'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var bitcore = bitcore || require('../bitcore'); var should = chai.should(); var assert = chai.assert; var SecureRandom = bitcore.SecureRandom; describe('SecureRandom', function() { describe('getRandomBuffer', function() { it('should return a buffer', function() { var bytes = SecureRandom.getRandomBuffer(8); bytes.length.should.equal(8); Buffer.isBuffer(bytes).should.equal(true); }); it('should not equate two 256 bit random buffers', function() { var bytes1 = SecureRandom.getRandomBuffer(32); var bytes2 = SecureRandom.getRandomBuffer(32); bytes1.toString('hex').should.not.equal(bytes2.toString('hex')); }); it('should generate 1000 8 byte buffers in a row that are not equal', function() { var bufs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) bufs[i] = SecureRandom.getRandomBuffer(8); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) for (var j = i + 1; j < 100; j++) bufs[i].toString('hex').should.not.equal(bufs[j].toString('hex')); }); }); describe('getPseudoRandomBuffer', function() { it('should generate 7 random bytes', function() { var buf = SecureRandom.getPseudoRandomBuffer(7); buf.length.should.equal(7); }); it('should generate 8 random bytes', function() { var buf = SecureRandom.getPseudoRandomBuffer(8); buf.length.should.equal(8); }); it('should generate 9 random bytes', function() { var buf = SecureRandom.getPseudoRandomBuffer(9); buf.length.should.equal(9); }); it('should generate 90 random bytes', function() { var buf = SecureRandom.getPseudoRandomBuffer(90); buf.length.should.equal(90); }); it('should generate two 8 byte buffers that are not equal', function() { var buf1 = SecureRandom.getPseudoRandomBuffer(8); var buf2 = SecureRandom.getPseudoRandomBuffer(8); buf1.toString('hex').should.not.equal(buf2.toString('hex')); }); }); });