using SAE.J2534; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Ports; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using DarkUI.Controls; using DarkUI.Forms; public class frmOBD2Scan : DarkForm { public int int_0; public static Color color_0 = Color.PaleVioletRed; public static Color color_1 = Color.OrangeRed; public static Color color_2 = Color.Azure; public static Color color_3 = Color.BlanchedAlmond; public static Color color_4 = Color.CornflowerBlue; public static Color color_5 = Color.Firebrick; public static Color color_6 = Color.PaleGoldenrod; public static int int_1 = 15; public static bool bool_0; public static string string_0; public static string string_1; private Thread thread_0; private string[] string_2; private string[] string_3; private string[] string_4; public static bool bool_1 = false; private bool bool_2; public static bool bool_3; private int int_2; private SerialPort serialPort_0; private Channel channel_0; private API api_0; private Device device_0; private APIInfo apiinfo_0; private int int_3; private bool bool_4; private StringBuilder stringBuilder_0 = new StringBuilder(); private string string_5; private string string_6 = ""; private int int_4; private ArrayList arrayList_0 = new ArrayList(); private bool bool_5 = true; private int int_5; private int int_6; private int int_7; private int int_8; private int int_9; private int int_10; private int int_11; private int int_12; private int int_13; private int int_14; private int int_15; private int int_16; private int int_17; private int int_18; private int int_19; private int int_20; private int int_21; private int int_22; private int int_23; private int int_24; private int int_25; private int int_26; private int int_27; private int int_28; private int int_29; private int int_30; private int int_31; private int int_32; private int int_33; private int int_34; private int int_35; private int int_36; private int int_37; private int int_38; private int int_39; private int int_40; private int int_41; private int int_42; private int int_43; private int int_44; private int int_45; private int int_46; private int int_47; private int int_48; private int int_49; private int int_50; private int int_51; private int int_52; private int int_53; private int int_54; private int int_55; private int int_56; private int int_57; private int int_58; private int int_59; private int int_60; private int int_61; private int int_62; private int int_63; private int int_64; private int int_65; private int int_66; private int int_67; private int int_68; private int int_69; private int int_70; private int int_71; private int int_72; private int int_73; private int int_74; private int int_75; private int int_76; private int int_77; private int int_78; private int int_79; private int int_80; private int int_81; private int int_82; private int int_83; private int int_84; private int int_85; private int int_86; private int int_87; private int int_88; private int int_89; private int int_90; private int int_91; private int int_92; private int int_93; private int int_94; private int int_95; private int int_96; private int int_97; private int int_98; private int int_99; private int int_100; private int int_101; private int int_102; private int int_103; private int int_104; private int int_105; private int int_106; private int int_107; private int int_108; private int int_109; private int int_110; private int int_111; private int int_112; private int int_113; private int int_114; private int int_115; private int int_116; private int int_117; private int int_118; private int int_119; private int int_120; private int int_121; private int int_122; private int int_123; private int int_124; private int int_125; 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private int int_174; private int int_175; private int int_176; private int int_177; private int int_178; private int int_179; private int int_180; private int int_181; private int int_182; private string string_7 = "000"; private string string_8 = "000"; private string string_9; private string string_10; private string string_11 = "0"; private string string_12; private string string_13; private string string_14; private string string_15; private string string_16; private string string_17; private string string_18; private int int_183; private bool bool_6; private int int_184; private bool bool_7 = true; private double double_0; private List list_0 = new List(); private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel1; private TabPage tabPage7; private TabPage tabPage5; private TabPage tabPage6; private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel2; private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel3; private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel6; private DarkGroupBox groupBox2; private DarkButton ClearTable; private DarkButton StopTable; private DarkComboBox comboV; private DarkLabel labelL; private DarkComboBox comboY; private DarkLabel labely; private DarkComboBox comboX; private DarkLabel labelx; public DarkDataGridView dataGridView_0; private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel5; public DarkButton GColourLF; private DarkButton GColourL4; private DarkButton GColourL3; private DarkButton GColourL2; private DarkButton GColourL1; public DarkButton GColour2; private DarkLabel label4; public DarkButton GColour1; private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel4; private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel7; private IContainer icontainer_0; private DarkButton Gstart; private PerfChart livegraph1; private DarkComboBox Graph4; private DarkComboBox Graph3; private DarkComboBox Graph2; private DarkComboBox Graph1; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer_0; private PerfChart livegraph4; private PerfChart livegraph3; private DarkLabel label6; private DarkLabel label5; private DarkButton StartTable; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer_1; private DarkLabel label9; private DarkLabel label8; private DarkLabel label7; private MaskedTextBox maskedTextBox1; private DarkComboBox comboBox1; private DarkLabel label10; private DarkLabel label11; private DarkLabel label13; private MaskedTextBox maskedTextBox2; private DarkLabel label12; private DarkComboBox comboBox2; private ColorDialog colorDialog_0; private DarkLabel label14; private DarkComboBox comboBox3; private PerfChart livegraph2; private string string_19; private DarkCheckBox cbJ2534; private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel11; private TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel12; private DarkLabel G4L; private DarkLabel G3L; private DarkLabel G2L; public static string string_20 = ""; public static int int_185; public static int int_186 = 0; private DarkLabel G1L; private bool bool_8; private bool bool_9; private static bool bool_10 = true; public static bool bool_11; public static float float_0; public static float float_1; public static float float_2; public static int int_187; public static float float_3; public static float float_4; public static float float_5; public static float float_6; public static int int_188; public static float float_7; public static float float_8; public static float float_9; public static float float_10; public static int int_189; public static float float_11; public static float float_12; public static float float_13; public static float float_14; public static float float_15; public static int int_190; public static int int_191; public static int int_192; public static int int_193; private DarkTabControl tabControl1; private TabPage tabPage1; private TabPage tabPage2; private TabPage tabPage3; private DarkGroupBox groupBox1; private DarkLabel label3; private DarkLabel label2; private DarkGroupBox gbConnection; private DarkLabel label1; private DarkLabel descPort; private DarkComboBox cbBaud; private DarkComboBox cbPort; private DarkGroupBox groupBox4; private DarkTextBox txtDTCD; private DarkButton ClearDTC; private DarkButton ButtonReadCEL; private DarkListBox listBoxCEL; private DarkGroupBox groupBox5; private DarkButton button2; private TrackBar trackBar1; private ClassListView listViewLive; private ColumnHeader columnHeader_0; private ColumnHeader columnHeader_1; private ColumnHeader columnHeader_2; private ColumnHeader columnHeader_3; private ColumnHeader columnHeader_4; private DarkListBox listBoxPIDs; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer_2; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer_3; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer_4; private DarkButton button1; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer_5; private TabPage tabPage4; private DarkGroupBox gbStatus; private ListView lvLog; private ColumnHeader columnHeader_5; private DarkButton buttonclear; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer_6; private IContainer components; private DarkLabel descRate; private ToolTip toolTip_0; internal frmOBD2Scan() { color_0 = Color.PaleVioletRed; color_1 = Color.OrangeRed; color_2 = Color.Azure; color_3 = Color.BlanchedAlmond; color_4 = Color.CornflowerBlue; color_5 = Color.Firebrick; color_6 = Color.PaleGoldenrod; this.InitializeComponent(); this.method_0(); NewInitit(); if (bool_3) { base.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; } this.method_18(); this.label1.Text = "To identify the correct port, Unplug device && note available ports" + Environment.NewLine + "Connect device & select the new entry. Then Click Connect button down the bottom."; } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.bool_8) { if (this.int_2 == 0) { this.int_2 = 3; this.method_18(); this.bool_4 = true; try { this.serialPort_0 = new SerialPort(this.cbPort.Text, int.Parse(this.cbBaud.Text), Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); this.serialPort_0.Open(); this.int_3 = 0; this.stringBuilder_0.Clear(); this.timer_2.Enabled = true; this.serialPort_0.Write("ATWS\r"); this.timer_5.Enabled = true; this.method_11(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Something Went Wrong Trying To Open Port."); this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); } } else if (this.int_2 == 1) { if (!this.bool_8) { this.method_9(); this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); } else { this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); bool_11 = false; this.bool_4 = false; this.method_21("Connection closed automatically."); this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); } } else { this.method_9(); this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); } } else if (this.int_2 == 0) { this.int_2 = 3; this.bool_4 = true; if (!bool_10) { using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(this.string_19)) { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.CAN, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.NONE, false)) { byte[] match = new byte[4]; match[2] = 7; match[3] = 0xe8; channel.StartMsgFilter(new MessageFilter(UserFilterType.PASS, match)); SConfig[] sConfig = new SConfig[] { new SConfig(Parameter.LOOP_BACK, 1) }; channel.SetConfig(sConfig); } } } } this.timer_2.Enabled = true; this.bool_4 = false; this.int_2 = 1; this.method_18(); } else if (this.int_2 == 1) { this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); bool_11 = false; this.timer_6.Enabled = false; this.timer_2.Enabled = false; Thread.Sleep(0x4b0); this.bool_4 = false; this.thread_0.Abort(); this.thread_0 = null; this.method_21("Connection closed automatically."); this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.timer_4.Interval = int_1; if (this.listViewLive.Items.Count != 0) { if (!this.timer_4.Enabled) { if (!bool_10) { int num = 0; foreach (ListViewItem item1 in this.listViewLive.Items) { this.list_0.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[0].Text); num++; } this.int_184 = 0; } this.timer_4.Enabled = true; this.timer_6.Enabled = true; this.listBoxPIDs.Enabled = false; this.button2.Text = "Stop Logging"; } else { this.int_184 = 0; this.timer_4.Enabled = false; this.timer_6.Enabled = false; this.button2.Text = "Start Logging"; if (!bool_10) { this.listBoxPIDs.Enabled = true; } } } } private void buttonclear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.lvLog.Clear(); } private void ButtonReadCEL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.txtDTCD.Text = ""; this.listBoxCEL.Items.Clear(); this.method_19("03"); } private void cbJ2534_CheckStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.cbJ2534.Checked) { this.cbJ2534.Checked = false; this.bool_8 = false; } else { this.bool_8 = true; GForm_J2534Select select = new GForm_J2534Select(); if (select.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { this.cbJ2534.Checked = false; } else { try { this.string_19 = select.APIInfo_0.Filename; } catch { this.cbJ2534.Checked = false; } } select.Dispose(); } bool_0 = this.cbJ2534.Checked; } private void cbPort_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string_1 = this.cbPort.Text; string_0 = this.cbBaud.Text; } private void ClearDTC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.method_19("04"); } private void frmOBD2Scan_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if ((this.serialPort_0 != null) && this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { bool_1 = false; this.serialPort_0.Close(); } if (bool_11) { bool_11 = false; this.int_2 = 0; this.timer_6.Enabled = false; this.timer_2.Enabled = false; this.method_18(); this.bool_4 = false; this.method_21("Connection closed automatically."); this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); } } private void frmOBD2Scan_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.cbBaud.Text = string_0; this.method_2(); this.method_1(); this.groupBox5.Text = "Refresh rate: " + int_1.ToString() + "ms"; this.trackBar1.Value = int_1; this.cbJ2534.Checked = bool_0; } private void GColour1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.colorDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.GColour1.BackColor = this.colorDialog_0.Color; this.method_1(); } } private void GColour2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.colorDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.GColour2.BackColor = this.colorDialog_0.Color; this.method_1(); } } private void GColourL1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.colorDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.GColourL1.BackColor = this.colorDialog_0.Color; this.method_1(); } } private void GColourL2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.colorDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.GColourL2.BackColor = this.colorDialog_0.Color; this.method_1(); } } private void GColourL3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.colorDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.GColourL3.BackColor = this.colorDialog_0.Color; this.method_1(); } } private void GColourL4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.colorDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.GColourL4.BackColor = this.colorDialog_0.Color; this.method_1(); } } private void GColourLF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.colorDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.GColourLF.BackColor = this.colorDialog_0.Color; this.method_1(); } } private void Graph1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.G1L.Text = this.Graph1.Text; } private void Graph2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.G2L.Text = this.Graph2.Text; } private void Graph3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.G3L.Text = this.Graph3.Text; } private void Graph4_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.G4L.Text = this.Graph4.Text; } private void Gstart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Gstart.Text == "Start") { this.timer_0.Enabled = true; this.Gstart.Text = "Stop"; } else { this.Gstart.Text = "Start"; this.timer_0.Enabled = false; } } private void NewInitit() { GClass4 class2 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class3 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class4 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class5 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class6 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class7 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class8 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class9 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class10 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class11 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class12 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class13 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class14 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class15 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class16 = new GClass4(); GClass4 class17 = new GClass4(); class2.Color_0 = Color.FromArgb(0xc0, 0xc0, 0); class2.