using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using DarkUI.Controls; using DarkUI.Forms; internal class ClassEditor { private Editortable Editortable_0; internal ClassEditor(ref Editortable Editortable_1) { Editortable_0 = Editortable_1; } /*public string smethod_0(ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry_0) { string text = ""; using (Stream stream = zipArchiveEntry_0.Open()) { using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"))) { text += streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } return text; }*/ public float smethod_1() { return Editortable.float_0; } public string smethod_2(int int_232, int int_233, bool bool_5, bool bool_6) { float num = this.smethod_1(); string format = "0"; string text = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[int_232].Cells[int_233].Value.ToString(); if (text.Contains(".")) { format = "0.000"; } if (bool_6) { num *= 4f; } if (bool_5) { return (float.Parse(text) + num).ToString(format); } return (float.Parse(text) - num).ToString(format); } public void smethod_3(KeyEventArgs keyEventArgs_0, int int_232) { bool bool_ = false; if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) { bool_ = true; } if (keyEventArgs_0.KeyCode == Keys.Delete || int_232 == 1) { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int i = 0; //if (Editortable_0.frmOBD2Scan_0 != null) //{ while (i < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Count) { if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[num2].Selected) { Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[num2].Value = 0; } if (num2 == Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Count - 1) { num2 = 0; i++; } else { num2++; } num++; } //} } if (keyEventArgs_0.KeyCode == Keys.W || int_232 == 2) { int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; int j = 0; while (j < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Count) { if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[num4].Selected) { Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[num4].Value = this.smethod_2(j, num4, true, bool_); } if (num4 == Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Count - 1) { num4 = 0; j++; } else { num4++; } num3++; } } if (keyEventArgs_0.KeyCode == Keys.S || int_232 == 3) { int num5 = 0; int num6 = 0; int k = 0; while (k < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Count) { if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[k].Cells[num6].Selected) { Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[k].Cells[num6].Value = this.smethod_2(k, num6, false, bool_); } if (num6 == Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Count - 1) { num6 = 0; k++; } else { num6++; } num5++; } } Class40 class40_0 = new Class40(); //this.smethod_4(200).ContinueWith(new Action(this.<> c.<> 9.method_0)); this.smethod_4(200, class40_0).ContinueWith(new Action(class40_0.method_0)); } private Task smethod_4(int int_232, Class40 class40_0) { //Class40 class40_0 = new Class40(); class40_0.taskCompletionSource_0 = new TaskCompletionSource(); new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(class40_0.method_0)).Change(int_232, -1); return class40_0.taskCompletionSource_0.Task; } public void smethod_5(string TableSize) { int[] array = new int[0]; int[] tablearray = new int[0]; bool Is1x20Table = false; if (TableSize == "10X20") { int num = 2; if (this.bool_3) num = 1; int num2 = this.int_0; array = new int[this.int_1 * num]; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_1 * num; i++) { array[i] = (int)this.byte_0[num2]; this.byte_0[num2] = (byte)this.int_219[i]; num2++; } tablearray = this.int_219; Is1x20Table = true; } else { int num = this.int_0; array = new int[this.int_1 * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < this.int_1 * 2; i++) { array[i] = (int)this.byte_0[num]; if (TableSize == "1X64") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_220[i]; if (TableSize == "1X15") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_221[i]; if (TableSize == "1X8") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_222[i]; if (TableSize == "1X7") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_223[i]; if (TableSize == "1X6") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_224[i]; if (TableSize == "1X5") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_225[i]; if (TableSize == "1X4") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_226[i]; if (TableSize == "1X2") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_231[i]; if (TableSize == "1X1") this.byte_0[num] = (byte)this.int_231[i]; num++; } if (TableSize == "1X64") tablearray = this.int_220; if (TableSize == "1X15") tablearray = this.int_221; if (TableSize == "1X8") tablearray = this.int_222; if (TableSize == "1X7") tablearray = this.int_223; if (TableSize == "1X6") tablearray = this.int_224; if (TableSize == "1X5") tablearray = this.int_225; if (TableSize == "1X4") tablearray = this.int_226; if (TableSize == "1X2") tablearray = this.int_231; if (TableSize == "1X1") tablearray = this.int_231; } int num3 = 0; string text = null; foreach (int num4 in tablearray) { //if ((!this.bool_3 || num3 < 200) && num4.ToString() != array[num3].ToString()) if (((Is1x20Table && (!this.bool_3 || num3 < 200)) || (!Is1x20Table)) && num4.ToString() != array[num3].ToString()) { text = string.Concat(new string[] { text, "Change at line: ", num3.ToString(), "[", array[num3].ToString(), " : ", num4.ToString(), "]", Environment.NewLine }); Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1(string.Concat(new string[] { "Change at line: ", num3.ToString(), "[", array[num3].ToString(), " : ", num4.ToString(), "]" })); } num3++; } this.string_3 = string.Concat(new string[] { this.string_3, "Table: ", TableSize, Environment.NewLine, "Address: ", this.int_0.ToString(), Environment.NewLine, text }); } public void smethod_15(string string_4) { try { if (this.bool_2 && this.int_1 != 0 && this.int_0 != 0) { if (this.int_1 == 200) { this.smethod_5("10X20"); } else if (this.int_1 == 64) { this.smethod_5("1X64"); } else if (this.int_1 == 15) { this.smethod_5("1X15"); } else if (this.int_1 == 8) { this.smethod_5("1X8"); } else if (this.int_1 == 7) { this.smethod_5("1X7"); //this.smethod_5("1X5"); } else if (this.int_1 == 6) { this.smethod_5("1X6"); //this.smethod_5("1X5"); } else if (this.int_1 == 5) { this.smethod_5("1X5"); } else if (this.int_1 == 4) { this.smethod_5("1X4"); } else if (this.int_1 == 2) { this.smethod_5("1X2"); } else if (this.int_1 == 1) { this.smethod_5("1X1"); } this.string_2 = this.string_2 + this.string_3 + Environment.NewLine; } this.bool_2 = false; //################################################ byte[] SavingBytes = this.byte_0; //Remove fake bootloader section if (!this.Editortable_0.IsFullBinary) { byte[] BufferBytes = new byte[SavingBytes.Length - 0x8000]; for (int i = 0; i < SavingBytes.Length; i++) BufferBytes[i] = SavingBytes[i + 0x8000]; SavingBytes = BufferBytes; } //Fix Checksums if (!this.Editortable_0.IsFullBinary) SavingBytes = this.Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.VerifyChecksumFWBin(SavingBytes); if (this.Editortable_0.IsFullBinary) SavingBytes = this.Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.VerifyChecksumFullBin(SavingBytes); File.Create(string_4).Dispose(); File.WriteAllBytes(string_4, SavingBytes); //################################################ //string text = string_4 + "~temp"; //string text2 = string_4 + "~temp2"; /*File.WriteAllBytes(text, this.byte_0); File.WriteAllText(text2, this.string_2); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(string_4, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { FlashGUI.smethod_1(this.string_0 + Environment.NewLine + this.string_1, fileStream); } using (ZipArchive zipArchive = ZipFile.Open(string_4, ZipArchiveMode.Update)) { zipArchive.CreateEntryFromFile(text, this.string_1); zipArchive.CreateEntryFromFile(text2, "CLOG"); } File.Delete(text); File.Delete(text2);*/ DarkMessageBox.Show("Successfully Saved File!.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } catch { DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to save file!.", "Fail", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } } public void smethod_16(int[] int_232, int int_233, string string_4, string string_5, string[] string_6, Editortable.GEnum2 genum2_0, bool bool_5) { try { this.int_1 = int_232[0] * int_232[1]; this.int_0 = int_233; Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Clear(); Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Clear(); Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.RowTemplate.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.TopLeftHeaderCell.Value = string_4; if (bool_5) { Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.ColumnCount = int_232[0]; for (int i = 0; i < int_232[1]; i++) { Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Add(new object[] { this.smethod_18(int_233 + i * 2).ToString() }); Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].HeaderCell.Value = string_6[i].ToString(); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < int_232[0]; j++) { Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Add(string_6[j].ToString(), string_6[j].ToString()); } List list = new List(); if (genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.LAF_VOLTAGE) { for (int k = 0; k < int_232[0]; k++) { ushort num = (ushort)this.smethod_18(int_233 + k * 2); list.Add((32767f / (float)num).ToString("0.00")); } } else { if (genum2_0 != Editortable.GEnum2.INJ_DEADTIME) { if (genum2_0 != Editortable.GEnum2.MIN_IPW) { if (genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.WOT_MAP) { for (int l = 0; l < int_232[0]; l++) { ushort num2 = (ushort)this.smethod_18(int_233 + l * 2); list.Add(((double)num2 * 0.01).ToString("0.00")); } goto IL_258; } if (genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.THROTTLE_REQ) { for (int m = 0; m < int_232[0]; m++) { ushort