'use strict'; var imports = require('soop').imports(); var util = require('util'); var assert = require('assert'); var async = require('async'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var RpcClient = bitcore.RpcClient; var Script = bitcore.Script; var networks = bitcore.networks; var config = imports.config || require('../config/config'); var Sync = require('./Sync'); var sockets = require('../app/controllers/socket.js'); var BlockExtractor = require('./BlockExtractor.js'); var buffertools = require('buffertools'); var bitcoreUtil = bitcore.util; var Bignum = bitcore.Bignum; var Script = bitcore.Script; // This is 0.1.2 = > c++ version of base58-native var base58 = require('base58-native').base58Check; var encodedData = require('soop').load('bitcore/util/EncodedData',{ base58: base58 }); var versionedData= require('soop').load('bitcore/util/VersionedData',{ parent: encodedData }); var Address = require('soop').load('bitcore/lib/Address',{ parent: versionedData }); var logger = require('./logger').logger; var d = logger.log; var info = logger.info; var error = logger.error; // var Deserialize = require('bitcore/Deserialize'); var BAD_GEN_ERROR = 'Bad genesis block. Network mismatch between Insight and bitcoind? Insight is configured for:'; var BAD_GEN_ERROR_DB = 'Bad genesis block. Network mismatch between Insight and levelDB? Insight is configured for:'; function HistoricSync(opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.shouldBroadcast = opts.shouldBroadcastSync; this.network = config.network === 'testnet' ? networks.testnet: networks.livenet; var genesisHashReversed = new Buffer(32); this.network.genesisBlock.hash.copy(genesisHashReversed); buffertools.reverse(genesisHashReversed); this.genesis = genesisHashReversed.toString('hex'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var RpcClient = bitcore.RpcClient; this.rpc = new RpcClient(config.bitcoind); this.sync = new Sync(opts); } HistoricSync.prototype.showProgress = function() { var self = this; if ( self.status ==='syncing' && ( self.syncedBlocks ) % self.step !== 1) return; if (self.error) error(self.error); else { self.updatePercentage(); info(util.format('status: [%d%%]', self.syncPercentage)); } if (self.shouldBroadcast) { sockets.broadcastSyncInfo(self.info()); } // // if (self.syncPercentage > 10) { // process.exit(-1); // } }; HistoricSync.prototype.setError = function(err) { var self = this; self.error = err.message?err.message:err.toString(); self.status='error'; self.showProgress(); return err; }; HistoricSync.prototype.close = function() { this.sync.close(); }; HistoricSync.prototype.info = function() { this.updatePercentage(); return { status: this.status, blockChainHeight: this.blockChainHeight, syncPercentage: this.syncPercentage, syncedBlocks: this.syncedBlocks, syncTipHash: this.sync.tip, error: this.error, type: this.type, startTs: this.startTs, endTs: this.endTs, }; }; HistoricSync.prototype.updatePercentage = function() { var r = this.syncedBlocks / this.blockChainHeight; this.syncPercentage = parseFloat(100 * r).toFixed(3); if (this.syncPercentage > 100) this.syncPercentage = 100; }; HistoricSync.prototype.getBlockFromRPC = function(cb) { var self = this; if (!self.currentRpcHash) return cb(); var blockInfo; self.rpc.getBlock(self.currentRpcHash, function(err, ret) { if (err) return cb(err); if (ret) { blockInfo = ret.result; // this is to match block retreived from file if (blockInfo.hash === self.genesis) blockInfo.previousblockhash = self.network.genesisBlock.prev_hash.toString('hex'); self.currentRpcHash = blockInfo.nextblockhash; } else { blockInfo = null; } return cb(null, blockInfo); }); }; HistoricSync.prototype._fromBuffer = function (buf) { var buf2 = buffertools.reverse(buf); return parseInt(buf2.toString('hex'), 16); }; HistoricSync.prototype.getStandardizedTx = function (tx, time, isCoinBase) { var self = this; tx.txid = bitcoreUtil.formatHashFull(tx.getHash()); var ti=0; tx.vin = tx.ins.map(function(txin) { var ret = {n: ti++}; if (isCoinBase) { ret.isCoinBase = true; } else { ret.txid = buffertools.reverse(new Buffer(txin.getOutpointHash())).toString('hex'); ret.vout = txin.getOutpointIndex(); } return ret; }); var to = 0; tx.vout = tx.outs.map(function(txout) { var val; if (txout.s) { var s = new Script(txout.s); var addrs = new Address.fromScriptPubKey(s, config.network); // support only for p2pubkey p2pubkeyhash and p2sh if (addrs && addrs.length === 1) { val = {addresses: [addrs[0].toString() ] }; } } return { valueSat: self._fromBuffer(txout.v), scriptPubKey: val, n: to++, }; }); tx.time = time; return tx; }; HistoricSync.prototype.getStandardizedBlock = function(b) { var self = this; var block = { hash: bitcoreUtil.formatHashFull(b.getHash()), previousblockhash: bitcoreUtil.formatHashFull(b.prev_hash), time: b.timestamp, }; var isCoinBase = 1; block.tx = b.txs.map(function(tx){ var ret = self.getStandardizedTx(tx, b.timestamp, isCoinBase); isCoinBase=0; return ret; }); return block; }; HistoricSync.prototype.getBlockFromFile = function(cb) { var self = this; var blockInfo; //get Info self.blockExtractor.getNextBlock(function(err, b) { if (err || ! b) return cb(err); blockInfo = self.getStandardizedBlock(b); self.sync.bDb.setLastFileIndex(self.blockExtractor.currentFileIndex, function(err) { return cb(err,blockInfo); }); }); }; HistoricSync.prototype.updateConnectedCountDB = function(cb) { var self = this; self.sync.bDb.countConnected(function(err, count) { self.connectedCountDB = count || 0; self.syncedBlocks = count || 0; return cb(err); }); }; HistoricSync.prototype.updateBlockChainHeight = function(cb) { var self = this; self.rpc.getBlockCount(function(err, res) { self.blockChainHeight = res.result; return cb(err); }); }; HistoricSync.prototype.checkNetworkSettings = function(next) { var self = this; self.hasGenesis = false; // check network config self.rpc.getBlockHash(0, function(err, res){ if (!err && ( res && res.result !