using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using DarkUI.Controls; using DarkUI.Forms; using SAE.J2534; public class GForm_Main : DarkForm { //bool ECU_Unlocked = false; bool VehicleConnected = false; private DarkButton darkButton_Unlock01; private DarkButton darkButton2; private OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1; byte Unlocking_Mode = 0x41; bool WritingBinaryMode = true; //if false we are in writing firmware mode, this is set later anyway private DarkButton darkButton_FlashFW; private GForm_Main GForm_Main_0; private DarkGroupBox DarkgroupBox1; private DarkButton darkButton4; private DarkButton darkButton5; private DarkButton darkButton6; private DarkButton darkButton3; public Editortable Editortable_0; public string Version = "v1.1.3"; private DarkTextBox darkTextBoxJ2534Command; private DarkLabel darkLabel1; private DarkButton darkButtonJ2534Command; public Class_DefinitionMaker Class_DefinitionMaker_0; private DarkComboBox darkComboBoxUnlockMode; private bool BadResponceReceived = false; public GForm_Main() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.darkTextBox_0.Text = this.darkTextBox_0.Text + Environment.NewLine; this.darkTextBox_0.Text = this.darkTextBox_0.Text + Environment.NewLine; this.darkTextBox_0.Text = this.darkTextBox_0.Text + Environment.NewLine; GForm_Main_0 = this; Editortable_0 = new Editortable(ref GForm_Main_0); Class_RWD.Load(ref GForm_Main_0); this.Text = this.Text + " (" + Version + ")"; Class_DefinitionMaker_0 = new Class_DefinitionMaker(ref GForm_Main_0); darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex = 0; } private void method_0(string string_3) { if (this.darkTextBox_0.InvokeRequired) { GForm_Main.Delegate0 delegate_ = new GForm_Main.Delegate0(this.method_0); this.method_22(delegate_, new object[] { string_3 }); return; } this.darkTextBox_0.Text = string_3; //Console.Write(string_3); } public void method_Log(string string_3) { this.darkTextBox_0.Text += string_3; //Console.Write(string_3); //Send to ROM Editor logs Editortable_0.method_Log(string_3); } public void method_1(string string_3) { try { //With newline automaticly added Console.WriteLine(string_3); GForm_Main.Class5 @class = new GForm_Main.Class5(); @class.gform0_0 = this; @class.string_0 = string_3; this.darkTextBox_0.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(@class.method_0)); //Send to ROM Editor logs Editortable_0.method_1(string_3); } catch { } } private void method_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { APIInfo[] apilist = APIFactory.GetAPIList(); APIInfo apiinfo = apilist[0]; DarkTextBox darkTextBox = this.darkTextBox_0; Console.WriteLine(apiinfo.Name); Console.WriteLine("Filename:" + apiinfo.Filename); Console.WriteLine(apiinfo.Details); darkTextBox.Text = darkTextBox.Text + apiinfo.Name + Environment.NewLine; darkTextBox.Text = darkTextBox.Text + "Filename:" + apiinfo.Filename + Environment.NewLine; darkTextBox.Text = darkTextBox.Text + apiinfo.Details + Environment.NewLine; } private void method_3(object sender, EventArgs e) { GForm_J2534Select gform = new GForm_J2534Select(); if (gform.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { GForm_Main.string_0 = gform.APIInfo_0.Filename; gform.Dispose(); darkButton1.Enabled = true; darkButton_4.Enabled = true; darkButton_0.Enabled = true; } } private void SetCommandText(byte[] CommandArray) { try { darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < CommandArray.Length; i++) { darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Text = darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Text + CommandArray[i].ToString("X2"); if (i < CommandArray.Length - 1) darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Text = darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Text + ","; } } catch { } } private void darkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //ECU_Unlocked = false; this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_Unlock41.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_Unlock01.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = false; this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Enabled = false; VehicleConnected = false; using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(GForm_Main.string_0)) { try { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.ISO15765, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID, false)) { LoadJ2534Channel(channel); int num2 = 0; byte[] arraySend1 = new byte[] { 34, //0x22 -> Read Data by ID (F190) 241, //0xF1 144 //0x90 }; byte[] Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 5); if (BadResponceReceived) return; int num4 = GForm_Main.smethod_0(Received, byte_1); if (num4 != -1) { byte[] bytes = new byte[0x10]; Array.Copy(Received, 8, bytes, 0, 0x10); this.darkTextBox_1.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes); //Display VIN number this.method_1("VIN:" + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes)); num2 = 1; } //############################################################# //############################################################# arraySend1 = new byte[] { 34, //0x22 -> Read Data by ID (F181) 241, //0xF1 129 //0x81 }; Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 5); if (BadResponceReceived) return; int num6 = GForm_Main.smethod_0(Received, byte_0); if (num6 != -1) { byte[] bytes = new byte[0x10]; Array.Copy(Received, 7, bytes, 0, 0x10); this.darkTextBox_2.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes); //Display CAL_ID Number this.method_1("ID:" + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes)); this.method_1("Vehicle is Online"); num2 = 2; } //############################################################# if (num2 == 1) { this.method_1("Vehicle is in recovery mode?"); DarkMessageBox.Show(this, "Failed to retrieve vin number, assuming recovery mode, read disabled", "RECOVERY MODE", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (num2 != 2) { DarkMessageBox.Show(this, "ECU was not detected.\n\rMake sure you have selected the correct platform and the vehicle is on and your device is plugged in.\n\rProvided you have checked these things. Please send a message to the discord group or the page with your vehicle \n\rDomestic Market, Make, Model,Year,Transmission, and Device you are using to Connect.", "Failed to detect Ecu", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { //this.darkButton_Unlock41.Enabled = true; //this.darkButton_Unlock01.Enabled = true; this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Enabled = true; VehicleConnected = true; SetButtons(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { DarkMessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message); } } return; } public void method_4(int int_0) { this.darkProgressBar_0.Value = int_0; this.darkLabel_7.Text = "Reading: " + int_0.ToString() + "%"; Application.DoEvents(); } public void method_5(int int_0) { this.darkProgressBar_0.Value = int_0; this.darkLabel_7.Text = "Writing: " + int_0.ToString() + "%"; Application.DoEvents(); } public void ResetProgressBar() { this.darkProgressBar_0.Value = 0; this.darkLabel_7.Text = "Status"; Application.DoEvents(); } private void method_6(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { string text = e.UserState as string; this.darkLabel_8.Text = text; this.method_4(e.ProgressPercentage); } private void method_7_Nothing(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { /*if (!ECU_Unlocked) { ECU_Unlocked = false; this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = false; DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to Unlock ECU, Check Log"); } if (ECU_Unlocked) { if (Unlocking_Mode == 0x41) { //Unlock ALL buttons (Read&Writes) for 0x27,0x41 Unlock this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = true; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = true; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = true; } else { //Unlock FlashFW button (Write FW ONLY) for 0x27,0x01 Unlock this.darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = true; } }*/ } private void method_7(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { if (this.byte_7 != null) { this.method_8(this.byte_7); } } private void method_8(byte[] byte_12) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; saveFileDialog.Filter = "Honda Rom Dump|*.Bin"; saveFileDialog.FileName = this.darkTextBox_2.Text; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } File.WriteAllBytes(saveFileDialog.FileName, byte_12); this.method_1("File saved: " + saveFileDialog.FileName); DarkMessageBox.Show(this, "Successfully Saved File!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); /*this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_Unlock41.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_Unlock01.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = false;*/ } private void darkButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /*if (GForm_Main.string_0.Length == 0) { GForm_J2534Select gform = new GForm_J2534Select(); if (gform.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { this.darkTextBox_0.Text = "Couldn't open device selection form"; return; } GForm_Main.string_0 = gform.APIInfo_0.Filename; gform.Dispose(); } this.Unlocking_Mode = 0x41; this.backgroundWorker_1 = new BackgroundWorker(); this.backgroundWorker_1.