num3 = (ushort)this.smethod_18(int_233 + m * 2); list.Add(((double)num3 * 0.005).ToString("0.00")); } goto IL_258; } for (int n = 0; n < int_232[0]; n++) { list.Add(this.smethod_18(int_233 + n * 2).ToString()); } goto IL_258; } } for (int num4 = 0; num4 < int_232[0]; num4++) { ushort num5 = (ushort)this.smethod_18(int_233 + num4 * 2); list.Add(((double)num5 * 0.002).ToString("0.000")); } } IL_258: Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Add(); for (int num6 = 0; num6 < int_232[0]; num6++) { DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0]; dataGridViewRow.Cells[num6].Value = list[num6]; } Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].HeaderCell.Value = string_5; } Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.AllowUserToAddRows = false; foreach (object obj in Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns) { DataGridViewColumn dataGridViewColumn = (DataGridViewColumn)obj; dataGridViewColumn.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; dataGridViewColumn.Width = 50; } if (!bool_5) { foreach (object obj2 in ((IEnumerable)Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows)) { DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow2 = (DataGridViewRow)obj2; dataGridViewRow2.Height = 20; } } this.smethod_33(int_232[0], Editortable.float_1[0], Editortable.float_1[1]); this.bool_0 = true; } catch (Exception ex) { this.bool_0 = false; DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to load table. " + ex.ToString()); } } public bool smethod_17(string string_4) { if (File.Exists(string_4)) { try { this.byte_0 = File.ReadAllBytes(string_4); //Create a fake bootloader section if (!Editortable_0.IsFullBinary) { byte[] BufferBytes = new byte[0x8000 + this.byte_0.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++) BufferBytes[i] = 0xff; for (int i = 0; i < this.byte_0.Length; i++) BufferBytes[0x8000 + i] = this.byte_0[i]; this.byte_0 = BufferBytes; } //Get ECU filename (33 37 38 30 35 2D -> 37805- 'in ASCII chars') (37805-RRB-A140) this.string_0 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < this.byte_0.Length; i++) { if (this.byte_0[i] == 0x33 && this.byte_0[i + 1] == 0x37 && this.byte_0[i + 2] == 0x38 && this.byte_0[i + 3] == 0x30 && (this.byte_0[i + 4] == 0x35 || this.byte_0[i + 4] == 0x36) && this.byte_0[i + 5] == 0x2D) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 14; i2++) { this.string_0 += (char)this.byte_0[i + i2]; } break; } } return true; /*this.string_0 = array[0]; //37805-RRB-A140 this.string_1 = array[1]; //Unused using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(string_4, FileMode.Open)) { using (ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive(fileStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry in zipArchive.Entries) { if (zipArchiveEntry.Name == "CALID") { //string[] array = File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath + @"\CALID\" + string_4); string[] array = this.smethod_0(zipArchiveEntry).Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None); this.string_0 = array[0]; this.string_1 = array[1]; foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry2 in zipArchive.Entries) { if (zipArchiveEntry2.Name == "CLOG") { this.string_2 = this.smethod_0(zipArchiveEntry2); } if (zipArchiveEntry2.Name == array[1]) { using (Stream stream = zipArchiveEntry2.Open()) { using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { this.byte_0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)zipArchiveEntry2.Length); return true; } } break; } } } } } } Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Cannot load Error#1"); return false;*/ } catch { return false; } } return false; } public int smethod_18(int int_232) { return (int)((short)((int)this.byte_0[int_232] << 8 | (int)this.byte_0[int_232 + 1])); } public int smethod_19(int int_232) { return (int)this.byte_0[int_232]; } public bool smethod_21() { int num = 0; int num2 = 2; bool flag = false; string[] array = new string[200]; if (this.bool_3) { num2 = 1; } if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.ColumnCount == 20) { flag = true; int num3 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.RowCount; i++) { array[num3] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 1] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 2] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 3] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 4] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 5] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 6] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 7] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[7].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 8] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 9] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 10] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[10].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 11] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[11].