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class2.Single_0 = 2f; class3.Color_0 = Color.Black; class3.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class3.Single_0 = 5f; class4.Color_0 = Color.Black; class4.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class4.Single_0 = 1f; class5.Color_0 = Color.Black; class5.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class5.Single_0 = 1f; class6.Color_0 = Color.Fuchsia; class6.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class6.Single_0 = 2f; class7.Color_0 = Color.Fuchsia; class7.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class7.Single_0 = 5f; class8.Color_0 = Color.Black; class8.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class8.Single_0 = 1f; class9.Color_0 = Color.Black; class9.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class9.Single_0 = 1f; class10.Color_0 = Color.Blue; class10.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class10.Single_0 = 2f; class11.Color_0 = Color.Blue; class11.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class11.Single_0 = 5f; class12.Color_0 = Color.Black; class12.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class12.Single_0 = 1f; class13.Color_0 = Color.Black; class13.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class13.Single_0 = 1f; class14.Color_0 = Color.Turquoise; class14.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class14.Single_0 = 2f; class15.Color_0 = Color.Red; class15.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class15.Single_0 = 5f; class16.Color_0 = Color.Black; class16.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class16.Single_0 = 1f; class17.Color_0 = Color.Black; class17.DashStyle_0 = DashStyle.Solid; class17.Single_0 = 1f; this.livegraph4 = new PerfChart(); this.livegraph3 = new PerfChart(); this.livegraph2 = new PerfChart(); this.livegraph1 = new PerfChart(); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.livegraph4, 1, 3); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.G4L, 0, 3); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.tableLayoutPanel12, 1, 4); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.G3L, 0, 2); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.livegraph3, 1, 2); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.G2L, 0, 1); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.livegraph2, 1, 1); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.G1L, 0, 0); this.tableLayoutPanel11.Controls.Add(this.livegraph1, 1, 0); this.livegraph4.Border3DStyle_0 = Border3DStyle.Flat; this.livegraph4.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.livegraph4.Font = new Font("Comic Sans MS", 12f, FontStyle.Bold); this.livegraph4.Location = new Point(0x3b, 0xf1); this.livegraph4.Margin = new Padding(3, 4, 3, 4); this.livegraph4.Name = "livegraph4"; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.Boolean_3 = true; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.Color_1 = Color.DarkGreen; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.Color_0 = Color.YellowGreen; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.Boolean_2 = false; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.Boolean_1 = true; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.Boolean_0 = true; this.livegraph4.GEnum0_0 = GEnum0.Relative; this.livegraph4.Size = new Size(0x1f2, 0x47); this.livegraph4.TabIndex = 0x11; this.livegraph4.Int32_0 = 100; this.livegraph4.GEnum1_0 = GEnum1.Disabled; this.livegraph4.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(this.livegraph4_DoubleClick); this.livegraph3.Border3DStyle_0 = Border3DStyle.Flat; this.livegraph3.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.livegraph3.Font = new Font("Comic Sans MS", 12f, FontStyle.Bold); this.livegraph3.Location = new Point(0x3b, 0xa2); this.livegraph3.Margin = new Padding(3, 4, 3, 4); this.livegraph3.Name = "livegraph3"; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.Boolean_3 = true; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.Color_1 = Color.DarkGreen; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.Color_0 = Color.YellowGreen; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.Boolean_2 = false; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.Boolean_1 = true; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.Boolean_0 = true; this.livegraph3.GEnum0_0 = GEnum0.Relative; this.livegraph3.Size = new Size(0x1f2, 0x47); this.livegraph3.TabIndex = 0x10; this.livegraph3.Int32_0 = 100; this.livegraph3.GEnum1_0 = GEnum1.Disabled; this.livegraph3.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(this.livegraph3_DoubleClick); this.livegraph2.Border3DStyle_0 = Border3DStyle.Flat; this.livegraph2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.livegraph2.Font = new Font("Comic Sans MS", 12f, FontStyle.Bold); this.livegraph2.Location = new Point(0x3b, 0x53); this.livegraph2.Margin = new Padding(3, 4, 3, 4); this.livegraph2.Name = "livegraph2"; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.Boolean_3 = true; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.Color_1 = Color.DarkGreen; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.Color_0 = Color.YellowGreen; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.Boolean_2 = false; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.Boolean_1 = true; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.Boolean_0 = true; this.livegraph2.GEnum0_0 = GEnum0.Relative; this.livegraph2.Size = new Size(0x1f2, 0x47); this.livegraph2.TabIndex = 15; this.livegraph2.Int32_0 = 100; this.livegraph2.GEnum1_0 = GEnum1.Disabled; this.livegraph2.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(this.livegraph2_DoubleClick); this.livegraph1.Border3DStyle_0 = Border3DStyle.Flat; this.livegraph1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.livegraph1.Font = new Font("Comic Sans MS", 12f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0); this.livegraph1.Location = new Point(0x3b, 4); this.livegraph1.Margin = new Padding(3, 4, 3, 4); this.livegraph1.Name = "livegraph1"; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.Boolean_3 = true; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.Color_1 = Color.DarkGreen; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.Color_0 = Color.YellowGreen; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.Boolean_2 = false; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.Boolean_1 = true; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.Boolean_0 = true; this.livegraph1.GEnum0_0 = GEnum0.Relative; this.livegraph1.Size = new Size(0x1f2, 0x47); this.livegraph1.TabIndex = 10; this.livegraph1.Int32_0 = 100; this.livegraph1.GEnum1_0 = GEnum1.Disabled; this.livegraph1.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(this.livegraph1_DoubleClick); this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.GClass4_2 = class2; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.GClass4_3 = class3; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.GClass4_1 = class4; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.GClass4_0 = class5; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.GClass4_2 = class6; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.GClass4_3 = class7; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.GClass4_1 = class8; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.GClass4_0 = class9; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.GClass4_2 = class10; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.GClass4_3 = class11; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.GClass4_1 = class12; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.GClass4_0 = class13; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.GClass4_2 = class14; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.GClass4_3 = class15; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.GClass4_1 = class16; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.GClass4_0 = class17; //################## this.listViewLive = new ClassListView(); ColumnHeader[] values = new ColumnHeader[] { this.columnHeader_0, this.columnHeader_1, this.columnHeader_2, this.columnHeader_3, this.columnHeader_4 }; this.listViewLive.Columns.AddRange(values); this.listViewLive.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.listViewLive.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Nonclickable; this.listViewLive.HideSelection = false; this.listViewLive.Location = new Point(0x9b, 3); this.listViewLive.Margin = new Padding(2, 3, 2, 3); this.listViewLive.Name = "listViewLive"; this.listViewLive.Size = new Size(0x193, 0x11c); this.listViewLive.TabIndex = 3; this.listViewLive.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false; this.listViewLive.View = View.Details; this.listViewLive.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(this.listViewLive_KeyDown); this.listViewLive.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(this.listViewLive_MouseDoubleClick); this.tableLayoutPanel3.Controls.Add(this.button2, 0, 1); this.tableLayoutPanel3.Controls.Add(this.listViewLive, 1, 0); this.tableLayoutPanel3.Controls.Add(this.listBoxPIDs, 0, 0); this.tableLayoutPanel3.Controls.Add(this.groupBox5, 1, 1); } private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem listViewItem3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem("Honda OBD2 Scan Tools Initializing..", 2); this.G4L = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.G3L = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.G2L = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.G1L = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.Graph4 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkComboBox(); this.Graph3 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkComboBox(); 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// // columnHeader_5 // this.columnHeader_5.Text = "Log Details"; this.columnHeader_5.Width = 466; // // button2 // this.button2.Checked = false; this.button2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(2, 293); this.button2.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2, 3, 2, 3); this.button2.Name = "button2"; this.button2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(149, 59); this.button2.TabIndex = 4; this.button2.Text = "Start Log"; this.button2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button2_Click); // // columnHeader_0 // this.columnHeader_0.Text = "PID"; // // columnHeader_1 // this.columnHeader_1.Text = "Description"; this.columnHeader_1.Width = 101; // // columnHeader_2 // this.columnHeader_2.Text = "Current"; this.columnHeader_2.Width = 92; // // columnHeader_3 // this.columnHeader_3.Text = "Min"; // // columnHeader_4 // this.columnHeader_4.Text = "Max"; // // listBoxPIDs // this.listBoxPIDs.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(69)))), ((int)(((byte)(73)))), ((int)(((byte)(74))))); 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// // frmOBD2Scan // this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(568, 381); this.Controls.Add(this.tabControl1); this.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2); this.MaximizeBox = false; this.MinimizeBox = false; this.Name = "frmOBD2Scan"; this.ShowIcon = false; this.Text = "Honda OBD2 Scan Tools"; this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(this.frmOBD2Scan_FormClosing); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.frmOBD2Scan_Load); this.tabControl1.ResumeLayout(false); this.tabPage1.ResumeLayout(false); this.tableLayoutPanel1.ResumeLayout(false); this.gbConnection.ResumeLayout(false); this.gbConnection.PerformLayout(); this.groupBox1.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox1.PerformLayout(); this.tabPage2.ResumeLayout(false); this.tableLayoutPanel2.ResumeLayout(false); this.tableLayoutPanel2.PerformLayout(); this.groupBox4.ResumeLayout(false); this.tableLayoutPanel7.ResumeLayout(false); this.tabPage3.ResumeLayout(false); this.tabPage7.ResumeLayout(false); this.tabPage5.ResumeLayout(false); this.tableLayoutPanel6.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox2.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox2.PerformLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.dataGridView_0)).EndInit(); this.tabPage6.ResumeLayout(false); this.tableLayoutPanel5.ResumeLayout(false); this.tableLayoutPanel5.PerformLayout(); this.tabPage4.ResumeLayout(false); this.tableLayoutPanel4.ResumeLayout(false); this.gbStatus.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox5.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox5.PerformLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.trackBar1)).EndInit(); this.tableLayoutPanel12.ResumeLayout(false); this.ResumeLayout(false); } private void listBoxCEL_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.txtDTCD.Text = this.method_36(this.listBoxCEL.SelectedItem.ToString()); if (this.txtDTCD.Text == "Unknown Code") { this.listBoxCEL.Items.Remove(this.listBoxCEL.SelectedItem); this.txtDTCD.Text = "No Codes"; } } catch { } } private void listBoxPIDs_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { } private void listBoxPIDs_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.method_26(); } private void listViewLive_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) || (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)) { this.method_20(); } } private void listViewLive_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.method_27(); } private void livegraph1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.method_15(this.Graph1.Text, 1); } private void livegraph2_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.method_15(this.Graph2.Text, 2); } private void livegraph3_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.method_15(this.Graph3.Text, 3); } private void livegraph4_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.method_15(this.Graph4.Text, 4); } private void method_0() { color_0 = this.GColour1.BackColor = color_0; color_1 = this.GColour2.BackColor = color_1; color_2 = this.GColourLF.BackColor = color_2; color_3 = this.GColourL1.BackColor = color_3; color_4 = this.GColourL2.BackColor = color_4; color_5 = this.GColourL3.BackColor = color_5; color_6 = this.GColourL4.BackColor = color_6; } private void method_1() { this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.Color_1 = this.GColour1.BackColor; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.Color_0 = this.GColour2.BackColor; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.Color_1 = this.GColour1.BackColor; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.Color_0 = this.GColour2.BackColor; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.Color_1 = this.GColour1.BackColor; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.Color_0 = this.GColour2.BackColor; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.Color_1 = this.GColour1.BackColor; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.Color_0 = this.GColour2.BackColor; this.livegraph1.GClass3_0.GClass4_3.Color_0 = this.GColourL1.BackColor; this.livegraph2.GClass3_0.GClass4_3.Color_0 = this.GColourL2.BackColor; this.livegraph3.GClass3_0.GClass4_3.Color_0 = this.GColourL3.BackColor; this.livegraph4.GClass3_0.GClass4_3.Color_0 = this.GColourL4.BackColor; color_0 = this.GColour1.BackColor; color_1 = this.GColour2.BackColor; color_2 = this.GColourLF.BackColor; color_3 = this.GColourL1.BackColor; color_4 = this.GColourL2.BackColor; color_5 = this.GColourL3.BackColor; color_6 = this.GColourL4.BackColor; } private void method_10() { this.cbBaud.Visible = true; this.cbPort.Visible = true; this.label1.Visible = true; this.descPort.Text = "Port Name"; this.descRate.Text = "Baud Rate"; } private void method_11() { this.cbBaud.Visible = false; this.cbPort.Visible = false; this.label1.Visible = false; } public void method_12(string string_21) { try { string[] strArray = Regex.Split(string_21, "43"); for (int i = 1; i < strArray.Length; i++) { this.method_16(strArray[i]); } } catch { } } public string method_13(string string_21, string string_22) => Regex.Split(string_21, string_22)[1].Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Substring(0, 8).Replace("0", "0000").Replace("1", "0001").Replace("2", "0010").Replace("3", "0011").Replace("4", "0100").Replace("5", "0101").Replace("6", "0110").Replace("7", "0111").Replace("8", "1000").Replace("9", "1001").Replace("A", "1010").Replace("B", "1011").Replace("C", "1100").Replace("D", "1101").Replace("E", "1110").Replace("F", "1111"); public void method_14(string string_21, int int_194) { if (int_194 == 0) { try { string str = this.method_13(string_21, "41 00 "); this.int_6 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0, 1)); this.int_7 = int.Parse(str.Substring(1, 1)); this.int_8 = int.Parse(str.Substring(2, 1)); this.int_9 = int.Parse(str.Substring(3, 1)); this.int_10 = int.Parse(str.Substring(4, 1)); this.int_11 = int.Parse(str.Substring(5, 1)); this.int_12 = int.Parse(str.Substring(6, 1)); this.int_13 = int.Parse(str.Substring(7, 1)); this.int_14 = int.Parse(str.Substring(8, 1)); this.int_15 = int.Parse(str.Substring(9, 1)); this.int_16 = int.Parse(str.Substring(10, 1)); this.int_17 = int.Parse(str.Substring(11, 1)); this.int_18 = int.Parse(str.Substring(12, 1)); this.int_19 = int.Parse(str.Substring(13, 1)); this.int_20 = int.Parse(str.Substring(14, 1)); this.int_21 = int.Parse(str.Substring(15, 1)); this.int_22 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x10, 1)); this.int_23 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x11, 1)); this.int_24 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x12, 1)); this.int_25 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x13, 1)); this.int_26 = int.Parse(str.Substring(20, 1)); this.int_27 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x15, 1)); this.int_28 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x16, 1)); this.int_29 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x17, 1)); this.int_30 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x18, 1)); this.int_31 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x19, 1)); this.int_32 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x1a, 1)); this.int_33 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x1b, 1)); this.int_34 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x1c, 1)); this.int_35 = int.Parse(str.Substring(0x1d, 1)); this.int_36 = int.Parse(str.Substring(30, 1)); } catch { } } if (int_194 == 1) { try { string str2 = this.method_13(string_21, "41 20 "); this.int_38 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0, 1)); this.int_39 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(1, 1)); this.int_40 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(2, 1)); this.int_41 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(3, 1)); this.int_42 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(4, 1)); this.int_43 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(5, 1)); this.int_44 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(6, 1)); this.int_45 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(7, 1)); this.int_46 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(8, 1)); this.int_47 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(9, 1)); this.int_48 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(10, 1)); this.int_49 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(11, 1)); this.int_50 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(12, 1)); this.int_51 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(13, 1)); this.int_52 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(14, 1)); this.int_53 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(15, 1)); this.int_54 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x10, 1)); this.int_55 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x11, 1)); this.int_56 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x12, 1)); this.int_57 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x13, 1)); this.int_58 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(20, 1)); this.int_59 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x15, 1)); this.int_60 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x16, 1)); this.int_61 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x17, 1)); this.int_62 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x18, 1)); this.int_63 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x19, 1)); this.int_64 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x1a, 1)); this.int_65 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x1b, 1)); this.int_66 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x1c, 1)); this.int_67 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(0x1d, 1)); this.int_68 = int.Parse(str2.Substring(30, 1)); } catch { } } if (int_194 == 2) { try { string str3 = this.method_13(string_21, "41 40 "); this.int_70 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0, 1)); this.int_71 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(1, 1)); this.int_72 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(2, 1)); this.int_73 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(3, 1)); this.int_74 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(4, 1)); this.int_75 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(5, 1)); this.int_76 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(6, 1)); this.int_77 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(7, 1)); this.int_78 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(8, 1)); this.int_79 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(9, 1)); this.int_80 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(10, 1)); this.int_81 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(11, 1)); this.int_82 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(12, 1)); this.int_83 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(13, 1)); this.int_84 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(14, 1)); this.int_85 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(15, 1)); this.int_86 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x10, 1)); this.int_87 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x11, 1)); this.int_88 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x12, 1)); this.int_89 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x13, 1)); this.int_90 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(20, 1)); this.int_91 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x15, 1)); this.int_92 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x16, 1)); this.int_93 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x17, 1)); this.int_94 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x18, 1)); this.int_95 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x19, 1)); this.int_96 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x1a, 1)); this.int_97 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x1b, 1)); this.int_98 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x1c, 1)); this.int_99 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(0x1d, 1)); this.int_100 = int.Parse(str3.Substring(30, 1)); } catch { } } if (int_194 == 3) { try { string str4 = this.method_13(string_21, "41 60 "); this.int_102 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0, 1)); this.int_103 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(1, 1)); this.int_104 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(2, 1)); this.int_105 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(3, 1)); this.int_106 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(4, 1)); this.int_107 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(5, 1)); this.int_108 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(6, 1)); this.int_109 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(7, 1)); this.int_110 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(8, 1)); this.int_111 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(9, 1)); this.int_112 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(10, 1)); this.int_113 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(11, 1)); this.int_114 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(12, 1)); this.int_115 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(13, 1)); this.int_116 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(14, 1)); this.int_117 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(15, 1)); this.int_118 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x10, 1)); this.int_119 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x11, 1)); this.int_120 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x12, 1)); this.int_121 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x13, 1)); this.int_122 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(20, 1)); this.int_123 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x15, 1)); this.int_124 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x16, 1)); this.int_125 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x17, 1)); this.int_126 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x18, 1)); this.int_127 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x19, 1)); this.int_128 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x1a, 1)); this.int_129 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x1b, 1)); this.int_130 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x1c, 1)); this.int_131 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(0x1d, 1)); this.int_132 = int.Parse(str4.Substring(30, 1)); } catch { } } if (int_194 == 4) { try { string str5 = this.method_13(string_21, "41 80 "); this.int_134 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0, 1)); this.int_135 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(1, 1)); this.int_136 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(2, 1)); this.int_137 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(3, 1)); this.int_138 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(4, 1)); this.int_139 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(5, 1)); this.int_140 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(6, 1)); this.int_141 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(7, 1)); this.int_142 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(8, 1)); this.int_143 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(9, 1)); this.int_144 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(10, 1)); this.int_145 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(11, 1)); this.int_146 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(12, 1)); this.int_147 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(13, 1)); this.int_148 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(14, 1)); this.int_149 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(15, 1)); this.int_150 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x10, 1)); this.int_151 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x11, 1)); this.int_152 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x12, 1)); this.int_153 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x13, 1)); this.int_154 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(20, 1)); this.int_155 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x15, 1)); this.int_156 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x16, 1)); this.int_157 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x17, 1)); this.int_158 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x18, 1)); this.int_159 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x19, 1)); this.int_160 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x1a, 1)); this.int_161 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x1b, 1)); this.int_162 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x1c, 1)); this.int_163 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(0x1d, 1)); this.int_164 = int.Parse(str5.Substring(30, 1)); } catch { } } if (int_194 == 5) { try { string str6 = this.method_13(string_21, "41 A0 "); this.int_166 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(0, 1)); this.int_167 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(1, 1)); this.int_168 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(2, 1)); this.int_169 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(3, 1)); this.int_170 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(4, 1)); this.int_171 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(5, 1)); this.int_172 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(6, 1)); this.int_173 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(7, 1)); this.int_174 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(8, 1)); this.int_175 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(9, 1)); this.int_176 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(10, 1)); this.int_177 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(11, 1)); this.int_178 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(12, 1)); this.int_179 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(13, 1)); this.int_180 = int.Parse(str6.Substring(14, 1)); } catch { } } } private void method_15(string string_21, int int_194) { if (this.timer_0.Enabled && (int_186 == 0)) { string_20 = string_21; int_186 = int_194; LineG eg1 = new LineG(); eg1.