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.backgroundWorker_1.DoWork += this.method_UnlockECU; this.backgroundWorker_1.ProgressChanged += this.method_6; this.backgroundWorker_1.RunWorkerCompleted += this.method_7_Nothing; this.backgroundWorker_1.RunWorkerAsync();*/ } private void darkButton_Unlock01_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /*if (GForm_Main.string_0.Length == 0) { GForm_J2534Select gform = new GForm_J2534Select(); if (gform.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { this.darkTextBox_0.Text = "Couldn't open device selection form"; return; } GForm_Main.string_0 = gform.APIInfo_0.Filename; gform.Dispose(); } this.Unlocking_Mode = 0x01; this.backgroundWorker_1 = new BackgroundWorker(); this.backgroundWorker_1.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.backgroundWorker_1.DoWork += this.method_UnlockECU; this.backgroundWorker_1.ProgressChanged += this.method_6; this.backgroundWorker_1.RunWorkerCompleted += this.method_7_Nothing; this.backgroundWorker_1.RunWorkerAsync();*/ } public void method_UnlockECU(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { //ECU_Unlocked = false; /*using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(GForm_Main.string_0)) { try { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.ISO15765, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID, false)) { LoadJ2534Channel(channel); device.SetProgrammingVoltage(Pin.PIN_12, 5000); //################################################################ //Unlocking ECU before performing any actions byte[] arraySend1 = new byte[] {0x10, 0x03}; byte[] Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) this.method_1("Diag Mode Set"); //################################################################ byte SeedSendByte = this.Unlocking_Mode; arraySend1 = new byte[] {0x27, SeedSendByte}; this.method_1("Requesting Seed"); Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; //################################################################ byte[] byte_ = new byte[] {0x67, SeedSendByte}; byte[] array6 = new byte[4]; bool TwoBytesMode = false; byte b = 1; //################################################################ if (Received != null) { int num = GForm_Main.smethod_2(Received, byte_, 0); if (num > 0) { if (Received.Length < 10) { array6 = new byte[2]; TwoBytesMode = true; } int index = 0; while (true) { if ((!TwoBytesMode && index >= 4) || (TwoBytesMode && index >= 2)) { if (!TwoBytesMode) { b = Received[(index + num) + 2]; Array.Reverse(array6); } this.method_1("Security Request - Seed Bytes:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(array6)); if (!TwoBytesMode) this.method_1("Security Request - Algorithm:" + b.ToString("X2")); break; } array6[index] = Received[(index + num) + 2]; index++; } } } //################################################################ if (array6[0] != 0) { uint value = 0; if (!TwoBytesMode) value = Class_Cypher.GetKey41(BitConverter.ToUInt32(array6, 0), b); else value = Class_Cypher.GetKey01(array6, darkTextBox_2.Text); byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); this.method_1("Security Request - Key to Send:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(bytes)); arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x27, (byte)(SeedSendByte + 1) }; byte[] array8 = new byte[arraySend1.Length + 5]; if (TwoBytesMode) array8 = new byte[arraySend1.Length + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySend1.Length; i++) array8[i] = arraySend1[i]; array8[2] = bytes[0]; //SecurityKey Byte1 array8[3] = bytes[1]; //SecurityKey Byte2 if (!TwoBytesMode) { array8[2] = bytes[2]; //SecurityKey Byte3 array8[3] = bytes[3]; //SecurityKey Byte4 array8[4] = b; //Algorithm Byte } byte[] byte_2 = new byte[] { 0x67, (byte)(SeedSendByte + 1)}; Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, array8, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) { int num = GForm_Main.smethod_2(Received, byte_2, 0); //looking for 0x67, 0x42 if (num > 0) { this.method_1("Security Authorized: ECU Unlocked"); //ECU_Unlocked = true; } else { this.method_1("Recv:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(Received)); //ECU_Unlocked = false; } } } else { this.method_1("Result NOT OK!!"); } //################################################################ } } } catch (Exception ex) { DarkMessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }*/ } public byte[] SendJ2534Message(Channel channel, byte[] MessageBytes, int receivelenght) { BadResponceReceived = false; byte[] arrayCommand = new byte[] { 0x18, 0xDA, GForm_Main.byte_3, //-> 0x10|0x11 0xF1 }; SetCommandText(MessageBytes); //Add the rest of the messages bytes to the final array byte[] arrayCommandFinal = new byte[arrayCommand.Length + MessageBytes.Length]; int MessageIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arrayCommand.Length; i++) { arrayCommandFinal[MessageIndex] = arrayCommand[i]; MessageIndex++; } for (int i = 0; i < MessageBytes.Length; i++) { arrayCommandFinal[MessageIndex] = MessageBytes[i]; MessageIndex++; } //Send message SAE.J2534.Message messageCommands = new SAE.J2534.Message(arrayCommandFinal, TxFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID | TxFlag.ISO15765_FRAME_PAD); channel.SendMessage(messageCommands); this.method_1("Send:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(messageCommands.Data)); //Receive message bool SendPendingResp = false; int RetryCount = 0; int RetryMaxCount = (10 * 1000) / 5; //->Max ~10sec for responce pending, each try take 5ms while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Trying.."); if (RetryCount >= RetryMaxCount) { this.method_1("Timeout waiting for response"); BadResponceReceived = true; break; } //ISSUE HERE, CAUSED ONE BRICKED ECU GetMessageResults messagesReceived = channel.GetMessages(receivelenght, 1000); //may edit receivelenght when RetryCount > 0 if (messagesReceived.Result.IsOK()) { int IndexReceived = 1; foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message3 in messagesReceived.Messages) { //Gather Negative Responce int num2 = GForm_Main.smethod_2(message3.Data, this.byte_5, 0); //looking for 0x11, 0x7F if (num2 > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { this.byte_6[k] = message3.Data[k + num2 + 2]; //0x27, 0x35 } Class_ODB.Mode mode = (Class_ODB.Mode)this.byte_6[0]; string str2 = mode.ToString(); Class_ODB.NegativeResponse negativeResponse = (Class_ODB.NegativeResponse)this.byte_6[1]; // wait for another message if response pending if (this.byte_6[1] == 0x78) { if (!SendPendingResp) this.method_1("Response pending..."); SendPendingResp = true; receivelenght = 1; Thread.Sleep(5); RetryCount++; continue; } else { this.method_1("BAD Response: " + str2 + "|" + negativeResponse.ToString()); BadResponceReceived = true; break; } } if (IndexReceived >= receivelenght) { this.method_1("Recv:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(message3.Data)); return message3.Data; } IndexReceived++; } } else { if (SendPendingResp) { Thread.Sleep(5); RetryCount++; continue; } else { this.method_1("Result NOT OK!!"); BadResponceReceived = true; break; } } //break; } return null; } public void method_ReadROM(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(GForm_Main.string_0)) { try { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.ISO15765, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID, false)) { LoadJ2534Channel(channel); bool ECU_Unlocked = false; device.SetProgrammingVoltage(Pin.PIN_12, 5000); //################################################################ //Unlocking ECU before performing any actions byte[] arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x10, 0x03 }; byte[] Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) this.method_1("Diag Mode Set"); //################################################################ byte SeedSendByte = this.Unlocking_Mode; arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x27, SeedSendByte }; this.method_1("Requesting Seed"); Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; //################################################################ byte[] byte_ = new byte[] { 0x67, SeedSendByte }; byte[] array6 = new byte[4]; bool TwoBytesMode = false; byte b = 1; //################################################################ if (Received != null) { int num = GForm_Main.smethod_2(Received, byte_, 0); if (num > 0) { if (Received.Length < 10) { array6 = new byte[2]; TwoBytesMode = true; } int index = 0; while (true) { if ((!TwoBytesMode && index >= 4) || (TwoBytesMode && index >= 2)) { if (!TwoBytesMode) { b = Received[(index + num) + 2]; Array.Reverse(array6); } this.method_1("Security Request - Seed Bytes:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(array6)); if (!TwoBytesMode) this.method_1("Security Request - Algorithm:" + b.ToString("X2")); break; } array6[index] = Received[(index + num) + 2]; index++; } } } //################################################################ if (array6[0] != 0) { uint value = 0; if (!TwoBytesMode) value = Class_Cypher.GetKey41(BitConverter.ToUInt32(array6, 0), b); else value = Class_Cypher.GetKey01(array6, darkTextBox_2.Text); byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); this.method_1("Security Request - Key to Send:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(bytes)); arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x27, (byte)(SeedSendByte + 1) }; byte[] array8 = new byte[arraySend1.Length + 5]; if (TwoBytesMode) array8 = new byte[arraySend1.Length + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySend1.Length; i++) array8[i] = arraySend1[i]; array8[2] = bytes[0]; //SecurityKey Byte1 array8[3] = bytes[1]; //SecurityKey Byte2 if (!TwoBytesMode) { array8[2] = bytes[2]; //SecurityKey Byte3 