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 12] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[12].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 13] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[13].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 14] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[14].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 15] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[15].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 16] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[16].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 17] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[17].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 18] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[18].Value.ToString(); array[num3 + 19] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[19].Value.ToString(); num3 += 20; } } else if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.ColumnCount == 10) { object[,] array2 = new object[Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.ColumnCount, Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.RowCount]; for (int j = 0; j < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.RowCount; j++) { array2[0, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); array2[1, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); array2[2, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); array2[3, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); array2[4, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); array2[5, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); array2[6, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[6].Value.ToString(); array2[7, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[7].Value.ToString(); array2[8, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[8].Value.ToString(); array2[9, j] = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[9].Value.ToString(); } array = array2.Cast().ToArray(); } foreach (string s in array) { try { if (!this.bool_3) { int num4 = (int)(float.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * 10f); this.int_219[num + 1] = (int)((byte)num4); this.int_219[num] = (int)((byte)(num4 >> 8)); num += 2; } else { int num5; if (flag) { num5 = (int)(128f / (float.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 14.7f)); } else { num5 = (int)(float.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * 10f); } this.int_219[num] = (int)((byte)num5); num++; } } catch { return false; } } int num6 = this.int_0; int[] array4 = new int[this.int_1 * num2]; for (int l = 0; l < this.int_1 * num2; l++) { array4[l] = (int)this.byte_0[num6]; num6++; } int num7 = 0; foreach (int num8 in this.int_219) { if ((!this.bool_3 || num7 < 200) && num8.ToString() != array4[num7].ToString()) { this.bool_2 = true; } num7++; } return true; } public bool smethod_22(string TableSize) { int[] arraytableint = new int[0]; if (TableSize == "1X64") arraytableint = this.int_220; if (TableSize == "1X15") arraytableint = this.int_221; if (TableSize == "1X8") arraytableint = this.int_222; if (TableSize == "1X7") arraytableint = this.int_223; if (TableSize == "1X6") arraytableint = this.int_224; if (TableSize == "1X5") arraytableint = this.int_225; if (TableSize == "1X4") arraytableint = this.int_226; if (TableSize == "1X2") arraytableint = this.int_230; if (TableSize == "1X1") arraytableint = this.int_231; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.ColumnCount; i++) { try { if (TableSize == "1X64") num2 = (int)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (TableSize == "1X15") num2 = (int)(32767f / float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (TableSize == "1X8") num2 = (int)(float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.002f); if (TableSize == "1X7") num2 = (int)(float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.01f); if (TableSize == "1X6") num2 = (int)(float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.005f); if (TableSize == "1X5") { if (Editortable.genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.INJ_DEADTIME) { num2 = (int)((double)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.002); } else { num2 = (int)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } if (TableSize == "1X4") { if (Editortable.genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.VTEC_PARAMS) { num2 = (int)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { num2 = (int)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } if (TableSize == "1X2") { double numBuf = double.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns[0].HeaderText == "MPH") numBuf = Math.Floor(numBuf * 1.609344); num2 = (int)numBuf; } if (TableSize == "1X1") { if (Editortable.genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.MIN_IPW) { double numBuf = double.