ushort_1_E17_18)).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_225((int) this.class18_0.method_223(struct12_1.ushort_1_E17_18), num, 0).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_223(struct12_1.ushort_1_E17_18).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_188(struct12_1.byte_16_E20).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_188(struct12_1.byte_15_E19).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_191(struct12_1.byte_0).ToString("0"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_191(struct12_1.byte_1).ToString("0"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_200(struct12_1.byte_43).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_196(struct12_1.byte_2).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_208(struct12_1.byte_27_E25).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_196(struct12_1.byte_24_E24).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.class18_0.method_196(struct12_1.byte_4).ToString("0.00"), this.method_58(), this.method_61(struct12_1.byte_19) }); } private string method_61(byte byte_1) { if (byte_1 == 0) { return "OFF"; } return "ON"; } public string method_62() { FileInfo info = new FileInfo(this.string_2); string name = info.Name; info = null; return name; } public bool method_63_HasLogsFileOpen() { return this.bool_6; } public string method_64() { if (this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen() || this.method_50()) { string str = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)this.long_3).ToString(); //string str = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double) 0).ToString(); return str.Remove(str.Length - 4, 4); } return ""; } public long method_65() { if (this.method_34_GetConnected() && !this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { this.long_2 = this.FrameCounts; //this.long_2 = ((((this.FrameCounts * 51) + 0x7b) + 0x10L)) * (0x7b + 1); //this.long_2 = ((int)((writer.BaseStream.Length - 0x7b) - 0x10L)) / (0x7b + 1); return this.long_2; } //if (!this.method_63() && !this.method_34()) if (!this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("log not open or not logging"); //throw new Exception("log not open or not logging"); } if (this.long_2 == 0L) { this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("log file open and frame max is 0"); //throw new Exception("log file open and frame max is 0"); } return this.long_2; } public void method_OpenLog() { if (this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy) { this.backgroundWorker_0.CancelAsync(); } while (this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); if (this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath == string.Empty) this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); if (this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath.Contains(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData))) this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); dialog.InitialDirectory = this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath; dialog.Filter = "BMTune datalog|*.bml|eCtune datalog|*.elf|HTS datalog|*.log;*.rlog|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dialog.DefaultExt = ".bml"; dialog.CheckFileExists = true; dialog.CheckPathExists = true; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (this.method_3() == DataloggingState.PlayingF) { this.method_71(); this.method_75(); GC.Collect(3, GCCollectionMode.Forced); } //Open bmtune datalog files string path = ""; if (dialog.FilterIndex == 1) { path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\" + Path.GetFileName(dialog.FileName); byte[] byte_99_0 = this.class18_0.method_93(File.ReadAllBytes(dialog.FileName)); File.WriteAllBytes(path, byte_99_0); } //Open eCtune datalog files if (dialog.FilterIndex == 2) { path = dialog.FileName; } if (dialog.FilterIndex == 3 || dialog.FilterIndex == 4) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(dialog.FileName); if (extension == ".bml") { path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\BMTune\" + Path.GetFileName(dialog.FileName); byte[] byte_99_0 = this.class18_0.method_93(File.ReadAllBytes(dialog.FileName)); File.WriteAllBytes(path, byte_99_0); } if (extension == ".elf") { path = dialog.FileName; } if (extension == ".rlog") { string str = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\BMTune\\"; if (File.Exists(str + "PROG")) File.Delete(str + "PROG"); if (File.Exists(str + "DL")) File.Delete(str + "DL"); if (File.Exists(str + "SET")) File.Delete(str + "SET"); if (File.Exists(str + "OLDSET")) File.Delete(str + "OLDSET"); //File.Create(str + "OLDSET").Dispose(); //this.class10_settings_0.method_3(); //File.WriteAllBytes(str + "OLDSET", File.ReadAllBytes(this.class10_settings_0.path)); if (File.Exists(dialog.FileName)) { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(dialog.FileName, FileMode.Open)) { using (ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive(fileStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry in zipArchive.Entries) { using (Stream stream = zipArchiveEntry.Open()) { using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { using (FileStream fileStream2 = new FileStream(str + zipArchiveEntry.Name.ToString(), FileMode.CreateNew)) { using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileStream2)) { binaryWriter.Write(binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)zipArchiveEntry.Length)); } } } } } } } } //this.class10_settings_0.LoadSettings(str + "SET"); //this.class10_settings_0.method_2(); //this.class18_0.method_195(str + "PROG"); //dialog.FileName = str + "DL"; } //final HTS datalog loading if (extension == ".rlog" || extension == ".log") { string text = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\BMTune\\" + Path.GetFileName(dialog.FileName); byte[] bytes = this.class18_0.method_246_HTSCrypter(File.ReadAllBytes(dialog.FileName)); File.WriteAllBytes(text, bytes); path = text; } } this.class10_settings_0.logFilePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(dialog.FileName); this.string_2 = path; this.method_67(path); if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_7) this.method_70(); if (File.Exists(path)) File.Delete(path); } dialog.Dispose(); dialog = null; } public void method_67(string string_3) { if (!this.bool_17) { if (this.method_63_HasLogsFileOpen()) { this.method_75(); } this.string_2 = string_3; this.bool_17 = true; //set loading this.method_4(DataloggingState.Loading); this.thread_2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.method_68)); this.thread_2.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; this.thread_2.Start(); while (this.thread_2.IsAlive) { Application.DoEvents(); } this.bool_6 = true; this.long_1 = 0L; if (this.delegate53_0 != null) { this.delegate53_0(this.long_2, this.method_64()); } this.struct12_0 = this.method_76(0L); this.method_39(); this.bool_17 = false; //set loading if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_7) { this.method_70(); //play log on open } } } public void method_68() { this.list_1.Clear(); int num = 0x3a; string str = null; this.int_1 = 0; bool flag = false; if (this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy) { this.backgroundWorker_0.CancelAsync(); } while (this.backgroundWorker_0.