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; eg1.Location = new Point(base.Location.X, base.Location.Y); eg1.Show(); } } private void method_16(string string_21) { char[] separator = new char[] { ' ' }; string[] strArray = string_21.Split(separator); string str = "NO DATA"; string str2 = "NO DATA"; string str3 = "NO DATA"; try { str = "P" + strArray[1] + strArray[2]; } catch { str = "P0000"; } try { str2 = "P" + strArray[3] + strArray[4]; } catch { str2 = "P0000"; } try { str3 = "P" + strArray[5] + strArray[6]; } catch { str3 = "P0000"; } if (!this.listBoxCEL.Items.Contains(str) && !str.Contains("P0000")) { this.listBoxCEL.Items.Add(str); } if (!this.listBoxCEL.Items.Contains(str2) && !str2.Contains("P0000")) { this.listBoxCEL.Items.Add(str2); } if (!this.listBoxCEL.Items.Contains(str3) && !str3.Contains("P0000")) { this.listBoxCEL.Items.Add(str3); } } private void method_17() { this.bool_5 = true; this.int_5 = 0; this.int_37 = 0; this.int_69 = 0; this.int_101 = 0; this.int_133 = 0; this.int_165 = 0; this.int_181 = 0; this.int_182 = 0; this.int_6 = 0; this.int_7 = 0; this.int_8 = 0; this.int_9 = 0; this.int_10 = 0; this.int_11 = 0; this.int_12 = 0; this.int_13 = 0; this.int_14 = 0; this.int_15 = 0; this.int_16 = 0; this.int_17 = 0; this.int_18 = 0; this.int_19 = 0; this.int_20 = 0; this.int_21 = 0; this.int_22 = 0; this.int_23 = 0; this.int_24 = 0; this.int_25 = 0; this.int_26 = 0; this.int_27 = 0; this.int_28 = 0; this.int_29 = 0; this.int_30 = 0; this.int_31 = 0; this.int_32 = 0; this.int_33 = 0; this.int_34 = 0; this.int_35 = 0; this.int_36 = 0; this.int_38 = 0; this.int_39 = 0; this.int_40 = 0; this.int_41 = 0; this.int_42 = 0; this.int_43 = 0; this.int_44 = 0; this.int_45 = 0; this.int_46 = 0; this.int_47 = 0; this.int_48 = 0; this.int_49 = 0; this.int_50 = 0; this.int_51 = 0; this.int_52 = 0; this.int_53 = 0; this.int_54 = 0; this.int_55 = 0; this.int_56 = 0; this.int_57 = 0; this.int_58 = 0; this.int_59 = 0; this.int_60 = 0; this.int_61 = 0; this.int_62 = 0; this.int_63 = 0; this.int_64 = 0; this.int_65 = 0; this.int_66 = 0; this.int_67 = 0; this.int_68 = 0; this.int_70 = 0; this.int_71 = 0; this.int_72 = 0; this.int_73 = 0; this.int_74 = 0; this.int_75 = 0; this.int_76 = 0; this.int_77 = 0; this.int_78 = 0; this.int_79 = 0; this.int_80 = 0; this.int_81 = 0; this.int_82 = 0; this.int_83 = 0; this.int_84 = 0; this.int_85 = 0; this.int_86 = 0; this.int_87 = 0; this.int_88 = 0; this.int_89 = 0; this.int_90 = 0; this.int_91 = 0; this.int_92 = 0; this.int_93 = 0; this.int_94 = 0; this.int_95 = 0; this.int_96 = 0; this.int_97 = 0; this.int_98 = 0; this.int_99 = 0; this.int_100 = 0; this.int_102 = 0; this.int_103 = 0; this.int_104 = 0; this.int_105 = 0; this.int_106 = 0; this.int_107 = 0; this.int_108 = 0; this.int_109 = 0; this.int_110 = 0; this.int_111 = 0; this.int_112 = 0; this.int_113 = 0; this.int_114 = 0; this.int_115 = 0; this.int_116 = 0; this.int_117 = 0; this.int_118 = 0; this.int_119 = 0; this.int_120 = 0; this.int_121 = 0; this.int_122 = 0; this.int_123 = 0; this.int_124 = 0; this.int_125 = 0; this.int_126 = 0; this.int_127 = 0; this.int_128 = 0; this.int_129 = 0; this.int_130 = 0; this.int_131 = 0; this.int_132 = 0; this.int_134 = 0; this.int_135 = 0; this.int_136 = 0; this.int_137 = 0; this.int_138 = 0; this.int_139 = 0; this.int_140 = 0; this.int_141 = 0; this.int_142 = 0; this.int_143 = 0; this.int_144 = 0; this.int_145 = 0; this.int_146 = 0; this.int_147 = 0; this.int_148 = 0; this.int_149 = 0; this.int_150 = 0; this.int_151 = 0; this.int_152 = 0; this.int_153 = 0; this.int_154 = 0; this.int_155 = 0; this.int_156 = 0; this.int_157 = 0; this.int_158 = 0; this.int_159 = 0; this.int_160 = 0; this.int_161 = 0; this.int_162 = 0; this.int_163 = 0; this.int_164 = 0; this.int_166 = 0; this.int_167 = 0; this.int_168 = 0; this.int_169 = 0; this.int_170 = 0; this.int_171 = 0; this.int_172 = 0; this.int_173 = 0; this.int_174 = 0; this.int_175 = 0; this.int_176 = 0; this.int_177 = 0; this.int_178 = 0; this.int_179 = 0; this.int_180 = 0; this.int_181 = 0; this.int_182 = 0; } private void method_18() { if (this.int_2 == 0) { this.cbBaud.Enabled = true; this.cbPort.Enabled = true; this.button1.Text = "Connect"; this.cbJ2534.Visible = true; this.Text = "OBD2 Scan Tool: Disconnected: "; this.timer_6.Enabled = false; this.timer_4.Enabled = false; this.method_17(); } else if (this.int_2 == 1) { this.button1.Text = "Disconnect"; this.gbStatus.Visible = true; this.cbJ2534.Visible = false; this.Text = "OBD2 Scan Tool: Connected: "; } else { this.button1.Text = "Connecting"; this.gbStatus.Visible = true; this.Text = "OBD2 Scan Tool: Connecting...."; this.method_17(); } } private void method_19(string string_21) { if (!this.bool_8) { this.string_6 = string_21 + "\r"; if (string_21 != null) { if (!(string_21 == "03")) { if (string_21 == "04") { this.string_6 = "CLEARDTC"; } } else { this.string_6 = "CEL"; } } try { this.serialPort_0.Write(string_21 + "\r"); return; } catch (Exception) { return; } } try { byte[] array = frmOBD2Scan.smethod_1(string_21); Channel channel = this.channel_0; byte[] array2 = new byte[] { 0, 0, 7, 224, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; array2[5] = array[0]; array2[6] = array[1]; channel.SendMessage(array2); } catch { } } private void method_2() { this.Graph1.Items.Clear(); this.Graph2.Items.Clear(); this.Graph3.Items.Clear(); this.Graph4.Items.Clear(); this.comboV.Items.Clear(); try { if (bool_10) { for (int i = 0; i < this.listViewLive.Items.Count; i++) { this.Graph1.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text); this.Graph2.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text); this.Graph3.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text); this.Graph4.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text); this.comboV.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.listViewLive.Items.Count; i++) { this.Graph1.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text); this.Graph2.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text); this.Graph3.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text); this.Graph4.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text); this.comboV.Items.Add(this.listViewLive.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text); } } } catch { } } private void method_20() { int num = 0; foreach (ListViewItem item1 in this.listViewLive.Items) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = "000"; this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = "000"; num++; } } private void method_21(string string_21) { this.lvLog.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(string_21, 2)); } private void method_22(string string_21) { this.lvLog.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(string_21, 1)); } private void method_23(string string_21) { this.lvLog.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(string_21, 0)); } private void method_24(string string_21, int int_194) { this.lvLog.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(string_21, int_194)); } private void method_25(string string_21) { this.lvLog.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(string_21, 3)); } private void method_26() { if (!this.timer_4.Enabled) { int num = 0; foreach (object obj in this.listViewLive.Items) { ListViewItem listViewItem = (ListViewItem)obj; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[1].Text); string value = stringBuilder.Replace("BTDC", "Timing Advance").Replace("Load%", "Engine Load").Replace("STFT", "Short Term Fuel").ToString(); if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem).Contains(value)) { return; } num++; } if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "MAP") { string[] items = new string[] { "MAP", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0B").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "RPM") { string[] items2 = new string[] { "RPM", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0C").SubItems.AddRange(items2); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "TPS") { string[] items3 = new string[] { "TPS", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("11").SubItems.AddRange(items3); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Speed") { string[] items4 = new string[] { "Speed", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0D").SubItems.AddRange(items4); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "O2") { string[] items5 = new string[] { "O2", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("14").SubItems.AddRange(items5); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "IAT") { string[] items6 = new string[] { "IAT", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0F").SubItems.AddRange(items6); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "ECT") { string[] items7 = new string[] { "ECT", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("05").SubItems.AddRange(items7); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Short Term Fuel Trim") { string[] items8 = new string[] { "STFT", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("06").SubItems.AddRange(items8); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Timing Advance") { string[] items9 = new string[] { "BTDC", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0E").SubItems.AddRange(items9); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Engine Load") { string[] items10 = new string[] { "Load%", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("04").SubItems.AddRange(items10); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Battery") { string[] items11 = new string[] { "Battery", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("9A").SubItems.AddRange(items11); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Fuel System Status") { this.bool_6 = true; this.method_19("0103"); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Oxygen Sensors Present") { this.bool_6 = true; this.method_19("0113"); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "OBD Compliance") { this.bool_6 = true; this.method_19("011C"); } } this.method_2(); } private void method_27() { if (!this.timer_4.Enabled) { try { this.listViewLive.SelectedItems[0].Remove(); } catch { } } } private void method_28(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.method_27(); } private void method_29() { this.timer_6.Enabled = true; SAE.J2534.Message message = new SAE.J2534.Message(new byte[] { 0x18, 0xda, 0x10, 0xf1, 0x22, 0x26, 0x10 }, TxFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID | TxFlag.ISO15765_FRAME_PAD); SAE.J2534.Message message2 = new SAE.J2534.Message(new byte[] { 0x18, 0xda, 0x10, 0xf1, 0x22, 0x26, 0x11 }, TxFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID | TxFlag.ISO15765_FRAME_PAD); SAE.J2534.Message message3 = new SAE.J2534.Message(new byte[] { 0x18, 0xda, 0x10, 0xf1, 0x22, 0x26, 0x12 }, TxFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID | TxFlag.ISO15765_FRAME_PAD); SAE.J2534.Message message4 = new SAE.J2534.Message(new byte[] { 0x18, 0xda, 0x10, 0xf1, 0x22, 0x26, 0x62 }, TxFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID | TxFlag.ISO15765_FRAME_PAD); SAE.J2534.Message message5 = new SAE.J2534.Message(new byte[] { 0x18, 0xda, 0x10, 0xf1, 0x22, 0x26, 0x68 }, TxFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID | TxFlag.ISO15765_FRAME_PAD); if (!bool_10) { while (bool_11) { GetMessageResults messages = this.channel_0.GetMessages(2, 5); if (!messages.Result.IsOK()) { Thread.Sleep(5); continue; } foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message6 in messages.Messages) { this.int_0++; string str = smethod_2(message6.Data); this.method_32(str); this.method_35(str); } } } else { using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(this.string_19)) { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.ISO15765, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID, false)) { MessageFilter filter = new MessageFilter { FilterType = Filter.FLOW_CONTROL_FILTER, Mask = new byte[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }, Pattern = new byte[] { 0x18, 0xda, 0xf1, 0x10 }, FlowControl = new byte[] { 0x18, 0xda, 0x10, 0xf1 } }; channel.StartMsgFilter(filter); SConfig[] sConfig = new SConfig[] { new SConfig(Parameter.LOOP_BACK, 1), new SConfig(Parameter.DATA_RATE, 0x7a120) }; channel.SetConfig(sConfig); while (bool_11) { Application.DoEvents(); try { channel.SendMessage(message); if (!channel.IsDisposed) { GetMessageResults messages = channel.GetMessages(5, 50); if (messages.Result.IsOK()) { foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message7 in messages.Messages) { string str2 = smethod_2(message7.Data).TrimEnd(new char[0]); if (str2.Length > 0x18) { this.int_0++; this.method_44(str2); } } } channel.SendMessage(message2); if (!channel.IsDisposed) { messages = channel.GetMessages(5, 50); if (messages.Result.IsOK()) { foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message8 in messages.Messages) { string str3 = smethod_2(message8.Data).TrimEnd(new char[0]); if (str3.Length > 0x18) { this.int_0++; this.method_44(str3); } } } channel.SendMessage(message3); if (!channel.IsDisposed) { messages = channel.GetMessages(5, 50); if (messages.Result.IsOK()) { foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message9 in messages.Messages) { string str4 = smethod_2(message9.Data).TrimEnd(new char[0]); if (str4.Length > 0x18) { this.int_0++; this.method_44(str4); } } } channel.SendMessage(message4); if (!channel.IsDisposed) { messages = channel.GetMessages(5, 50); if (messages.Result.IsOK()) { foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message10 in messages.Messages) { string str5 = smethod_2(message10.Data).TrimEnd(new char[0]); if (str5.Length > 0x18) { this.int_0++; this.method_44(str5); } } } channel.SendMessage(message5); if (!channel.IsDisposed) { messages = channel.GetMessages(5, 50); if (messages.Result.IsOK()) { foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message11 in messages.Messages) { string str6 = smethod_2(message11.Data).TrimEnd(new char[0]); if (str6.Length > 0x18) { this.int_0++; this.method_44(str6); } } } continue; } } } } } } catch (Exception) { continue; } break; } } } } } } private void method_3() { int num = 0; foreach (ListViewItem item1 in this.listViewLive.Items) { string text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[0].Text; if (text != null) { uint num2 = ClassDecryptString.DecryptThisString(text); if (num2 <= 0x1ded6c01) { if (num2 <= 0x1bed68db) { if (num2 != 0x17eb23f8) { if ((num2 == 0x1bed68db) && (text == "06")) { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_17; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (text == "14") { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_12; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (num2 == 0x1ceb2bd7) { if (text == "11") { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_9; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (num2 != 0x1ced6a6e) { if ((num2 == 0x1ded6c01) && (text == "04")) { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_16; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (text == "05") { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_14; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (num2 <= 0x6cede85e) { if (num2 != 0x6bede6cb) { if ((num2 == 0x6cede85e) && (text == "0E")) { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_15; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (text == "0F") { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_13; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (num2 == 0x6dede9f1) { if (text == "0D") { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_10; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (num2 != 0x6eedeb84) { if ((num2 == 0x6feded17) && (text == "0B")) { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_7; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } else if (text == "0C") { try { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text = this.string_8; if ((this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "000") || (this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text == "")) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) <= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[3].