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.002; num2 = (int)numBuf; } else { double numBuf = double.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns[0].HeaderText == "MPH") numBuf = Math.Floor(num * 1.609344); num2 = (int)num; } } if (TableSize == "1X2" || TableSize == "1X1") num = 0; arraytableint[num + 1] = (int)((byte) num2); arraytableint[num] = (int)((byte)(num2 >> 8)); num += 2; } catch { return false; } } int num3 = this.int_0; int[] array = new int[this.int_1 * 2]; for (int j = 0; j < this.int_1 * 2; j++) { array[j] = (int)this.byte_0[num3]; num3++; } int num4 = 0; foreach (int num5 in arraytableint) { if (num5.ToString() != array[num4].ToString()) this.bool_2 = true; num4++; } return true; } public bool smethod_31() { if (this.int_1 != 0 && this.int_0 != 0) { if (this.int_1 == 200) { return this.smethod_21(); } if (this.int_1 == 64) { return this.smethod_22("1X64"); } if (this.int_1 == 15) { return this.smethod_22("1X15"); } if (this.int_1 == 8) { return this.smethod_22("1X8"); } if (this.int_1 == 7) { return this.smethod_22("1X7"); } if (this.int_1 == 6) { return this.smethod_22("1X6"); } if (this.int_1 == 5) { return this.smethod_22("1X5"); } if (this.int_1 == 4) { return this.smethod_22("1X4"); } if (this.int_1 == 2) { return this.smethod_22("1X2"); } if (this.int_1 == 1) { return this.smethod_22("1X1"); } } return false; } public void smethod_32() { Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.ReadOnly = true; if (this.bool_0) { if (this.string_0.Contains("RRB")) { if (!this.smethod_31()) { this.bool_2 = false; DarkMessageBox.Show("Table changes fail"); return; } } else if (this.string_0.Contains("S2K") && !this.smethod_31()) { this.bool_2 = false; DarkMessageBox.Show("Table changes fail"); } } } public void smethod_33(int int_232, float float_0, float float_1) { for (int i = 0; i < int_232; i++) { foreach (object obj in ((IEnumerable)Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows)) { DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow = (DataGridViewRow)obj; try { float float_2 = float.Parse(dataGridViewRow.Cells[i].Value.ToString()); dataGridViewRow.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = this.smethod_34(float_2, float_1, float_0); } catch { dataGridViewRow.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight; //dataGridViewRow.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = Color.White; } } } } public Color smethod_34(float float_0, float float_1, float float_2) { Color result; try { int num = (int)(1023f * (float_0 - float_1) / (float_2 - float_1)); if (num < 256) { result = Color.FromArgb(255, num, 0); } else if (num < 512) { num -= 256; result = Color.FromArgb(255 - num, 255, 0); } else if (num < 768) { num -= 512; result = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, num); } else { num -= 768; result = Color.FromArgb(0, 255 - num, 255); } } catch { result = Color.White; } return result; } public T[,] smethod_35(T[] gparam_0, int int_232, int int_233) { T[,] array = new T[int_232, int_233]; for (int i = 0; i < int_232; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < int_233; j++) { array[i, j] = gparam_0[i * int_233 + j]; } } return array; } public void smethod_36() { this.int_2 = 47458; this.int_3 = 0; this.int_4 = 0; this.int_5 = new int[] { 1, 4 }; this.int_6 = 85312; this.int_25 = 0; this.int_26 = 0; this.int_27 = new int[] { 2, 1 }; this.int_30 = 90452; this.int_31 = 0; this.int_32 = 0; this.int_33 = new int[] { 5, 1 }; this.int_99 = 94604; this.int_100 = 78380; this.int_101 = 96212; this.int_102 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_103 = 94164; this.int_104 = 78380; this.int_105 = 94104; this.int_106 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_107 = 89972; this.int_108 = 78380; this.int_109 = 96212; this.int_110 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_111 = 89572; this.int_112 = 78380; this.int_113 = 94104; this.int_114 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; } public void smethod_37() { //Load RRB ROM this.int_2 = 46530; //vtec engagement?? this.int_3 = 0; this.int_4 = 0; this.int_5 = new int[] { 1, 4 }; this.int_6 = 71296; this.int_7 = 71304; this.int_8 = 71312; this.int_9 = 71320; this.int_10 = 71328; this.int_11 = 71332; this.int_12 = 71348; this.int_13 = 71356; this.int_14 = 46216; this.int_23 = 46216; this.int_24 = 46218; this.int_25 = 0; this.int_26 = 0; this.int_27 = new int[] { 2, 1 }; this.int_28 = 47690; this.int_29 = new int[] { 1, 1 }; this.int_30 = 76020; this.int_31 = 0; this.int_32 = 0; this.int_33 = new int[] { 5, 1 }; this.int_34 = 66002; this.int_35 = 0; this.int_36 = 66258; this.int_37 = new int[] { 64, 1 }; this.int_38 = 101836; this.int_39 = 87668; this.int_40 = 87628; this.int_41 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_42 = 102236; this.int_43 = 87668; this.int_44 = 87588; this.int_45 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_46 = 102636; this.int_47 = 0; this.int_48 = 102716; this.int_49 