array8[3] = bytes[3]; //SecurityKey Byte4 array8[4] = b; //Algorithm Byte } byte[] byte_2 = new byte[] { 0x67, (byte)(SeedSendByte + 1) }; Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, array8, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) { int num = GForm_Main.smethod_2(Received, byte_2, 0); //looking for 0x67, 0x42 if (num > 0) { this.method_1("Security Authorized: ECU Unlocked"); ECU_Unlocked = true; } else { this.method_1("Recv:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(Received)); } } } else { this.method_1("Result NOT OK!!"); } //################################################################ if (!ECU_Unlocked) { this.method_1("ECU is NOT Unlocked!"); return; } else { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); this.byte_7 = this.method_10(channel, this.backgroundWorker_1); stopwatch.Stop(); TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); this.backgroundWorker_1.ReportProgress(0, "Successfully read " + this.byte_7.Length + "bytes of flash memory in " + timeSpan.Minutes + ":" + timeSpan.Seconds); device.SetProgrammingVoltage(Pin.PIN_12, -1); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { DarkMessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } public static int smethod_0(byte[] byte_12, byte[] byte_13) { if (byte_12 == null) return -1; if (byte_13.Length > byte_12.Length) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < byte_12.Length - byte_13.Length; i++) { bool flag = true; for (int j = 0; j < byte_13.Length; j++) { if (byte_12[i + j] != byte_13[j]) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { return i; } } return -1; } public static string smethod_1(byte[] byte_12) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(byte_12.Length * 2); foreach (byte b in byte_12) { stringBuilder.Append("0x"); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:X2} ", b); } return stringBuilder.ToString(); } private static int smethod_2(byte[] byte_12, byte[] byte_13, int int_0 = 0) { int num = byte_12.Length - byte_13.Length; byte b = byte_13[0]; //0x67 || 0x11 while (int_0 <= num) { if (byte_12[int_0] == b) { for (int num2 = 1; num2 != byte_13.Length; num2++) { if (byte_12[int_0 + num2] != byte_13[num2]) //0x42 || 0x7F { goto IL_32; } } return int_0; } IL_32: int_0++; } return -1; } public byte[] method_10(Channel channel_0, BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_1 = null) { GForm_Main.Class6 @class = new GForm_Main.Class6(); @class.gform0_0 = this; @class.byte_0 = new byte[1]; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; @class.uint_0 = 4U; this.darkTextBox_0.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(@class.method_0)); GForm_Main.Class7 class2 = new GForm_Main.Class7(); class2.class6_0 = @class; class2.uint_0 = 0U; while ((ulong)class2.uint_0 <= (ulong)((long)GForm_Main.class9_0.ReadingSize)) { Application.DoEvents(); TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Subtract(now).Ticks * ((long)GForm_Main.class9_0.ReadingSize - (long)((ulong)(class2.uint_0 + 1U))) / (long)((ulong)(class2.uint_0 + 1U))); this.method_12(class2.uint_0, class2.class6_0.uint_0, out class2.class6_0.byte_0, channel_0); //string userState = "Time Remaining:" + string.Format("{0:mm:ss}", timeSpan); string userState = "Time Remaining:" + string.Format("{0:mm\\:ss}", timeSpan); this.method_11((long)((ulong)class2.uint_0)); if ((long)class2.class6_0.byte_0.Length != (long)((ulong)class2.class6_0.uint_0)) { Control control = this.darkTextBox_0; MethodInvoker method; if ((method = class2.class6_0.methodInvoker_0) == null) { method = (class2.class6_0.methodInvoker_0 = new MethodInvoker(class2.class6_0.method_1)); } control.BeginInvoke(method); } try { Buffer.BlockCopy(class2.class6_0.byte_0, 0, this.byte_7, (int)class2.uint_0, class2.class6_0.byte_0.Length); goto IL_213; } catch { this.darkTextBox_0.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(class2.method_0)); goto IL_213; } goto IL_1B4; IL_1CD: if (backgroundWorker_1 != null) { backgroundWorker_1.ReportProgress((int)(class2.uint_0 / (float)GForm_Main.class9_0.ReadingSize * 100f), userState); } class2.uint_0 += class2.class6_0.uint_0; continue; IL_1B4: this.darkTextBox_0.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(class2.method_1)); goto IL_1CD; IL_213: if (class2.uint_0 % 256U == 0U) { goto IL_1B4; } goto IL_1CD; } return this.byte_7; } private void method_11(long long_1) { GForm_Main.Class8 @class = new GForm_Main.Class8(); @class.gform0_0 = this; if (this.long_0 != 0L) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeSpan = now - this.dateTime_0; long num = long_1 - this.long_0; @class.double_0 = (double)num / timeSpan.TotalSeconds; this.long_0 = long_1; this.dateTime_0 = now; this.darkLabel_5.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(@class.method_0)); return; } this.dateTime_0 = DateTime.Now; this.long_0 = long_1; } public void method_12(uint uint_0, uint uint_1, out byte[] byte_12, Channel channel_0) { byte_12 = new byte[1]; byte[] arraySend1 = new byte[] { 35, //0x23 -> Read_data_by_address 20, //0x14 (byte)((uint_0 >> 0x18) & 0xff), (byte)((uint_0 >> 0x10) & 0xff), (byte)((uint_0 >> 8) & 0xff), (byte)(uint_0 & 0xff), 4 }; byte[] byte_13 = new byte[] { GForm_Main.byte_3, 99 }; byte[] Received = SendJ2534Message(channel_0, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) { //if (messages.Result != ResultCode.DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) //{ int num = GForm_Main.smethod_2(Received, byte_13, 0); if (num > 0) { num += 2; Array.Resize(ref byte_12, Received.Length - num); Array.Copy(Received, num, byte_12, 0, Received.Length - num); } } } private void method_13(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GForm_Main.string_0.Length == 0) { GForm_J2534Select gform = new GForm_J2534Select(); if (gform.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { this.darkTextBox_0.Text = "Couldn't open device selection form"; return; } GForm_Main.string_0 = gform.APIInfo_0.Filename; gform.Dispose(); } SetUnlockingMode(); this.backgroundWorker_0 = new BackgroundWorker(); this.backgroundWorker_0.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.backgroundWorker_0.DoWork += this.method_ReadROM; this.backgroundWorker_0.ProgressChanged += this.method_6; this.backgroundWorker_0.RunWorkerCompleted += this.method_7; this.backgroundWorker_0.RunWorkerAsync(); } private void method_14(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(GForm_Main.string_0)) { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.ISO15765, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID, false)) { MessageFilter messageFilter = new MessageFilter(); messageFilter.FilterType = Filter.FLOW_CONTROL_FILTER; messageFilter.Mask = new byte[] { byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue }; messageFilter.Pattern = new byte[] { 0, 0, 126, 8 }; MessageFilter messageFilter2 = messageFilter; byte[] array = new byte[4]; array[2] = 126; messageFilter2.FlowControl = array; MessageFilter filter = messageFilter; channel.StartMsgFilter(filter); SConfig[] config = new SConfig[] { new SConfig(Parameter.LOOP_BACK, 1), new SConfig(Parameter.DATA_RATE, 500000) }; channel.SetConfig(config); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); this.byte_7 = this.method_15(channel, this.backgroundWorker_1); stopwatch.Stop(); TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); DarkTextBox darkTextBox = this.darkTextBox_0; darkTextBox.Text = darkTextBox.Text + GForm_Main.smethod_1(this.byte_7) + Environment.NewLine; } } } } public byte[] method_15(Channel channel_0, BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_1 = null) { byte[] array = new byte[4]; byte[] array2 = new byte[1]; uint num = uint.Parse(this.darkTextBox_4.Text); uint uint_ = uint.Parse(this.darkTextBox_3.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber); this.method_12(uint_, num, out array2, channel_0); if ((long)array2.Length == (long)((ulong)num)) { Buffer.BlockCopy(array2, 0, array, 0, array2.Length); } return array; } private void method_16(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GForm_Main.string_0 == string.Empty) { GForm_J2534Select gform = new GForm_J2534Select(); if (gform.