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } if (int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text) >= int.Parse(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text)) { this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[4].Text = this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[2].Text; } } catch { } } } num++; } } private void method_30() { while (this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { while (this.serialPort_0.IsOpen && this.serialPort_0.BytesToRead > 0) { this.method_11(); string text = Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(new byte[] { (byte)this.serialPort_0.ReadByte() })[0].ToString(); if (text == ">") { this.method_33(this.stringBuilder_0.ToString()); this.stringBuilder_0.Clear(); } else { this.stringBuilder_0.Append(text); } string a = Regex.Replace(this.stringBuilder_0.ToString(), "\\t|\\n|\\r", ""); if (this.stringBuilder_0.ToString().Length > 1) { if (!this.bool_5) { this.method_34(); } if (a == this.string_5) { this.int_0++; this.method_22(this.stringBuilder_0.ToString()); this.method_32(this.stringBuilder_0.ToString()); this.method_35(this.stringBuilder_0.ToString()); this.string_5 = ""; } else { this.string_5 = a; } } } Thread.Sleep(200); } } private void method_31() { string[] items = new string[] { "Battery", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(items, -1); string[] textArray2 = new string[] { "RPM", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item2 = new ListViewItem(textArray2, -1); string[] textArray3 = new string[] { "RPM2", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item3 = new ListViewItem(textArray3, -1); string[] textArray4 = new string[] { "RPMRAW", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item4 = new ListViewItem(textArray4, -1); string[] textArray5 = new string[] { "AFM", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item5 = new ListViewItem(textArray5, -1); string[] textArray6 = new string[] { "Map", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item6 = new ListViewItem(textArray6, -1); string[] textArray7 = new string[] { "Ignition Timing", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item7 = new ListViewItem(textArray7, -1); string[] textArray8 = new string[] { "Pulsewidth", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item8 = new ListViewItem(textArray8, -1); string[] textArray9 = new string[] { "IAT", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item9 = new ListViewItem(textArray9, -1); string[] textArray10 = new string[] { "ECT", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item10 = new ListViewItem(textArray10, -1); string[] textArray11 = new string[] { "VTS", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item11 = new ListViewItem(textArray11, -1); string[] textArray12 = new string[] { "Wideband", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item12 = new ListViewItem(textArray12, -1); string[] textArray13 = new string[] { "Target AFR", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item13 = new ListViewItem(textArray13, -1); string[] textArray14 = new string[] { "STFT", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item14 = new ListViewItem(textArray14, -1); string[] textArray15 = new string[] { "LTFT", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item15 = new ListViewItem(textArray15, -1); string[] textArray16 = new string[] { "TPlate", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item16 = new ListViewItem(textArray16, -1); string[] textArray17 = new string[] { "VSS", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item17 = new ListViewItem(textArray17, -1); string[] textArray18 = new string[] { "Target Cam Angle", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item18 = new ListViewItem(textArray18, -1); string[] textArray19 = new string[] { "Cam Angle", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item19 = new ListViewItem(textArray19, -1); string[] textArray20 = new string[] { "Knock 1", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item20 = new ListViewItem(textArray20, -1); string[] textArray21 = new string[] { "Knock 2", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item21 = new ListViewItem(textArray21, -1); string[] textArray22 = new string[] { "Knock 3", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item22 = new ListViewItem(textArray22, -1); string[] textArray23 = new string[] { "Knock 4", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item23 = new ListViewItem(textArray23, -1); string[] textArray24 = new string[] { "Knock Sum", "000", "000", "000" }; ListViewItem item24 = new ListViewItem(textArray24, -1); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item2); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item5); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item6); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item7); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item8); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item9); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item10); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item11); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item12); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item13); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item14); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item15); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item16); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item17); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item18); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item19); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item20); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item21); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item22); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item23); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item24); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item3); this.listViewLive.Items.Add(item4); } public void method_32(string string_21) { string_21 = string_21.ToUpper(); try { if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327")) { this.string_6 = "ELM"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("V")) { this.string_11 = string_21.Replace("V", "").ToString(); this.string_11 = float.Parse(Regex.Match(this.string_11, @"\d+").Value).ToString(); } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 0B")) { this.string_6 = "MAP"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 0C")) { this.string_6 = "RPM"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 11")) { this.string_6 = "TPS"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 0D")) { this.string_6 = "Speed"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 14")) { this.string_6 = "O2"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 05")) { this.string_6 = "ECT"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 0F")) { this.string_6 = "IAT"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 01")) { this.string_6 = "CEL"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 0E")) { this.string_6 = "TA"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 04")) { this.string_6 = "EL"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 03")) { this.string_6 = "FSS"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 13")) { this.string_6 = "OSP"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 1C")) { this.string_6 = "OC"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 06")) { this.string_6 = "FT"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("STOPPED")) { this.string_6 = "BUFFEROF"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 00")) { this.string_6 = "PIDLIST"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 20")) { this.string_6 = "PIDLIST2"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 40")) { this.string_6 = "PIDLIST4"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 60")) { this.string_6 = "PIDLIST6"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 80")) { this.string_6 = "PIDLIST8"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 A0")) { this.string_6 = "PIDLISTA"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 C0")) { this.string_6 = "PIDLISTC"; } if (string_21.ToString().Contains("41 E0")) { this.string_6 = "PIDLISTE"; } } catch { } } public void method_33(string string_21) { this.bool_5 = true; this.int_3++; if (this.int_3 == 1) { this.serialPort_0.Write("ATZ\r"); } else if (this.int_3 == 2) { if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327")) { this.timer_5.Enabled = false; this.serialPort_0.Write("ATE0\r"); } } else if (this.int_3 == 3) { this.serialPort_0.Write("ATL0\r"); } else if (this.int_3 == 4) { this.serialPort_0.Write("ATH1\r"); } else if (this.int_3 == 5) { this.serialPort_0.Write("ATSP0\r"); } else if (this.int_3 == 6) { this.serialPort_0.Write("ATI\r"); } else if (this.int_3 == 7) { if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327")) { this.method_21("Connected to " + string_21.ToString()); this.serialPort_0.Write("AT@1\r"); } else { this.method_25("No compatible ELM327 device available on " + this.cbPort.Text); this.method_9(); } } else if (this.int_3 == 8) { this.method_21("Device Description: " + string_21.ToString()); this.descPort.Text = "ECU: " + string_21.ToString(); this.serialPort_0.Write("ATRV\r"); } else if (this.int_3 == 9) { this.method_21("Vehicle Voltage: " + string_21.ToString()); this.descRate.Text = "Voltage: " + string_21.ToString(); this.method_19("0100"); } else if (this.int_3 == 10) { if (string_21.ToString().Contains("UNABLE TO CONNECT")) { this.method_25("ECU not detected! Check OBD2 connection, or if vehicle is switched ON"); this.method_9(); } else { this.method_21("ECU Ready for OBD actions"); this.int_2 = 1; this.method_18(); this.serialPort_0.Write("ATDP\r"); } } else if (this.int_3 == 11) { this.method_21("Communicating with ECU via " + string_21.ToString()); this.Text = "Connected: Protocol " + smethod_0(string_21.ToString()); this.serialPort_0.Write("0101\r"); } else if (this.int_3 == 12) { string str = string_21.ToString().Replace("\r", " ").Trim(); char[] separator = new char[] { ' ' }; string[] strArray = str.Split(separator); if (strArray.Length != 8) { this.method_22("MIL Data could not be parsed"); this.method_22("log: " + str); } else { byte num = byte.Parse(strArray[4], (NumberStyles) NumberStyles.HexNumber); int num2 = num & 0x7f; if ((num & 0x80) > 0) { this.method_22("MIL (Check Engine Light) is ON. Number of Errors: " + num2.ToString()); } else { this.method_23("MIL (Check Engine Light) is OFF"); } } this.bool_5 = false; this.method_19("0100"); } } public void method_34() { if (this.int_5 == 0) { this.int_5 = 1; this.method_19("0100"); } else if (this.int_37 == 0) { this.int_37 = 1; this.method_19("0120"); } else if (this.int_69 == 0) { this.int_69 = 1; this.method_19("0140"); } else if (this.int_101 == 0) { this.int_101 = 1; this.method_19("0160"); } else if (this.int_133 == 0) { this.int_133 = 1; this.method_19("0180"); } else if (this.int_165 == 0) { this.int_165 = 1; this.method_19("01A0"); } else if (this.int_181 == 0) { this.int_181 = 1; this.method_19("01C0"); } else if (this.int_182 == 0) { this.int_182 = 1; this.method_19("01E0"); } if (((this.int_5 == 1) && ((this.int_37 == 1) && ((this.int_69 == 1) && ((this.int_101 == 1) && ((this.int_133 == 1) && ((this.int_165 == 1) && (this.int_181 == 1))))))) && (this.int_182 == 1)) { this.bool_5 = true; } } public void method_35(string string_21) { string_21 = string_21.ToUpper(); try { string text = this.string_6; if (text != null) { uint num = ClassDecryptString.DecryptThisString(text); if (num <= 2380580039U) { if (num <= 516690212U) { if (num <= 401953830U) { if (num != 145730807U) { if (num != 174817312U) { if (num == 401953830U) { if (text == "TA") { string[] array = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 0E "); this.string_15 = int.Parse(array[1].Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString(); this.string_15 = (int.Parse(this.string_15) / 2 - 64).ToString(); } } } else if (text == "Speed") { string[] array2 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 0D "); this.string_10 = array2[1].Substring(0, 2); this.string_10 = Convert.ToInt32(this.string_10, 16).ToString(); } } else if (text == "FSS") { string[] array3 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 03 "); if (this.bool_6) { this.bool_6 = false; string text2 = array3[1].Substring(0, 2); if (text2 != null) { if (!(text2 == "01")) { if (!(text2 == "02")) { if (!(text2 == "04")) { if (!(text2 == "08")) { if (text2 == "16") { MessageBox.Show("Closed loop, using at least one oxygen sensor but there is a fault in the feedback system."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Open loop due to system failure."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Open loop due to engine load OR fuel cut due to deceleration."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Closed loop, using oxygen sensor feedback to determine fuel mix."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Open loop due to insufficient engine temperature."); } } } } } else if (num != 448213361U) { if (num != 484709092U) { if (num == 516690212U) { if (text == "EL") { string[] array4 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 04 "); this.string_16 = int.Parse(array4[1].Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString(); this.string_16 = ((double)float.Parse(this.string_16) / 2.55).ToString("0.##"); } } } else if (text == "O2") { string[] array5 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 14 "); this.string_12 = int.Parse(array5[1].Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString(); this.string_12 = ((double)float.Parse(this.string_12) / 200.0).ToString(); } } else if (text == "IAT") { string[] array6 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 0F "); this.string_13 = array6[1].Substring(0, 2); this.string_13 = (Convert.ToInt32(this.string_13, 16) - 40).ToString(); } } else { if (num <= 878530254U) { if (num != 609853201U) { if (num != 795761117U) { if (num != 878530254U) { goto IL_C78; } if (!(text == "TPS")) { goto IL_C78; } } else if (!(text == "TPlate")) { goto IL_C78; } string[] array7 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 11 "); this.string_9 = array7[1].Substring(0, 2); this.string_9 = (Convert.ToInt32(this.string_9, 16) * 100 / 255).ToString(); goto IL_C78; } if (!(text == "MAP")) { goto IL_C78; } } else if (num <= 1364790555U) { if (num != 1151856721U) { if (num != 1364790555U) { goto IL_C78; } if (!(text == "CEL")) { goto IL_C78; } if (this.string_5 == "NO DATA") { this.listBoxCEL.Items.Clear(); this.listBoxCEL.Items.Add("No CEL Codes"); goto IL_C78; } this.method_12(string_21.ToString()); goto IL_C78; } else if (!(text == "Map")) { goto IL_C78; } } else if (num != 2027117207U) { if (num != 2380580039U) { goto IL_C78; } if (!(text == "OC")) { goto IL_C78; } string[] array8 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 1C "); if (this.bool_6) { this.bool_6 = false; MessageBox.Show("OBD Compliance: " + array8[1].Substring(0, 2)); goto IL_C78; } goto IL_C78; } else { if (text == "FT") { string[] array9 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 06 "); this.string_17 = int.Parse(array9[1].Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString(); this.string_17 = ((double)int.Parse(this.string_17) / 1.28 - 100.0).ToString(); goto IL_C78; } goto IL_C78; } string[] array10 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 0B "); this.string_7 = array10[1].Substring(0, 2); this.string_7 = Convert.ToInt32(this.string_7, 16).ToString(); } } else if (num <= 3353824088U) { if (num <= 3169270279U) { if (num != 2595094142U) { if (num != 3135715041U) { if (num == 3169270279U) { if (text == "PIDLISTC" && string_21.ToString().Length > 7) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); this.method_14(string_21.ToString(), 6); this.method_5(); } } } else if (text == "PIDLISTE" && string_21.ToString().Length > 7) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); this.method_14(string_21.ToString(), 7); this.method_5(); } } else if (text == "PIDLIST" && string_21.ToString().Length > 7) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); this.method_14(string_21.ToString(), 0); this.method_5(); } } else if (num != 3202825517U) { if (num != 3320268850U) { if (num == 3353824088U) { if (text == "PIDLIST6" && string_21.ToString().Length > 7) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); this.method_14(string_21.ToString(), 3); this.method_5(); } } } else if (text == "PIDLIST8" && string_21.ToString().Length > 7) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); this.method_14(string_21.ToString(), 4); this.method_5(); } } else if (text == "PIDLISTA" && string_21.ToString().Length > 7) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); this.method_14(string_21.ToString(), 5); this.method_5(); } } else if (num <= 3427275971U) { if (num != 3387379326U) { if (num != 3420934564U) { if (num == 3427275971U) { if (text == "CLEARDTC") { this.method_23("Erase acknowledged by ECU"); this.method_22("Restart vehicle to reflect changes"); this.txtDTCD.Text = "Codes Cleared"; this.listBoxCEL.Items.Clear(); } } } else if (text == "PIDLIST2" && string_21.ToString().Length > 7) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); this.method_14(string_21.ToString(), 1); this.method_5(); } } else if (text == "PIDLIST4" && string_21.ToString().Length > 7) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); this.method_14(string_21.ToString(), 2); this.method_5(); } } else if (num <= 3829360715U) { if (num != 3501406902U) { if (num == 3829360715U) { if (text == "ELM") { if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327 