'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var bitcore = bitcore || require('../bitcore'); var should = chai.should(); var Armory = bitcore.Armory; var Address = bitcore.Address; /** * This is the Armory root code that was used to generated the hard coded values in * those tests: */ var seed = [ 'aagh hjfj sihk ietj giik wwai awtd uodh hnji', 'soss uaku egod utai itos fijj ihgi jhau jtoo' ].join('\n'); /* * It was retrieved by creating a wallet in Armory and creating a paper backup. * * This is the public key as presented on the generated Armory paper wallets: */ var PublicX = '9df5 23e7 18b9 1f59 a790 2d46 999f 9357 ccf8 7208 24d4 3076 4516 b809 f7ab ce4e'; var PublicY = '66ba 5d21 4682 0dae 401d 9506 8437 2516 79f9 0c56 4186 cc50 07df c6d0 6989 1ff4'; var pubkey = '04' + PublicX.split(' ').join('') + PublicY.split(' ').join(''); /* * This chain code was derived from the seed above: */ var chaincode = '84ac14bc4b388b33da099a0b4ee3b507284d99e1476639e36e5ca5e6af86481e'; /* * This is some addresses generated from the wallet: */ var address = [ '1PUzLkds8eHGjHPaW7v7h23bzmHjrRMVqz', '1CGrip2uQUwhP2f3ARfbcrmtdwvWzELRmj', '1BfBauMP4PX1ZBYrqH4K4R8KWrFfskrs7E', '15emDCBVgBJLDP5cKxuwZ4Q77sfqEcwZvC', '16tDJhMYBv1szZgRZCohWrzEvzX2bG7vEQ' ]; var instance, fromseed, first; describe('Armory', function() { it('should initialze the main object', function() { should.exist(Armory); }); it('should be able to create instance from chaincode, pubkey', function() { instance = new Armory(chaincode, pubkey); should.exist(instance); }); it('should be able to create instance from seed', function() { fromseed = Armory.fromSeed(seed); should.exist(fromseed); }); it('fromseed should generate the expected chain code', function() { should.equal(fromseed.chaincode.toString('hex'), chaincode.toString('hex')); should.equal(fromseed.chaincode.toString('hex'), instance.chaincode.toString('hex')); }); it('fromseed should be able to generate the first public key', function() { first = fromseed.next(); should.exist(first); }); it('instance created from chaincode,pubkey and the first instance generated by fromseed should match', function() { should.equal(first.pubkey.toString('hex'), instance.pubkey.toString('hex')); should.equal(first.chaincode.toString('hex'), instance.chaincode.toString('hex')); }); it('armory should generate the expected addresses for the given chaincode,pubkey', function() { var addr, a; a = instance; for (var i = 0; i < address.length; i++) { should.equal(Address.fromPubKey(a.pubkey).as('base58'), address[i]); a = a.next(); } }); });