
1379 lines
60 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DarkUI.Controls;
using DarkUI.Forms;
internal class ClassEditor
public List<string> Ecus_Definitions_Compatible = new List<string>();
//Variables for loaded rom definition
public List<string> DefinitionsLocationsX = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsLocationsY = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsLocationsTable = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsMathX = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsMathY = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsMathTable = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsFormatX = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsFormatY = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsFormatTable = new List<string>();
public List<bool> DefinitionsIsSingleByteX = new List<bool>();
public List<bool> DefinitionsIsSingleByteY = new List<bool>();
public List<bool> DefinitionsIsSingleByteTable = new List<bool>();
public List<string> DefinitionsName = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsUnit1 = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsUnit2 = new List<string>();
public List<string> DefinitionsTableSize = new List<string>();
public List<float> DefinitionsValueMin = new List<float>();
public List<float> DefinitionsValueMax = new List<float>();
public List<double> DefinitionsChangeAmount = new List<double>();
public List<string> DefinitionsHeaders = new List<string>();
public List<bool> DefinitionsIsInverted = new List<bool>();
private Editortable Editortable_0;
internal ClassEditor(ref Editortable Editortable_1)
Editortable_0 = Editortable_1;
public float smethod_1()
return Editortable.float_0;
public string ValueIncDec(int RowIndex, int CellIndex, bool Increasing, bool Multiply4x)
float num = this.smethod_1();
string format = "0";
string text = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[RowIndex].Cells[CellIndex].Value.ToString();
if (text.Contains("."))
format = "0.000";
if (Multiply4x)
num *= 4f;
if (Increasing)
return (float.Parse(text) + num).ToString(format);
return (float.Parse(text) - num).ToString(format);
public void IncDecreaseSelection(bool Decreasing, bool HoldShift)
if (!Decreasing)
int num3 = 0;
int num4 = 0;
int j = 0;
while (j < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Count)
if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[num4].Selected)
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[num4].Value = this.ValueIncDec(j, num4, true, HoldShift);
if (num4 == Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Count - 1)
num4 = 0;
int num5 = 0;
int num6 = 0;
int k = 0;
while (k < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Count)
if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[k].Cells[num6].Selected)
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[k].Cells[num6].Value = this.ValueIncDec(k, num6, false, HoldShift);
if (num6 == Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Count - 1)
num6 = 0;
public void ShortcutsCommand(KeyEventArgs keyEventArgs_0, int int_232)
bool bool_ = false;
if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
bool_ = true;
if (keyEventArgs_0.KeyCode == Keys.Delete || int_232 == 1)
int num = 0;
int num2 = 0;
int i = 0;
//if (Editortable_0.frmOBD2Scan_0 != null)
while (i < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Count)
if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[num2].Selected)
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[num2].Value = 0;
if (num2 == Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Count - 1)
num2 = 0;
if (keyEventArgs_0.KeyCode == Keys.W || int_232 == 2)
IncDecreaseSelection(false, bool_);
if (keyEventArgs_0.KeyCode == Keys.S || int_232 == 3)
IncDecreaseSelection(true, bool_);
Class40 class40_0 = new Class40();
//this.smethod_4(200).ContinueWith(new Action<Task>(this.<> c.<> 9.method_0));
this.smethod_4(200, class40_0).ContinueWith(new Action<Task>(class40_0.method_0));
private Task smethod_4(int int_232, Class40 class40_0)
//Class40 class40_0 = new Class40();
class40_0.taskCompletionSource_0 = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(class40_0.method_0)).Change(int_232, -1);
return class40_0.taskCompletionSource_0.Task;
public void GetChanges()
int num = this.SelectedROMLocation;
int multiplier = 2;
if (this.IsSingleByteX || this.IsSingleByteY || this.IsSingleByteTable) multiplier = 1; //###############################
Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Checking for differences...");
//Get all Tables values
double[,] ReadBufferarray = new double[this.BufferTableSize[0], this.BufferTableSize[1]];
for (int i = 0; i < this.BufferTableSize[0]; i++) //10columns