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } this.fileStream_0 = new FileStream(this.string_2, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); try { if (this.fileStream_0 != null) { this.fileStream_0.Dispose(); this.fileStream_0 = null; } this.fileStream_0 = new FileStream(this.string_2, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); if (this.binaryReader_0 != null) { this.binaryReader_0.Close(); this.binaryReader_0 = null; } this.binaryReader_0 = new BinaryReader(this.fileStream_0); try { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { str = str + this.binaryReader_0.ReadChar().ToString(); } } catch (Exception) { } if (str == "BMTune.bml" || str == "eCtune.dlf" || str == "DATALOGGER") { flag = true; this.binaryReader_0.BaseStream.Position = 10L; this.int_1 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); num = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); this.binaryReader_0.ReadInt32(); /* int num2 = 6; int num3 = 0x7b; int num = 0; */ } if (flag) this.long_2 = ((int) ((this.binaryReader_0.BaseStream.Length - num) - 0x10L)) / (num + 1); else this.long_2 = (((int) this.binaryReader_0.BaseStream.Length) - num) / (num + 1); if (this.list_0 != null) this.list_0 = null; int num3 = 0; this.list_0 = new List(); Struct12 item = new Struct12(); bool FileLoadingError = false; for (int i = 0; i <= this.long_2; i++) { try { if (flag) { this.binaryReader_0.BaseStream.Position = 0x11 + (i * (num + 1)); } else { this.binaryReader_0.BaseStream.Position = i * (num + 1); } item.long_5 = i; item.byte_0 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_1 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_2 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_3 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_4 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_5 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.ushort_0_E6_7 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); item.byte_6_E8 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_7_E9 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_8_E10 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_9_E11 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_10_E12 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_11_E13 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_12_E14 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_13_E15 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_14_E16 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.ushort_1_E17_18 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); item.byte_15_E19 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_16_E20 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_20 = this.class18_0.method_215(item.byte_14_E16, (long) item.ushort_0_E6_7); item.byte_21_E21 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_22_E22 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_23_E23 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_24_E24 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_27_E25 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.long_3 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadInt64() - this.long_4; item.long_4 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadInt64(); item.byte_28_E26 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.long_0_E27_28 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); item.long_1_E29_30 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); item.long_2_E31_32 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); item.byte_29_E33 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_30_E34 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_31_E35 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_32_E36 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_33_E37 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_34_E38 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_35_E39 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_37_E40 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_38_E41 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_39_E42 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_40 = item.byte_24_E24; if (this.int_1 > 1) { item.byte_36_E43 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_25_E44 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_26_E45 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_44_E46 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_45_E47 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.byte_46_E48 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); item.ushort_2_E49_50 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); } item.byte_41 = item.byte_25_E44; item.byte_42 = item.byte_26_E45; if (this.int_1 > 2) { item.byte_43 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); } else { switch (this.class10_settings_0.wbinput_0) { case WBinput.o2Input: item.byte_43 = item.byte_2; goto Label_061C; case WBinput.eldInput: item.byte_43 = item.byte_24_E24; goto Label_061C; case WBinput.egrInput: item.byte_43 = item.byte_25_E44; goto Label_061C; case WBinput.b6Input: item.byte_43 = item.byte_26_E45; goto Label_061C; } this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.LogThis("wideband input error in selection"); item.byte_43 = item.byte_2; goto Label_061C; //throw new Exception("wideband input error in selection"); } Label_061C: if (this.int_1 > 3) { item.long_6 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); item.long_7 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadUInt16(); } if (this.int_1 <= 4) { float num5 = 0f; item.bool_0 = this.class10_settings_0.bool_36 && !this.method_88(AnalogInputs.analog1); item.bool_1 = this.class10_settings_0.bool_38 && !this.method_88(AnalogInputs.analog2); item.bool_2 = this.class10_settings_0.bool_40 && !this.method_88(AnalogInputs.analog3); item.bool_3 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_cht1); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_cht1)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 1) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, item.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 2) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, item.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 3) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, item.byte_42); } } item.float_0 = num5; item.bool_4 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_cht2); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_cht2)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 1) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, item.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 2) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, item.