'use strict'; var run = function() { // Replace '../bitcore' with 'bitcore' if you use this code elsewhere. var bitcore = require('../bitcore'); var NetworkMonitor = bitcore.NetworkMonitor; var config = { networkName: 'testnet', host: 'localhost', port: 18333 }; var nm = new NetworkMonitor.create(config); // monitor incoming transactions to http://tpfaucet.appspot.com/ donation address nm.incoming('msj42CCGruhRsFrGATiUuh25dtxYtnpbTx', function(tx) { console.log('Donation to tpfaucet! '+JSON.stringify(tx.getStandardizedObject())); }); // connect to bitcoin network and start listening nm.start(); }; module.exports.run = run; if (require.main === module) { run(); }