for (int j = 0; j < this.BufferTableSize[1]; j++) //20rows
//calculate value inversed to make bytes
double ThisValue = double.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[j].Cells[i].Value.ToString().Replace(',', '.'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
ThisValue = DoMath(ThisValue, BufferMath, true);
ReadBufferarray[i, j] = (Int16)ThisValue;
double[] ValuesBufferarray = new double[this.SelectedTableSize];
for (int i = 0; i < this.BufferTableSize[0]; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < this.BufferTableSize[1]; j++)
ValuesBufferarray[i * this.BufferTableSize[1] + j] = ReadBufferarray[i, j];
byte[] BytesBufferarray = new byte[this.SelectedTableSize * multiplier];
for (int i = 0; i < this.SelectedTableSize; i++)
if (multiplier == 2)
byte[] ThisBytesToChange = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int16) ValuesBufferarray[i]);
BytesBufferarray[(i * 2)] = ThisBytesToChange[1];
BytesBufferarray[(i * 2) + 1] = ThisBytesToChange[0];
BytesBufferarray[i] = (byte) ValuesBufferarray[i];
byte[] array = new byte[this.SelectedTableSize * multiplier];
for (int i = 0; i < this.SelectedTableSize * multiplier; i++)
array[i] = this.byte_0[num + i];
//Apply Changes
this.byte_0[num + i] = BytesBufferarray[i];
int num3 = 0;
string text = null;
bool DiffDetected = false;
foreach (int num4 in BytesBufferarray)
//if ((!this.bool_3 || num3 < 200) && num4.ToString() != array[num3].ToString())
//if (((Is1x20Table && (!this.IsSingleByteX || num3 < 200)) || (!Is1x20Table)) && num4.ToString() != array[num3].ToString())
if (num4.ToString() != array[num3].ToString())
string BufText = "Change at line: " + num3.ToString() + "[" + array[num3].ToString("X2") + "->" + num4.ToString("X2") + "] | At: 0x" + (this.SelectedROMLocation + num3).ToString("X");
text = text + BufText + Environment.NewLine;
DiffDetected = true;
if (!DiffDetected) Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("No differences detected");
this.string_3 = this.string_3 + "Address: " + this.SelectedROMLocation.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + text;
//this.string_3 = this.string_3 + "Table: " + TableSize + Environment.NewLine + "Address: " + this.SelectedROMLocation.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + text;
public void SaveROMBytes(string string_4)
if (this.bool_2 && this.SelectedTableSize != 0 && this.SelectedROMLocation != 0)
this.string_2 = this.string_2 + this.string_3 + Environment.NewLine;
this.bool_2 = false;
byte[] SavingBytes = this.byte_0;
//Remove fake bootloader section if it's a partial firmware .bin file
if (!this.Editortable_0.IsFullBinary)
byte[] BufferBytes = new byte[SavingBytes.Length - 0x8000];
for (int i = 0; i < SavingBytes.Length; i++) BufferBytes[i] = SavingBytes[i + 0x8000];
SavingBytes = BufferBytes;
//Fix Checksums
//if (!this.Editortable_0.IsFullBinary) SavingBytes = this.Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.VerifyChecksumFWBin(SavingBytes);
//if (this.Editortable_0.IsFullBinary) SavingBytes = this.Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.VerifyChecksumFullBin(SavingBytes);
File.WriteAllBytes(string_4, SavingBytes);
//string text = string_4 + "~temp";
//string text2 = string_4 + "~temp2";
/*File.WriteAllBytes(text, this.byte_0);
File.WriteAllText(text2, this.string_2);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(string_4, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
FlashGUI.smethod_1(this.string_0 + Environment.NewLine + this.string_1, fileStream);
using (ZipArchive zipArchive = ZipFile.Open(string_4, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
zipArchive.CreateEntryFromFile(text, this.string_1);
zipArchive.CreateEntryFromFile(text2, "CLOG");
DarkMessageBox.Show("Successfully Saved File!.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to save file!.", "Fail", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
public void FixChecksums()
if (!this.Editortable_0.IsFullBinary) this.byte_0 = this.Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.VerifyChecksumFWBin(this.byte_0);
if (this.Editortable_0.IsFullBinary) this.byte_0 = this.Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.VerifyChecksumFullBin(this.byte_0);
public void SetTableValues(int[] TableSize, int ROMLocationX, string TopLeftString, string RowHeaderString, string[] HeaderStringList, string ThisMathX, string ThisFormatX, bool IsInverted, int ROMLocationTable, string ThisMathTable, string ThisTableFormat)
this.SelectedTableSize = TableSize[0] * TableSize[1];
this.SelectedROMLocation = ROMLocationX;
BufferMath = ThisMathX;
BufferValuesArray = new int[SelectedTableSize];
BufferTableSize = TableSize;