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 3) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, item.byte_42); } } this.struct12_0.float_1 = num5; item.bool_5 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_cht3); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_cht3)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 1) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, item.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 2) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, item.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 3) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, item.byte_42); } } item.float_2 = num5; item.bool_6 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_cht4); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_cht4)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 1) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, item.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 2) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, item.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 3) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, item.byte_42); } } item.float_3 = num5; item.bool_7 = this.method_86(SensorsX.egt_chtAvg); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.egt_chtAvg)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 1) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, item.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 2) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, item.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 3) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, item.byte_42); } } item.float_4 = num5; item.bool_8 = this.method_86(SensorsX.backPres); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.backPres)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 1) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, item.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 2) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, item.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 3) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, item.byte_42); } } item.float_5 = num5; item.bool_9 = this.method_86(SensorsX.fuelPres); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.fuelPres)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 1) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, item.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 2) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, item.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 3) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, item.byte_42); } } item.float_6 = num5; item.bool_10 = this.method_86(SensorsX.iat2); if (this.method_87(SensorsX.iat2)) { if (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 1) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, item.byte_40); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 2) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, item.byte_41); } else if (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 3) { num5 = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, item.byte_42); } } item.float_7 = num5; } if (this.int_1 >= 6) { item.byte_47 = this.binaryReader_0.ReadByte(); } num3++; this.list_0.Add(item); this.struct23_0.bool_0 = this.class18_0.method_258(item.byte_6_E8, 3); this.struct23_0.bool_1 = this.class18_0.method_258(item.byte_35_E39, 5); if (item.byte_9_E11 > (this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber() - 1)) { item.byte_9_E11 = (byte) (this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber() - 1); } if (this.struct23_0.bool_0) { this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0 = item.byte_8_E10; this.struct23_0.float_0 = ((float) item.byte_45_E47) / 255f; } else { this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0 = item.byte_7_E9; this.struct23_0.float_0 = ((float) item.byte_44_E46) / 255f; } this.struct23_0.float_1 = ((float) item.byte_46_E48) / 255f; this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_1 = item.byte_9_E11; this.struct23_0.struct24_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0; if (this.struct23_0.float_0 >= 0.5) this.struct23_0.struct24_1.int_0++; if (this.struct23_0.float_1 >= 0.5) this.struct23_0.struct24_1.int_1++; item.struct24_0 = this.struct23_0.struct24_1; this.struct23_0.struct24_2 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0; this.struct23_0.method_0(this.struct23_0.struct24_0, ref this.class10_settings_0); this.struct23_0.byte_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_43; bool flag2 = this.class18_0.method_258(item.byte_6_E8, 4) || this.class18_0.method_258(item.byte_6_E8, 5); this.struct17_0.bool_0 = this.struct23_0.bool_0; this.struct17_0.bool_1 = this.struct23_0.bool_1; if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_48) { this.struct17_0.bool_2 = flag2; } else { this.struct17_0.bool_2 = false; } this.struct17_0.struct24_0.int_0 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0; this.struct17_0.struct24_0.int_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_1; this.struct17_0.float_0 = this.struct23_0.float_0; this.struct17_0.float_1 = this.struct23_0.float_1; this.struct17_0.struct24_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_1; this.struct17_0.method_1(this.struct17_0.struct24_0, ref this.class18_0); this.struct17_0.byte_0 = item.byte_43; this.struct17_0.long_1 = item.ushort_0_E6_7; this.struct17_0.byte_2 = item.byte_4; this.struct17_0.byte_1 = item.byte_5; this.struct17_0.byte_3 = item.byte_0; this.struct17_0.byte_4 = item.byte_1; this.struct17_0.byte_5 = item.byte_20; this.struct17_0.long_0 = item.long_3; if (num3 == (this.class10_settings_0.int_25 + 1)) { num3 = 0; if (this.delegate48_0 != null) { this.delegate48_0(item); } if (this.delegate47_0 != null) { this.delegate47_0(this.struct17_0); } if (this.delegate50_0 != null) { this.delegate50_0(item); } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, exception.Message); i = (int) this.long_2; FileLoadingError = true; } } if (!FileLoadingError) { this.long_3 = this.method_76(this.long_2).long_3; this.struct12_0 = this.method_76(0L); this.method_39(); } } catch (Exception exception2) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Error getting maxframe from log :" + exception2.ToString()); } if (this.binaryReader_0 != null) { this.binaryReader_0.Close(); this.binaryReader_0 = null; } if (this.fileStream_0 != null) { this.fileStream_0.Close(); this.fileStream_0.Dispose(); this.fileStream_0 = null; } /*if (this.int_1 > 1) //load markers { this.method_83(this.string_2); }*/ //REMOVE LOADING FILESTREAM HERE if (File.Exists(this.string_2)) File.Delete(this.string_2); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Disconnected); } public void method_69(long long_5) { this.struct12_0 = this.method_76(long_5); this.long_1 = long_5; if (this.class18_0.method_30_HasFileLoadedInBMTune()) { this.method_40_SendBytes_Delegate(); } } public byte method_7() { byte num = 0; if (!FakeDatalog) { //if (this.method_12(1)) num = (byte)this.serialPort_0.ReadByte(); //num = (byte)this.serialPort_0.ReadByte(); try { num = (byte)this.serialPort_0.ReadByte(); //here for datalog disconnected issue with bluetooth } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } } return num; } //Datalog Play Button Clic public void method_70() { if ((this.thread_0 == null) || (this.thread_0.