v1.0")) { this.double_0 = 1.0; } else if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327 v1.3a")) { this.double_0 = 1.3; } else if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327 v1.4b")) { this.double_0 = 1.4; } else if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327 v1.5")) { this.double_0 = 1.5; } else if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327 v2.1")) { this.double_0 = 2.1; } else if (string_21.ToString().Contains("ELM327 v2.2")) { this.double_0 = 2.2; } else { this.double_0 = 1.1; } string str = ""; double num2 = this.double_0; if (num2 != 1.0) { if (num2 != 1.1) { if (num2 != 1.3) { if (num2 != 1.4) { if (num2 != 1.5) { if (num2 != 2.1) { if (num2 == 2.2) { str = " (Genuine ELM 2.2 should work with 100ms refresh rate)"; } } else { str = " (Genuine ELM 2.1 should work with 100ms refresh rate)"; } } else { str = " (Chinese Clone dont exceed 300ms refresh rate)"; } } else { str = "b (Old ELM dont exceed 250ms refresh rate)"; } } else { str = "a (Old ELM dont exceed 250ms refresh rate)"; } } else { str = " (Chinese Clone dont exceed 300ms refresh rate)"; } } else { str = " (Orignal ELM dont exceed 250ms refresh rate)"; } this.label2.Text = "ELM Adapter: " + this.double_0.ToString() + str; this.label3.Text = "Features: Scan Only"; this.string_6 = ""; } } } else if (text == "RPM") { string[] array11 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 0C "); int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(array11[1].Substring(0, 2), 16) * 256 + Convert.ToInt32(array11[1].Substring(3, 2), 16); this.string_8 = (num3 / 4).ToString(); } } else if (num != 4126829125U) { if (num == 4247270999U) { if (text == "ECT") { string[] array12 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 05 "); this.string_14 = array12[1].Substring(0, 2); this.string_14 = (Convert.ToInt32(this.string_14, 16) - 40).ToString(); } } } else if (text == "OSP") { string[] array13 = Regex.Split(string_21.ToString(), "41 13 "); if (this.bool_6) { this.bool_6 = false; MessageBox.Show("Number of O2 sensors: " + array13[1].Substring(0, 2)); } } } IL_C78:; } catch { } } private string GetOBD2_Text() { string ReturnStr = ""; string Filename = "OBD2.txt"; /*string ZipFolder = "Others"; string WholePath = Application.StartupPath + @"\" + ZipFolder + @"\" + Filename; if (!File.Exists(WholePath)) this.Class34_Zip_0.UnZipFile(Application.StartupPath, ZipFolder); if (File.Exists(WholePath)) ReturnStr = File.ReadAllText(WholePath);*/ string WholePath = Application.StartupPath + @"\" + Filename; if (File.Exists(WholePath)) ReturnStr = File.ReadAllText(WholePath); return ReturnStr; } private string method_36(string string_21) { string str; Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary(); try { string[] textArray1 = new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }; string[] strArray = GetOBD2_Text().Split(textArray1, (StringSplitOptions) StringSplitOptions.None); int index = 0; string[] strArray2 = strArray; for (int i = 0; i < strArray2.Length; i++) { string[] textArray2 = new string[] { "," }; string[] strArray3 = strArray[index].Split(textArray2, (StringSplitOptions) StringSplitOptions.None); dictionary.Add(strArray3[0], strArray3[1]); index++; } } catch { } return (!dictionary.TryGetValue(string_21, out str) ? "Unknown Code" : str); } private void method_37() { foreach (object obj in ((IEnumerable) this.dataGridView_0.Rows)) { DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow = (DataGridViewRow)obj; foreach (object obj2 in dataGridViewRow.Cells) { DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell = (DataGridViewCell)obj2; dataGridViewCell.Value = 0; } } } private void method_4(int int_194) { frmOBD2Scan.Class35 Class35_0 = new frmOBD2Scan.Class35(); Class35_0.frmOBD2Scan_0 = this; Class35_0.int_0 = int_194; this.gbStatus.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(Class35_0.method_0)); } private void method_40(int int_194, int int_195, double double_1) { try { if (int_195 == 0x3e7) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in (IEnumerable) dataGridView_0.Rows) { double_1 = double.Parse(row.Cells[int_194].Value.ToString()); if (double_1 < double.Parse(this.string_4[0])) { row.Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue; continue; } if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[1])) { row.Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightBlue; continue; } if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[2])) { row.Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; continue; } if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[3])) { row.Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGoldenrodYellow; continue; } if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[4])) { row.Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightPink; continue; } if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[5])) { row.Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon; } } } else if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[0])) { dataGridView_0.Rows[int_195].Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue; } else if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[1])) { dataGridView_0.Rows[int_195].Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightBlue; } else if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[2])) { dataGridView_0.Rows[int_195].Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; } else if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[3])) { dataGridView_0.Rows[int_195].Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGoldenrodYellow; } else if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[4])) { dataGridView_0.Rows[int_195].Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightPink; } else if (double_1 < int.Parse(this.string_4[5])) { dataGridView_0.Rows[int_195].Cells[int_194].Style.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon; } } catch { } } private void method_41() { while (bool_1) { try { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; if (bool_10) { num4 = (this.comboX.Text != "MAP") ? ((this.comboX.Text != "Tplate") ? int.Parse(this.string_7) : ((int) Math.Round(double.Parse(this.string_9)))) : ((int) Math.Round((double) (double.Parse(this.string_11) * 70.0))); if (this.comboY.Text == "RPM") { num3 = int.Parse(Math.Round((double) (Convert.ToDouble(this.string_11) * 500.0)).ToString()); } } else { if (this.comboX.Text == "Map") { num4 = int.Parse(Math.Round((double) (Convert.ToDouble(this.string_7) * 10.0)).ToString()); } else if (this.comboX.Text == "Tplate") { num4 = int.Parse(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(this.string_9)).ToString()); } else { num4 = int.Parse(this.string_7); } if (this.comboY.Text == "RPM") { num3 = int.Parse(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(this.string_8)).ToString()); } } int num5 = 0; bool flag = false; string[] strArray = this.string_3; int index = 0; while (true) { if (index >= strArray.Length) { num5 = 0; bool flag2 = false; string[] strArray2 = this.string_2; int num10 = 0; while (true) { if (num10 >= strArray2.Length) { dataGridView_0.CurrentCell = dataGridView_0.Rows[num2].Cells[num]; double num6 = double.Parse(dataGridView_0.Rows[num2].Cells[num].Value.ToString()); if (num6 == 0.0) { num6 = Math.Round(this.method_42(this.comboV.Text), 2); } double num7 = (Math.Round(this.method_42(this.comboV.Text), 2) + num6) / 2.0; dataGridView_0.Rows[num2].Cells[num].Value = Math.Round(num7, 2); this.label6.Text = (num7 * 14.7).ToString(); this.method_40(num, num2, num7 * 14.7); break; } string str2 = strArray2[num10]; if ((num4 <= int.Parse(str2)) && !flag2) { num = num5; flag2 = true; } num5++; num10++; } break; } string s = strArray[index]; if ((num3 <= int.Parse(s)) && !flag) { num2 = num5; flag = true; } num5++; index++; } } catch { } } } private double method_42(string string_21) { double num3; try { double result = 0.0; if (string_21 == null) { goto TR_0002; } else { uint num2 = ClassDecryptString.DecryptThisString(string_21); if (num2 > 0x44a7f051) { if (num2 > 0xce8f3e48) { if (num2 > 0xeef6e76e) { if (num2 == 0xf87c4b44) { if (string_21 == "Load%") { return (double.TryParse(this.string_16, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if ((num2 == 0xfd283657) && (string_21 == "ECT")) { return (double.TryParse(this.string_14, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if (num2 == 0xd0b33ab6) { if (string_21 == "RPM") { return (double.TryParse(this.string_8, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if ((num2 == 0xeef6e76e) && (string_21 == "BATTERY")) { return (double.TryParse(this.string_11, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if (num2 == 0x670409f2) { if (string_21 == "BTDC") { return (double.TryParse(this.string_15, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if (num2 == 0x840ae12e) { if (string_21 == "Battery") { return (double.TryParse(this.string_11, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if ((num2 == 0xce8f3e48) && (string_21 == "STFT")) { return (double.TryParse(this.string_17, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if (num2 > 0x1ce412e4) { if (num2 > 0x2f6e59dd) { if (num2 == 0x345d4ece) { if (string_21 == "TPS") { goto TR_000C; } } else if ((num2 == 0x44a7f051) && (string_21 == "Map")) { goto TR_000F; } } else if (num2 == 0x24599f11) { if (string_21 == "MAP") { goto TR_000F; } } else if ((num2 == 0x2f6e59dd) && (string_21 == "TPlate")) { goto TR_000C; } } else if (num2 == 0xa6b8020) { if (string_21 == "Speed") { return (double.TryParse(this.string_10, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if (num2 == 0x1ab73171) { if (string_21 == "IAT") { return (double.TryParse(this.string_13, out result) ? result : 0.0); } } else if ((num2 == 0x1ce412e4) && (string_21 == "O2")) { return (double.TryParse(this.string_12, out result) ? result : 0.0); } goto TR_0002; } goto TR_000F; TR_0002: return double.Parse("00"); TR_000C: return (double.TryParse(this.string_9, out result) ? result : 0.0); TR_000F: num3 = double.TryParse(this.string_7, out result) ? result : 0.0; } catch { num3 = double.Parse("00"); } return num3; } private void method_43() { if (base.InvokeRequired) { try { base.Invoke((Delegate) new MethodInvoker(this.method_52)); } catch (Exception) { } } else { Application.DoEvents(); foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listViewLive.Items) { string text = item.Text; if (text != null) { uint num = ClassDecryptString.DecryptThisString(text); if (num <= 0x712db33a) { if (num <= 0x414daa91) { if (num <= 0x2f6e59dd) { if (num == 0xe251dcc) { if (text != "RPM2") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = int_188.ToString("F0"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0x1ab73171) { if (text != "IAT") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_9.ToString("F1"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num != 0x2f6e59dd) { continue; } if (text != "TPlate") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_4.ToString("F2"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0x309a9e94) { if (text != "Ignition Timing") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_7.ToString("F1"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0x398852df) { if (text != "Cam Angle") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_14.ToString("F1"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num != 0x414daa91) { continue; } if (text != "Wideband") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_2.ToString("F2"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num <= 0x6c2dab5b) { if (num == 0x418b28c8) { if (text != "Target Cam Angle") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = int_187.ToString("F1"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0x44a7f051) { if (text != "Map") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_0.ToString("F1"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num != 0x6c2dab5b) { continue; } if (text != "Knock 4") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = int_193.ToString(); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0x6d4873af) { if (text != "Target AFR") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_3.ToString("F2"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0x6f2db014) { if (text != "Knock 1") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = int_190.ToString(); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num != 0x712db33a) { continue; } if (text != "Knock 3") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = int_192.ToString(); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num <= 0xc635623c) { if (num <= 0x8c46c47f) { if (num == 0x722db4cd) { if (text != "Knock 2") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = int_191.ToString(); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0x840ae12e) { if (text != "Battery") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_1.ToString("F2"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num != 0x8c46c47f) { continue; } if (text != "LTFT") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_12.ToString("F2"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0xa413489a) { if (text != "Pulsewidth") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_8.ToString("F2"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0xba7a3609) { if (text != "AFM") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_15.ToString("F2"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num != 0xc635623c) { continue; } if (text != "VTS") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = int_189.ToString(); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num <= 0xd62d2ca7) { if (num == 0xce8f3e48) { if (text != "STFT") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_11.ToString("F2"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0xd0b33ab6) { if (text != "RPM") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_5.ToString("F0"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num != 0xd62d2ca7) { continue; } if (text != "VSS") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_13.ToString("F0"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0xe5eb0400) { if (text != "RPMRAW") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_6.ToString("F0"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if (num == 0xfcb427b0) { if (text != "Knock Sum") { continue; } try { item.SubItems[1].Text = this.int_183.ToString(); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } continue; } if ((num == 0xfd283657) && (text == "ECT")) { try { item.SubItems[1].Text = float_10.ToString("F1"); if ((item.SubItems[2].Text == "000") || (item.SubItems[2].Text == "")) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) <= float.Parse(item.SubItems[2].Text)) { item.SubItems[2].