== self.genesis)) { err = new Error(BAD_GEN_ERROR + config.network); } if (err) return next(err); self.sync.bDb.has(self.genesis, function(err, b) { if (!err && ( res && res.result !== self.genesis)) { err = new Error(BAD_GEN_ERROR_DB + config.network); } self.hasGenesis = b?true:false; return next(err); }); }); }; HistoricSync.prototype.updateStartBlock = function(next) { var self = this; self.startBlock = self.genesis; self.sync.bDb.getTip(function(err,tip) { if (!tip) return next(); var blockInfo; var oldtip; //check that the tip is still on the mainchain async.doWhilst( function(cb) { self.sync.bDb.fromHashWithInfo(tip, function(err, bi) { blockInfo = bi ? bi.info : {}; if (oldtip) self.sync.setBlockHeight(oldtip, -1, cb); else return cb(); }); }, function(err) { if (err) return next(err); var ret = false; if ( self.blockChainHeight === blockInfo.height || blockInfo.confirmations > 0) { ret = false; } else { oldtip = tip; if (!tip) throw new Error('Previous blockchain tip was not found on bitcoind. Please reset Insight DB. Tip was:'+tip) tip = blockInfo.previousblockhash; info('Previous TIP is now orphan. Back to:' + tip); ret = true; } return ret; }, function(err) { self.startBlock = tip; info('Resuming sync from block:'+tip); return next(err); } ); }); }; HistoricSync.prototype.prepareFileSync = function(opts, next) { var self = this; if ( opts.forceRPC || !config.bitcoind.dataDir || self.connectedCountDB > self.blockChainHeight * 0.9) return next(); try { self.blockExtractor = new BlockExtractor(config.bitcoind.dataDir, config.network); } catch (e) { info(e.message + '. Disabling file sync.'); return next(); } self.getFn = self.getBlockFromFile; self.allowReorgs = true; self.sync.bDb.getLastFileIndex(function(err, idx) { if (opts.forceStartFile) self.blockExtractor.currentFileIndex = opts.forceStartFile; else if (idx) self.blockExtractor.currentFileIndex = idx; var h = self.genesis; info('Seeking file to:' + self.startBlock); //forward till startBlock async.whilst( function() { return h !== self.startBlock; }, function (w_cb) { self.getBlockFromFile(function(err,b) { if (!b) return w_cb('Could not find block ' + self.startBlock); h=b.hash; setImmediate(function(){ return w_cb(err); }); }); }, next); }); }; //NOP HistoricSync.prototype.prepareRpcSync = function(opts, next) { var self = this; if (self.blockExtractor) return next(); self.getFn = self.getBlockFromRPC; self.allowReorgs = true; self.currentRpcHash = self.startBlock; return next(); }; HistoricSync.prototype.showSyncStartMessage = function() { var self = this; info('Got ' + self.connectedCountDB + ' blocks in current DB, out of ' + self.blockChainHeight + ' block at bitcoind'); if (self.blockExtractor) { info('bitcoind dataDir configured...importing blocks from .dat files'); info('First file index: ' + self.blockExtractor.currentFileIndex); } else { info('syncing from RPC (slow)'); } info('Starting from: ', self.startBlock); self.showProgress(); }; HistoricSync.prototype.setupSyncStatus = function() { var self = this; var step = parseInt( (self.blockChainHeight - self.syncedBlocks) / 1000); if (step < 10) step = 10; self.step = step; self.type = self.blockExtractor?'from .dat Files':'from RPC calls'; self.status = 'syncing'; self.startTs = Date.now(); self.endTs = null; this.error = null; this.syncPercentage = 0; }; HistoricSync.prototype.prepareToSync = function(opts, next) { var self = this; self.status = 'starting'; async.series([ function(s_c) { self.checkNetworkSettings(s_c); }, function(s_c) { self.updateConnectedCountDB(s_c); }, function(s_c) { self.updateBlockChainHeight(s_c); }, function(s_c) { self.updateStartBlock(s_c); }, function(s_c) { self.prepareFileSync(opts, s_c); }, function(s_c) { self.prepareRpcSync(opts, s_c); }, ], function(err) { if (err) return(self.setError(err)); self.showSyncStartMessage(); self.setupSyncStatus(); return next(); }); }; HistoricSync.prototype.start = function(opts, next) { var self = this; if (self.status==='starting' || self.status==='syncing') { error('## Wont start to sync while status is %s', self.status); return next(); } self.prepareToSync(opts, function(err) { if (err) return next(self.setError(err)); async.whilst( function() { self.showProgress(); return self.status === 'syncing'; }, function (w_cb) { self.getFn(function(err,blockInfo) { if (err) return w_cb(self.setError(err)); if (blockInfo && blockInfo.hash && (!opts.stopAt || opts.stopAt !== blockInfo.hash) ) { self.syncedBlocks++; self.sync.storeTipBlock(blockInfo, self.allowReorgs, function(err) { if (err) return w_cb(self.setError(err)); setImmediate(function(){ return w_cb(err); }); }); } else { self.endTs = Date.now(); self.status = 'finished'; console.log('Done Syncing', self.info()); return w_cb(err); } }); }, next); }); }; module.exports = require('soop')(HistoricSync);