#!/bin/bash root_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/.." options=`cat ${root_dir}/bin/config_options.sh` host=$(${root_dir}/bin/variables.sh host) || exit -1 depends_dir=$($root_dir/bin/variables.sh depends_dir) btc_dir="${root_dir}/libbitcoind" sys=$($root_dir/bin/variables.sh sys) patch_sha=$($root_dir/bin/variables.sh patch_sha) config_lib_dir=$($root_dir/bin/variables.sh config_lib_dir) export CPPFLAGS="-I${depends_dir}/${host}/include/boost -I${depends_dir}/${host}/include -L${depends_dir}/${host}/lib" echo "Using BTC directory: ${btc_dir}" cd "${root_dir}" || exit -1 build_dependencies () { if [ -d "${btc_dir}" ]; then pushd "${depends_dir}" || exit -1 echo "using host for dependencies: ${host}" if [ "${test}" = true ]; then make HOST=${host} NO_QT=1 NO_UPNP=1 else make HOST=${host} NO_QT=1 NO_WALLET=1 NO_UPNP=1 fi if test $? -eq 0; then popd || exit -1 else echo "Bitcoin's dependency building failed, please check the previous output for details." exit -1 fi fi } get_patch_file () { if test -e "${root_dir/PATCH_VERSION}"; then tag=`cat "${root_dir}/PATCH_VERSION" | xargs` || exit -1 else echo "no tag file found, please create it in the root of the project as so: 'echo \"v0.10.2\" > PATCH_VERSION'" exit 1 fi } compare_patch () { cd "${btc_dir}" || exit -1 get_patch_file echo "running the diff command from HEAD to ${tag}" last_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) diff=$(git show ${last_commit}) stripped_diff=$( echo -n "${diff}" | tail -n $( expr `echo -n "${diff}" | wc -l` - 5 ) ) matching_patch=`echo -n "${stripped_diff}" | diff -w "${root_dir}/etc/bitcoin.patch" -` } cache_files () { cache_file="${root_dir}"/cache/cache.tar pushd "${btc_dir}" || exit -1 find src depends/${host} -type f \( -name "*.h" -or -name "*.hpp" -or -name \ "*.ipp" -or -name "*.a" \) | tar -cf "${cache_file}" -T - if test $? -ne 0; then echo "We were trying to copy over your cached artifacts, but there was an issue." exit -1 fi tar xf "${cache_file}" -C "${root_dir}"/cache if test $? -ne 0; then echo "We were trying to untar your cache, but there was an issue." exit -1 fi rm -fr "${cache_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1 popd || exit -1 } debug= if [ "${BITCORENODE_ENV}" == "debug" ]; then options=`cat ${root_dir}/bin/config_options_debug.sh` || exit -1 fi test=false if [ "${BITCORENODE_ENV}" == "test" ]; then test=true options=`cat ${root_dir}/bin/config_options_test.sh` || exit -1 fi if hash shasum 2>/dev/null; then shasum_cmd="shasum -a 256" else shasum_cmd="sha256sum" fi patch_file_sha=$(${shasum_cmd} "${root_dir}/etc/bitcoin.patch" | awk '{print $1}') last_patch_file_sha= if [ -e "${patch_sha}" ]; then echo "Patch file sha exists, let's see if the patch has changed since last build..." last_patch_file_sha=$(cat "${patch_sha}") fi shared_file_built=false if [ "${last_patch_file_sha}" == "${patch_file_sha}" ]; then echo "Patch file contents matches the sha from the patch file itself, so no reason to rebuild the bindings unless there are no prebuilt bindings." shared_file_built=true fi if [ "${shared_file_built}" = false ]; then echo "Looks like the patch to bitcoin changed since last build -or- this is the first build, so rebuilding libbitcoind itself..." mac_response=$($root_dir/bin/variables.sh mac_dependencies) if [ "${mac_response}" != "" ]; then echo "${mac_response}" exit -1 fi only_make=false if [ -d "${btc_dir}" ]; then echo "running compare patch..." compare_patch repatch=false if [[ "${matching_patch}" =~ [^\s\\] ]]; then echo "Warning! libbitcoind is not patched with:\ ${root_dir}/etc/bitcoin.patch." echo -n "Would you like to remove the current patch, checkout the tag: ${tag} and \ apply the current patch from "${root_dir}"/etc/bitcoin.patch? (y/N): " if [ "${BITCORENODE_ASSUME_YES}" = true ]; then input=y echo "" else read input fi if [[ "${input}" =~ ^y|^Y ]]; then repatch=true echo "Removing directory: \"${btc_dir}\" and starting over!" rm -fr "${btc_dir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi if [ "${repatch}" = false ]; then echo "Running make inside libbitcoind (assuming you've previously patched and configured libbitcoind)..." cd "${btc_dir}" || exit -1 only_make=true fi fi if [ "${only_make}" = false ]; then echo "Cloning, patching, and building libbitcoind..." get_patch_file echo "attempting to checkout tag: ${tag} of bitcoin from github..." cd "${root_dir}" || exit -1 #versions of git prior to 2.x will not clone correctly with --branch git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git libbitcoind cd "${btc_dir}" || exit -1 git fetch --tags git checkout "${tag}" echo '../patch-bitcoin.sh' "${btc_dir}" ../bin/patch-bitcoin "${btc_dir}" if ! test -d .git; then echo 'Please point this script to an upstream bitcoin git repo.' exit -1 fi fi build_dependencies echo './autogen.sh' ./autogen.sh || exit -1 config_host="--host ${host}" full_options="${options} ${config_host} ${config_lib_dir}" echo "running the configure script with the following options:\n :::[\"${full_options}\"]:::" ${full_options} echo 'make V=1' make V=1 || exit -1 echo "Creating the sha marker for the patching in libbitcoind..." echo "Writing patch sha file to: \"${patch_sha}\"" echo -n `${shasum_cmd} "${root_dir}"/etc/bitcoin.patch | awk '{print $1}'` > "${patch_sha}" cache_files echo 'Build finished successfully.' else echo 'Using existing static library.' fi # Building the Bindings set -e cd "${root_dir}" debug=--debug=false if test x"$1" = x'debug'; then debug=--debug fi echo "running::: 'node-gyp ${sys} ${debug} rebuild'" node-gyp ${sys} ${debug} rebuild