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_50 = 102676; this.int_51 = 0; this.int_52 = 102756; this.int_53 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_54 = 85588; this.int_55 = 87668; this.int_56 = 102716; this.int_57 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_58 = 85988; this.int_59 = 87668; this.int_60 = 102716; this.int_61 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_62 = 86388; this.int_63 = 87668; this.int_64 = 102716; this.int_65 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_66 = 86788; this.int_67 = 87668; this.int_68 = 102716; this.int_69 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_70 = 87188; this.int_71 = 87668; this.int_72 = 102716; this.int_73 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_74 = 83588; this.int_75 = 87668; this.int_76 = 102756; this.int_77 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_78 = 83988; this.int_79 = 87668; this.int_80 = 102756; this.int_81 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_82 = 84388; this.int_83 = 87668; this.int_84 = 102756; this.int_85 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_86 = 84788; this.int_87 = 87668; this.int_88 = 102756; this.int_89 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_90 = 85188; this.int_91 = 87668; this.int_92 = 102756; this.int_93 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_115 = 0; this.int_116 = 72672; this.int_119 = 0; this.int_120 = 75908; this.int_117 = 72688; this.int_118 = new int[] { 8, 1 }; this.int_121 = 75924; this.int_122 = new int[] { 8, 1 }; this.int_123 = 102756; this.int_124 = 87668; this.int_125 = 102716; this.int_126 = 87668; this.int_127 = 74034; this.int_128 = new int[] { 20, 10 }; this.int_129 = 74434; this.int_130 = new int[] { 20, 10 }; this.int_131 = 75034; this.int_132 = new int[] { 20, 10 }; this.int_133 = 74234; this.int_134 = new int[] { 20, 10 }; this.int_135 = 74634; this.int_136 = new int[] { 20, 10 }; this.int_137 = 74834; this.int_138 = new int[] { 20, 10 }; this.int_139 = 71540; this.int_140 = new int[] { 15, 1 }; this.int_141 = 79456; this.int_142 = 87668; this.int_143 = 102716; this.int_144 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_145 = 79856; this.int_146 = 87668; this.int_147 = 102716; this.int_148 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_149 = 80256; this.int_150 = 87668; this.int_151 = 102716; this.int_152 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_153 = 80656; this.int_154 = 87668; this.int_155 = 102716; this.int_156 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_157 = 81056; this.int_158 = 87668; this.int_159 = 102716; this.int_160 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_161 = 77456; this.int_162 = 87668; this.int_163 = 102756; this.int_164 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_165 = 77856; this.int_166 = 87668; this.int_167 = 102756; this.int_168 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_169 = 78256; this.int_170 = 87668; this.int_171 = 102756; this.int_172 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_173 = 78656; this.int_174 = 87668; this.int_175 = 102756; this.int_176 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_177 = 79056; this.int_178 = 87668; this.int_179 = 102756; this.int_180 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_189 = 89604; this.int_190 = 87668; this.int_191 = 102716; this.int_192 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_193 = 89204; this.int_194 = 87668; this.int_195 = 102756; this.int_196 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_181 = 77056; this.int_182 = 87668; this.int_183 = 102716; this.int_184 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_185 = 77256; this.int_186 = 87668; this.int_187 = 102756; this.int_188 = new int[] { 10, 20 }; this.int_197 = 64620; this.int_199 = 64636; this.int_201 = 65076; this.int_203 = 65100; this.int_205 = 65636; this.int_207 = 68956; this.int_211 = 69056; this.int_198 = new int[] { 8, 1 }; this.int_200 = new int[] { 8, 1 }; this.int_202 = new int[] { 6, 1 }; this.int_204 = new int[] { 6, 1 }; this.int_206 = new int[] { 7, 1 }; this.int_208 = new int[] { 10, 5 }; this.int_207 = 68956; this.int_209 = 69506; this.int_210 = 69556; this.int_214 = new int[] { 15, 15 }; this.int_211 = 69056; this.int_212 = 69526; this.int_213 = 69566; this.int_215 = 70982; this.int_216 = 44674; this.int_217 = 49780; } public int int_0; public int int_1; public bool bool_0 = false; public bool bool_1 = false; public string string_0; public string string_1; public byte[] byte_0; public string string_2; public string string_3; public bool bool_2 = false; public bool bool_3 = false; public int int_2; public int int_3; public int int_4; public int[] int_5; public int int_6; public int int_7; public int int_8; public int int_9; public int int_10; public int int_11; public int int_12; public int int_13; public int int_14; public int int_15; public int int_16; public int int_17; public int int_18; public int