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { this.darkTextBox_0.Text = "Couldn't open device selection form"; return; } GForm_Main.string_0 = gform.APIInfo_0.Filename; gform.Dispose(); } try { using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(GForm_Main.string_0)) { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.ISO15765, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.SNIFF_MODE, false)) { List list = new List(); GetMessageResults messages = channel.GetMessages(10000); if (messages.Result != ResultCode.DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) { foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message in messages.Messages) { list.Add(message.Data); } } if (list.Count() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < list.Count(); j++) { this.darkTextBox_0.AppendText(string.Format("message[{0}]: ", j) + GForm_Main.smethod_1(list[j]) + Environment.NewLine); } } } } } } catch { } } public byte GetNegativeChecksumArea(byte[] byte_1, int Start, int ChecksumLocation) { byte b = 0; for (int i = Start; i < byte_1.Length; i++) { if (i != ChecksumLocation) { b -= byte_1[i]; } } return b; } public byte[] VerifyChecksumFullBin(byte[] BinFileBytes) { //############################### //Get Checksum and Fix it byte[] BufferBytes = BinFileBytes; int CheckLocation = 0; if (BufferBytes.Length - 1 == 0xFFFFF) CheckLocation = 0x8400; //1mb-full if (BufferBytes.Length - 1 == 0x1FFFFF) CheckLocation = 0x10012; //2mb-full if (BufferBytes.Length - 1 == 0x27FFFF) CheckLocation = 0x2003E6; //4mb-full //0x3FFFFF byte num = BufferBytes[CheckLocation]; byte num2 = GetNegativeChecksumArea(BufferBytes, 0, CheckLocation); if (num != num2) { this.method_1("Checksum miss match."); BufferBytes[CheckLocation] = num2; this.method_1("Checksum fixed at 0x" + CheckLocation.ToString("X") + " | Checksum: 0x" + num2.ToString("X2")); } else { this.method_1("Checksum are good at 0x" + CheckLocation.ToString("X") + " | Checksum: 0x" + num2.ToString("X2")); } return BufferBytes; } public byte[] VerifyChecksumFWBin(byte[] FWFileBytes) { //############################### //Get Checksum and Fix it byte[] BufferBytes = FWFileBytes; int CheckLocation = 0; if (BufferBytes.Length - 1 == 0xF7FFF) CheckLocation = 0x400; //1mb-fw -> 0x8400 in full bin but we dont have the bootloader 0x0000 to 0x8000 if (BufferBytes.Length - 1 == 0x1EFFFF) CheckLocation = 0x12; //2mb-fw if (BufferBytes.Length - 1 == 0x26FFFF) CheckLocation = 0x1F03E6; //4mb-fw byte num = Class_RWD.BootloaderSum; byte num2 = Class_RWD.GetNegativeChecksumFWBin(BufferBytes, CheckLocation); byte ThisSum = num; ThisSum -= num2; byte chk = BufferBytes[CheckLocation]; if (chk != ThisSum) { this.method_1("Checksum miss match."); BufferBytes[CheckLocation] = ThisSum; this.method_1("Checksum fixed at 0x" + CheckLocation.ToString("X") + " | Checksum: 0x" + num2.ToString("X2")); } else { GForm_Main_0.method_1("checksum good at 0x" + CheckLocation.ToString("X") + " | Checksum: 0x" + num2.ToString("X2")); } return BufferBytes; } private void method_17(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GForm_Main.string_0.Length == 0) { GForm_J2534Select gform = new GForm_J2534Select(); if (gform.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { this.darkTextBox_0.Text = "Couldn't open device selection form"; return; } GForm_Main.string_0 = gform.APIInfo_0.Filename; gform.Dispose(); } SetUnlockingMode(); using (OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog()) { dialog.Filter = "Honda Binary ROM File|*.bin"; dialog.FilterIndex = 1; dialog.RestoreDirectory = true; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string string_Filename = dialog.FileName; byte_ToWrite = File.ReadAllBytes(string_Filename); WritingBinaryMode = true; //############################### //Get/Fix Checksums byte_ToWrite = VerifyChecksumFullBin(byte_ToWrite); if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to write this file to ECU?", "Flash Tool", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { this.backgroundWorker_0 = new BackgroundWorker(); this.backgroundWorker_0.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.backgroundWorker_0.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker_0_DoWork_1); this.backgroundWorker_0.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.method_18); this.backgroundWorker_0.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.method_19); this.backgroundWorker_0.RunWorkerAsync(); } } } } private void SetUnlockingMode() { if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 0) Unlocking_Mode = 0x01; if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 1) Unlocking_Mode = 0x03; if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 2) Unlocking_Mode = 0x05; if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 3) Unlocking_Mode = 0x41; } private void darkButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GForm_Main.string_0.Length == 0) { GForm_J2534Select gform = new GForm_J2534Select(); if (gform.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { this.darkTextBox_0.Text = "Couldn't open device selection form"; return; } GForm_Main.string_0 = gform.APIInfo_0.Filename; gform.Dispose(); } SetUnlockingMode(); using (OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog()) { dialog.Filter = "Honda Compressed Firmware RWD File|*.gz;*.rwd"; dialog.FilterIndex = 1; dialog.RestoreDirectory = true; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string string_Filename = dialog.FileName; if (Path.GetExtension(string_Filename).ToLower().Contains("gz")) byte_ToWrite = Class_RWD.Decompress(string_Filename); else byte_ToWrite = File.ReadAllBytes(string_Filename); WritingBinaryMode = false; //Decrypt firmware file and get needed variable (Decryption byte) Class_RWD.LoadRWD(dialog.FileName, false, false); //############################### //Get Checksum and Fix it -> checksums of rwd files should mostly always be fixed, no need to fix them! //############################### if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to write this file to ECU?", "Flash Tool", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { this.backgroundWorker_0 = new BackgroundWorker(); this.backgroundWorker_0.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.backgroundWorker_0.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker_0_DoWork_1); this.backgroundWorker_0.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.method_18); this.backgroundWorker_0.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.method_19); this.backgroundWorker_0.RunWorkerAsync(); } } } } private Channel LoadJ2534Channel(Channel channel) { MessageFilter messageFilter = new MessageFilter(); messageFilter.FilterType = Filter.FLOW_CONTROL_FILTER; messageFilter.Mask = new byte[] { byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue }; messageFilter.Pattern = new byte[] { 24, //0x18 218, //0xDA 241, //0xF1 GForm_Main.byte_3 //0x00 }; messageFilter.FlowControl = new byte[] { 24, //0x18 218, //0xDA GForm_Main.byte_3, //0x00 -> 0x10|0x11 241 //0xF1 }; MessageFilter filter = messageFilter; channel.StartMsgFilter(filter); SConfig[] config = new SConfig[] { new SConfig(Parameter.LOOP_BACK, 1), new SConfig(Parameter.DATA_RATE, 500000) }; channel.SetConfig(config); return channel; } private void backgroundWorker_0_DoWork_1(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(GForm_Main.string_0)) { try { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.ISO15765, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID, false)) { LoadJ2534Channel(channel); bool ECU_Unlocked = false; device.SetProgrammingVoltage(Pin.PIN_12, 5000); //################################################################ //Unlocking ECU before performing any actions byte[] arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x10, 0x03 }; byte[] Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) this.method_1("Diag Mode Set"); //################################################################ byte SeedSendByte = this.Unlocking_Mode; arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x27, SeedSendByte }; this.method_1("Requesting Seed"); Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; //################################################################ byte[] byte_ = new byte[] { 0x67, SeedSendByte }; byte[] array6 = new byte[4]; bool TwoBytesMode = false; byte b = 1; //################################################################ if (Received != null) { int num = GForm_Main.smethod_2(Received, byte_, 0); if (num > 0) { if (Received.Length < 10) { array6 = new byte[2]; TwoBytesMode = true; } int index = 0; while (true) { if ((!TwoBytesMode && index >= 4) || (TwoBytesMode && index >= 2)) { if (!TwoBytesMode) { b = Received[(index + num) + 2]; Array.Reverse(array6); } this.method_1("Security Request - Seed Bytes:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(array6)); if (!TwoBytesMode) this.method_1("Security Request - Algorithm:" + b.ToString("X2")); break; } array6[index] = Received[(index + num) + 2]; index++; } } } //################################################################ if (array6[0] != 0) { uint value = 0; if (!TwoBytesMode) value = Class_Cypher.GetKey41(BitConverter.ToUInt32(array6, 0), b); else value = Class_Cypher.GetKey01(array6, darkTextBox_2.Text); byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); this.method_1("Security Request - Key to Send:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(bytes)); arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x27, (byte)(SeedSendByte + 1) }; byte[] array8 = new byte[arraySend1.Length + 5]; if (TwoBytesMode) array8 = new byte[arraySend1.Length + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySend1.Length; i++) array8[i] = arraySend1[i]; array8[2] = bytes[0]; //SecurityKey Byte1 array8[3] = bytes[1]; //SecurityKey Byte2 if (!TwoBytesMode) { array8[2] = bytes[2]; //SecurityKey Byte3 array8[3] = bytes[3]; //SecurityKey Byte4 array8[4] = b; //Algorithm Byte } byte[] byte_2 = new byte[] { 0x67, (byte)(SeedSendByte + 1) }; Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, array8, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) { int num = GForm_Main.smethod_2(Received, byte_2, 0); //looking for 0x67, 0x42 if (num > 0) { this.method_1("Security Authorized: ECU Unlocked"); ECU_Unlocked = true; } else { this.method_1("Recv:" + GForm_Main.smethod_1(Received)); } } } else { this.method_1("Result NOT OK!!"); } //################################################################ if (!ECU_Unlocked) { this.method_1("ECU is NOT Unlocked!"); return; } else { device.SetProgrammingVoltage(Pin.PIN_12, 5000); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); //Firmware (.rwd) writing mode if (!WritingBinaryMode) { //################### //Set Programming Mode arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x10, 0x02 }; Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) this.method_1("Programming Mode