Merge pull request #178 from matiu/feature/file-syncing2

Feature/file syncing2
This commit is contained in:
Matias Alejo Garcia 2014-02-01 17:48:16 -08:00
commit 6c7ce4b3fa
12 changed files with 613 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema,
RpcClient = require('bitcore/RpcClient').class(),
util = require('bitcore/util/util'),
async = require('async'),
BitcoreBlock= require('bitcore/Block').class(),
TransactionOut = require('./TransactionOut'),
config = require('../../config/config')
@ -85,14 +86,26 @@ BlockSchema.statics.customCreate = function(block, cb) {
newBlock.time = block.time ? block.time : Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
newBlock.hashStr = block.hash;
newBlock.isOrphan = block.isOrphan;
newBlock.nextBlockHashStr = block.nextBlockHash;
TransactionOut.createFromArray(block.tx, function(err, inserted_txs, update_addrs) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var insertedTxs, updateAddrs; {
return cb(err, newBlock, inserted_txs, update_addrs);
function(a_cb) {
TransactionOut.createFromTxs(block.tx, block.isOrphan,
function(err, inInsertedTxs, inUpdateAddrs) {
insertedTxs = inInsertedTxs;
updateAddrs = inUpdateAddrs;
return a_cb(err);
}, function(a_cb) { {
return a_cb(err);
function (err) {
return cb(err, newBlock, insertedTxs, updateAddrs);

