
355 lines
9.4 KiB

* @file gulpfile.js
* Defines tasks that can be run on gulp.
* Summary: <ul>
* <li> `test` - runs all the tests on node and the browser (mocha and karma)
* <ul>
* <li> `test:node`
* <li> `test:node:nofail` - internally used for watching (due to bug on gulp-mocha)
* <li> `test:browser`
* </ul>`
* <li> `watch:test` - watch for file changes and run tests
* <ul>
* <li> `watch:test:node`
* <li> `watch:test:browser`
* </ul>`
* <li> `browser` - generate files needed for browser (browserify)
* <ul>
* <li> `browser:uncompressed` - build uncomprssed browser bundle (`bitcore-*.js`)
* <li> `browser:compressed` - build compressed browser bundle (`bitcore-*.min.js`)
* <li> `browser:maketests` - build `tests.js`, needed for testing without karma
* </ul>`
* <li> `lint` - run `jshint`
* <li> `coverage` - run `istanbul` with mocha to generate a report of test coverage
* <li> `coveralls` - updates coveralls info
* <li> `release` - automates release process (only for maintainers)
* </ul>
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var coveralls = require('gulp-coveralls');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var mocha = require('gulp-mocha');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var runsequence = require('run-sequence');
var shell = require('gulp-shell');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var bump = require('gulp-bump');
var git = require('gulp-git');
function ignoreerror() {
/* jshint ignore:start */ // using `this` in this context is weird
/* jshint ignore:end */
function startGulp(name, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var browser = !opts.skipBrowser;
var isSubmodule = name ? true : false;
var fullname = name ? 'bitcore-' + name : 'bitcore';
var files = ['lib/**/*.js'];
var tests = ['test/**/*.js'];
var alljs = files.concat(tests);
var buildPath = './node_modules/bitcore-build/';
var buildModulesPath = buildPath + 'node_modules/';
var buildBinPath = buildPath + 'node_modules/.bin/';
* testing
var testmocha = function() {
return gulp.src(tests).pipe(new mocha({
reporter: 'spec'
var testkarma = shell.task([
buildModulesPath + 'karma/bin/karma start ' + buildPath + 'karma.conf.js'
gulp.task('test:node', testmocha);
gulp.task('test:node:nofail', function() {
return testmocha().on('error', ignoreerror);
gulp.task('test:browser', ['browser:uncompressed', 'browser:maketests'], testkarma);
if (browser) {
gulp.task('test', function(callback) {
runsequence(['test:node'], ['test:browser'], callback);
} else {
gulp.task('test', ['test:node']);
gulp.task('noop', function() {
* file generation
if (browser) {
var browserifyCommand;
if (isSubmodule) {
browserifyCommand = buildBinPath + 'browserify --require ./index.js:' + fullname + ' --external bitcore -o ' + fullname + '.js';
} else {
browserifyCommand = buildBinPath + 'browserify --require ./index.js:bitcore -o bitcore.js';
gulp.task('browser:uncompressed', shell.task([
gulp.task('browser:compressed', ['browser:uncompressed'], function() {
return gulp.src(fullname + '.js')
mangle: true,
compress: true
.pipe(rename(fullname + '.min.js'))
.on('error', gutil.log);
gulp.task('browser:maketests', shell.task([
'find test/ -type f -name "*.js" | xargs ' + buildBinPath + 'browserify -t brfs -o tests.js'
gulp.task('browser', function(callback) {
runsequence(['browser:compressed'], ['browser:maketests'], callback);
* code quality and documentation
gulp.task('lint', function() {
return gulp.src(alljs)
gulp.task('plato', shell.task([buildBinPath + 'plato -d report -r -l .jshintrc -t ' + fullname + ' lib']));
gulp.task('coverage', shell.task([buildBinPath + './istanbul cover ' + buildBinPath + '_mocha -- --recursive']));
gulp.task('coveralls', ['coverage'], function() {
* watch tasks
gulp.task('watch:test', function() {
// todo: only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['test']);
gulp.task('watch:test:node', function() {
// todo: only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['test:node']);
if (browser) {
gulp.task('watch:test:browser', function() {
// todo: only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['test:browser']);
gulp.task('watch:coverage', function() {
// todo: only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['coverage']);
gulp.task('watch:lint', function() {
// todo: only lint files that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['lint']);
if (browser) {
gulp.task('watch:browser', function() {
return, ['browser']);
* Release automation
gulp.task('release:install', function() {
return shell.task([
'npm install',
var releaseFiles = ['./package.json'];
if (browser) {
var bump_version = function(importance) {
return gulp.src(releaseFiles)
type: importance
gulp.task('release:checkout-releases', function(cb) {
var tempBranch = 'releases/' + new Date().getTime() + '-build';
git.branch(tempBranch, {
args: ''
}, function() {
git.checkout(tempBranch, {
args: ''
}, cb);
gulp.task('release:checkout-master', function(cb) {
git.checkout('master', {
args: ''
}, cb);
gulp.task('release:sign-built-files', shell.task([
'gpg --yes --out bitcore.js.sig --sign bitcore.js',
'gpg --yes --out bitcore.min.js.sig --sign bitcore.min.js'
var buildFiles = ['./package.json'];
var signatureFiles = [];
if (browser) {
buildFiles.push(fullname + '.js');
buildFiles.push(fullname + '.js.sig');
buildFiles.push(fullname + '.min.js');
buildFiles.push(fullname + '.min.js.sig');
signatureFiles.push(fullname + '.js.sig');
signatureFiles.push(fullname + '.min.js.sig');
var addFiles = function() {
var pjson = require('../../package.json');
return gulp.src(buildFiles)
args: '-f'
var buildCommit = function() {
var pjson = require('../../package.json');
return gulp.src(buildFiles)
.pipe(git.commit('Build: ' + pjson.version, {
args: ''
gulp.task('release:add-signed-files', ['release:sign-built-files'], addFiles);
gulp.task('release:add-built-files', addFiles);
if (browser) {
gulp.task('release:build-commit', [
], buildCommit);
} else {
gulp.task('release:build-commit', [
], buildCommit);
gulp.task('release:version-commit', function() {
var pjson = require('../../package.json');
return gulp.src(releaseFiles)
.pipe(git.commit('Bump package version to ' + pjson.version, {
args: ''
gulp.task('release:push', function(cb) {
git.push('bitpay', 'master', {
args: ''
}, cb);
gulp.task('release:push-tag', function(cb) {
var pjson = require('../../package.json');
var name = 'v' + pjson.version;
git.tag(name, 'Release ' + name, function() {
git.push('bitpay', name, cb);
gulp.task('release:publish', shell.task([
'npm publish'
// requires
var release = function(importance, cb) {
var bumper = 'release:bump:' + importance;
return runsequence(
// Checkout the release temporal branch
// Run npm install
// Run tests with gulp test
// Update package.json and bower.json
// build browser files
browser ? 'browser' : 'noop',
// Commit
// Run git push bitpay $VERSION
// Run npm publish
// Checkout the `master` branch
// Bump package.json and bower.json, again
// Version commit with no binary files to master
// Push to master
['patch', 'minor', 'major'].forEach(function(importance) {
gulp.task('release:' + importance, function(cb) {
release(importance, cb);
gulp.task('release:bump:' + importance, function() {
gulp.task('release', ['release:patch']);
module.exports = startGulp;