int_19; public int int_20; public int int_21; public int int_22; public int int_23; public int int_24; public int int_25; public int int_26; public int[] int_27; public int int_28; public int[] int_29; public int int_30; public int int_31; public int int_32; public int[] int_33; public int int_34; public int int_35; public int int_36; public int[] int_37; public int int_38; public int int_39; public int int_40; public int[] int_41; public int int_42; public int int_43; public int int_44; public int[] int_45; public int int_46; public int int_47; public int int_48; public int[] int_49; public int int_50; public int int_51; public int int_52; public int[] int_53; public int int_54; public int int_55; public int int_56; public int[] int_57; public int int_58; public int int_59; public int int_60; public int[] int_61; public int int_62; public int int_63; public int int_64; public int[] int_65; public int int_66; public int int_67; public int int_68; public int[] int_69; public int int_70; public int int_71; public int int_72; public int[] int_73; public int int_74; public int int_75; // Token: 0x040016A7 RID: 5799 public int int_76; // Token: 0x040016A8 RID: 5800 public int[] int_77; // Token: 0x040016A9 RID: 5801 public int int_78; // Token: 0x040016AA RID: 5802 public int int_79; // Token: 0x040016AB RID: 5803 public int int_80; // Token: 0x040016AC RID: 5804 public int[] int_81; // Token: 0x040016AD RID: 5805 public int int_82; // Token: 0x040016AE RID: 5806 public int int_83; // Token: 0x040016AF RID: 5807 public int int_84; // Token: 0x040016B0 RID: 5808 public int[] int_85; // Token: 0x040016B1 RID: 5809 public int int_86; // Token: 0x040016B2 RID: 5810 public int int_87; // Token: 0x040016B3 RID: 5811 public int int_88; // Token: 0x040016B4 RID: 5812 public int[] int_89; // Token: 0x040016B5 RID: 5813 public int int_90; // Token: 0x040016B6 RID: 5814 public int int_91; // Token: 0x040016B7 RID: 5815 public int int_92; // Token: 0x040016B8 RID: 5816 public int[] int_93; // Token: 0x040016B9 RID: 5817 public int[] int_94 = new int[200]; // Token: 0x040016BA RID: 5818 public int[] int_95 = new int[200]; // Token: 0x040016BB RID: 5819 public int[] int_96 = new int[200]; // Token: 0x040016BC RID: 5820 public int[] int_97 = new int[50]; // Token: 0x040016BD RID: 5821 public int[] int_98 = new int[225]; // Token: 0x040016BE RID: 5822 public int int_99; // Token: 0x040016BF RID: 5823 public int int_100; // Token: 0x040016C0 RID: 5824 public int int_101; // Token: 0x040016C1 RID: 5825 public int[] int_102; // Token: 0x040016C2 RID: 5826 public int int_103; // Token: 0x040016C3 RID: 5827 public int int_104; // Token: 0x040016C4 RID: 5828 public int int_105; // Token: 0x040016C5 RID: 5829 public int[] int_106; // Token: 0x040016C6 RID: 5830 public int int_107; // Token: 0x040016C7 RID: 5831 public int int_108; // Token: 0x040016C8 RID: 5832 public int int_109; // Token: 0x040016C9 RID: 5833 public int[] int_110; // Token: 0x040016CA RID: 5834 public int int_111; // Token: 0x040016CB RID: 5835 public int int_112; // Token: 0x040016CC RID: 5836 public int int_113; // Token: 0x040016CD RID: 5837 public int[] int_114; // Token: 0x040016CE RID: 5838 public int int_115; // Token: 0x040016CF RID: 5839 public int int_116; // Token: 0x040016D0 RID: 5840 public int int_117; // Token: 0x040016D1 RID: 5841 public int[] int_118; // Token: 0x040016D2 RID: 5842 public int int_119; // Token: 0x040016D3 RID: 5843 public int int_120; // Token: 0x040016D4 RID: 5844 public int int_121; // Token: 0x040016D5 RID: 5845 public int[] int_122; // Token: 0x040016D6 RID: 5846 public int int_123; // Token: 0x040016D7 RID: 5847 public int int_124; // Token: 0x040016D8 RID: 5848 public int int_125; // Token: 0x040016D9 RID: 5849 public int int_126; // Token: 0x040016DA RID: 5850 public int int_127; // Token: 0x040016DB RID: 5851 public int[] int_128; // Token: 0x040016DC RID: 5852 public int int_129; // Token: 0x040016DD RID: 5853 public int[] int_130; // Token: 0x040016DE RID: 5854 public int int_131; // Token: 0x040016DF RID: 5855 public int[] int_132; // Token: 0x040016E0 RID: 5856 public int int_133; // Token: 0x040016E1 RID: 5857 public int[] int_134; // Token: 0x040016E2 RID: 5858 public int int_135; // Token: 0x040016E3 RID: 5859 public int[] int_136; // Token: 0x040016E4 RID: 5860 public int int_137; // Token: 0x040016E5 RID: 5861 public int[] int_138; // Token: 0x040016E6 RID: 5862 public int int_139; // Token: 0x040016E7 RID: 5863 public int[] int_140; // Token: 0x040016E8 RID: 5864 public int int_141; // Token: 0x040016E9 RID: 5865 public int int_142; // Token: 0x040016EA RID: 5866 public int int_143; // Token: 0x040016EB RID: 5867 public int[] int_144; // Token: 0x040016EC RID: 5868 public int int_145; // Token: 0x040016ED RID: 5869 public int int_146; // Token: 0x040016EE RID: 5870 public int int_147; // Token: 0x040016EF RID: 5871 public int[] int_148; // Token: 0x040016F0 RID: 5872 public int