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } if (float.Parse(item.SubItems[1].Text) >= float.Parse(item.SubItems[3].Text)) { item.SubItems[3].Text = item.SubItems[1].Text; } } catch { } } } } } } private void method_44(string string_21) { try { int num = 0; if (string_21.Length >= 0x18) { char[] separator = new char[] { ' ' }; byte[] buffer = string_21.Replace(",", "").Split(separator).Select((TestClass.Testval2 ?? (TestClass.Testval2 = new Func(TestClass.Testval.method_1)))).ToArray(); num = int.Parse(buffer[5].ToString("X2") + buffer[6].ToString("X2")); if (num > 0xa64) { if (num == 0xa66) { this.method_50(buffer); } else if (num == 0xa6c) { this.method_51(buffer); } } else { switch (num) { case 0xa32: this.method_45(buffer); break; case 0xa33: this.method_46(buffer); break; case 0xa34: this.method_47(buffer); break; case 0xa35: this.method_48(buffer); break; default: if (num == 0xa64) { this.method_49(buffer); } break; } } this.method_43(); } } catch { } } private void method_45(byte[] byte_0) { byte[] buffer1 = new byte[] { byte_0[14], byte_0[13] }; float_5 = ((BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer1, 0) * 4) * 0.667f) / 10f; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { byte_0[14], byte_0[13] }; float_6 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer2, 0) / 10; this.string_8 = float_5.ToString("F0"); float_13 = ((float) byte_0[0x19]) / 1.609f; float_1 = (byte_0[0x1d] * 10f) / 100f; this.string_11 = float_1.ToString("00.0"); float_10 = (((byte_0[0x12] - 40f) * 9f) / 5f) + 32f; this.string_14 = float_10.ToString("F1"); float_9 = (((byte_0[20] - 40f) * 9f) / 5f) + 32f; this.string_13 = float_9.ToString("F1"); float_0 = (byte_0[0x16] * 100f) / 100f; this.string_7 = float_0.ToString("F1"); float_7 = ((byte_0[0x1c] * 2f) - 128f) / 10f; byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x20], byte_0[0x1f] }; float_8 = (BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer3, 0) * 250f) / 1000f; byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x2a], byte_0[0x29] }; float_15 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer4, 0); } private void method_46(byte[] byte_0) { byte[] buffer1 = new byte[] { byte_0[14], byte_0[13] }; float single1 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer1, 0) * 32768f; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x10], byte_0[15] }; float_2 = (((float) BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer2, 0)) / 32768f) * 14.7f; float_11 = (byte_0[0x11] * 1.28f) - 128f; float_12 = (byte_0[0x12] * 1.28f) - 128f; byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { byte_0[20], byte_0[0x13] }; float_3 = (((float) BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer3, 0)) / 32768f) * 14.7f; } private void method_47(byte[] byte_0) { byte[] buffer1 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x10], byte_0[15] }; float single1 = ((float) BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer1, 0)) / 234f; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { byte_0[20], byte_0[0x13] }; float_4 = ((float) BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer2, 0)) / 164f; this.string_9 = float_4.ToString(); byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x16], byte_0[0x15] }; int_188 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer3, 0); int.TryParse(new BitArray(byte_0[30])[0].ToString(), out int_189); float_14 = byte_0[0x1f]; int_187 = byte_0[0x20]; } private void method_48(byte[] byte_0) { } private void method_49(byte[] byte_0) { } private void method_5() { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Clear(); if (this.int_16 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("MAP"); } if (this.int_17 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("RPM"); } if (this.int_25 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("O2"); } if (this.int_22 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("TPS"); } if (this.int_18 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Speed"); } if (this.int_20 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("IAT"); } if (this.int_10 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("ECT"); } if (this.int_19 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Timing Advance"); } if (this.int_9 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine Load"); } if (this.int_11 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Short Term Fuel Trim"); } this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("--Status--"); if (this.int_6 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("DTC Status"); } if (this.int_7 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Freeze DTC"); } if (this.int_8 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel System Status"); } if (this.int_12 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Long term fuel trim—Bank 1"); } if (this.int_13 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Short term fuel trim—Bank 2"); } if (this.int_14 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Long term fuel trim—Bank 2 "); } if (this.int_15 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel pressure"); } if (this.int_21 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Air flow rate "); } if (this.int_23 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Commanded secondary air status "); } if (this.int_24 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensors Present"); } if (this.int_26 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 2"); } if (this.int_27 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 3"); } if (this.int_28 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 4"); } if (this.int_29 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 5"); } if (this.int_30 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 6"); } if (this.int_31 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 7"); } if (this.int_32 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 8"); } if (this.int_33 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("OBD Compliance"); } if (this.int_34 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen sensors present"); } if (this.int_35 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Auxiliary input status"); } if (this.int_36 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Run time since engine start"); } if (this.int_38 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Distance traveled with malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) on"); } if (this.int_39 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel Rail Pressure (relative to manifold vacuum)"); } if (this.int_40 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel Rail Gauge Pressure (diesel, or gasoline direct injection) "); } if (this.int_41 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 1 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Voltage "); } if (this.int_42 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 2 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Voltage "); } if (this.int_43 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 3 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Voltage"); } if (this.int_44 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 4 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Voltage "); } if (this.int_45 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 5 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Voltage "); } if (this.int_46 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 6 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Voltage"); } if (this.int_47 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 7 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Voltage "); } if (this.int_48 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 8 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Voltage "); } if (this.int_49 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Commanded EGR"); } if (this.int_50 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("EGR Error "); } if (this.int_51 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Commanded evaporative purge"); } if (this.int_52 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel Tank Level Input"); } if (this.int_53 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Warm-ups since codes cleared"); } if (this.int_54 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Distance traveled since codes cleared"); } if (this.int_55 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Evap. System Vapor Pressure"); } if (this.int_56 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Absolute Barometric Pressure"); } if (this.int_57 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 1 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Current"); } if (this.int_58 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 2 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Current"); } if (this.int_59 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 3 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Current"); } if (this.int_60 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 4 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Current"); } if (this.int_61 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 5 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Current"); } if (this.int_62 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 6 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Current"); } if (this.int_63 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 7 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Current"); } if (this.int_64 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Oxygen Sensor 8 AB: Fuel–Air Equivalence Ratio CD: Current"); } if (this.int_65 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Catalyst Temperature: Bank 1, Sensor 1"); } if (this.int_66 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Catalyst Temperature: Bank 2, Sensor 1"); } if (this.int_67 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Catalyst Temperature: Bank 1, Sensor 2"); } if (this.int_68 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Catalyst Temperature: Bank 2, Sensor 2"); } if (this.int_70 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Monitor status this drive cycle"); } if (this.int_71 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Control module voltage "); } if (this.int_72 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Absolute load value"); } if (this.int_73 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel–Air commanded equivalence ratio"); } if (this.int_74 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Relative throttle position"); } if (this.int_75 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Ambient air temperature"); } if (this.int_76 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Absolute throttle position B"); } if (this.int_77 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Absolute throttle position C"); } if (this.int_78 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Accelerator pedal position D"); } if (this.int_79 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Accelerator pedal position E"); } if (this.int_80 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Accelerator pedal position F"); } if (this.int_81 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Commanded throttle actuator"); } if (this.int_82 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Time run with MIL on"); } if (this.int_83 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Time since trouble codes cleared"); } if (this.int_84 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Maximum value for Fuel–Air equivalence ratio, oxygen sensor voltage, oxygen sensor current, and intake manifold absolute pressure"); } if (this.int_85 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Maximum value for air flow rate from mass air flow sensor"); } if (this.int_86 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel Type"); } if (this.int_87 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Ethanol fuel %"); } if (this.int_88 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Absolute Evap system Vapor Pressure"); } if (this.int_89 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Evap system vapor pressure"); } if (this.int_90 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Short term secondary oxygen sensor trim, A: bank 1, B: bank 3"); } if (this.int_91 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Long term secondary oxygen sensor trim, A: bank 1, B: bank 3"); } if (this.int_92 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Short term secondary oxygen sensor trim, A: bank 2, B: bank 4"); } if (this.int_93 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Long term secondary oxygen sensor trim, A: bank 2, B: bank 4"); } if (this.int_94 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel rail absolute pressure"); } if (this.int_95 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Relative accelerator pedal position"); } if (this.int_96 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Hybrid battery pack remaining life"); } if (this.int_97 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine oil temperature"); } if (this.int_98 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel injection timing"); } if (this.int_99 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine fuel rate"); } if (this.int_100 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Emission requirements to which vehicle is designed"); } if (this.int_102 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Driver's demand engine - percent torque"); } if (this.int_103 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Actual engine - percent torque"); } if (this.int_104 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine reference torque"); } if (this.int_105 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine percent torque data"); } if (this.int_106 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Auxiliary input / output supported"); } if (this.int_107 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Mass air flow sensor"); } if (this.int_108 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine coolant temperature"); } if (this.int_109 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Intake air temperature sensor"); } if (this.int_110 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Commanded EGR and EGR Error"); } if (this.int_111 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Commanded Diesel intake air flow control and relative intake air flow position"); } if (this.int_112 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Exhaust gas recirculation temperature"); } if (this.int_113 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Commanded throttle actuator control and relative throttle position"); } if (this.int_114 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel pressure control system"); } if (this.int_115 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Injection pressure control system"); } if (this.int_116 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Turbocharger compressor inlet pressure"); } if (this.int_117 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Boost pressure control"); } if (this.int_118 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Variable Geometry turbo (VGT) control"); } if (this.int_119 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Wastegate control"); } if (this.int_120 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Exhaust pressure"); } if (this.int_121 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Turbocharger RPM"); } if (this.int_122 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Turbocharger temperature"); } if (this.int_123 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Turbocharger temperature"); } if (this.int_124 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Charge air cooler temperature (CACT)"); } if (this.int_125 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Exhaust Gas temperature (EGT) Bank 1"); } if (this.int_126 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Exhaust Gas temperature (EGT) Bank 2"); } if (this.int_127 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Diesel particulate filter (DPF)"); } if (this.int_128 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Diesel particulate filter (DPF)"); } if (this.int_129 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) temperature"); } if (this.int_130 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("NOx NTE (Not-To-Exceed) control area status"); } if (this.int_131 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("PM NTE (Not-To-Exceed) control area status"); } if (this.int_132 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine run time"); } if (this.int_134 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine run time for Auxiliary Emissions Control Device(AECD)"); } if (this.int_135 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine run time for Auxiliary Emissions Control Device(AECD)"); } if (this.int_136 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("NOx sensor"); } if (this.int_137 