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.RowTemplate.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.TopLeftHeaderCell.Value = TopLeftString;
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
//Correct the Table Orientation if Bad
if ((TableSize[1] == 1 && IsInverted) || (TableSize[0] == 1 && !IsInverted))
int Buf0 = TableSize[1];
int Buf1 = TableSize[0];
TableSize[0] = Buf0;
TableSize[1] = Buf1;
//Check if table size have more than 1x roms (or 1column if inverted) ... aka if it's a 3D table
bool IsMultiTable = false;
if (TableSize[1] > 1 && !IsInverted) IsMultiTable = true;
if (TableSize[0] > 1 && IsInverted) IsMultiTable = true;
if (IsMultiTable)
SelectedROMLocation = ROMLocationTable;
BufferMath = ThisMathTable;
//Apply Columns(Y)
if (IsInverted)
for (int i = 0; i < TableSize[1]; i++)
double num = 0;
if (IsSingleByteX) num = (double)this.GetSingleByteValue(ROMLocationX + i);
else num = (double)this.GetIntValue(ROMLocationX + i * 2);
string HeaderStr = "";
if (ThisFormatX != "") HeaderStr = DoMath(num, ThisMathX, false).ToString(ThisFormatX);
if (ThisFormatX == "") HeaderStr = DoMath(num, ThisMathX, false).ToString();
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Add(HeaderStr, HeaderStr);
for (int j = 0; j < TableSize[0]; j++) Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Add(HeaderStringList[j], HeaderStringList[j]);
int index = 0;
while (true)
if (index >= SelectedTableSize) // More than TableSize (ex: 10x20.. more than 200)
int[,] numArray2 = smethod_35<int>(BufferValuesArray, TableSize[0], TableSize[1]);
int rowIndex = 0;
while (true)
if ((rowIndex >= TableSize[1] && !IsInverted) || (rowIndex >= TableSize[0] && IsInverted)) //More than Y (make the 3D table)
int num10 = 0;
while (true)
if ((num10 >= TableSize[1] && !IsInverted) || (num10 >= TableSize[0] && IsInverted)) //Another More than Y (set X Header)
if (!IsInverted) SetBackColor(TableSize[0], Editortable.float_1[0], Editortable.float_1[1]);
if (IsInverted) SetBackColor(TableSize[1], Editortable.float_1[0], Editortable.float_1[1]);
//Rows(X) Math
if (IsInverted)
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[num10].HeaderCell.Value = HeaderStringList[num10];
double num = 0;
if (IsSingleByteX) num = (double)this.GetSingleByteValue(ROMLocationX + num10);
else num = (double)this.GetIntValue(ROMLocationX + num10 * 2);
if (ThisFormatX != "") Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[num10].HeaderCell.Value = DoMath(num, ThisMathX, false).ToString(ThisFormatX);
if (ThisFormatX == "") Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[num10].HeaderCell.Value = DoMath(num, ThisMathX, false).ToString();
//TableMath (Get full 1full row of value at a time)
object[] values = new object[0];
if (IsInverted)
values = new object[TableSize[1]];
for (int i = 0; i < TableSize[1]; i++)
if (ThisTableFormat != "") values[i] = DoMath((double)numArray2[rowIndex, i], ThisMathTable, false).ToString(ThisTableFormat);
if (ThisTableFormat == "") values[i] = DoMath((double)numArray2[rowIndex, i], ThisMathTable, false).ToString();
values = new object[TableSize[0]];
for (int i = 0; i < TableSize[0]; i++)
if (ThisTableFormat != "") values[i] = DoMath((double)numArray2[i, rowIndex], ThisMathTable, false).ToString(ThisTableFormat);
if (ThisTableFormat == "") values[i] = DoMath((double)numArray2[i, rowIndex], ThisMathTable, false).ToString();
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Insert(rowIndex, values);
//Math perfomed just above
if (IsSingleByteTable) BufferValuesArray[index] = GetSingleByteValue(SelectedROMLocation + index);
else BufferValuesArray[index] = GetIntValue(SelectedROMLocation + (index * 2));
//Normal 'single' table
if (IsInverted)
for (int i = 0; i < TableSize[0]; i++) Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Add(RowHeaderString, RowHeaderString);
for (int i = 0; i < TableSize[1]; i++)
double num = 0;
if (IsSingleByteX) num = (double)this.GetSingleByteValue(ROMLocationX + i);
else num = (double)this.GetIntValue(ROMLocationX + i * 2);
BufferValuesArray[i] = (int) num;
double FinalValue = DoMath(num, ThisMathX, false);
if (ThisFormatX == "") Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Add(new object[] { FinalValue.ToString() });
if (ThisFormatX != "") Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows.Add(new object[] { FinalValue.ToString(ThisFormatX) });
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].HeaderCell.Value = HeaderStringList[i];
if (!IsInverted)
for (int j = 0; j < TableSize[0]; j++) Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns.Add(HeaderStringList[j], HeaderStringList[j]);
List<string> list = new List<string>();
for (int k = 0; k < TableSize[0]; k++)
double num = 0;
if (IsSingleByteX) num = (double)this.GetSingleByteValue(ROMLocationX + k);