Set!"); //################### //Erase Memory arraySend1 = new byte[] {0x31, 0x01, 0xFF, 0x00}; Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) this.method_1("Memory Erased!"); //################### //Set WRITE_DATA_BY_IDENTIFIER arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x2E, //0x2E -> Write Data by ID (F101) 0xF1, //0xF1 0x01, //0x01 Class_RWD._keys[0], //Key1 Class_RWD._keys[1], //Key2 Class_RWD._keys[2] //Key3 }; Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) { this.method_1("WRITE_DATA_BY_IDENTIFIER Set!"); } //################### //Request Download byte memory_address_bytes = 0x04; byte memory_size_bytes = 0x04; uint memory_address = Class_RWD.start; uint memory_size = Class_RWD.size; arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x34, //0x34 0x00, //0x00 data_format=0x00 memory_address_bytes, //0x04 0x00, //0x00 -> Set later 0x00, //0x00 -> Set later 0x00, //0x00 -> Set later 0x00, //0x00 -> Set later 0x00, //0x00 -> Set later 0x00, //0x00 -> Set later 0x00, //0x00 -> Set later 0x00 //0x00 -> Set later }; arraySend1[2] = (byte) ((memory_size_bytes << 4) | memory_address_bytes); if (memory_address >= Math.Pow(2, memory_address_bytes * 8)) throw new Exception(string.Format("invalid memory_address: 0x{0}", memory_address.ToString("X4"))); for (int i = 0; i < memory_address_bytes; i++) { uint b2 = (memory_address >> ((memory_address_bytes - i - 1) * 8)) & 0xFF; arraySend1[3 + i] = (byte) b2; } if (memory_size >= Math.Pow(2, memory_size_bytes * 8)) throw new Exception(string.Format("invalid memory_size: 0x{0}", memory_size.ToString("X4"))); for (int i = 0; i < memory_size_bytes; i++) { uint b2 = (memory_size >> ((memory_size_bytes - i - 1) * 8)) & 0xFF; arraySend1[3 + memory_size_bytes + i] = (byte)b2; } Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) { this.method_1("Request download started"); stopwatch.Start(); var max_num_bytes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) max_num_bytes = (max_num_bytes << 8) | Received[Received.Length - 5 + i]; // account for service id and block sequence count (one byte each) var block_size = max_num_bytes; var chunk_size = block_size - 2; var cnt = 0; //Perform Write firmware to ECU for (int i = 0; i < Class_RWD._firmware_encrypted.Length; i += chunk_size) { cnt += 1; byte[] chunk = Class_RWD.Slice(Class_RWD._firmware_encrypted, i, i + chunk_size); byte bsct = (byte) (cnt & 0xFF); arraySend1 = new byte[] { 0x36, //0x36 -> TRANSFER_DATA bsct //0x00 -> block_sequence_count }; //Add the rest of the messages bytes to the final array byte[] arrayCommandFinal = new byte[arraySend1.Length + chunk.Length]; int MessageIndex = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < arraySend1.Length; i2++) { arrayCommandFinal[MessageIndex] = arraySend1[i2]; MessageIndex++; } for (int i2 = 0; i2 < chunk.Length; i2++) { arrayCommandFinal[MessageIndex] = chunk[i2]; MessageIndex++; } Received = SendJ2534Message(channel, arrayCommandFinal, 3); int Percent = ((i * 100) / Class_RWD._firmware_encrypted.Length); this.method_5(Percent); /*if (Received != null) { this.method_1("WRITE CHUNK CORRECT!"); }*/ } stopwatch.Stop(); } } if (WritingBinaryMode) { stopwatch.Start(); this.WriteROMtoECU(channel, byte_ToWrite, this.backgroundWorker_0); stopwatch.Stop(); } if (!WritingBinaryMode) { //Request transfer exit && routine control: check dependencies this.method_13_Close(channel); } TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); this.backgroundWorker_0.ReportProgress(0, "Successfully write " + this.byte_7.Length + "bytes of flash memory in " + timeSpan.Minutes + ":" + timeSpan.Seconds); device.SetProgrammingVoltage(Pin.PIN_12, -1); //Set 0V on Pin12 } } } } catch (Exception ex) { DarkMessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } public void WriteROMtoECU(Channel channel_0, byte[] byte_5, BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_X = null) { //Get valid addresses for Firmware writing (get Start address) if (byte_5.Length < 1015808 && WritingBinaryMode) { return; } byte b = 1; int num = 256; for (int i = 0; i < 1015808; i += num) { this.method_14_Write(channel_0, byte_5, i, b, num, -1); if (b == 255) { b = 0; } else { b += 1; } if (backgroundWorker_X != null) { backgroundWorker_X.ReportProgress((int)((float)i / 1015808f * 100f)); } } this.method_13_Close(channel_0); } public void method_13_Close(Channel channel_0) { byte[] arraySend1 = new byte[] {0x37}; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { GForm_Main.byte_3, 0x77 }; byte[] Received = SendJ2534Message(channel_0, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) { int num3 = GForm_Main.smethod_2(Received, buffer2, 0); if (num3 > 0) this.method_1("Transfer Exited"); arraySend1 = new byte[] {0x31, 0x01, 0xff, 0x01}; Received = SendJ2534Message(channel_0, arraySend1, 3); if (BadResponceReceived) return; if (Received != null) this.method_1("Routine control check dependencies"); } } public void method_14_Write(Channel channel_0, byte[] byte_5X, int int_23, byte byte_6X, int int_24, int int_25 = -1) { if (int_25 == -1) int_25 = int_24; //Transfer Data (0x36) byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x18, 0xDA, GForm_Main.byte_3, 0xF1, 0x36, byte_6X }; Buffer.BlockCopy(byte_5X, int_23, data, 6, int_25); SAE.J2534.Message message = new SAE.J2534.Message(data, TxFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID | TxFlag.ISO15765_FRAME_PAD); channel_0.SendMessage(message); bool flag = false; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[] { GForm_Main.byte_3, 0x76, byte_6X }; while (!flag) { GetMessageResults messages = channel_0.GetMessages(5); int num = -1; if (messages.Result != ResultCode.DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) { foreach (SAE.J2534.Message message2 in messages.Messages) { num = GForm_Main.smethod_2(message2.Data, buffer2, 0); if (num > 0) { flag = true; return; } } } } } private void method_18(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { string text = e.UserState as string; this.darkLabel_8.Text = text; this.method_5(e.ProgressPercentage); } private void method_19(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { DarkMessageBox.Show(this, "Flash Finished writing!"); } private void method_20(object sender, EventArgs e) { GForm_PlatformSelect gform = new GForm_PlatformSelect(); if (gform.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { GForm_Main.class9_0 = gform.Class9_0; } catch { return; } gform.Dispose(); GForm_Main.byte_3 = GForm_Main.class9_0.ECU_Byte; GForm_Main.byte_0[3] = GForm_Main.class9_0.ECU_Byte; GForm_Main.byte_1[3] = GForm_Main.class9_0.ECU_Byte; GForm_Main.byte_2[3] = GForm_Main.class9_0.ECU_Byte; this.byte_5[0] = GForm_Main.class9_0.ECU_Byte; Array.Resize(ref GForm_Main.byte_4, GForm_Main.class9_0.FirmwareSize); Array.Resize(ref this.byte_7, GForm_Main.class9_0.RomSize); this.byte_7 = Enumerable.Repeat(byte.MaxValue, GForm_Main.class9_0.RomSize).ToArray(); this.darkButton_2.Enabled = true; return; } } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && this.icontainer_0 != null) { this.icontainer_0.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } private void InitializeComponent() { System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(GForm_Main)); this.darkTextBox_0 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkTextBox(); this.darkButton_3 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton_2 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton_DownloadROM = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton_0 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkGroupBox_0 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkGroupBox(); this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkComboBox(); this.darkButton5 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton_FlashFW = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton1 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton_6 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton_FlashRom = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton_Unlock01 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton_Unlock41 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton3 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton2 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkTextBox_4 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkTextBox(); this.darkTextBox_3 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkTextBox(); this.darkLabel_3 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.darkButton_4 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkLabel_2 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.darkLabel_0 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.darkLabel_1 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.darkLabel_4 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.darkLabel_5 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.darkTextBox_1 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkTextBox(); this.darkTextBox_2 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkTextBox(); this.darkProgressBar_0 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkProgressBar(); this.darkLabel_7 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.darkLabel_8 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.openFileDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog(); this.DarkgroupBox1 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkGroupBox(); this.darkButton6 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkButton4 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkTextBoxJ2534Command = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkTextBox(); this.darkLabel1 = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkLabel(); this.darkButtonJ2534Command = new DarkUI.Controls.DarkButton(); this.darkGroupBox_0.SuspendLayout(); this.DarkgroupBox1.SuspendLayout(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // darkTextBox_0 // this.darkTextBox_0.