'use strict'; var should = require('chai').should(); var bitcore = require('../..'); var ECDSA = bitcore.crypto.ECDSA; var Hash = bitcore.crypto.Hash; var Signature = bitcore.crypto.Signature; var PrivateKey = bitcore.PrivateKey; var PublicKey = bitcore.PublicKey; var BN = bitcore.crypto.BN; describe('ECDSA', function() { it('should create a blank ecdsa', function() { var ecdsa = new ECDSA(); should.exist(ecdsa); }); var ecdsa = new ECDSA(); ecdsa.hashbuf = Hash.sha256(new Buffer('test data')); ecdsa.privkey = new PrivateKey(BN().fromBuffer(new Buffer('fee0a1f7afebf9d2a5a80c0c98a31c709681cce195cbcd06342b517970c0be1e', 'hex'))); ecdsa.privkey2pubkey(); describe('#set', function() { it('should set hashbuf', function() { should.exist(ECDSA().set({hashbuf: ecdsa.hashbuf}).hashbuf); }); }); describe('#calci', function() { it('should calculate i', function() { ecdsa.randomK(); ecdsa.sign(); ecdsa.calci(); should.exist(ecdsa.sig.i); }); it('should calulate this known i', function() { var hashbuf = Hash.sha256(new Buffer('some data')); var r = BN('71706645040721865894779025947914615666559616020894583599959600180037551395766', 10); var s = BN('109412465507152403114191008482955798903072313614214706891149785278625167723646', 10); var ecdsa = new ECDSA(); ecdsa.privkey = PrivateKey(BN().fromBuffer(Hash.sha256(new Buffer('test')))); ecdsa.privkey2pubkey(); ecdsa.hashbuf = hashbuf; ecdsa.sig = new Signature({r: r, s: s}); ecdsa.calci(); ecdsa.sig.i.should.equal(1); }); }); describe('#fromString', function() { it('should to a round trip with to string', function() { var str = ecdsa.toString(); var ecdsa2 = new ECDSA(); ecdsa2.fromString(str); should.exist(ecdsa.hashbuf); should.exist(ecdsa.pubkey); should.exist(ecdsa.privkey); }); }); describe('#randomK', function() { it('should generate a new random k when called twice in a row', function() { ecdsa.randomK(); var k1 = ecdsa.k; ecdsa.randomK(); var k2 = ecdsa.k; (k1.cmp(k2) === 0).should.equal(false); }); it('should generate a random k that is (almost always) greater than this relatively small number', function() { ecdsa.randomK(); var k1 = ecdsa.k; var k2 = BN(Math.pow(2, 32)).mul(BN(Math.pow(2, 32))).mul(BN(Math.pow(2, 32))); k2.gt(k1).should.equal(false); }); }); describe('#sig2pubkey', function() { it('should calculate the correct public key', function() { ecdsa.k = BN('114860389168127852803919605627759231199925249596762615988727970217268189974335', 10); ecdsa.sign(); ecdsa.sig.i = 1; var pubkey = ecdsa.sig2pubkey(); pubkey.point.eq(ecdsa.pubkey.point).should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#sigError', function() { it('should return an error if the hash is invalid', function() { var ecdsa = new ECDSA(); ecdsa.sigError().should.equal('hashbuf must be a 32 byte buffer'); }); it('should return an error if r, s are invalid', function() { var ecdsa = new ECDSA(); ecdsa.hashbuf = Hash.sha256(new Buffer('test')); var pk = PublicKey.fromDER(new Buffer('041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa85ff9f4744d539139c252a49710fb053bb9f2b933173ff9a7baad41d04514751e6851f5304fd243751703bed21b914f6be218c0fa354a341', 'hex')); ecdsa.pubkey = pk; ecdsa.sig = new Signature(); ecdsa.sig.r = BN(0); ecdsa.sig.s = BN(0); ecdsa.sigError().should.equal('r and s not in range'); }); it('should return an error if the signature is incorrect', function() { ecdsa.sig = new Signature(); ecdsa.sig.fromString('3046022100e9915e6236695f093a4128ac2a956c40ed971531de2f4f41ba05fac7e2bd019c02210094e6a4a769cc7f2a8ab3db696c7cd8d56bcdbfff860a8c81de4bc6a798b90827'); ecdsa.sig.r = ecdsa.sig.r.add(BN(1)); ecdsa.sigError().should.equal('Invalid signature'); }); }); describe('#sign', function() { it('should create a valid signature', function() { ecdsa.randomK(); ecdsa.sign(); ecdsa.verify().should.equal(true); }); it('should should throw an error if hashbuf is not 32 bytes', function() { var ecdsa2 = ECDSA().set({ hashbuf: ecdsa.hashbuf.slice(0, 31), pubkey: ecdsa.pubkey, privkey: ecdsa.privkey }); ecdsa2.randomK(); (function() { ecdsa2.sign(); }).should.throw('hashbuf must be a 32 byte buffer'); }); }); describe('#signRandomK', function() { it('should produce a signature', function() { ecdsa.signRandomK(); should.exist(ecdsa.sig); }); }); describe('#toString', function() { it('should convert this to a string', function() { var str = ecdsa.toString(); (typeof str === 'string').should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#verify', function() { it('should verify a signature that was just signed', function() { ecdsa.sig = new Signature(); ecdsa.sig.fromString('3046022100e9915e6236695f093a4128ac2a956c40ed971531de2f4f41ba05fac7e2bd019c02210094e6a4a769cc7f2a8ab3db696c7cd8d56bcdbfff860a8c81de4bc6a798b90827'); ecdsa.verify().should.equal(true); }); it('should verify this known good signature', function() { ecdsa.signRandomK(); ecdsa.verify().should.equal(true); }); }); describe('@sign', function() { it('should produce a signature', function() { var sig = ECDSA.sign(ecdsa.hashbuf, ecdsa.privkey); (sig instanceof Signature).should.equal(true); }); }); describe('@verify', function() { it('should verify a valid signature, and unverify an invalid signature', function() { var sig = ECDSA.sign(ecdsa.hashbuf, ecdsa.privkey); ECDSA.verify(ecdsa.hashbuf, sig, ecdsa.pubkey).should.equal(true); var fakesig = Signature(sig.r.add(1), sig.s); ECDSA.verify(ecdsa.hashbuf, fakesig, ecdsa.pubkey).should.equal(false); }); }); });