else num = (double)this.GetIntValue(ROMLocationX + k * 2);
BufferValuesArray[k] = (int) num;
//Console.WriteLine("num: " + num);
if (ThisFormatX == "") list.Add(DoMath(num, ThisMathX, false).ToString());
if (ThisFormatX != "") list.Add(DoMath(num, ThisMathX, false).ToString(ThisFormatX));
for (int num6 = 0; num6 < TableSize[0]; num6++)
DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow = Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0];
dataGridViewRow.Cells[num6].Value = list[num6];
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].HeaderCell.Value = RowHeaderString;
foreach (object obj in Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns)
DataGridViewColumn dataGridViewColumn = (DataGridViewColumn)obj;
dataGridViewColumn.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;
//dataGridViewColumn.Width = 50;
foreach (object obj2 in ((IEnumerable)Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows))
DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow2 = (DataGridViewRow)obj2;
dataGridViewRow2.Height = 20;
this.SetBackColor(TableSize[0], Editortable.float_1[0], Editortable.float_1[1]);
this.bool_0 = true;
catch (Exception ex)
this.bool_0 = false;
DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to load table. " + ex.ToString());
private int GetNearestMathIndex(string ThisMath)
int IndexOfNearest = -1;
int IndexOfMathDiv = ThisMath.IndexOf('/');
int IndexOfMathMul = ThisMath.IndexOf('*');
int IndexOfMathAdd = ThisMath.IndexOf('+');
//int IndexOfMathSub = ThisMath.IndexOf('-'); //don't check for sub, this is causing issue with negative number
if (IndexOfMathDiv == 0) return 0;
if (IndexOfMathMul == 0) return 0;
if (IndexOfMathAdd == 0) return 0;
if (IndexOfMathDiv == -1) IndexOfMathDiv = 99;
if (IndexOfMathMul == -1) IndexOfMathMul = 99;
if (IndexOfMathAdd == -1) IndexOfMathAdd = 99;
if (IndexOfMathDiv > 0 && IndexOfMathDiv < IndexOfMathMul && IndexOfMathDiv < IndexOfMathAdd) IndexOfNearest = IndexOfMathDiv;
if (IndexOfMathMul > 0 && IndexOfMathMul < IndexOfMathDiv && IndexOfMathMul < IndexOfMathAdd) IndexOfNearest = IndexOfMathMul;
if (IndexOfMathAdd > 0 && IndexOfMathAdd < IndexOfMathMul && IndexOfMathAdd < IndexOfMathDiv) IndexOfNearest = IndexOfMathAdd;
if (IndexOfNearest == 99) IndexOfNearest = -1;
return IndexOfNearest;
private char GetNextMath(string ThisMath)
int Thisindex = GetNearestMathIndex(ThisMath);
return ThisMath.Substring(Thisindex, 1)[0];
private double GetNextValue(string ThisMath)
double Value = 0;
int Nearestindex = GetNearestMathIndex(ThisMath);
if (Nearestindex == 0) ThisMath = ThisMath.Substring(1);
if (Nearestindex == -1)
Value = double.Parse(ThisMath.Replace(',', '.'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string ThisVarStr = ThisMath.Substring(0, Nearestindex);
Value = double.Parse(ThisVarStr.Replace(',', '.'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return Value;
public string InvertMathString(string ThisMath)
string ReturnStr = "";
List<double> ValuesList = new List<double>();
List<char> MathFuncList = new List<char>();
bool WeHaveVal1 = false;
while (ThisMath != "")
if (!WeHaveVal1) ValuesList.Add(GetNextValue(ThisMath));
ThisMath = ThisMath.Substring(GetNearestMathIndex(ThisMath) + 1);
int NearestIndex = GetNearestMathIndex(ThisMath);
if (NearestIndex != -1) ThisMath = ThisMath.Substring(GetNearestMathIndex(ThisMath));
WeHaveVal1 = true;
if (!ThisMath.Contains("/") && !ThisMath.Contains("*") && !ThisMath.Contains("+"))
ThisMath = ""; //No remaining maths to perform
//Create inverted math function
for (int i = ValuesList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
ReturnStr = ReturnStr + ValuesList[i];
if (i > 0)
if (MathFuncList[i - 1] == '*') ReturnStr = ReturnStr + "/";
if (MathFuncList[i - 1] == '/') ReturnStr = ReturnStr + "*";
if (MathFuncList[i - 1] == '+') ReturnStr = ReturnStr + "+-";
return ReturnStr;
public double DoMath(double ThisValueCheck, string ThisMath, bool Reverse)
double ReturnVal = DoMathFinal(ThisValueCheck, ThisMath, Reverse);
//Confirm Math function in reverse
if (!Reverse)
double ReversedVal = DoMathFinal(ReturnVal, ThisMath, true);
if (((int) ReversedVal).ToString() != ((int) ThisValueCheck).ToString()
&& ((int)ReversedVal + 1).ToString() != ((int)ThisValueCheck).ToString())
Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Problem with math: " + ThisMath + " | Values: " + ((int)ThisValueCheck).ToString() + " != " + ((int)ReversedVal).ToString());
return ReturnVal;
//public double DoMath(double ThisValue, string ThisMath, bool Reverse)
public double DoMathFinal(double ThisValue, string ThisMath, bool Reverse)
double ReturnVal = ThisValue;
//No Math found, return value with no math calculation
if (ThisMath == "X" || ThisMath == "") return ReturnVal;
//Put X at the end in reverse
bool IsDivXValFirst = false;
if (Reverse)
if (ThisMath.Contains("X/")) IsDivXValFirst = true;
if (ThisMath[ThisMath.Length - 1] != 'X')
string XandMath = ThisMath.Substring(ThisMath.IndexOf('X'), 2);
ThisMath = ThisMath.Replace(XandMath, "") + XandMath[1].ToString() + XandMath[0].ToString();
//Console.WriteLine("Math: " + ThisMath + " (" + Reverse + ")");
ThisMath = ThisMath.Replace("X", ThisValue.ToString());
//Console.WriteLine("Math func: " + ThisMath + " (" + Reverse + ")");
//128.0/X*14.7 --> 128/ (X/14.7) (real order: X/14.7*128
//32767/X --> 32767/X
//X/50 --> X*50
if (Reverse) ThisMath = InvertMathString(ThisMath);
//Console.WriteLine("Math func: " + ThisMath + " (" + Reverse + ")");
bool WeHaveVal1 = false;
double Val1 = 0;
while (ThisMath != "")
if (!WeHaveVal1) Val1 = GetNextValue(ThisMath);
char MathChar = GetNextMath(ThisMath);
ThisMath = ThisMath.Substring(GetNearestMathIndex(ThisMath) + 1);
double Val2 = GetNextValue(ThisMath);
//Console.WriteLine("Math: " + Val1 + MathChar.ToString() + Val2 + " (" + Reverse + ")");
if (MathChar == '*') ReturnVal = Val1 * Val2;
if (MathChar == '/') ReturnVal = Val1 / Val2;
if (MathChar == '+') ReturnVal = Val1 + Val2;
if (MathChar == '-') ReturnVal = Val1 - Val2;
if (Reverse && MathChar == '*' && !IsDivXValFirst) ReturnVal = Val2 / Val1;
int NearestIndex = GetNearestMathIndex(ThisMath);
if (NearestIndex != -1) ThisMath = ThisMath.Substring(GetNearestMathIndex(ThisMath));
//Console.WriteLine("Math remain: " + ThisMath + " (" + Reverse + ")");
//Console.WriteLine("New/End Val1: " + ReturnVal + " (" + Reverse + ")");
WeHaveVal1 = true;
Val1 = ReturnVal;
//Check for remaining maths
//if (!ThisMath.Contains("/") && !ThisMath.Contains("*") && !ThisMath.Contains("+") && !ThisMath.Contains("-"))
if (!ThisMath.Contains("/") && !ThisMath.Contains("*") && !ThisMath.Contains("+"))
ThisMath = ""; //No remaining maths to perform
return ReturnVal;
public string[] GetAdvancedHeader(int ValuesCount, int ThisLocation, string ThisMath, string HeaderFormat)
string[] strArray = new string[ValuesCount];
for (int i = 0; i < ValuesCount; i++)
int Valuue = 0;
if (IsSingleByteY) Valuue = GetSingleByteValue(ThisLocation + i);
else Valuue = GetIntValue(ThisLocation + (i * 2));
if (HeaderFormat == "") strArray[i] = DoMath((double) Valuue, ThisMath, false).ToString();
if (HeaderFormat != "") strArray[i] = DoMath((double) Valuue, ThisMath, false).ToString(HeaderFormat);
return strArray;
public byte[] StringToByteArray(string hex)
return Enumerable.Range(0, hex.Length)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
.Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(x, 2), 16))
/*public Int16 ToInt16BE(byte[] TwoBytes)
Int16 k0 = BitConverter.ToInt16(TwoBytes, 0);
Int16 k1 = BitConverter.ToInt16(BitConverter.GetBytes(k0).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
return k1;
public Int32 ToInt32BE(byte[] FourBytes)
Int32 k0 = BitConverter.ToInt32(FourBytes, 0);
Int32 k1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(k0).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
return k1;
public int HexStringToInt(string hex)
string ThisStr = hex.Replace("0x", "");
if (ThisStr.Length == 1 || ThisStr.Length == 3 || ThisStr.Length == 5 || ThisStr.Length == 7)
ThisStr = "0" + ThisStr;
byte[] ThisBytes = StringToByteArray(ThisStr);
//Add Empty Bytes
if (ThisBytes.Length == 3)
byte[] buffArray = new byte[4];
buffArray[3] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ThisBytes.Length; i++) buffArray[i] = ThisBytes[i];
ThisBytes = buffArray;
if (ThisBytes.Length == 2) return BitConverter.ToUInt16(ThisBytes, 0);
if (ThisBytes.Length == 4) return BitConverter.ToInt32(ThisBytes, 0);
//if (ThisBytes.Length == 8) return BitConverter.ToUInt64(ThisBytes, 0);
return 0;
public bool LoadROMbytes(string string_4)
if (File.Exists(string_4))
this.byte_0 = File.ReadAllBytes(string_4);
//Create a fake bootloader section
if (!Editortable_0.IsFullBinary)
byte[] BufferBytes = new byte[0x8000 + this.byte_0.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++) BufferBytes[i] = 0xff;
for (int i = 0; i < this.byte_0.Length; i++) BufferBytes[0x8000 + i] = this.byte_0[i];
this.byte_0 = BufferBytes;
//Get ECU filename (33 37 38 30 35 2D -> 37805- 'in ASCII chars') (37805-RRB-A140)
this.string_ECU_Name = "";
for (int i = 0; i < this.byte_0.Length; i++)
if (this.byte_0[i] == 0x33 &&
this.byte_0[i + 1] == 0x37 &&
this.byte_0[i + 2] == 0x38 &&
this.byte_0[i + 3] == 0x30 &&
(this.byte_0[i + 4] == 0x35 || this.byte_0[i + 4] == 0x36) &&
this.byte_0[i + 5] == 0x2D)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 14; i2++)
this.string_ECU_Name += (char)this.byte_0[i + i2];
return true;
/*this.string_0 = array[0]; //37805-RRB-A140
this.string_1 = array[1]; //Unused
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(string_4, FileMode.Open))
using (ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive(fileStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry in zipArchive.Entries)
if (zipArchiveEntry.Name == "CALID")
//string[] array = File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath + @"\CALID\" + string_4);
string[] array = this.smethod_0(zipArchiveEntry).Split(new string[]
}, StringSplitOptions.None);
this.string_0 = array[0];
this.string_1 = array[1];
foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry2 in zipArchive.Entries)
if (zipArchiveEntry2.Name == "CLOG")
this.string_2 = this.smethod_0(zipArchiveEntry2);
if (zipArchiveEntry2.Name == array[1])
using (Stream stream = zipArchiveEntry2.Open())
using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream))
this.byte_0 = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)zipArchiveEntry2.Length);
return true;
Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Cannot load Error#1");
return false;*/
return false;
return false;
public int GetIntValue(int int_232)
return (int)((short)((int)this.byte_0[int_232] << 8 | (int)this.byte_0[int_232 + 1]));
public int GetSingleByteValue(int int_232)
return (int)this.byte_0[int_232];
public void SetBackColor(int int_232, float float_0, float float_1)
for (int i = 0; i < int_232; i++)
foreach (object obj in ((IEnumerable)Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows))
DataGridViewRow dataGridViewRow = (DataGridViewRow)obj;
float float_2 = float.Parse(dataGridViewRow.Cells[i].Value.ToString());
dataGridViewRow.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = this.GetColor(float_2, float_1, float_0);
dataGridViewRow.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLight;
//dataGridViewRow.Cells[i].Style.BackColor = Color.White;
public Color GetColor(float float_0, float float_1, float float_2)
Color result;
int num = (int)(1023f * (float_0 - float_1) / (float_2 - float_1));
if (num < 256)
result = Color.FromArgb(255, num, 0);
else if (num < 512)
num -= 256;
result = Color.FromArgb(255 - num, 255, 0);
else if (num < 768)
num -= 512;
result = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, num);
num -= 768;
result = Color.FromArgb(0, 255 - num, 255);
result = Color.White;
return result;
//Buffer 10 x 20
public T[,] smethod_35<T>(T[] gparam_0, int int_232, int int_233)
T[,] array = new T[int_232, int_233];
for (int i = 0; i < int_232; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < int_233; j++)
array[i, j] = gparam_0[i * int_233 + j];
return array;
public void LoadSupportedECUDefinitions()
Ecus_Definitions_Compatible = new List<string>();
string Folderpath = Application.StartupPath + @"\Definitions";
if (Directory.Exists(Folderpath))
string[] AllDefinitionFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Folderpath, "*.txt");
Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Loading definitions files...");
foreach (string ThisFilePath in AllDefinitionFiles)
string[] AllLines = File.ReadAllLines(ThisFilePath);
bool GettingEcuList = true;
for (int i = 0; i < AllLines.Length; i++)
string Thisline = AllLines[i];
if (Thisline.Contains("ROM Parameters")) GettingEcuList = false; //make sure we are not reading false contents
if (Thisline[0] != '#' && Thisline != "")
if (GettingEcuList)
Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Definitions found for ecu: " + Thisline);
if (!GettingEcuList) i = AllLines.Length;
DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to find definitions folder.");
catch (Exception ex)
DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to load definitions. " + ex.ToString());
public void LoadThisECUDefinitions(string ThisECU)
string Folderpath = Application.StartupPath + @"\Definitions";
if (Directory.Exists(Folderpath))
string[] AllDefinitionFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Folderpath, "*.txt");
DefinitionsLocationsX = new List<string>();
DefinitionsLocationsY = new List<string>();
DefinitionsLocationsTable = new List<string>();
DefinitionsName = new List<string>();
DefinitionsUnit1 = new List<string>();
DefinitionsUnit2 = new List<string>();
DefinitionsTableSize = new List<string>();
DefinitionsMathX = new List<string>();
DefinitionsMathY = new List<string>();
DefinitionsValueMin = new List<float>();
DefinitionsValueMax = new List<float>();
DefinitionsChangeAmount = new List<double>();
DefinitionsIsSingleByteX = new List<bool>();
DefinitionsIsSingleByteY = new List<bool>();
DefinitionsIsSingleByteTable = new List<bool>();
DefinitionsFormatX = new List<string>();
DefinitionsHeaders = new List<string>();
DefinitionsFormatY = new List<string>();
DefinitionsIsInverted = new List<bool>();
Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Loading ECU definitions for: " + ThisECU);
bool ECUFound = false;
foreach (string ThisFilePath in AllDefinitionFiles)
string[] AllLines = File.ReadAllLines(ThisFilePath);
bool GettingEcuList = true;
string CurrentLocationX = "";
string CurrentLocationY = "";
string CurrentLocationTable = "";
string CurrentName = "";
string CurrentUnit1 = "";
string CurrentUnit2 = "";
string CurrentTableSize = "";
string CurrentMathX = "";
string CurrentMathY = "";
string CurrentMathTable = "";
float CurrentValueMin = 0f;
float CurrentValueMax = 255f;
double CurrentChangeAmount = 1;
bool CurrentIsSingleByteX = false;
bool CurrentIsSingleByteY = false;
bool CurrentIsSingleByteTable = false;
string CurrentFormatX = "";
string CurrentFormatY = "";
string CurrentFormatTable = "";
string CurrentHeaders = "";
bool CurrentIsInverted = false;
for (int i = 0; i < AllLines.Length; i++)
string Thisline = AllLines[i];
if (Thisline.Contains("ROM Parameters")) GettingEcuList = false; //make sure we are not reading false contents
//Get supported ecu list from file and check if it's match
if (Thisline[0] != '#' && Thisline != "")
if (GettingEcuList && Thisline == ThisECU) ECUFound = true;
if (!GettingEcuList && !ECUFound) i = AllLines.Length;
if (!GettingEcuList && ECUFound)
//Get Definitions parameters
if (Thisline[0] != '#' && Thisline != "")
//ROMLocation Name Unit1 Unit2 TableSize Math ValueMin ValueMax ChangeAmount IsWord Format Headers
if (Thisline.Contains(":"))
string[] Commands = Thisline.Split(':');
if (Commands[0] == "ROMLocationX") CurrentLocationX = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "ROMLocationY") CurrentLocationY = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "ROMLocationTable") CurrentLocationTable = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "Name") CurrentName = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "Unit1") CurrentUnit1 = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "Unit2") CurrentUnit2 = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "TableSize") CurrentTableSize = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "MathX") CurrentMathX = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "MathY") CurrentMathY = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "MathTable") CurrentMathTable = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "ValueMin") CurrentValueMin = (float) double.Parse(Commands[1].Replace(',', '.'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (Commands[0] == "ValueMax") CurrentValueMax = (float) double.Parse(Commands[1].Replace(',', '.'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (Commands[0] == "ChangeAmount") CurrentChangeAmount = double.Parse(Commands[1].Replace(',', '.'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (Commands[0] == "IsSingleByteX") CurrentIsSingleByteX = bool.Parse(Commands[1].ToLower());
if (Commands[0] == "IsSingleByteY") CurrentIsSingleByteY = bool.Parse(Commands[1].ToLower());
if (Commands[0] == "IsSingleByteTable") CurrentIsSingleByteTable = bool.Parse(Commands[1].ToLower());
if (Commands[0] == "FormatX") CurrentFormatX = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "FormatY") CurrentFormatY = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "FormatTable") CurrentFormatTable = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "Headers") CurrentHeaders = Commands[1];
if (Commands[0] == "IsInverted") CurrentIsInverted = bool.Parse(Commands[1].ToLower());
//Insert Definitions
//if (Thisline.Contains("######") || Thisline == "")
if (Thisline.Contains("######"))
if (CurrentName != "")
CurrentName = CurrentName.Replace("\\x00b0", "°");
//Reset values to default
CurrentLocationX = "";
CurrentLocationY = "";
CurrentLocationTable = "";
CurrentName = "";
CurrentUnit1 = "";
CurrentUnit2 = "";
CurrentTableSize = "";
CurrentMathX = "";
CurrentMathY = "";
CurrentMathTable = "";
CurrentValueMin = 0f;
CurrentValueMax = 255f;
CurrentChangeAmount = 1f;
CurrentIsSingleByteX = false;
CurrentIsSingleByteY = false;
CurrentIsSingleByteTable = false;
CurrentFormatX = "";
CurrentHeaders = "";
CurrentFormatY = "";
CurrentFormatTable = "";
CurrentIsInverted = false;
Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Definitions loaded!");
if (ECUFound) return;
if (!ECUFound) Editortable_0.GForm_Main_0.method_1("Definitions NOT loaded!");
DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to find definitions folder.");
catch (Exception ex)
DarkMessageBox.Show("Failed to load definitions. " + ex.ToString());
public int SelectedROMLocation;
public int SelectedTableSize;
public bool bool_0 = false;
public bool bool_1 = false;
public string string_ECU_Name;
public byte[] byte_0;
public string string_2;
public string string_3;
public bool bool_2 = false;
public bool IsSingleByteX = false;
public bool IsSingleByteY = false;
public bool IsSingleByteTable = false;
public int[] BufferValuesArray = new int[200];
//public byte[] BufferBytesArray = new byte[400];
public int[] BufferTableSize = new int[2];
public string BufferMath = "";
public int[] int_219 = new int[400];
public int[] int_220 = new int[128];
public int[] int_221 = new int[30];
public int[] int_222 = new int[16];
public int[] int_223 = new int[14];
public int[] int_224 = new int[12];
public int[] int_225 = new int[10];
public int[] int_226 = new int[8];
public int[] int_231 = new int[2];
private sealed class Class40
internal Class40()
internal void method_0(object object_0)
public TaskCompletionSource<object> taskCompletionSource_0;
/*public string smethod_0(ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry_0)
string text = "";
using (Stream stream = zipArchiveEntry_0.Open())
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")))
text += streamReader.ReadToEnd();
return text;
/*public bool smethod_22(string TableSize)
int[] arraytableint = new int[0];
if (TableSize == "1X64") arraytableint = this.int_220;
if (TableSize == "1X15") arraytableint = this.int_221;
if (TableSize == "1X8") arraytableint = this.int_222;
if (TableSize == "1X7") arraytableint = this.int_223;
if (TableSize == "1X6") arraytableint = this.int_224;
if (TableSize == "1X5") arraytableint = this.int_225;
if (TableSize == "1X4") arraytableint = this.int_226;
if (TableSize == "1X2") arraytableint = this.int_230;
if (TableSize == "1X1") arraytableint = this.int_231;
int num = 0;
int num2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.ColumnCount; i++)
if (TableSize == "1X64") num2 = (int)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (TableSize == "1X15") num2 = (int)(32767f / float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
if (TableSize == "1X8") num2 = (int)(float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.002f);
if (TableSize == "1X7") num2 = (int)(float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.01f);
if (TableSize == "1X6") num2 = (int)(float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.005f);
if (TableSize == "1X5")
if (Editortable.genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.INJ_DEADTIME)
num2 = (int)((double)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.002);
num2 = (int)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (TableSize == "1X4")
if (Editortable.genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.VTEC_PARAMS)
num2 = (int)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
num2 = (int)float.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (TableSize == "1X2")
double numBuf = double.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns[0].HeaderText == "MPH") numBuf = Math.Floor(numBuf * 1.609344);
num2 = (int)numBuf;
if (TableSize == "1X1")
if (Editortable.genum2_0 == Editortable.GEnum2.MIN_IPW)
double numBuf = double.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 0.002;
num2 = (int)numBuf;
double numBuf = double.Parse(Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.Columns[0].HeaderText == "MPH") numBuf = Math.Floor(num * 1.609344);
num2 = (int)num;
if (TableSize == "1X2" || TableSize == "1X1") num = 0;
arraytableint[num + 1] = (int)((byte) num2);
arraytableint[num] = (int)((byte)(num2 >> 8));
num += 2;
return false;
int num3 = this.int_0;
int[] array = new int[this.int_1 * 2];
for (int j = 0; j < this.int_1 * 2; j++)
array[j] = (int)this.byte_0[num3];
int num4 = 0;
foreach (int num5 in arraytableint)
if (num5.ToString() != array[num4].ToString()) this.bool_2 = true;
return true;
/*public bool smethod_31()
if (this.int_1 != 0 && this.int_0 != 0)
if (this.int_1 == 200)
return this.smethod_21();
if (this.int_1 == 64)
return this.smethod_22("1X64");
if (this.int_1 == 15)
return this.smethod_22("1X15");
if (this.int_1 == 8)
return this.smethod_22("1X8");
if (this.int_1 == 7)
return this.smethod_22("1X7");
if (this.int_1 == 6)
return this.smethod_22("1X6");
if (this.int_1 == 5)
return this.smethod_22("1X5");
if (this.int_1 == 4)
return this.smethod_22("1X4");
if (this.int_1 == 2)
return this.smethod_22("1X2");
if (this.int_1 == 1)
return this.smethod_22("1X1");
return false;
/*public void smethod_32()
Editortable_0.dataGridView_0.ReadOnly = true;
if (this.bool_0)
if (this.string_0.Contains("RRB"))
if (!this.smethod_31())
this.bool_2 = false;
DarkMessageBox.Show("Table changes fail");
else if (this.string_0.Contains("S2K") && !this.smethod_31())
this.bool_2 = false;
DarkMessageBox.Show("Table changes fail");