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped)) { this.thread_0 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.method_81)); this.thread_0.Name = "Log Player"; this.thread_0.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; this.thread_0.Start(); } if (this.thread_0.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Suspended) { this.thread_0.Resume(); } this.bool_8 = false; this.method_4(DataloggingState.PlayingF); GC.Collect(3, GCCollectionMode.Optimized); } public void method_71() { this.long_1 = 0L; this.int_2 = 0; this.struct12_0 = this.method_76(0L); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Stop); this.bool_8 = false; if (this.class18_0.method_30_HasFileLoadedInBMTune()) { this.method_39(); } if (this.thread_0 != null) { if (this.thread_0.IsAlive) { if (this.thread_0.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Suspended) { this.thread_0.Resume(); } this.thread_0.Abort(); this.thread_0 = null; } this.thread_0 = null; } GC.Collect(3, GCCollectionMode.Forced); } public void method_72() { if ((this.thread_0 != null) && this.thread_0.IsAlive) { this.thread_0.Suspend(); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Pause); } GC.Collect(3, GCCollectionMode.Forced); } public void method_73() { this.bool_7 = !this.bool_7; } public bool method_73_0() { return this.bool_7; } public void method_73_1() { this.bool_71 = !this.bool_71; this.bool_7 = false; this.bool_72 = false; } public void method_73_2() { this.bool_7 = false; this.bool_71 = false; this.bool_72 = !this.bool_72; } public void method_74() { if (this.long_1 != 0L) { this.bool_8 = !this.bool_8; if (this.thread_0 == null) { this.thread_0 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.method_81)); this.thread_0.Name = "Log Player"; this.thread_0.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; this.thread_0.Start(); } if (this.thread_0.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Suspended) { this.thread_0.Resume(); } this.method_4(DataloggingState.PlayingR); } } public void method_75() { string str = this.string_2; if ((this.thread_0 != null) && this.thread_0.IsAlive) { this.method_71(); } this.string_2 = null; if (this.binaryReader_0 != null) { this.binaryReader_0.Close(); this.binaryReader_0 = null; } if (this.fileStream_0 != null) { this.fileStream_0.Close(); this.fileStream_0.Dispose(); this.fileStream_0 = null; } /*if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) //save markers { this.method_82(str); }*/ //REMOVE LOADING FILESTREAM HERE if (File.Exists(this.string_2)) File.Delete(this.string_2); this.list_1.Clear(); if (this.list_0 != null) this.list_0 = null; this.bool_6 = false; if (this.delegate53_0 != null) { this.delegate53_0(0L, string.Empty); } this.method_4(DataloggingState.Disconnected); this.long_4 = 0L; this.long_3 = 0L; this.long_2 = 0L; this.int_1 = 0; this.FrameCounts = 0L; GC.Collect(1, GCCollectionMode.Forced); } private Struct12 method_76(long long_5) { if ((this.list_0 == null) || (long_5 > this.long_2)) { return new Struct12(); } if (long_5 > this.long_2) { long_5 = this.long_2; } this.struct12_0 = this.list_0[(int) long_5]; if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_23 && (this.class18_0.GetByteAt(this.class18_0.class13_u_0.long_50) == 0)) { if (this.struct12_0.byte_3 != 0) { int num = (int) Math.Round((double) ((((this.struct12_0.byte_3 / 2) + 0x18) * 7.221) - 59.0), 0); if (this.class10_settings_0.int_6 != num) { this.class10_settings_0.int_6 = num; } } else { this.class10_settings_0.int_6 = 0x3f2; } } this.struct23_0.bool_0 = this.class18_0.method_258(this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8, 3); this.struct23_0.bool_1 = this.class18_0.method_258(this.struct12_0.byte_35_E39, 5); if (this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 > (this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber() - 1)) { this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11 = (byte) (this.class10_settings_0.method_11_GetMAP_ColumnsNumber() - 1); } if (this.struct23_0.bool_0) { this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_8_E10; this.struct23_0.float_0 = ((float) this.struct12_0.byte_45_E47) / 255f; } else { this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_7_E9; this.struct23_0.float_0 = ((float) this.struct12_0.byte_44_E46) / 255f; } this.struct23_0.float_1 = ((float) this.struct12_0.byte_46_E48) / 255f; this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_1 = this.struct12_0.byte_9_E11; this.struct23_0.struct24_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0; if (this.struct23_0.float_0 >= 0.5) { this.struct23_0.struct24_1.int_0++; } if (this.struct23_0.float_1 >= 0.5) { this.struct23_0.struct24_1.int_1++; } this.struct12_0.struct24_0 = this.struct23_0.struct24_1; this.struct23_0.struct24_2 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0; this.struct23_0.method_0(this.struct23_0.struct24_0, ref this.class10_settings_0); this.struct23_0.byte_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_43; bool flag = this.class18_0.method_258(this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8, 4) || this.class18_0.method_258(this.struct12_0.byte_6_E8, 5); this.struct17_0.bool_0 = this.struct23_0.bool_0; this.struct12_0.bool_11 = this.struct23_0.bool_0; this.struct17_0.bool_1 = this.struct23_0.bool_1; if (this.class10_settings_0.bool_48) { this.struct17_0.bool_2 = flag; } else { this.struct17_0.bool_2 = false; } this.struct12_0.bool_12 = this.struct23_0.bool_1; this.struct17_0.struct24_0.int_0 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_0; this.struct17_0.struct24_0.int_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_0.int_1; this.struct17_0.float_0 = this.struct23_0.float_0; this.struct17_0.float_1 = this.struct23_0.float_1; this.struct17_0.method_1(this.struct17_0.struct24_0, ref this.class18_0); this.struct17_0.struct24_1 = this.struct23_0.struct24_1; this.struct17_0.byte_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_43; this.struct17_0.long_1 = this.struct12_0.ushort_0_E6_7; this.struct17_0.byte_2 = this.struct12_0.byte_4; this.struct17_0.byte_1 = this.struct12_0.byte_5; this.struct17_0.byte_3 = this.struct12_0.byte_0; this.struct17_0.byte_4 = this.struct12_0.byte_1; this.struct17_0.byte_5 = this.struct12_0.byte_20; this.struct17_0.long_0 = this.struct12_0.long_3; if (this.delegate47_0 != null) { this.delegate47_0(this.struct17_0); } if (this.delegate50_0 != null) { this.delegate50_0(this.struct12_0); } this.struct20_0.byte_0 = this.struct12_0.byte_10_E12; this.struct20_0.byte_1 = this.struct12_0.byte_11_E13; this.struct20_0.byte_2 = this.struct12_0.byte_12_E14; this.struct20_0.byte_3 = this.struct12_0.byte_13_E15; if (((this.struct20_0.byte_0 != 0) || (this.struct20_0.byte_1 != 