View File

@ -24,13 +24,16 @@ var TransactionOutSchema = new Schema({
index: true,
value_sat: Number,
fromOrphan: Boolean,
spendTxIdBuf: Buffer,
spendIndex: Number,
spendFromOrphan: Boolean,
// Compound index
TransactionOutSchema.index({txidBuf: 1, index: 1}, {unique: true, sparse: true});
TransactionOutSchema.index({spendTxIdBuf: 1, spendIndex: 1}, {unique: true, sparse: true});
@ -91,119 +94,171 @@ TransactionOutSchema.statics.removeFromTxId = function(txid, cb) {
TransactionOutSchema.statics._explodeTransactionOuts = function(txid, cb) {
TransactionOutSchema.statics.storeTransactionOuts = function(txInfo, fromOrphan, cb) {
var Self = this;
var addrs = [];
var is_new = true;
// Is it from genesis block? (testnet==livenet)
// TODO: parse it from networks.genesisTX
if (txid === genesisTXID) return cb();
if (txInfo.hash) {
TransactionRpc.getRpcInfo(txid, function(err, info) {
// adapt bitcore TX object to bitcoind JSON response
txInfo.txid = txInfo.hash;
if (err || !info) return cb(err);
var count = 0; = (txin) {
var i = {};
if (txin.coinbase) {
txInfo.isCoinBase = true;
else {
i.txid= txin.prev_out.hash;
i.vout= txin.prev_out.n;
i.n = count++;
return i;
var bTxId = new Buffer(txid,'hex');
// Input Outputs (mark them as spended)
function(p_c) {
if (info.isCoinBase) return p_c();
async.forEachLimit(, CONCURRENCY,
function(i, next_out) {
var b = new Buffer(i.txid,'hex');
var data = {
txidBuf: b,
index: i.vout,
count = 0;
txInfo.vout = (txout) {
var o = {};
o.value = txout.value;
o.n = count++;
spendTxIdBuf: bTxId,
spendIndex: i.n,
Self.update({txidBuf: b, index: i.vout}, data, {upsert: true}, next_out);
function (err) {
if (err) {
if (!err.message.match(/E11000/)) {
console.log('ERR at TX %s: %s', txid, err);
return cb(err);
if (txout.addrStr){
o.scriptPubKey = {};
o.scriptPubKey.addresses = [txout.addrStr];
return o;
var bTxId = new Buffer(txInfo.txid,'hex');
// Input Outpoints (mark them as spended)
function(p_c) {
if (txInfo.isCoinBase) return p_c();
async.forEachLimit(, CONCURRENCY,
function(i, next_out) {
var b = new Buffer(i.txid,'hex');
var data = {
txidBuf: b,
index: i.vout,
spendTxIdBuf: bTxId,
spendIndex: i.n,
if (fromOrphan) data.spendFromOrphan = true;
Self.update({txidBuf: b, index: i.vout}, data, {upsert: true}, next_out);
function (err) {
if (err) {
if (!err.message.match(/E11000/)) {
console.log('ERR at TX %s: %s', txInfo.txid, err);
return cb(err);
return p_c();
// Parse Outputs
function(p_c) {
async.forEachLimit(info.vout, CONCURRENCY,
function(o, next_out) {
if (o.value && o.scriptPubKey &&
o.scriptPubKey.addresses &&
o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0] &&
! o.scriptPubKey.addresses[1] // TODO : not supported
return p_c();
// Parse Outputs
function(p_c) {
async.forEachLimit(txInfo.vout, CONCURRENCY,
function(o, next_out) {
if (o.value && o.scriptPubKey &&
o.scriptPubKey.addresses &&
o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0] &&
! o.scriptPubKey.addresses[1] // TODO : not supported
// This is only to broadcast
if (addrs.indexOf(o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]) === -1) {
// This is only to broadcast (WIP)
// if (addrs.indexOf(o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]) === -1) {
// addrs.push(o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]);
// }
var data = {
txidBuf: bTxId,
index : o.n,
var data = {
txidBuf: bTxId,
index : o.n,
value_sat : o.value * util.COIN,
addr : o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0],
Self.update({txidBuf: bTxId, index: o.n}, data, {upsert: true}, next_out);
value_sat : o.value * util.COIN,
addr : o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0],
if (fromOrphan) data.fromOrphan = true;
Self.update({txidBuf: bTxId, index: o.n}, data, {upsert: true}, next_out);
else {
console.log ('WARN in TX: %s could not parse OUTPUT %d', txInfo.txid, o.n);
return next_out();
function (err) {
if (err) {
if (err.message.match(/E11000/)) {
is_new = false;
else {
console.log ('WARN in TX: %s could not parse OUTPUT %d', txid, o.n);
return next_out();
console.log('ERR at TX %s: %s', txInfo.txid, err);
return cb(err);
function (err) {
if (err) {
if (err.message.match(/E11000/)) {
is_new = false;
else {
console.log('ERR at TX %s: %s', txid, err);
return cb(err);
return p_c();
}], function() {
return cb(null, addrs, is_new);
return p_c();
}], function(err) {
return cb(err, addrs, is_new);
TransactionOutSchema.statics.createFromArray = function(txs, next) {
// txs can be a [hashes] or [txObjects]
TransactionOutSchema.statics.createFromTxs = function(txs, fromOrphan, next) {
var Self = this;
if (typeof fromOrphan === 'function') {
next = fromOrphan;
fromOrphan = false;
if (!txs) return next();
var inserted_txs = [];
var updated_addrs = {};
async.forEachLimit(txs, CONCURRENCY, function(txid, cb, was_new) {
async.forEachLimit(txs, CONCURRENCY, function(t, each_cb) {
Self._explodeTransactionOuts( txid, function(err, addrs) {
var txInfo;
if (err) return next(err);
function(a_cb) {
if (typeof t !== 'string') {
txInfo = t;
return a_cb();
if (was_new) {
addrs.each(function(a) {
if ( !updated_addrs[a]) updated_addrs[a] = [];
// Is it from genesis block? (testnet==livenet)
// TODO: parse it from networks.genesisTX?
if (t === genesisTXID) return a_cb();
TransactionRpc.getRpcInfo(t, function(err, inInfo) {
txInfo =inInfo;
return a_cb(err);
function(a_cb) {
if (!txInfo) return a_cb();
return cb();
Self.storeTransactionOuts(txInfo, fromOrphan, function(err, addrs) {
if (err) return a_cb(err);
return a_cb();
function(err) {
return each_cb(err);
function(err) {

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module.exports = {
host: process.env.BITCOIND_HOST || '',
port: process.env.BITCOIND_PORT || '18332',
p2pPort: process.env.BITCOIND_P2P_PORT || '18333',
dataDir: process.env.BITCOIND_DATADIR || './testnet3',
disableAgent: true