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(218, 63); this.darkTextBox_0.Multiline = true; this.darkTextBox_0.Name = "darkTextBox_0"; this.darkTextBox_0.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(399, 408); this.darkTextBox_0.TabIndex = 55; this.darkTextBox_0.Text = "Honda CANBUS Tools"; // // darkButton_3 // this.darkButton_3.Checked = false; this.darkButton_3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 19); this.darkButton_3.Name = "darkButton_3"; this.darkButton_3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_3.TabIndex = 47; this.darkButton_3.Text = "Scan for J2534 Devices"; this.darkButton_3.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.method_2); // // darkButton_2 // this.darkButton_2.Checked = false; this.darkButton_2.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 77); this.darkButton_2.Name = "darkButton_2"; this.darkButton_2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_2.TabIndex = 48; this.darkButton_2.Text = "Select Adapter"; this.darkButton_2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.method_3); // // darkButton_DownloadROM // this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Checked = false; this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 162); this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Name = "darkButton_DownloadROM"; this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_DownloadROM.TabIndex = 49; this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Text = "Download Rom"; this.darkButton_DownloadROM.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.method_13); // // darkButton_0 // this.darkButton_0.Checked = false; this.darkButton_0.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_0.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(695, 24); this.darkButton_0.Name = "darkButton_0"; this.darkButton_0.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_0.TabIndex = 50; this.darkButton_0.Text = "Read Ram Address"; this.darkButton_0.Visible = false; this.darkButton_0.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.method_14); // // darkGroupBox_0 // this.darkGroupBox_0.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(51)))), ((int)(((byte)(51)))), ((int)(((byte)(51))))); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkButton5); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_FlashFW); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkButton1); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_6); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_FlashRom); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_3); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_DownloadROM); this.darkGroupBox_0.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_2); this.darkGroupBox_0.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 6); this.darkGroupBox_0.Name = "darkGroupBox_0"; this.darkGroupBox_0.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(204, 284); this.darkGroupBox_0.TabIndex = 56; this.darkGroupBox_0.TabStop = false; this.darkGroupBox_0.Text = "J2534 Controls"; // // darkComboBoxUnlockMode // this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode.DrawMode = System.Windows.Forms.DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable; this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode.FormattingEnabled = true; this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "Unlock mode: 0x27, 0x01", "Unlock mode: 0x27, 0x03", "Unlock mode: 0x27, 0x05", "Unlock mode: 0x27, 0x41"}); this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 135); this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode.Name = "darkComboBoxUnlockMode"; this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 21); this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode.TabIndex = 70; this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.darkComboBoxUnlockMode_SelectedIndexChanged); // // darkButton5 // this.darkButton5.Checked = false; this.darkButton5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 249); this.darkButton5.Name = "darkButton5"; this.darkButton5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton5.TabIndex = 69; this.darkButton5.Text = "Open OBD2 Scan Tools"; this.darkButton5.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton5_Click); // // darkButton_FlashFW // this.darkButton_FlashFW.Checked = false; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 220); this.darkButton_FlashFW.Name = "darkButton_FlashFW"; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_FlashFW.TabIndex = 60; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Text = "Flash Firmware (.rwd)"; this.darkButton_FlashFW.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton3_Click); // // darkButton1 // this.darkButton1.Checked = false; this.darkButton1.Enabled = false; this.darkButton1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 106); this.darkButton1.Name = "darkButton1"; this.darkButton1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton1.TabIndex = 56; this.darkButton1.Text = "Connect ECU"; this.darkButton1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton1_Click); // // darkButton_6 // this.darkButton_6.Checked = false; this.darkButton_6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 48); this.darkButton_6.Name = "darkButton_6"; this.darkButton_6.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_6.TabIndex = 55; this.darkButton_6.Text = "Select ECU"; this.darkButton_6.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.method_20); // // darkButton_FlashRom // this.darkButton_FlashRom.Checked = false; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 191); this.darkButton_FlashRom.Name = "darkButton_FlashRom"; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_FlashRom.TabIndex = 54; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Text = "Flash Rom (.bin)"; this.darkButton_FlashRom.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.method_17); // // darkButton_Unlock01 // this.darkButton_Unlock01.Checked = false; this.darkButton_Unlock01.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_Unlock01.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(313, 228); this.darkButton_Unlock01.Name = "darkButton_Unlock01"; this.darkButton_Unlock01.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_Unlock01.TabIndex = 58; this.darkButton_Unlock01.Text = "UNLOCK ECU (0x27,0x01)"; this.darkButton_Unlock01.Visible = false; this.darkButton_Unlock01.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton_Unlock01_Click); // // darkButton_Unlock41 // this.darkButton_Unlock41.Checked = false; this.darkButton_Unlock41.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_Unlock41.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(313, 267); this.darkButton_Unlock41.Name = "darkButton_Unlock41"; this.darkButton_Unlock41.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_Unlock41.TabIndex = 57; this.darkButton_Unlock41.Text = "UNLOCK ECU (0x27,0x41)"; this.darkButton_Unlock41.Visible = false; this.darkButton_Unlock41.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton2_Click); // // darkButton3 // this.darkButton3.Checked = false; this.darkButton3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 48); this.darkButton3.Name = "darkButton3"; this.darkButton3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton3.TabIndex = 67; this.darkButton3.Text = "Convert Firmware .bin to .rwd"; this.darkButton3.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton3_Click_1); // // darkButton2 // this.darkButton2.Checked = false; this.darkButton2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 19); this.darkButton2.Name = "darkButton2"; this.darkButton2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton2.TabIndex = 59; this.darkButton2.Text = "Convert Firmware .rwd to .bin"; this.darkButton2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton2_Click_1); // // darkTextBox_4 // this.darkTextBox_4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(774, 104); this.darkTextBox_4.Name = "darkTextBox_4"; this.darkTextBox_4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(113, 20); this.darkTextBox_4.TabIndex = 66; this.darkTextBox_4.Visible = false; // // darkTextBox_3 // this.darkTextBox_3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(774, 80); this.darkTextBox_3.Name = "darkTextBox_3"; this.darkTextBox_3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(113, 20); this.darkTextBox_3.TabIndex = 65; this.darkTextBox_3.Visible = false; // // darkLabel_3 // this.darkLabel_3.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel_3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel_3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(713, 106); this.darkLabel_3.Name = "darkLabel_3"; this.darkLabel_3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(56, 13); this.darkLabel_3.TabIndex = 60; this.darkLabel_3.Text = "Read Size"; this.darkLabel_3.Visible = false; // // darkButton_4 // this.darkButton_4.Checked = false; this.darkButton_4.Enabled = false; this.darkButton_4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(695, 53); this.darkButton_4.Name = "darkButton_4"; this.darkButton_4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton_4.TabIndex = 51; this.darkButton_4.Text = "Sniff All Traffic"; this.darkButton_4.Visible = false; this.darkButton_4.