0)) || ((this.struct20_0.byte_2 != 0) || (this.struct20_0.byte_3 != 0))) { this.struct12_0.byte_19 = 1; } else { this.struct12_0.byte_19 = 0; } return this.struct12_0; } public float method_77(SensorsX sensors_0, int int_3) { float num = 0f; if (int_3 < 0 || int_3 > this.list_0.Count - 1) { return num; } switch (sensors_0) { case SensorsX.rpmX: return (float) this.class18_0.method_218((long) this.list_0[int_3].ushort_0_E6_7); case SensorsX.vssX: return (float) this.class18_0.method_197(this.list_0[int_3].byte_14_E16); case SensorsX.gearX: return (float) this.list_0[int_3].byte_20; case SensorsX.mapX: return (float) this.class18_0.method_206(this.list_0[int_3].byte_4); case SensorsX.boostX: if (this.class18_0.method_206(this.list_0[int_3].byte_4) <= this.class10_settings_0.int_6) { return 0f; } return this.class18_0.method_193(this.list_0[int_3].byte_4); case SensorsX.paX: return (float) ((int) Math.Round((double) ((((this.list_0[int_3].byte_3 / 2) + 0x18) * 7.221) - 59.0), 0)); case SensorsX.tpsX: return (float) this.class18_0.method_198(this.list_0[int_3].byte_5); case SensorsX.tpsV: return (float) this.class18_0.method_196(this.list_0[int_3].byte_5); case SensorsX.injDur: return (float) Math.Round((double) this.class18_0.method_224(this.list_0[int_3].ushort_1_E17_18), 2); case SensorsX.injDuty: return (float) Math.Round((double) this.class18_0.method_225(this.list_0[int_3].ushort_1_E17_18, this.class18_0.method_218((long) this.list_0[int_3].ushort_0_E6_7), 0), 0); case SensorsX.injFV: return (float) this.class18_0.method_223(this.list_0[int_3].ushort_1_E17_18); case SensorsX.ignFnl: return this.class18_0.method_188(this.list_0[int_3].byte_15_E19); case SensorsX.ignTbl: return this.class18_0.method_188(this.list_0[int_3].byte_16_E20); case SensorsX.ectX: return (float) this.class18_0.method_191(this.list_0[int_3].byte_0); case SensorsX.iatX: return (float) this.class18_0.method_191(this.list_0[int_3].byte_1); case SensorsX.afr: return (float) this.class18_0.method_200(this.list_0[int_3].byte_43); case SensorsX.ecuO2V: return (float) this.class18_0.method_196(this.list_0[int_3].byte_2); case SensorsX.wbO2V: return (float) this.class18_0.method_200(this.list_0[int_3].byte_43); case SensorsX.batV: return (float) this.class18_0.method_208(this.list_0[int_3].byte_27_E25); case SensorsX.eldV: return (float) this.class18_0.method_196(this.list_0[int_3].byte_24_E24); case SensorsX.knockV: case case SensorsX.frame: case SensorsX.interval: case SensorsX.loadType: case SensorsX.overheatActive: case SensorsX.test0: return num; case SensorsX.mapV: return (float) this.class18_0.method_196(this.list_0[int_3].byte_4); case SensorsX.duration: //if (this.method_34() && !this.method_63()) this.long_2 = this.FrameCounts; return (float) this.list_0[int_3].long_3; case SensorsX.ectFc: return (float) this.class18_0.method_205(this.list_0[int_3].byte_28_E26, Enum6.const_1); case SensorsX.iatFc: return (float) this.class18_0.method_203(this.list_0[int_3].long_2_E31_32, Enum6.const_0); case SensorsX.o2Short: return (float) this.class18_0.method_203(this.list_0[int_3].long_0_E27_28, Enum6.const_0); case SensorsX.o2Long: return (float) this.class18_0.method_203(this.list_0[int_3].long_1_E29_30, Enum6.const_0); case SensorsX.veFc: return (float) this.class18_0.method_205(this.list_0[int_3].byte_29_E33, Enum6.const_1); case SensorsX.ectIc: return this.class18_0.method_189(this.list_0[int_3].byte_31_E35); case SensorsX.iatIc: return this.class18_0.method_189(this.list_0[int_3].byte_30_E34); case SensorsX.gearIc: return this.class18_0.method_189(this.list_0[int_3].byte_32_E36); case SensorsX.gearFc: return (float) this.list_0[int_3].byte_29_E33; case SensorsX.postFuel: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_6_E8, 0, false); case SensorsX.outIab: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_22_E22, 2, false); case SensorsX.outVtsX: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_23_E23, 7, false); case SensorsX.outVtsM: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_6_E8, 3, false); case SensorsX.outAc: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_22_E22, 7, false); case SensorsX.outO2h: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_23_E23, 6, false); case SensorsX.outMil: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_23_E23, 5, false); case SensorsX.outPurge: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_22_E22, 6, false); case SensorsX.outFanc: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_22_E22, 4, false); case SensorsX.outFpump: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_22_E22, 0, false); case SensorsX.outFuelCut: if (!this.class18_0.method_258(this.list_0[int_3].byte_6_E8, 4) && !this.class18_0.method_258(this.list_0[int_3].byte_6_E8, 5)) { return 0f; } return 1f; case SensorsX.outAltCtrl: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_22_E22, 5, false); case SensorsX.inPsp: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_21_E21, 7, false); case SensorsX.inSCC: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_21_E21, 5, false); case SensorsX.inAccs: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_21_E21, 2, false); case SensorsX.inBksw: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_21_E21, 1, false); case SensorsX.inVtp: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_21_E21, 3, false); case SensorsX.inVtsFeedBack: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_21_E21, 6, false); case SensorsX.inParkN: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_21_E21, 0, false); case SensorsX.inStartS: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_21_E21, 4, false); case SensorsX.inAtShift1: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_6_E8, 6, false); case SensorsX.inAtShift2: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_6_E8, 7, false); case SensorsX.secMaps: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_35_E39, 5, false); case SensorsX.ftlInput: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_34_E38, 0, false); case SensorsX.ftlActive: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_35_E39, 0, false); case SensorsX.ftsClutchInput: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_34_E38, 1, false); case SensorsX.ftsActive: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_35_E39, 2, false); case SensorsX.boostcutActive: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_35_E39, 3, false); case SensorsX.antilagActive: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_35_E39, 1, false); case SensorsX.ignitionCut: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_6_E8, 2, false); case SensorsX.sccChecker: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_6_E8, 1, false); case SensorsX.ebcInput: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_34_E38, 2, false); case SensorsX.ebcHiInput: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_34_E38, 3, false); case SensorsX.ebcActive: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_35_E39, 4, false); case SensorsX.ebcBaseDuty: return (float) this.class18_0.method_207(this.list_0[int_3].byte_37_E40); case SensorsX.ebcDutyX: return (float) this.class18_0.method_207(this.list_0[int_3].byte_38_E41); case SensorsX.ebcTarget: return (float) this.class18_0.method_206(this.list_0[int_3].byte_39_E42); case SensorsX.ebcCurrent: return (float) this.class18_0.method_206(this.list_0[int_3].byte_4); case SensorsX.gpo1_in: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_34_E38, 4, false); case SensorsX.gpo1_out: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_36_E43, 0, false); case SensorsX.gpo2_in: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_34_E38, 5, false); case SensorsX.gpo2_out: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_36_E43, 1, false); case SensorsX.gpo3_in: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_34_E38, 6, false); case SensorsX.gpo3_out: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_36_E43, 2, false); case SensorsX.fanCtrl: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_35_E39, 6, false); case SensorsX.bstStage2: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_36_E43, 3, false); case SensorsX.bstStage3: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_36_E43, 4, false); case SensorsX.bstStage4: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_36_E43, 5, false); case SensorsX.bstActive: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_35_E39, 7, false); case SensorsX.bstInput: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_34_E38, 7, false); case SensorsX.analog1: return this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, this.list_0[int_3].byte_40); case SensorsX.analog2: return this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, this.list_0[int_3].byte_41); case SensorsX.analog3: return this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, this.list_0[int_3].byte_42); case SensorsX.iacvDuty: { float num3 = ((float) this.list_0[int_3].ushort_2_E49_50) / 32768f; return ((num3 * 100f) - 100f); } case SensorsX.leanProtection: return (float) this.class18_0.method_260(this.list_0[int_3].byte_36_E43, 7, false); case SensorsX.deltaRpm1: return (float) this.list_0[int_3].long_6; case SensorsX.deltaVss: return (float) this.list_0[int_3].byte_47; case SensorsX.deltaRpm2: return (float) this.list_0[int_3].long_7; } return num; } public string method_79(SensorsX sensors_0, int int_3) { float num = 0f; if (sensors_0 == SensorsX.mapX) { num = this.class18_0.method_193(this.list_0[int_3].byte_4); } else { num = this.method_77(sensors_0, int_3); } return num.ToString(); } public float[] method_80(SensorsX sensors_0) { float[] numArray = new float[] { -1f, 2f }; switch (sensors_0) { case SensorsX.rpmX: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 10000f; return numArray; case SensorsX.vssX: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 255f; return numArray; case SensorsX.gearX: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 6f; return numArray; case SensorsX.mapX: numArray[0] = this.class18_0.method_206(0); numArray[1] = this.class18_0.method_206(0xff); return numArray; case SensorsX.boostX: numArray[0] = this.class18_0.method_245(950); numArray[1] = this.class18_0.method_245(this.class18_0.method_206(0xff)); return numArray; case SensorsX.paX: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 1100f; return numArray; case SensorsX.tpsX: numArray[0] = -5f; numArray[1] = 115f; return numArray; case SensorsX.tpsV: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 5f; return numArray; case SensorsX.injDur: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 20f; return numArray; case SensorsX.injDuty: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 130f; return numArray; case SensorsX.injFV: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 2000f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ignFnl: numArray[0] = -6f; numArray[1] = 60f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ignTbl: numArray[0] = -6f; numArray[1] = 60f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ectX: numArray[0] = (float) this.class18_0.method_191(0xff); numArray[1] = (float) this.class18_0.method_191(0); return numArray; case SensorsX.iatX: numArray[0] = (float) this.class18_0.method_191(0xff); numArray[1] = (float) this.class18_0.method_191(0); return numArray; case SensorsX.afr: numArray[0] = (float) this.class18_0.method_200(0); numArray[1] = (float) this.class18_0.method_200(0xff); return numArray; case SensorsX.ecuO2V: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 5f; return numArray; case SensorsX.wbO2V: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 5f; return numArray; case SensorsX.batV: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 15f; return numArray; case SensorsX.eldV: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 5f; return numArray; case SensorsX.knockV: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 5f; return numArray; case SensorsX.mapV: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 5f; return numArray; case case SensorsX.frame: case SensorsX.duration: case SensorsX.interval: case SensorsX.loadType: case SensorsX.overheatActive: case SensorsX.test0: return numArray; case SensorsX.ectFc: if (this.class10_settings_0.correctionUnits_0 != CorrectionUnits.multi) { numArray[0] = -100f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; } numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.iatFc: if (this.class10_settings_0.correctionUnits_0 != CorrectionUnits.multi) { numArray[0] = -100f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; } numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.o2Short: if (this.class10_settings_0.correctionUnits_0 != CorrectionUnits.multi) { numArray[0] = -100f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; } numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.o2Long: if (this.class10_settings_0.correctionUnits_0 != CorrectionUnits.multi) { numArray[0] = -100f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; } numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.veFc: if (this.class10_settings_0.correctionUnits_0 != CorrectionUnits.multi) { numArray[0] = -100f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; } numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ectIc: numArray[0] = -30f; numArray[1] = 30f; return numArray; case SensorsX.iatIc: numArray[0] = -30f; numArray[1] = 30f; return numArray; case SensorsX.gearIc: numArray[0] = -30f; numArray[1] = 30f; return numArray; case SensorsX.gearFc: if (this.class10_settings_0.correctionUnits_0 != CorrectionUnits.multi) { numArray[0] = -100f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; } numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.postFuel: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outIab: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outVtsX: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outVtsM: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outAc: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outO2h: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outMil: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outPurge: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outFanc: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outFpump: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outFuelCut: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.outAltCtrl: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inPsp: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inSCC: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inAccs: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inBksw: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inVtp: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inVtsFeedBack: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inParkN: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inStartS: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inAtShift1: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.inAtShift2: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.secMaps: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ftlInput: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ftlActive: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ftsClutchInput: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ftsActive: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.boostcutActive: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.antilagActive: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ignitionCut: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.sccChecker: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ebcInput: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ebcHiInput: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ebcActive: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ebcBaseDuty: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ebcDutyX: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; case SensorsX.ebcTarget: numArray[0] = this.class18_0.method_206(0); numArray[1] = this.class18_0.method_206(0xff); return numArray; case SensorsX.ebcCurrent: numArray[0] = this.class18_0.method_206(0); numArray[1] = this.class18_0.method_206(0xff); return numArray; case SensorsX.gpo1_in: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.gpo1_out: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.gpo2_in: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.gpo2_out: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.gpo3_in: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.gpo3_out: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.fanCtrl: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.bstStage2: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.bstStage3: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.bstStage4: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.bstActive: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.bstInput: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.analog1: numArray[0] = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, 0); numArray[1] = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog1, 0xff); return numArray; case SensorsX.analog2: numArray[0] = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, 0); numArray[1] = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog2, 0xff); return numArray; case SensorsX.analog3: numArray[0] = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, 0); numArray[1] = this.class18_0.method_201(AnalogInputs.analog3, 0xff); return numArray; case SensorsX.iacvDuty: numArray[0] = -100f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; case SensorsX.leanProtection: numArray[0] = -1f; numArray[1] = 2f; return numArray; case SensorsX.deltaRpm1: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 50f; return numArray; case SensorsX.deltaVss: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 40f; return numArray; case SensorsX.deltaRpm2: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 50f; return numArray; case SensorsX.egt_cht1: numArray[0] = 500f; numArray[1] = 2000f; return numArray; case SensorsX.egt_cht2: numArray[0] = 500f; numArray[1] = 2000f; return numArray; case SensorsX.egt_cht3: numArray[0] = 500f; numArray[1] = 2000f; return numArray; case SensorsX.egt_cht4: numArray[0] = 500f; numArray[1] = 2000f; return numArray; case SensorsX.egt_chtAvg: numArray[0] = 500f; numArray[1] = 2000f; return numArray; case SensorsX.backPres: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 45f; return numArray; case SensorsX.fuelPres: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 150f; return numArray; case SensorsX.iat2: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 255f; return numArray; case SensorsX.accelTime: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; case SensorsX.fuelUsage: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; case SensorsX.egrV: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 5f; return numArray; case SensorsX.b6V: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 5f; return numArray; case SensorsX.flexFuel: numArray[0] = 0f; numArray[1] = 100f; return numArray; } return numArray; } public void method_81() { Label_0005: if (this.bool_8) { this.long_1 -= 1L; } else { this.long_1 += 1L; } if ((this.long_1 != this.method_65()) && (this.long_1 != 0L)) { this.struct12_0 = this.method_76(this.long_1); this.int_2++; if (this.int_2 >= (this.class10_settings_0.int_25 + 1)) { this.int_2 = 0; this.method_40_SendBytes_Delegate(); } if (this.bool_7) { this.stopwatch_2.Reset(); this.stopwatch_2.Start(); while (this.stopwatch_2.ElapsedMilliseconds < (this.struct12_0.long_4 / 2L)) { Application.DoEvents(); } this.stopwatch_2.Reset(); } else if (this.bool_71) { this.stopwatch_2.Reset(); this.stopwatch_2.Start(); while (true) { if (this.stopwatch_2.ElapsedMilliseconds >= (this.struct12_0.long_4 * 2L)) { this.stopwatch_2.Reset(); break; } Application.DoEvents(); } } else if (this.bool_72) { this.stopwatch_2.Reset(); this.stopwatch_2.Start(); while (true) { if (this.stopwatch_2.ElapsedMilliseconds >= (this.struct12_0.long_4 * 6L)) { this.stopwatch_2.Reset(); break; } Application.DoEvents(); } } else { this.stopwatch_2.Reset(); this.stopwatch_2.Start(); while (this.stopwatch_2.ElapsedMilliseconds < this.struct12_0.long_4) { Application.DoEvents(); } this.stopwatch_2.Reset(); } goto Label_0005; } this.method_71(); } /*private void method_82(string string_3) { if (this.int_1 >= 1) { try { FileStream input = new FileStream(string_3, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(input) { BaseStream = { Position = 13L } }; int count = reader.ReadInt32(); reader.Close(); reader = null; input.Close(); input = null; input = new FileStream(string_3, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(input) { BaseStream = { Position = 13L } }; long length = 0L; if (count == 0) { length = writer.BaseStream.Length; } else { length = count; } writer.Write((int) length); writer.Close(); writer = null; input.Close(); input.Dispose(); input = null; if (count != 0) { input = new