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ mongoose.connection.on('open', function() {
var b = new Buffer(hash,'hex');
T.createFromArray([hash], function(err, ret) {
T.createFromTxs([hash], function(err, ret) {

dev-util/read_block.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
var assert = require('assert'),
config = require('../config/config'),
BlockExtractor = require('../lib/BlockExtractor').class(),
networks = require('bitcore/networks'),
util = require('bitcore/util/util');
var be = new BlockExtractor(config.bitcoind.dataDir,;
var network = === 'testnet' ? networks.testnet: networks.livenet;
// console.log('[read_block.js.13]', be.nextFile() );
var c=0;
while (c++ < 100) {
be.getNextBlock(function(err, b) {
console.log('[read_block.js.14]',err, c, b?util.formatHashAlt(b.hash):''); //TODO

lib/BlockExtractor.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
'use strict';
function spec() {
var Block = require('bitcore/block').class(),
networks = require('bitcore/networks'),
Parser = require('bitcore/util/BinaryParser').class(),
fs = require('fs'),
Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer,
glob = require('glob'),
async = require('async');
function BlockExtractor(dataDir, network) {
var self = this;
var path = dataDir + '/blocks/blk*.dat';
self.dataDir = dataDir;
self.files = glob.sync(path);
self.nfiles = self.files.length;
if (self.nfiles === 0)
throw new Error('Could not find block files at: ' + path);
self.currentFileIndex = 0;
self.isCurrentRead = false;
self.currentBuffer = null;
self.currentParser = null; = network === 'testnet' ? networks.testnet: networks.livenet;
self.magic ='hex');
BlockExtractor.prototype.currentFile = function() {
var self = this;
return self.files[self.currentFileIndex];
BlockExtractor.prototype.nextFile = function() {
var self = this;
if (self.currentFileIndex < 0) return false;
var ret = true;
self.isCurrentRead = false;
self.currentBuffer = null;
self.currentParser = null;
if (self.currentFileIndex < self.nfiles - 1) {
else {
ret = false;
return ret;
BlockExtractor.prototype.readCurrentFileSync = function() {
var self = this;
if (self.currentFileIndex < 0 || self.isCurrentRead) return;
self.isCurrentRead = true;
var fname = self.currentFile();
if (!fname) return;
var stats = fs.statSync(fname);
var size = stats.size;
console.log('Reading Blockfile %s [%d MB]',
fname, parseInt(size/1024/1024));
var fd = fs.openSync(fname, 'r');
var buffer = new Buffer(size);
fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, size, 0);
self.currentBuffer = buffer;
self.currentParser = new Parser(buffer);
BlockExtractor.prototype.getNextBlock = function(cb) {
var self = this;
var b;
var magic;
function (a_cb) {
function() {
return (!magic);
function(w_cb) {
if (self.currentFileIndex < 0) return cb();
magic = self.currentParser ? self.currentParser.buffer(4).toString('hex')
: null ;
if (!self.currentParser || self.currentParser.eof()) {
magic = null;
if (self.nextFile()) {
console.log('Moving forward to file:' + self.currentFile() );
return w_cb();
else {
console.log('Finished all files');
return cb();
else {
return w_cb();
}, a_cb);
function (a_cb) {
if (magic !== self.magic) {
var e = new Error('CRITICAL ERROR: Magic number mismatch: ' +
magic + '!=' + self.magic);
return a_cb(e);
// spacer?
return a_cb();
function (a_cb) {
b = new Block();
return a_cb();
], function(err) {
return cb(err,b);
return BlockExtractor;