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.method_16); // // darkLabel_2 // this.darkLabel_2.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel_2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel_2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(696, 83); this.darkLabel_2.Name = "darkLabel_2"; this.darkLabel_2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(73, 13); this.darkLabel_2.TabIndex = 59; this.darkLabel_2.Text = "Read address"; this.darkLabel_2.Visible = false; // // darkLabel_0 // this.darkLabel_0.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel_0.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel_0.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(218, 14); this.darkLabel_0.Name = "darkLabel_0"; this.darkLabel_0.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(62, 13); this.darkLabel_0.TabIndex = 57; this.darkLabel_0.Text = "Vin Number"; // // darkLabel_1 // this.darkLabel_1.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel_1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel_1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(218, 40); this.darkLabel_1.Name = "darkLabel_1"; this.darkLabel_1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(70, 13); this.darkLabel_1.TabIndex = 58; this.darkLabel_1.Text = "Calibration ID"; // // darkLabel_4 // this.darkLabel_4.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel_4.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 15.75F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.darkLabel_4.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel_4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(536, 509); this.darkLabel_4.Name = "darkLabel_4"; this.darkLabel_4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 25); this.darkLabel_4.TabIndex = 61; this.darkLabel_4.Text = "Credits"; this.darkLabel_4.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkLabel_4_Click); // // darkLabel_5 // this.darkLabel_5.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel_5.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12F); this.darkLabel_5.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel_5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 512); this.darkLabel_5.Name = "darkLabel_5"; this.darkLabel_5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 20); this.darkLabel_5.TabIndex = 51; // // darkTextBox_1 // this.darkTextBox_1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(294, 11); this.darkTextBox_1.Name = "darkTextBox_1"; this.darkTextBox_1.ReadOnly = true; this.darkTextBox_1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(323, 20); this.darkTextBox_1.TabIndex = 63; // // darkTextBox_2 // this.darkTextBox_2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(294, 37); this.darkTextBox_2.Name = "darkTextBox_2"; this.darkTextBox_2.ReadOnly = true; this.darkTextBox_2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(323, 20); this.darkTextBox_2.TabIndex = 64; // // darkProgressBar_0 // this.darkProgressBar_0.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(98, 537); this.darkProgressBar_0.Name = "darkProgressBar_0"; this.darkProgressBar_0.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(519, 23); this.darkProgressBar_0.TabIndex = 67; // // darkLabel_7 // this.darkLabel_7.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel_7.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel_7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(14, 542); this.darkLabel_7.Name = "darkLabel_7"; this.darkLabel_7.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(37, 13); this.darkLabel_7.TabIndex = 68; this.darkLabel_7.Text = "Status"; // // darkLabel_8 // this.darkLabel_8.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel_8.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel_8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(228, 516); this.darkLabel_8.Name = "darkLabel_8"; this.darkLabel_8.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 13); this.darkLabel_8.TabIndex = 69; // // openFileDialog1 // this.openFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "*.gz"; this.openFileDialog1.Filter = "Honda Compressed RWD Firmware|*.gz;*.rwd"; this.openFileDialog1.Title = "Open Honda/Acura File"; // // DarkgroupBox1 // this.DarkgroupBox1.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(51)))), ((int)(((byte)(51)))), ((int)(((byte)(51))))); this.DarkgroupBox1.Controls.Add(this.darkButton6); this.DarkgroupBox1.Controls.Add(this.darkButton4); this.DarkgroupBox1.Controls.Add(this.darkButton3); this.DarkgroupBox1.Controls.Add(this.darkButton2); this.DarkgroupBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 326); this.DarkgroupBox1.Name = "DarkgroupBox1"; this.DarkgroupBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(204, 180); this.DarkgroupBox1.TabIndex = 70; this.DarkgroupBox1.TabStop = false; this.DarkgroupBox1.Text = "File Controls"; // // darkButton6 // this.darkButton6.Checked = false; this.darkButton6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 106); this.darkButton6.Name = "darkButton6"; this.darkButton6.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton6.TabIndex = 69; this.darkButton6.Text = "Open ROM Editor"; this.darkButton6.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton6_Click); // // darkButton4 // this.darkButton4.Checked = false; this.darkButton4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 77); this.darkButton4.Name = "darkButton4"; this.darkButton4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(192, 23); this.darkButton4.TabIndex = 68; this.darkButton4.Text = "Fix Checksums"; this.darkButton4.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButton4_Click); // // darkTextBoxJ2534Command // this.darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(313, 477); this.darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Name = "darkTextBoxJ2534Command"; this.darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(230, 20); this.darkTextBoxJ2534Command.TabIndex = 72; // // darkLabel1 // this.darkLabel1.AutoSize = true; this.darkLabel1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220)))), ((int)(((byte)(220))))); this.darkLabel1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(218, 480); this.darkLabel1.Name = "darkLabel1"; this.darkLabel1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(89, 13); this.darkLabel1.TabIndex = 71; this.darkLabel1.Text = "J2534 Command:"; // // darkButtonJ2534Command // this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Checked = false; this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Enabled = false; this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(549, 475); this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Name = "darkButtonJ2534Command"; this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(53, 23); this.darkButtonJ2534Command.TabIndex = 70; this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Text = "Send"; this.darkButtonJ2534Command.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.darkButtonJ2534Command_Click); // // GForm_Main // this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(629, 571); this.Controls.Add(this.darkButtonJ2534Command); this.Controls.Add(this.darkTextBoxJ2534Command); this.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_Unlock01); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel1); this.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_Unlock41); this.Controls.Add(this.DarkgroupBox1); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel_8); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel_7); this.Controls.Add(this.darkProgressBar_0); this.Controls.Add(this.darkTextBox_2); this.Controls.Add(this.darkTextBox_4); this.Controls.Add(this.darkTextBox_1); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel_5); this.Controls.Add(this.darkTextBox_3); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel_4); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel_1); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel_0); this.Controls.Add(this.darkGroupBox_0); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel_3); this.Controls.Add(this.darkTextBox_0); this.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_4); this.Controls.Add(this.darkLabel_2); this.Controls.Add(this.darkButton_0); this.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"))); this.MaximizeBox = false; this.