FileStream(string_3, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read); reader = new BinaryReader(input) { BaseStream = { Position = 0L } }; byte[] buffer_0 = new byte[count]; reader.Read(buffer_0, 0, count); reader.Close(); reader = null; input.Close(); input.Dispose(); input = null; input = new FileStream(string_3, FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); writer = new BinaryWriter(input); writer.Write(buffer_0, 0, buffer_0.Length); writer.Close(); writer = null; } input = new FileStream(string_3, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter writer2 = new StreamWriter(input) { BaseStream = { Position = (long) ((int) length) } }; foreach (Struct22 struct2 in this.list_1) { writer2.WriteLine(struct2.int_0.ToString() + ";" + struct2.string_0); } writer2.Close(); writer2.Dispose(); writer2 = null; } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(new Form {TopMost = true}, string.Concat(new object[] { "save marker errored with: ", exception.Message, Environment.NewLine, exception.StackTrace, Environment.NewLine, exception.Source, Environment.NewLine, exception.TargetSite })); } } } private void method_83(string string_3) { this.list_1.Clear(); try { FileStream input = new FileStream(string_3, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(input) { BaseStream = { Position = 13L } }; int num = reader.ReadInt32(); reader.Close(); reader = null; input.Close(); input = null; if (num != 0) { input = new FileStream(string_3, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); StreamReader reader2 = new StreamReader(input) { BaseStream = { Position = (long) num } }; string str = null; for (str = reader2.ReadLine(); (str != "") && (str != null); str = reader2.ReadLine()) { Struct22 item = new Struct22(); string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { ';' }); item.int_0 = int.Parse(strArray[0]); item.string_0 = strArray[1]; this.list_1.Add(item); } reader2.Close(); reader2 = null; input.Close(); input = null; } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(new Form {TopMost = true}, "Load saved marker errored with: " + exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } }*/ public bool method_86(SensorsX sensors_0) { switch (sensors_0) { case SensorsX.egt_cht1: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 != 0); case SensorsX.egt_cht2: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_56 != 0); case SensorsX.egt_cht3: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 != 0); case SensorsX.egt_cht4: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_58 != 0); case SensorsX.egt_chtAvg: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 != 0); case SensorsX.backPres: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_60 != 0); case SensorsX.fuelPres: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_61 != 0); case SensorsX.iat2: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 != 0); } return false; } public bool method_87(SensorsX sensors_0) { switch (sensors_0) { case SensorsX.egt_cht1: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 <= 3); case SensorsX.egt_cht2: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_56 <= 3); case SensorsX.egt_cht3: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 <= 3); case SensorsX.egt_cht4: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_58 <= 3); case SensorsX.egt_chtAvg: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 <= 3); case SensorsX.backPres: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_60 <= 3); case SensorsX.fuelPres: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_61 <= 3); case SensorsX.iat2: return (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 <= 3); } return false; } public bool method_88(AnalogInputs analogInputs_0) { switch (analogInputs_0) { case AnalogInputs.analog1: return (((((this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 1) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 1)) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 1) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 1))) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 1) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 1))) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 1) | (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 1))); case AnalogInputs.analog2: return (((((this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 2) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 2)) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 2) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 1))) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 1) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 2))) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 2) | (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 2))); case AnalogInputs.analog3: return (((((this.class10_settings_0.int_60 == 3) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_55 == 3)) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_56 == 3) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_57 == 1))) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_58 == 1) || (this.class10_settings_0.int_59 == 3))) || ((this.class10_settings_0.int_61 == 3) | (this.class10_settings_0.int_62 == 3))); } return false; } private void timer_0_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { this.timer_0.Stop(); if ((this.queue_0.Count > 0) && !this.backgroundWorker_1.IsBusy) { this.backgroundWorker_1.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { this.timer_0.Start(); } } private void timer_1_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { this.timer_1.Stop(); if (!this.class10_settings_0.IsBluetooth) { string[] portNames = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < portNames.Length; i++) { if ((this.serialPort_0 != null) && portNames[i].Contains(this.serialPort_0.PortName)) { this.timer_1.Start(); this.IsUSBConnected = true; flag = true; return; } } this.IsUSBConnected = false; if (!flag) { try { this.serialPort_0.Close(); this.method_4(DataloggingState.Disconnected); } catch (Exception) { } try { this.serialPort_0.Dispose(); } catch (Exception) { } this.serialPort_0 = null; this.method_35(false); this.LogThis("USB might be disconnected!"); this.method_20(); } } } private void timer_2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.bool_13 = true; } public delegate void Delegate45(Struct20 struct20_0); public delegate void Delegate46(DataloggingState dataloggingState_0, bool bool_0); public delegate void Delegate47(Struct17 struct17_0); public delegate void Delegate48(Struct12 struct12_0); public delegate void Delegate49(Struct23 struct23_0); public delegate void Delegate50(Struct12 struct12_0); private delegate void Delegate51(); private delegate void Delegate52(Struct12 struct12_0); public delegate void Delegate53(long long_0, string string_0); public delegate void Delegate54(Struct12 struct12_0); internal enum Enum10 { const_0, const_1 } internal enum Enum9 { const_0, const_1, const_2, const_3, const_4, const_5, const_6, const_7, const_8, const_9 } }