View File

@ -7,12 +7,16 @@ require('classtool');
function spec() {
var util = require('util');
var RpcClient = require('bitcore/RpcClient').class();
var bitutil = require('bitcore/util/util');
var Address = require('bitcore/Address').class();
var Script = require('bitcore/Script').class();
var networks = require('bitcore/networks');
var async = require('async');
var config = require('../config/config');
var Block = require('../app/models/Block');
var Sync = require('./Sync').class();
var sockets = require('../app/controllers/socket.js');
var BlockExtractor = require('./BlockExtractor.js').class();
var BAD_GEN_ERROR = 'Bad genesis block. Network mismatch between Insight and bitcoind? Insight is configured for:';
@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ function spec() {
HistoricSync.prototype.showProgress = function() {
HistoricSync.prototype.showProgress = function(height) {
var self = this;
if (self.error) {
@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ function spec() {
self.syncPercentage = parseFloat(100 * (self.syncedBlocks + self.skippedBlocks) / self.blockChainHeight).toFixed(3);
if (self.syncPercentage > 100) self.syncPercentage = 100;
p(util.format('status: [%d%%] skipped: %d', self.syncPercentage, self.skippedBlocks));
p(util.format('status: [%d%%] skipped: %d ', self.syncPercentage, self.skippedBlocks, height));
if (self.opts.shouldBroadcast) {
@ -120,7 +124,6 @@ function spec() {
var existed = false;
var blockInfo;
var blockObj;
// Already got it?
@ -132,7 +135,6 @@ function spec() {
if (block) {
existed = true;
blockObj = block;
return c();
@ -145,22 +147,20 @@ function spec() {
return c();
//get Info from RPC
function(c) {
// TODO: if we store prev/next, no need to go to RPC
// if (blockObj && blockObj.nextBlockHash) return c();
function(c) {
self.rpc.getBlock(blockHash, function(err, ret) {
if (err) return c(err);
blockInfo = ret;
blockInfo = ret ? ret.result : null;
return c();
//store it
function(c) {
if (existed) return c();
self.sync.storeBlock(blockInfo.result, function(err) {
self.sync.storeBlock(blockInfo, function(err) {
existed = err && err.toString().match(/E11000/);
@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ function spec() {
self.status = 'aborted';
return cb(err);
else {
self.err = null;
@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ function spec() {
// Continue
if (blockInfo && blockInfo.result) {
if (blockInfo) {
if (existed)
@ -208,16 +209,167 @@ function spec() {
// recursion
if (scanOpts.prev && blockInfo.result.previousblockhash)
return self.getPrevNextBlock(blockInfo.result.previousblockhash, blockEnd, scanOpts, cb);
if (scanOpts.prev && blockInfo.previousblockhash)
return self.getPrevNextBlock(blockInfo.previousblockhash, blockEnd, scanOpts, cb);
if ( && blockInfo.result.nextblockhash)
return self.getPrevNextBlock(blockInfo.result.nextblockhash, blockEnd, scanOpts, cb);
if ( && blockInfo.nextblockhash)
return self.getPrevNextBlock(blockInfo.nextblockhash, blockEnd, scanOpts, cb);
return cb(err);
// TODO. replace with
// Script.prototype.getAddrStrs if that one get merged in bitcore
HistoricSync.prototype.getAddrStr = function(s) {
var self = this;
var addrStrs = [];
var type = s.classify();
var addr;
switch(type) {
case Script.TX_PUBKEY:
var chunk = s.captureOne();
addr = new Address(, bitutil.sha256ripe160(chunk));
addrStrs = [ addr.toString() ];
case Script.TX_PUBKEYHASH:
addr = new Address(, s.captureOne());
addrStrs = [ addr.toString() ];
case Script.TX_SCRIPTHASH:
addr = new Address(, s.captureOne());
addrStrs = [ addr.toString() ];
case Script.TX_MULTISIG:
var addrs = [];
var chunks = s.capture();
chunks.forEach(function(chunk) {
var a = new Address(, bitutil.sha256ripe160(chunk));
case Script.TX_UNKNOWN:
return addrStrs;
HistoricSync.prototype.getBlockFromFile = function(height, scanOpts, cb) {
var self = this;
var nextHash;
var blockInfo;
var isMainChain;
var existed;
// Is it in mainchain?
function(c) {
self.rpc.getBlockHash(height, function(err, res) {
if (err) return cb(err);
nextHash = res.result;
return c();
//show some (inacurate) status
function(c) {
if ( ( self.syncedBlocks + self.skippedBlocks) % self.step === 1) {
return c();
//get Info
function(c) {
self.blockExtractor.getNextBlock(function(err, b) {
if (err || ! b) return c(err);
blockInfo = b.getStandardizedObject(b.txs,;
var ti=0;
// Get TX Address
b.txs.forEach(function(t) {
var objTx = blockInfo.tx[ti++];
var to=0;
t.outs.forEach( function(o) {
var s = new Script(o.s);
var addrs = self.getAddrStr(s);
// support only p2pubkey p2pubkeyhash and p2sh
if (addrs.length === 1) {
objTx.out[to].addrStr = addrs[0];
return c();
//store it
function(c) {
isMainChain = blockInfo.hash === nextHash;
blockInfo.isOrphan = !isMainChain;
* In file sync, orphan blocks are just ignored.
* This is to simplify our schema and the
* sync process
if (blockInfo.isOrphan) return c();
self.sync.storeBlock(blockInfo, function(err) {
existed = err && err.toString().match(/E11000/);
if (err && ! existed) return c(err);
return c();
], function(err) {
if (err) {
self.err = util.format('ERROR: @%s: %s [count: syncedBlocks: %d]', blockInfo.hash, err, self.syncedBlocks);
self.status = 'aborted';
return cb(err);
else {
// Continue
if (blockInfo) {
// mainchain
if (isMainChain) height++;
self.err = null;
self.status = 'syncing';
return self.getBlockFromFile(height, scanOpts, cb);
else {
self.err = null;
self.status = 'finished';
return cb(err);
HistoricSync.prototype.importHistory = function(scanOpts, next) {
var self = this;
@ -285,16 +437,23 @@ function spec() {
p(' to : ', end);
p(' scanOpts: ', JSON.stringify(scanOpts));
self.getPrevNextBlock(start, end, scanOpts, function(err) {
if (err && err.message.match(/ECONNREFUSED/)) {
setTimeout(function() {
p('Retrying in %d secs', retry_secs);
retry_secs * 1000);
else return next(err);
if (scanOpts.fromFiles) {
self.getBlockFromFile(0, scanOpts, function(err) {
return next(err);
else {
self.getPrevNextBlock(start, end, scanOpts, function(err) {
if (err && err.message.match(/ECONNREFUSED/)) {
setTimeout(function() {
p('Retrying in %d secs', retry_secs);
retry_secs * 1000);
else return next(err);
@ -321,25 +480,31 @@ function spec() {
// upto if we have genesis block?
HistoricSync.prototype.smartImport = function(next) {
HistoricSync.prototype.smartImport = function(scanOpts, next) {
var self = this;
Block.fromHash(self.genesis, function(err, b) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (!b) {
if (!b || scanOpts.destroy) {
p('Could not find Genesis block. Running FULL SYNC');
if (config.bitcoind.dataDir) {
p('bitcoind dataDir configured...importing blocks from .dat files');
scanOpts.fromFiles = true;
self.blockExtractor = new BlockExtractor(config.bitcoind.dataDir,;
else {
scanOpts.reverse = true;
else {
p('Genesis block found. Syncing upto known blocks.');
scanOpts.reverse = true;
scanOpts.upToExisting = true;
var scanOpts = {
reverse: true,
upToExisting: b ? true: false,
return self.importHistory(scanOpts, next);

View File

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ function spec() {
function(b) { try {self.db.collections.transactionouts.drop(b);} catch (e) { return b(); } },
], next);
Sync.prototype.storeBlock = function(block, cb) {
var self = this;
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ function spec() {
Sync.prototype.storeTxs = function(txs, cb) {
var self = this;
TransactionOut.createFromArray(txs, function(err, inserted_txs, updated_addrs) {
TransactionOut.createFromTxs(txs, function(err, inserted_txs, updated_addrs) {
if (err) return cb(err);
self._handleBroadcast(null, inserted_txs, updated_addrs);

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"async": "*",
"glob": "*",
"classtool": "*",
"commander": "*",
"bignum": "*",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
var assert = require('assert'),
config = require('../../config/config'),
BlockExtractor = require('../../lib/BlockExtractor').class(),
networks = require('bitcore/networks'),
util = require('bitcore/util/util');
//var txItemsValid = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('test/model/txitems.json'));
describe('TransactionOut', function(){
var be = new BlockExtractor(config.bitcoind.dataDir,;
var network = === 'testnet' ? networks.testnet: networks.livenet;
it('should glob block files ', function(done) {
var lastTs;
it('should read genesis block ', function(done) {
be.getNextBlock(function(err,b) {
var genesisHashReversed = new Buffer(32);
var genesis = util.formatHashFull(network.genesisBlock.hash);
lastTs = b.timestamp;
it('should read next testnet block ', function(done) {
be.getNextBlock(function(err,b) {
assert(b.timestamp > lastTs, 'timestamp > genesis_ts');
it('should read 100000 blocks with no error ', function(done) {
var i=0;
while(i++<100000) {
be.getNextBlock(function(err,b) {
assert(lastTs < b.timestamp, 'genesisTS < b.timestamp: ' + lastTs + '<' + b.timestamp + ":" + i);
if(i % 1000 === 1) process.stdout.write('.');
if(i === 100000) done();

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ program
.option('-D --destroy', 'Remove current DB (and start from there)', 0)
.option('-R --reverse', 'Sync backwards', 0)
.option('-U --uptoexisting', 'Sync only until an existing block is found', 0)
.option('-F --fromfiles', 'Sync using bitcoind .dat block files (faster)', 0)
var historicSync = new HistoricSync();
@ -32,13 +33,16 @@ async.series([
function(cb) {
if ( {
destroy: program.destroy,
else {
destroy: program.destroy,
reverse: program.reverse,
upToExisting: program.uptoexisting,
fromFiles: program.fromfiles,
}, cb);