int_149; // Token: 0x040016F1 RID: 5873 public int int_150; // Token: 0x040016F2 RID: 5874 public int int_151; // Token: 0x040016F3 RID: 5875 public int[] int_152; // Token: 0x040016F4 RID: 5876 public int int_153; // Token: 0x040016F5 RID: 5877 public int int_154; // Token: 0x040016F6 RID: 5878 public int int_155; // Token: 0x040016F7 RID: 5879 public int[] int_156; // Token: 0x040016F8 RID: 5880 public int int_157; // Token: 0x040016F9 RID: 5881 public int int_158; // Token: 0x040016FA RID: 5882 public int int_159; // Token: 0x040016FB RID: 5883 public int[] int_160; // Token: 0x040016FC RID: 5884 public int int_161; // Token: 0x040016FD RID: 5885 public int int_162; // Token: 0x040016FE RID: 5886 public int int_163; // Token: 0x040016FF RID: 5887 public int[] int_164; // Token: 0x04001700 RID: 5888 public int int_165; // Token: 0x04001701 RID: 5889 public int int_166; // Token: 0x04001702 RID: 5890 public int int_167; // Token: 0x04001703 RID: 5891 public int[] int_168; // Token: 0x04001704 RID: 5892 public int int_169; // Token: 0x04001705 RID: 5893 public int int_170; // Token: 0x04001706 RID: 5894 public int int_171; // Token: 0x04001707 RID: 5895 public int[] int_172; // Token: 0x04001708 RID: 5896 public int int_173; // Token: 0x04001709 RID: 5897 public int int_174; // Token: 0x0400170A RID: 5898 public int int_175; // Token: 0x0400170B RID: 5899 public int[] int_176; // Token: 0x0400170C RID: 5900 public int int_177; // Token: 0x0400170D RID: 5901 public int int_178; // Token: 0x0400170E RID: 5902 public int int_179; // Token: 0x0400170F RID: 5903 public int[] int_180; // Token: 0x04001710 RID: 5904 public int int_181; // Token: 0x04001711 RID: 5905 public int int_182; // Token: 0x04001712 RID: 5906 public int int_183; // Token: 0x04001713 RID: 5907 public int[] int_184; // Token: 0x04001714 RID: 5908 public int int_185; // Token: 0x04001715 RID: 5909 public int int_186; // Token: 0x04001716 RID: 5910 public int int_187; // Token: 0x04001717 RID: 5911 public int[] int_188; // Token: 0x04001718 RID: 5912 public int int_189; // Token: 0x04001719 RID: 5913 public int int_190; // Token: 0x0400171A RID: 5914 public int int_191; // Token: 0x0400171B RID: 5915 public int[] int_192; // Token: 0x0400171C RID: 5916 public int int_193; // Token: 0x0400171D RID: 5917 public int int_194; // Token: 0x0400171E RID: 5918 public int int_195; // Token: 0x0400171F RID: 5919 public int[] int_196; // Token: 0x04001720 RID: 5920 public int int_197; // Token: 0x04001721 RID: 5921 public int[] int_198; // Token: 0x04001722 RID: 5922 public int int_199; // Token: 0x04001723 RID: 5923 public int[] int_200; // Token: 0x04001724 RID: 5924 public int int_201; // Token: 0x04001725 RID: 5925 public int[] int_202; // Token: 0x04001726 RID: 5926 public int int_203; // Token: 0x04001727 RID: 5927 public int[] int_204; // Token: 0x04001728 RID: 5928 public int int_205; // Token: 0x04001729 RID: 5929 public int[] int_206; // Token: 0x0400172A RID: 5930 public int int_207; // Token: 0x0400172B RID: 5931 public int[] int_208; // Token: 0x0400172C RID: 5932 public int int_209; // Token: 0x0400172D RID: 5933 public int int_210; // Token: 0x0400172E RID: 5934 public int int_211; // Token: 0x0400172F RID: 5935 public int int_212; // Token: 0x04001730 RID: 5936 public int int_213; // Token: 0x04001731 RID: 5937 public int[] int_214; // Token: 0x04001732 RID: 5938 public int int_215; // Token: 0x04001733 RID: 5939 public int int_216; // Token: 0x04001734 RID: 5940 public int int_217; // Token: 0x04001735 RID: 5941 public bool bool_4 = false; // Token: 0x04001736 RID: 5942 public int[] int_218 = new int[450]; // Token: 0x04001737 RID: 5943 public int[] int_219 = new int[400]; // Token: 0x04001738 RID: 5944 public int[] int_220 = new int[128]; // Token: 0x04001739 RID: 5945 public int[] int_221 = new int[30]; // Token: 0x0400173A RID: 5946 public int[] int_222 = new int[16]; // Token: 0x0400173B RID: 5947 public int[] int_223 = new int[14]; // Token: 0x0400173C RID: 5948 public int[] int_224 = new int[12]; // Token: 0x0400173D RID: 5949 public int[] int_225 = new int[10]; // Token: 0x0400173E RID: 5950 public int[] int_226 = new int[8]; // Token: 0x0400173F RID: 5951 public int[] int_227 = new int[7]; // Token: 0x04001740 RID: 5952 public int[] int_228 = new int[6]; // Token: 0x04001741 RID: 5953 public int[] int_229 = new int[5]; // Token: 0x04001742 RID: 5954 public int[] int_230 = new int[4]; // Token: 0x04001743 RID: 5955 public int[] int_231 = new int[2]; // Token: 0x020000F8 RID: 248 [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class Class40 { // Token: 0x06000F06 RID: 3846 RVA: 0x00004E37 File Offset: 0x00003037 internal Class40() { } // Token: 0x06000F07 RID: 3847 RVA: 0x0000B4B5 File Offset: 0x000096B5 internal void method_0(object object_0) { this.taskCompletionSource_0.SetResult(null); } // Token: 0x04001746 RID: 5958 public TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource_0; } }