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(645, 610); this.Name = "GForm_Main"; this.Text = "Honda CANBUS Tools"; this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.GForm_Main_Load); this.darkGroupBox_0.ResumeLayout(false); this.DarkgroupBox1.ResumeLayout(false); this.ResumeLayout(false); this.PerformLayout(); } // Note: this type is marked as 'beforefieldinit'. static GForm_Main() { } IAsyncResult method_22(Delegate delegate_0, object[] object_0) { return base.BeginInvoke(delegate_0, object_0); } public static string string_0 = string.Empty; public static string string_1 = ""; private Dictionary dictionary_0 = new Dictionary(); private List list_0 = new List(); public static byte[] byte_0 = new byte[] { 24, 218, 241, 16, 98, 241, 129 }; public static byte[] byte_1 = new byte[] { 24, 218, 241, 16, 98, 241, 144 }; public static byte[] byte_2 = new byte[] { 24, 218, 241, 16, 127 }; public static byte byte_3 = 16; public static byte[] byte_ToWrite = new byte[] { }; public static byte[] byte_4 = new byte[2097152]; private byte[] byte_5 = new byte[] { GForm_Main.byte_3, 127 }; private byte[] byte_6 = new byte[2]; private byte[] byte_7; private static byte[] byte_8 = new byte[] { GForm_Main.byte_3, 20 }; private string string_2 = string.Empty; internal static Class_ECUS class9_0; public static byte[] byte_9 = new byte[] { 48, 6 }; public static byte[] byte_10 = new byte[] { 16, 8 }; public static byte[] byte_11 = new byte[] { 18, 7 }; private BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_0; private BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker_1; private DateTime dateTime_0; private long long_0; private IContainer icontainer_0; private DarkButton darkButton_0; private DarkButton darkButton_DownloadROM; private DarkButton darkButton_2; private DarkButton darkButton_3; private DarkTextBox darkTextBox_0; private DarkGroupBox darkGroupBox_0; private DarkLabel darkLabel_0; private DarkLabel darkLabel_1; private DarkLabel darkLabel_2; private DarkLabel darkLabel_3; private DarkLabel darkLabel_4; private DarkLabel darkLabel_5; private DarkTextBox darkTextBox_1; private DarkTextBox darkTextBox_2; private DarkTextBox darkTextBox_3; private DarkTextBox darkTextBox_4; private DarkButton darkButton_4; private DarkButton darkButton_FlashRom; private DarkButton darkButton_6; private DarkProgressBar darkProgressBar_0; private DarkLabel darkLabel_7; private DarkLabel darkLabel_8; private DarkButton darkButton1; private DarkButton darkButton_Unlock41; private delegate void Delegate0(string text); [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class Class5 { public Class5() { } internal void method_0() { this.gform0_0.darkTextBox_0.AppendText(this.string_0 + Environment.NewLine); } public GForm_Main gform0_0; public string string_0; } [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class Class6 { public Class6() { } internal void method_0() { this.gform0_0.darkTextBox_0.AppendText("Read Memory Starts" + Environment.NewLine); } internal void method_1() { this.gform0_0.darkTextBox_0.AppendText("Invalid Block size detected" + Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Buffer :{0} != blockSize {1} ", this.byte_0.Length, this.uint_0) + Environment.NewLine); } public GForm_Main gform0_0; public byte[] byte_0; public uint uint_0; public MethodInvoker methodInvoker_0; } [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class Class7 { public Class7() { } internal void method_0() { this.class6_0.gform0_0.darkTextBox_0.AppendText(string.Format("Failed block read at: {0}", this.uint_0) + Environment.NewLine); } internal void method_1() { this.class6_0.gform0_0.darkTextBox_0.AppendText(string.Format("block read at: {0}", this.uint_0) + Environment.NewLine); } public uint uint_0; public GForm_Main.Class6 class6_0; } [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class Class8 { public Class8() { } internal void method_0() { this.gform0_0.darkLabel_5.Text = "Download Rate: " + this.double_0.ToString(); } public GForm_Main gform0_0; public double double_0; } public void darkButton2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.openFileDialog1.Filter = "Honda Compressed RWD Firmware|*.gz;*.rwd"; this.openFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "*.gz"; DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { Class_RWD.LoadRWD(openFileDialog1.FileName, true, true); } } private void GForm_Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } public void darkButton3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { GForm_ConvertBIN gform = new GForm_ConvertBIN(); if (gform.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string ThisB = gform.FileBIN; string ThisR = gform.FileRWD; gform.Dispose(); Class_RWD.LoadBIN(ThisB, ThisR); } } private void darkButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //this.openFileDialog1.Filter = "Honda Compressed RWD Firmware|*.gz;*.rwd"; this.openFileDialog1.Filter = "Honda binary rom file|*.bin"; this.openFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "*.bin"; DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { byte[] FilesBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(openFileDialog1.FileName); string FilenameBuffer = openFileDialog1.FileName; if ((FilesBytes.Length - 1) == 0xFFFFF) { byte[] NewFilesBytes = VerifyChecksumFullBin(FilesBytes); if (NewFilesBytes != FilesBytes) { string NewPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(openFileDialog1.FileName) + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName) + "_FixedChkSum.bin"; File.Create(NewPath).Dispose(); File.WriteAllBytes(NewPath, NewFilesBytes); this.method_1("File saved: " + NewPath); } } else if ((FilesBytes.Length - 1) == 0xF7FFF) { int BtSumInt = this.Editortable_0.CheckForBootLoaderSum(this.Editortable_0.ExtractECUNameFromThisFile(FilesBytes)); if (BtSumInt == -1) { DarkMessageBox.Show(this, "Since this decompressed firmware .bin file is missing the bootloader section\nSelect the firmware .rwd file from which is as been decompressed from", "MISSING BOOTLOADER SECTION FOR CHECKSUMS VERIFICATIONS", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); //Open RWD firmware openFileDialog1.Filter = "Honda Compressed RWD Firmware|*.gz;*.rwd"; openFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "*.gz"; result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { Class_RWD.LoadRWD(openFileDialog1.FileName, true, false); } } else { Class_RWD.BootloaderSum = (byte)BtSumInt; } byte[] NewFilesBytes = VerifyChecksumFWBin(FilesBytes); if (NewFilesBytes != FilesBytes) { string NewPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FilenameBuffer) + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilenameBuffer) + "_FixedChkSum.bin"; File.Create(NewPath).Dispose(); File.WriteAllBytes(NewPath, NewFilesBytes); this.method_1("File saved: " + NewPath); } } else { this.method_1("This file is not compatible!"); } } } public void darkButton5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmOBD2Scan frmOBD2Scan_0 = new frmOBD2Scan(); frmOBD2Scan_0.Show(); } private void darkLabel_4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GForm_Credits GForm_Credits_0 = new GForm_Credits(); GForm_Credits_0.ShowDialog(); } private void darkButton6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.Editortable_0.Show(); this.Editortable_0.Loadingg(); } catch (Exception ex) { try { this.Editortable_0 = null; this.Editortable_0 = new Editortable(ref GForm_Main_0); this.Editortable_0.Show(); this.Editortable_0.Loadingg(); } catch { } } } private byte[] GetBytesArrayFromCommandText() { string CMDText = darkTextBoxJ2534Command.Text; byte[] ReturnArray = new byte[0]; if (CMDText != "") { if (CMDText.Contains(",")) { string[] SplittedBytes = CMDText.Split(','); ReturnArray = new byte[SplittedBytes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < SplittedBytes.Length; i++) { ReturnArray[i] = (byte) int.Parse(SplittedBytes[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } } } return ReturnArray; } private void darkButtonJ2534Command_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (API api = APIFactory.GetAPI(GForm_Main.string_0)) { try { using (Device device = api.GetDevice("")) { using (Channel channel = device.GetChannel(Protocol.ISO15765, Baud.CAN, ConnectFlag.CAN_29BIT_ID, false)) { LoadJ2534Channel(channel); SendJ2534Message(channel, GetBytesArrayFromCommandText(), 3); } } } catch (Exception ex) { DarkMessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } private void SetButtons() { if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 0) { //0x27, 0x01 darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = false; darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = false; if (VehicleConnected) darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = true; if (!VehicleConnected) darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = false; } if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 1) { //0x27, 0x03 -> no cypher yet darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = false; darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = false; darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = false; this.method_1("Unlock mode 0x27, 0x03 don't have any cypher function set for the seed/key algorythm"); } if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 2) { //0x27, 0x05 -> no cypher yet darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = false; darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = false; darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = false; this.method_1("Unlock mode 0x27, 0x05 don't have any cypher function set for the seed/key algorythm"); } if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 3) { //0x27, 0x41 if (VehicleConnected) { darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = true; darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = true; darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = true; } if (!VehicleConnected) { darkButton_DownloadROM.Enabled = false; darkButton_FlashRom.Enabled = false; darkButton_FlashFW.Enabled = false; } } } private void darkComboBoxUnlockMode_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetButtons(); if (darkComboBoxUnlockMode.SelectedIndex == 3) { this.method_1("Unlock mode 0x27, 0x41 is only compatible with these cars for now:"); this.method_1("-Honda Civic 06-10 (All models??)"); this.method_1("-Honda Ridgeline 06-13"); this.method_1("-Honda CR-V 07-10"); } } }