using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO.Ports; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; internal class Class29_Dyno { public SerialPort ComPort = new SerialPort(); public SerialPort ComPortBC = new SerialPort(); public readonly byte[] DynoPoll = new byte[] { 0x45 }; public readonly byte[] DynoRPMUP = new byte[] { 70 }; public readonly byte[] DynoRPMDOWN = new byte[] { 0x47 }; public readonly byte[] DynoBRAKE = new byte[] { 0x48 }; public long HP = 0L; public long NM = 0L; public long AUX1 = 0L; public long AUX2 = 0L; public long AUX3 = 0L; public long THC = 0L; public long WS = 0L; public long RPM = 0L; public string[] _Data; public string COMPORTDyno; public static string[] Data; Class18 class18_0; public Class29_Dyno(ref Class18 class18_1) { class18_0 = class18_1; COMPORTDyno = class18_0.class10_settings_0.Dyno_COMPort; ComPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DLCOM_DataReceived); } public void Connect() { if (this.class18_0.class10_settings_0.Dyno_COMPort == null) { MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "You Need to select a comport for the Dyno in Dyno settings!", "BMTune"); } else { ComPort.ReadBufferSize = 0x34; ComPort.BaudRate = 0x9600; ComPort.PortName = Convert.ToString(this.class18_0.class10_settings_0.Dyno_COMPort); this.WorkThreadFunction(); } } public void Disconnect() { try { ComPort.Close(); } catch { } } public void DLCOM_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { if (ComPort.IsOpen) { try { ProcessPacket(ComPort.ReadLine()); ComPort.Write(DynoPoll, 0, DynoPoll.Length); } catch { HP = 0L; NM = 0L; AUX1 = 0L; AUX2 = 0L; AUX3 = 0L; THC = 0L; WS = 0L; } } } public void ProcessPacket(string packet) { char[] separator = new char[] { ':' }; Data = packet.Replace("PUT-", "").Split(separator); if (Data.Length == 8) { try { HP = (long)Math.Round((double)float.Parse(Data[0]), 4); } catch { HP = 0L; } try { NM = (long)float.Parse(Data[1]); } catch { NM = 0L; } try { AUX1 = (long)float.Parse(Data[2]); } catch { AUX1 = 0L; } try { AUX2 = (long)float.Parse(Data[3]); } catch { AUX2 = 0L; } try { AUX3 = (long)float.Parse(Data[4]); } catch { AUX3 = 0L; } try { THC = (long)float.Parse(Data[5]); } catch { THC = 0L; } try { WS = (long)(((float.Parse(Data[6]) / 100f) / ((float)RPM)) * 100f); } catch { WS = 0L; } try { frmDynoControl.BrakeA = Data[7]; } catch { frmDynoControl.BrakeA = "0000"; } } } /*public string SL(string lan) { string str; return (!, out str) ? "No Lang File" : Regex.Replace(str, "", Environment.NewLine)); }*/ public void WorkThreadFunction() { try { ComPort.BaudRate = 0x9600; ComPort.Open(); while (ComPort.IsOpen) { ComPort.Write(DynoPoll, 0, DynoPoll.Length); Thread.Sleep(100); } } catch { frmDynoSetup.Dyno_Connected = false; this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.connectToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0xd7, 120, 120); this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.connectToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Connect"; this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.dynoToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0xd7, 120, 120); this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.controlToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show(Form.ActiveForm, "Failed to connect to dyno", "BMTune"); this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.statusDyno.Text = "Dyno:Disconnected"; this.class18_0.class17_0.frmMain_0.statusDyno.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0xd7, 120, 120); } } }