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Manifold surface temperature"); } if (this.int_138 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("NOx reagent system"); } if (this.int_139 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Particulate matter (PM) sensor"); } if (this.int_140 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Intake manifold absolute pressure"); } if (this.int_141 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("SCR Induce System"); } if (this.int_142 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Run Time for AECD #11-#15"); } if (this.int_143 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Run Time for AECD #16-#20"); } if (this.int_144 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Diesel Aftertreatment"); } if (this.int_145 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("O2 Sensor (Wide Range)"); } if (this.int_146 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Throttle Position G"); } if (this.int_147 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine Friction - Percent Torque"); } if (this.int_148 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("PM Sensor Bank 1 & 2"); } if (this.int_149 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("WWH-OBD Vehicle OBD System Information"); } if (this.int_150 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("WWH-OBD Vehicle OBD System Information"); } if (this.int_151 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel System Control"); } if (this.int_152 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("WWH-OBD Vehicle OBD Counters support"); } if (this.int_153 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("NOx Warning And Inducement System"); } if (this.int_154 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("PID95"); } if (this.int_155 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("PID96"); } if (this.int_156 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("PID97"); } if (this.int_157 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor"); } if (this.int_158 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor"); } if (this.int_159 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Hybrid/EV Vehicle System Data, Battery, Voltage"); } if (this.int_160 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Diesel Exhaust Fluid Sensor Data"); } if (this.int_161 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("O2 Sensor Data"); } if (this.int_162 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine Fuel Rate"); } if (this.int_163 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Engine Exhaust Flow Rate"); } if (this.int_164 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Fuel System Percentage Use"); } if (this.int_166 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("NOx Sensor Corrected Data"); } if (this.int_167 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Cylinder Fuel Rate"); } if (this.int_168 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Evap System Vapor Pressure"); } if (this.int_169 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Transmission Actual Gear"); } if (this.int_170 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing"); } if (this.int_171 == 1) { this.listBoxPIDs.Items.Add("Odometer"); } } private void method_50(byte[] byte_0) { } private void method_51(byte[] byte_0) { this.string_12 = float_2.ToString("F1"); byte[] buffer1 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x17], byte_0[0x16] }; int_190 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer1, 0); byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x19], byte_0[0x18] }; int_191 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer2, 0); byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x1a], byte_0[0x19] }; int_192 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer3, 0); byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x1c], byte_0[0x1b] }; int_193 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer4, 0); this.int_183 = ((int_190 + int_191) + int_192) + int_193; this.string_18 = this.int_183.ToString(); byte[] buffer5 = new byte[] { byte_0[0x2d], byte_0[0x2c] }; int num1 = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer5, 0) * 10; } [CompilerGenerated] private void method_52() { this.method_43(); } private void method_6(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.list_0.Clear(); int num = 0; foreach (object obj in this.listViewLive.Items) { ListViewItem listViewItem = (ListViewItem)obj; if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem).Contains(this.listViewLive.Items[num].SubItems[1].Text)) { return; } num++; } if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "MAP") { string[] items = new string[] { "MAP", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0B").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "RPM") { string[] items = new string[] { "RPM", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0C").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "TPS") { string[] items = new string[] { "TPS", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("11").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Speed") { string[] items = new string[] { "Speed", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0D").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "O2") { string[] items = new string[] { "O2", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("14").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "IAT") { string[] items = new string[] { "IAT", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0F").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "ECT") { string[] items = new string[] { "ECT", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("05").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Short Term Fuel Trim") { string[] items = new string[] { "STFT", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("06").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Timing Advance") { string[] items = new string[] { "BTDC", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("0E").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Engine Load") { string[] items = new string[] { "Load%", "000", "000", "000" }; this.listViewLive.Items.Add("04").SubItems.AddRange(items); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Fuel System Status") { this.bool_6 = true; this.method_19("0103"); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "Oxygen Sensors Present") { this.bool_6 = true; this.method_19("0113"); } else if (this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) == "OBD Compliance") { this.bool_6 = true; this.method_19("011C"); } else { MessageBox.Show(this.listBoxPIDs.GetItemText(this.listBoxPIDs.SelectedItem) + " Doesnt Support logging at the moment"); } } private void method_7(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.list_0.Clear(); try { this.listViewLive.SelectedItems[0].Remove(); } catch { } } private void method_9() { if (!this.bool_8) { this.serialPort_0.Close(); this.stringBuilder_0.Clear(); this.bool_4 = false; this.method_21("Connection closed automatically."); this.int_2 = 0; this.method_18(); this.method_10(); } } public static string smethod_0(string string_21) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char ch in string_21) { if ((((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) || (((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) || (((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || (ch == '.')))) || (ch == '_')) { builder.Append(ch); } } return builder.ToString(); } public static byte[] smethod_1(string string_21) { Class36 class2 = new Class36 { string_0 = string_21 }; return Enumerable.Range(0, class2.string_0.Length).Where((TestClass.Testval1 ?? (TestClass.Testval1 = new Func(TestClass.Testval.method_0)))).Select(new Func(class2.method_0)).ToArray(); } public static string smethod_2(byte[] byte_0) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(byte_0.Length * 2); foreach (byte num2 in byte_0) { builder.AppendFormat("{0:x2} ", num2); } return builder.ToString(); } private void StartTable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.bool_2) { this.ClearTable.Enabled = false; this.StopTable.Enabled = false; this.comboX.Enabled = false; this.comboY.Enabled = false; this.comboV.Enabled = false; dataGridView_0.Enabled = true; this.StartTable.Text = "Load Template"; this.bool_2 = false; dataGridView_0.DataSource = null; dataGridView_0.Rows.Clear(); dataGridView_0.Refresh(); } else { OpenFileDialog dialog1 = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog1.Filter = "Scan Template File|*.STEMPLATE"; dialog1.Title = "Load table template"; OpenFileDialog dialog = dialog1; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.comboV.SelectedIndex = 0; this.comboX.SelectedIndex = 0; this.comboY.SelectedIndex = 0; DataTable table = new DataTable(); string[] textArray1 = new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }; string[] strArray = File.ReadAllText(dialog.FileName).Split(textArray1, (StringSplitOptions) StringSplitOptions.None); char[] separator = new char[] { '|' }; this.string_2 = strArray[0].Split(separator); char[] chArray2 = new char[] { '|' }; this.string_3 = strArray[1].Split(chArray2); char[] chArray3 = new char[] { '|' }; this.string_4 = strArray[2].Split(chArray3); int index = 0; string[] strArray2 = this.string_2; for (int i = 0; i < strArray2.Length; i++) { table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(this.string_2[index], typeof(string))); index++; } index = 0; string[] strArray3 = this.string_3; for (int j = 0; j < strArray3.Length; j++) { object[] values = new object[] { "0" }; table.Rows.Add(values); index++; } dataGridView_0.DataSource = table; dataGridView_0.RowHeadersWidth = 90; index = 0; string[] strArray4 = this.string_3; for (int k = 0; k < strArray4.Length; k++) { dataGridView_0.Rows[index].HeaderCell.Value = this.string_3[index]; index++; } foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in dataGridView_0.Columns) { column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; column.Width = 0x23; } this.ClearTable.Enabled = true; this.StopTable.Enabled = true; this.comboX.Enabled = true; this.comboY.Enabled = true; this.comboV.Enabled = true; dataGridView_0.Enabled = true; this.method_37(); foreach (DataGridViewColumn column2 in dataGridView_0.Columns) { column2.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; } dataGridView_0.TopLeftHeaderCell.Value = "RPM/MAP"; index = 0; string[] strArray5 = this.string_2; for (int m = 0; m < strArray5.Length; m++) { this.method_40(index, 0x3e7, 0.0); index++; } this.StartTable.Text = "Save and Close"; this.bool_2 = true; } } } private void StopTable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (bool_1) { this.timer_1.Enabled = false; this.StartTable.Enabled = true; this.StopTable.Text = "Start Trace"; bool_1 = false; } else { this.StartTable.Enabled = false; this.StopTable.Text = "Stop Trace"; bool_1 = true; this.thread_0 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.method_41)); this.thread_0.Start(); } } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (this.icontainer_0 != null)) { this.icontainer_0.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } private void timer_0_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.livegraph1.method_1(Convert.ToInt32(this.method_42(this.Graph1.Text))); } catch { } try { this.livegraph2.method_1(Convert.ToInt32(this.method_42(this.Graph2.Text))); } catch { } try { this.livegraph3.method_1(Convert.ToInt32(this.method_42(this.Graph3.Text))); } catch { } try { this.livegraph4.method_1(Convert.ToInt32(this.method_42(this.Graph4.Text))); } catch { } switch (frmOBD2Scan.int_186) { case 1: try { frmOBD2Scan.int_185 = Convert.ToInt32(this.method_42(this.Graph1.Text)); return; } catch { return; } break; case 2: break; case 3: goto IL_110; case 4: goto IL_131; default: return; } try { frmOBD2Scan.int_185 = Convert.ToInt32(this.method_42(this.Graph2.Text)); return; } catch { return; } IL_110: try { frmOBD2Scan.int_185 = Convert.ToInt32(this.method_42(this.Graph3.Text)); return; } catch { return; } IL_131: try { frmOBD2Scan.int_185 = Convert.ToInt32(this.method_42(this.Graph4.Text)); } catch { } } private void timer_2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.bool_8) { if (this.serialPort_0 == null) { this.method_10(); } else if (!this.serialPort_0.IsOpen) { this.method_10(); } else { this.timer_2.Enabled = false; if (this.thread_0 == null) { this.thread_0 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.method_30)); this.thread_0.Start(); } } } else if (bool_10) { this.label2.Text = "J2534 Adapter: OpenPort 2.0"; this.label3.Text = "Features: Extended CANBUS"; if (!this.bool_9) { ColumnHeader column = this.listViewLive.Columns[0]; this.listViewLive.Columns.Remove(column); this.method_31(); this.method_2(); this.bool_9 = true; } this.listBoxPIDs.Enabled = false; bool_11 = true; this.timer_6.Enabled = true; if (this.thread_0 == null) { this.thread_0 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.method_29)); this.thread_0.Start(); } this.timer_2.Enabled = false; } else { if (!bool_11) { this.label2.Text = "J2534 Adapter: OpenPort 2.0"; this.label3.Text = "Features: ALL SUPPORTED"; this.method_10(); this.method_19("0100"); } try { GetMessageResults messages = this.channel_0.GetMessages(2, 5); if (messages.Result.IsOK()) { foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message in messages.Messages) { string str = smethod_2(message.Data); if (str.Contains("41 00")) { this.bool_5 = false; bool_11 = true; this.timer_2.Interval = 50; } if (!this.bool_5) { this.method_34(); } else { this.timer_2.Enabled = false; if (this.thread_0 == null) { this.thread_0 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.method_29)); this.thread_0.Start(); } } } } } catch { } } } private void timer_3_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { List list = new List(SerialPort.GetPortNames()); list.Sort(); bool flag = false; if (list.Count != this.cbPort.Items.Count) { flag = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i] != this.cbPort.Items[i].ToString()) { flag = true; } } } if (flag) { this.cbPort.Items.Clear(); this.cbPort.Items.AddRange(list.ToArray()); this.cbPort.SelectedIndex = this.cbPort.Items.Count - 1; } } private void timer_4_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.int_184 > (this.listViewLive.Items.Count - 1)) { this.bool_7 = !this.bool_7; this.int_184 = 0; } string text = this.listViewLive.Items[this.int_184].SubItems[0].Text; if (this.bool_7) { this.method_19("01" + text); this.method_3(); } else if ((!this.bool_7 && ((text != "05") && (text != "0A"))) && (text != "0F")) { this.method_19("01" + text); this.method_3(); } this.int_184++; } private void timer_6_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.method_4(this.int_0); this.int_0 = 0; } catch { this.timer_6.Enabled = false; } } private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.groupBox5.Text = "Refresh Rate: " + this.trackBar1.Value.ToString(); frmOBD2Scan.int_1 = this.trackBar1.Value; this.timer_4.Interval = frmOBD2Scan.int_1; } [Serializable, CompilerGenerated] private sealed class TestClass //<>c { public static readonly frmOBD2Scan.TestClass Testval = new frmOBD2Scan.TestClass(); //<>9 public static Func Testval1; //<>9__413_0 public static Func Testval2; //<>9__452_0 internal bool method_0(int int_0) => ((int_0 % 2) == 0); internal byte method_1(string string_0) => Convert.ToByte(string_0, 0x10); } [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class Class35 { public frmOBD2Scan frmOBD2Scan_0; public int int_0; internal void method_0() { this.frmOBD2Scan_0.gbStatus.Text = "Status: FPS " + this.int_0.ToString(); } } [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class Class36 { public string string_0; internal byte method_0(int int_0) => Convert.ToByte(this.string_0.Substring(int_0, 2), 0x10); } private void gbConnection_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { } }