
818 lines
32 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
static class Class_RWD
private static string part_number_prefix = "";
private static List<byte[]> firmware_candidates = new List<byte[]>();
public static byte[] _keys = new byte[] { };
public static byte[] _firmware_encrypted = new byte[] { };
public static UInt32 start = 0U;
public static UInt32 size = 0U;
private static string[] SuppportedVersions = new string[] { };
private static string[] SuppportedFWKeys = new string[] { };
private static string CanAddress = "";
private static byte[] DecodersBytes = new byte[] { }; //Used to decode rwd to bin
private static byte[] EncodersBytes = new byte[] { }; //Used to encode bin to rwd
private static byte[] RWD_encrypted_StartFile = new byte[] { }; //Used to encode bin to rwd
public static byte BootloaderSum = 0;
private static GForm_Main GForm_Main_0;
public static void Load(ref GForm_Main GForm_Main_1)
GForm_Main_0 = GForm_Main_1;
public static void CompressFile(string ThisFile, string CompressedName)
FileStream originalFileStream = File.Open(ThisFile, FileMode.Open);
FileStream compressedFileStream = File.Create(CompressedName);
GZipStream compressor = new GZipStream(compressedFileStream, CompressionMode.Compress);
public static byte[] Decompress(string ThisFile)
Stream compressedStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(ThisFile));
GZipStream zipStream = new GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
MemoryStream resultStream = new MemoryStream();
return resultStream.ToArray();
public static UInt16 ToUInt16BE(byte[] TwoBytes)
UInt16 k0 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(TwoBytes, 0);
UInt16 k1 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(BitConverter.GetBytes(k0).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
return k1;
public static UInt16 checksum_by_sum(byte[] fw, uint start, uint end)
int s = 0;
uint valuescount = (end - start) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < valuescount; i++)
byte[] ThisTwoBytes = new byte[2] { fw[start + (i*2)], fw[start + (i * 2) + 1] };
s += ToUInt16BE(ThisTwoBytes);
if (s > 0xFFFF) s -= 0xFFFF;
return (UInt16) s;
private static UInt16 checksum_by_negative_sum(byte[] fw, uint start, uint end)
int s = 0;
uint valuescount = (end - start) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < valuescount; i++)
byte[] ThisTwoBytes = new byte[2] { fw[start + (i * 2)], fw[start + (i * 2) + 1] };
s -= ToUInt16BE(ThisTwoBytes);
if (s < 0) s += 0xFFFF;
return (UInt16) s;
public static void LoadBIN(string f_name, string f_nameFW)
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(f_name);
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Encrypting file: " + f_name);
//Load .rwd file for obtaining 'encryption' method and then encrypt the .bin using the same method.
LoadRWD(f_nameFW, true, false);
//Copy Start file bytes from the selected rwd file
byte[] dataEncrypted = new byte[RWD_encrypted_StartFile.Length + data.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < RWD_encrypted_StartFile.Length; i++) dataEncrypted[i] = RWD_encrypted_StartFile[i];
//Encrypt .bin data bytes to .rwd format
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
byte ThisByte = data[i];
dataEncrypted[RWD_encrypted_StartFile.Length + i] = EncodersBytes[ThisByte];
//Fix Checksums
//TODO HERE #######################################
//UInt16 thisnn = Class_RWD.checksum_by_sum(dataEncrypted, (uint)RWD_encrypted_StartFile.Length, (uint)dataEncrypted.Length);
//Save Encrypted rwd firmware
string ThisPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(f_name) + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f_name) + ".rwd";
File.WriteAllBytes(ThisPath, dataEncrypted);
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Saved encrypted firmware file: " + ThisPath);
//Save ZIPPED Encrypted firmware
CompressFile(ThisPath, ThisPath + ".gz");
/*'39990-TLA-A030': { #CR-V thanks to joe1
'checksum-offsets': [(0, 0x6bf80), (1, 0x6bffe)] #original bin checksums are 0x419b at offset 0x6FF80 and 0x24ef at 0x6FFFE, but since we start the bin from 0x4000 after bootloader, we offset the checksum accordingly
public static void LoadRWD(string f_name, bool FullDecrypt, bool Saving)
byte[] data = new byte[] { };
if (Path.GetExtension(f_name).ToLower().Contains("gz")) data = Decompress(f_name);
else data = File.ReadAllBytes(f_name);
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Decrypting file: " + f_name);
string indicatorBytes = data[0].ToString("x2") + data[1].ToString("x2") + data[2].ToString("x2");
if (indicatorBytes != "5a0d0a")
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Not Compatible file!");
byte[] headers0 = { };
byte[] headers1 = { };
byte[] headers2 = { };
byte[] headers3 = { };
byte[] headers4 = { };
byte[] headers5 = { };
int idx = 0;
idx += 3;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
// first byte is number of values
var count = data[idx];
idx += 1;
byte[] header = { };
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
// first byte is length of value
int length = data[idx];
idx += 1;
byte[] v = Slice(data, idx, idx + length);
idx += length;
header = Push(header, v);
if (i == 0) headers0 = header;
if (i == 1) headers1 = header;
if (i == 2) headers2 = header; //ECU Type (Auto/Manual)
if (i == 3) headers3 = header; //Versions
if (i == 4) headers4 = header; //Security Keys
if (i == 5) headers5 = header; //Firmware Keys
start = ReadUInt32BE(data, idx);
idx += 4;
size = ReadUInt32BE(data, idx);
idx += 4;
//Get Start file bytes array
RWD_encrypted_StartFile = new byte[idx];
for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) RWD_encrypted_StartFile[i] = data[i];
byte[] firmware = Slice(data, idx, data.Length - 4);
idx += firmware.Length;
UInt32 checksum = ReadUInt32BE(data, idx);
idx += 4;
if (idx != data.Length) GForm_Main_0.method_1("not at end of file after unpacking");
if ((headers3.Length / 16) != (headers4.Length / 6)) GForm_Main_0.method_1("different number of versions and security access tokens");
_firmware_encrypted = firmware;
_keys = headers5;
//Get supported versions and supported firmwares keys
int VersionsCount = (headers3.Length / 16);
SuppportedVersions = new string[VersionsCount];
SuppportedFWKeys = new string[VersionsCount];
string SoftwareKey = _keys[0].ToString("X2") + _keys[1].ToString("X2") + _keys[2].ToString("X2");
for (int i = 0; i < VersionsCount; i++)
//Get Supported versions
byte[] buf = new byte[16];
int EmptyCount = 0;
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++)
buf[i2] = headers3[(i * 16) + i2];
if (buf[i2] == 0)
buf[i2] = 0x2E;
//Remove Empty chars
byte[] bufRedo = new byte[16 - EmptyCount];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < bufRedo.Length; i2++) bufRedo[i2] = buf[i2];
SuppportedVersions[i] = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bufRedo);
//Get supported Firmwares keys according to the supported versions
byte[] bufkey = new byte[6];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 6; i2++)
bufkey[i2] = headers4[(i * 6) + i2];
SuppportedFWKeys[i] = bufkey[0].ToString("X2") + bufkey[1].ToString("X2") + bufkey[2].ToString("X2") + bufkey[3].ToString("X2") + bufkey[4].ToString("X2") + bufkey[5].ToString("X2");
//Get CanAddress Infos
CanAddress = "18DA" + headers2[0].ToString("X2") + "F1";
string AdditionnalCanInfos = "";
if (headers2[0] == 0x0e) AdditionnalCanInfos = " (CVT Transmission (maybe?))";
if (headers2[0] == 0x10) AdditionnalCanInfos = " (Manual Transmission)";
if (headers2[0] == 0x11) AdditionnalCanInfos = " (Automatics Transmission)";
if (headers2[0] == 0x30) AdditionnalCanInfos = " (Electric Power Sterring)";
//Print/Log Informations
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Firmware Start: 0x" + start.ToString("X"));
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Firmware Size: 0x" + size.ToString("X"));
GForm_Main_0.method_1("CanAddress: 0x" + CanAddress + AdditionnalCanInfos);
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Software Keys: 0x" + SoftwareKey);
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Supported Versions (and keys): ");
for (int i = 0; i < SuppportedVersions.Length; i++) GForm_Main_0.method_1(SuppportedVersions[i] + " (0x" + SuppportedFWKeys[i] + ")");
//Perform FULL decryption (convert .rwd to .bin)
if (FullDecrypt) DecryptRWD(f_name, Saving);
private static void DecryptRWD(string f_name, bool Saving)
part_number_prefix = get_part_number_prefix(f_name);
firmware_candidates = decrypt(part_number_prefix);
if (firmware_candidates.Count == 0)
//try with a shorter part number
GForm_Main_0.method_1("failed on long part number, trying truncated part number ...");
part_number_prefix = get_part_number_prefix(f_name, true);
firmware_candidates = decrypt(part_number_prefix);
if (firmware_candidates.Count == 0)
GForm_Main_0.method_1("decryption failed!");
GForm_Main_0.method_1("(could not find a cipher that results in the part number being in the data)");
//Remove duplicated Candidates
if (firmware_candidates.Count > 1)
List<byte[]> firmware_candidatesBUFFER = firmware_candidates;
firmware_candidates = new List<byte[]>();
byte[] LastCandidate = firmware_candidatesBUFFER[firmware_candidatesBUFFER.Count - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < firmware_candidatesBUFFER.Count - 1; i++)
byte[] CurrentCandidate = firmware_candidatesBUFFER[i];
if (CurrentCandidate != LastCandidate)
if (firmware_candidates.Count > 1) GForm_Main_0.method_1("multiple sets of keys resulted in data containing the part number");
foreach (byte[] fc in firmware_candidates)
//Checksum location for SH7058 1mb rom file are located at 0x8400, it's a 1byte sum calculated from negative sum of the full binary
//Since we are missing the bootloader section of the full binary we have to remove the section 0x0000 to 0x8000(Start_Address)
//we can calculate what was the 'sum' of the bootloader by subtracting the 'sum' of the decrypted firmware!
if (start == 0x8000) //Only SH7058 1mb file
byte num = GetBootloaderSum(fc);
byte num2 = GetNegativeChecksumFWBin(fc);
byte ThisSum = num;
ThisSum -= num2;
byte chk = fc[0x400];
if (chk == ThisSum)
GForm_Main_0.method_1("checksums good!");
BootloaderSum = num;
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Bootloader Sum are 0x" + BootloaderSum.ToString("X"));
/*List<byte[]> firmware_good = new List<byte[]>();
idx = 0;
foreach (byte[] fc in firmware_candidates)
//# concat all address blocks to allow checksum validation using memory addresses
byte[] firmwareBLK = new byte[] { };
foreach (int block in xrange(fc.Length)) {
start = firmware_blocks[block]["start"];
//# fill gaps with \x00;
if (firmwareBLK.Length < start) {
firmwareBLK += '\x00' * (start - firmwareBLK.Length);
firmwareBLK += fc[block];
//# validate known checksums
if (f_base in checksums.keys())
GForm_Main_0.method_1(string.Format("firmware[{0}] checksums:", idx));
bool match = true;
foreach (start, end in checksums[f_base])
byte sum = ord(get_checksum(firmwareBLK[start: end]));
byte chk = ord(firmwareBLK[end]);
string Value2 = "";
if (chk == sum) Value2 = "=";
else Value2 = "!=";
GForm_Main_0.method_1(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", chk.ToString("X2"), Value2, sum.ToString("X2")));
if (sum != chk) match = false;
if (match)
GForm_Main_0.method_1("checksums good!");
GForm_Main_0.method_1("checksums bad!");
//# no checksums so assume good
idx += 1;
//Saving Decrypted Firmwares
if (Saving)
bool AsSavedFile = false;
int FileCount = 1;
foreach (byte[] f_data in firmware_candidates)
string FileNumber = "";
if (firmware_candidates.Count > 1) FileNumber = "_" + FileCount;
string ThisPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(f_name) + @"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f_name).Replace(".rwd", "").Replace(".RWD", "") + ".0x" + start.ToString("X") + FileNumber + ".bin";
File.WriteAllBytes(ThisPath, f_data); //-> f_data[start_addr:]
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Saved decrypted firmware file: " + ThisPath);
AsSavedFile = true;
if (AsSavedFile) GForm_Main_0.method_1("Note: The decrypted firmware file (.bin), is not a complete .bin file! It cannot be used to perform a 'Flash Rom' to the ECU, the bootloader section from 0x0000 to 0x" + start.ToString("X") + " of the rom is Missing.");
public static byte GetBootloaderSum(byte[] FWFileBytes)
//Get Checksum (sum)
byte[] BufferBytes = FWFileBytes;
byte num = BufferBytes[0x400];
byte num2 = GetNegativeChecksumFWBin(BufferBytes);
byte BTSum = num;
BTSum += num2;
return BTSum;
//BootloaderSum = BTSum;
//GForm_Main_0.method_1("Bootloader Sum are 0x" + BootloaderSum.ToString("X"));
public static byte GetNegativeChecksumFWBin(byte[] byte_1)
byte b = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < byte_1.Length; i++)
if (i != 0x400)
b -= byte_1[i];
return b;
public static byte[] Push(byte[] bArray, byte[] newBytes)
byte[] newArray = new byte[bArray.Length + newBytes.Length];
bArray.CopyTo(newArray, newBytes.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < newBytes.Length; i++)
newArray[i] = newBytes[i];
return newArray;
public static byte[] Slice(byte[] bArray, int StartInd, int EndInd)
int Lenght = (EndInd - StartInd);
byte[] newArray = new byte[Lenght];
for (int i = 0; i < Lenght; i++)
newArray[i] = bArray[StartInd + i];
return newArray;
public static UInt32 ReadUInt32BE(byte[] buffer, int StartInd)
var value = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, StartInd);
var rs = BitConverter.ToUInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(value).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
return rs;
private static string get_part_number_prefix(string fn, bool Short = false)
string f_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fn);
f_name = f_name.Replace("-", "").Replace("_", "");
string prefix = f_name.Substring(0, 5) + "-" + f_name.Substring(5, 3);
if (!Short) prefix += '-' + f_name.Substring(8, 4);
return prefix;
public static byte[] StringToByteArray(string hex)
return Enumerable.Range(0, hex.Length)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
.Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(x, 2), 16))
static byte[] _get_decoder(string key1, string key2, string key3, string op1, string op2, string op3) {
byte[] decoder = new byte[256];
List<byte> values = new List<byte> { };
for (int e = 0; e < 256; e++) {
byte KB1 = StringToByteArray(key1)[0];
byte KB2 = StringToByteArray(key2)[0];
byte KB3 = StringToByteArray(key3)[0];
uint d = GetCalc(op3, GetCalc(op2, GetCalc(op1, (uint)e, KB1), KB2), KB3) & 0xFF;
decoder[e] = (byte)d;
values.Add((byte) d);
if (values.Count == 256) return decoder;
return null;
private static uint GetCalc(string ThisOperator, uint V1, uint V2)
if (ThisOperator == "^") return CalcXOR(V1, V2);
if (ThisOperator == "&") return CalcAND(V1, V2);
if (ThisOperator == "|") return CalcOR(V1, V2);
if (ThisOperator == "+") return CalcADD(V1, V2);
if (ThisOperator == "-") return CalcSUB(V1, V2);
if (ThisOperator == "*") return CalcMUL(V1, V2);
if (ThisOperator == "/") return CalcDIV(V1, V2);
if (ThisOperator == "%") return CalcMOD(V1, V2);
return 0;
private static uint CalcXOR(uint V1, uint V2)
return V1 ^ V2;
private static uint CalcAND(uint V1, uint V2)
return V1 & V2;
private static uint CalcOR(uint V1, uint V2)
return V1 | V2;
private static uint CalcADD(uint V1, uint V2)
return V1 + V2;
private static uint CalcSUB(uint V1, uint V2)
return V1 - V2;
private static uint CalcMUL(uint V1, uint V2)
return V1 * V2;
private static uint CalcDIV(uint V1, uint V2)
return V1 / V2;
private static uint CalcMOD(uint V1, uint V2)
return V1 % V2;
private static string[] swapTwoNumber(string[] list, int k, int i)
string[] BufferedContent = new string[list.Length];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < list.Length; i2++) BufferedContent[i2] = list[i2];
string temp = BufferedContent[k];
BufferedContent[k] = BufferedContent[i];
BufferedContent[i] = temp;
return BufferedContent;
private static string[] CheckIntegrity(string[] Bufferedlist, string[] BufferedDone)
string OutputLine = "";
for (int i = 0; i < Bufferedlist.Length; i++) OutputLine += Bufferedlist[i] + "|";
bool Founded = false;
for (int i = 0; i < BufferedDone.Length; i++)
if (BufferedDone[i] == OutputLine) Founded = true;
if (!Founded)
string[] NewBuffer = new string[BufferedDone.Length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < BufferedDone.Length; i++) NewBuffer[i] = BufferedDone[i];
NewBuffer[BufferedDone.Length] = OutputLine;
BufferedDone = NewBuffer;
return BufferedDone;
public static string[] prnPermut(string[] list)
string[] DoThisList = list;
string[] BufferedContent = new string[] { };
string[] Bufferedlist = { DoThisList[0], DoThisList[1], DoThisList[2] }; //A-B-C
BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(Bufferedlist, BufferedContent);
for (int i = 0; i < DoThisList.Length; i++)
Bufferedlist = swapTwoNumber(DoThisList, 0, i); //SWAP A & XX
BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(Bufferedlist, BufferedContent);
Bufferedlist = swapTwoNumber(DoThisList, 1, i); //SWAP B & XX
BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(Bufferedlist, BufferedContent);
//A-B-c -> B-C-A
Bufferedlist = swapTwoNumber(DoThisList, 0, 2); //SWAP A & C
Bufferedlist = swapTwoNumber(Bufferedlist, 0, 1); //SWAP A & B
BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(Bufferedlist, BufferedContent);
//A-B-c -> C-A-B
Bufferedlist = swapTwoNumber(DoThisList, 0, 1); //SWAP A & B
Bufferedlist = swapTwoNumber(Bufferedlist, 0, 2); //SWAP A & C
BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(Bufferedlist, BufferedContent);
return BufferedContent;
public static string[] prnPermutALL(string[] list)
string[] DoThisList = list;
string[] BufferedContent = new string[] { };
int StartInd = 0;
string[] Bufferedlist = new string[]{};
//BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(Bufferedlist, BufferedContent);
for (int i4 = StartInd; i4 < DoThisList.Length; i4++)
for (int i3 = StartInd; i3 < DoThisList.Length; i3++)
for (int i2 = StartInd; i2 < DoThisList.Length; i2++)
string[] OperatorsList = new string[3] { DoThisList[i2], DoThisList[i3], DoThisList[i4] };
BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(OperatorsList, BufferedContent);
for (int i = StartInd; i < 3; i++)
Bufferedlist = swapTwoNumber(OperatorsList, StartInd, i); //SWAP A & XX
BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(Bufferedlist, BufferedContent);
Bufferedlist = swapTwoNumber(OperatorsList, StartInd + 1, i); //SWAP B & XX
BufferedContent = CheckIntegrity(Bufferedlist, BufferedContent);
return BufferedContent;
private static void MakeEncoderArray()
EncodersBytes = new byte[256];
if (DecodersBytes.Length != EncodersBytes.Length)
GForm_Main_0.method_1("Something went wrong getting Encoders bytes!");
for (int i = 0; i < EncodersBytes.Length; i++)
EncodersBytes[DecodersBytes[i]] = (byte) i;
private static List<byte[]> decrypt(string search_value)
//# sometimes there is an extra character after each character
//# 37805-RBB-J530 -> 3377880550--RRBCBA--JA503000
//string search_value_padded = search_value.Join(".", search_value);
string search_value_padded = "";
foreach (char ThisChar in search_value)
search_value_padded += ThisChar + ".";
string search_exact = search_value.ToUpper();
string search_padded = search_value_padded.ToUpper();
string[] operators = new string[8] {
"fn:^", //XOR
"fn:&", //AND
"fn:|", //OR
"fn:+", //ADD
"fn:-", //SUB
"fn:*", //MUL
"fn:/", //DIV
"fn:%", //MOD
if (_keys.Length != 3)
GForm_Main_0.method_1("excatly three keys currently required, cannot perform decryption!");
return new List<byte[]> { };
//This code is for trying all Keys and cypher methods to find the correct decrypting cypher
/*List<string> keys = new List<string> { };
for (int i = 0; i < _keys.Length; i++) {
string k = _keys[i].ToString("x2");
keys.Add(String.Format("val:" + k + ",sym:" + "k{0}", i));
string[] key_perms = prnPermut(keys.ToArray());
string[] op_perms = prnPermutALL(operators);*/
//BUT the cypher seem to always be: (((i ^ k2) + k1) - k0) & 0xFF so use this code instead for 1000x faster decryption
string KeyPermStr = "";
for (int i = _keys.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
string k = _keys[i].ToString("x2");
KeyPermStr += String.Format("val:" + k + ",sym:" + "k{0}", i) + "|";
string OPPermStr = "fn:^,o1|fn:+,o2|fn:-,o3|";
string[] key_perms = new string[] { KeyPermStr };
string[] op_perms = new string[] { OPPermStr };
List<string> display_ciphers = new List<string> { };
List<byte[]> firmware_candidates_0 = new List<byte[]> { };
List<byte[]> attempted_decoders = new List<byte[]> { };
int CurrentDone = 0;
foreach (string Line in key_perms)
string k1 = "";
string k2 = "";
string k3 = "";
string o1 = "";
string o2 = "";
string o3 = "";
string k1_CMD = "";
string k2_CMD = "";
string k3_CMD = "";
string[] SplittedParams = Line.Split('|');
int DoneCount = 0;
//Get keys values
foreach (string Commands in SplittedParams)
string[] SplittedParamsValue = Commands.Split(',');
if (SplittedParamsValue[0].Contains("val"))
string thisvalue = SplittedParamsValue[0].Split(':')[1];
string thiscommand = SplittedParamsValue[1].Split(':')[1];
if (DoneCount == 0)
k1 = thisvalue;
k1_CMD = thiscommand;
if (DoneCount == 1)
k2 = thisvalue;
k2_CMD = thiscommand;
if (DoneCount == 2)
k3 = thisvalue;
k3_CMD = thiscommand;
//Get operators values
foreach (string LineOP in op_perms)
string[] SplittedParamsOP = LineOP.Split('|');
DoneCount = 0;
foreach (string Commands in SplittedParamsOP)
string[] SplittedParamsValue = Commands.Split(',');
if (SplittedParamsValue[0].Contains("fn"))
string thisvalue = SplittedParamsValue[0].Split(':')[1];
if (DoneCount == 0) o1 = thisvalue;
if (DoneCount == 1) o2 = thisvalue;
if (DoneCount == 2) o3 = thisvalue;
//Perform decoding of bytes and search for ECU name string
int Percent = (CurrentDone * 100) / (key_perms.Length * op_perms.Length);
DecodersBytes = _get_decoder(k1, k2, k3, o1, o2, o3);
if (DecodersBytes != null && !attempted_decoders.Contains(DecodersBytes))
byte[] candidate = new byte[_firmware_encrypted.Length];
char[] decryptedCharArr = new char[_firmware_encrypted.Length];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < _firmware_encrypted.Length; i2++)
byte ThisByte = DecodersBytes[_firmware_encrypted[i2]];
candidate[i2] = ThisByte;
decryptedCharArr[i2] = (char) ThisByte;
string decrypted = new string(decryptedCharArr);
if ((decrypted.Contains(search_exact) || decrypted.Contains(search_padded)) && !firmware_candidates_0.Contains(candidate))
display_ciphers.Add(string.Format("(((i {0} {1}) {2} {3}) {4} {5}) & 0xFF",
o1, k1_CMD,
o2, k2_CMD,
o3, k3_CMD));
foreach (string cipher in display_ciphers) {
GForm_Main_0.method_1(String.Format("cipher: {0}", cipher));
return firmware_candidates_0;