'use strict'; var benchmark = require('benchmark'); var bitcoin = require('bitcoin'); var async = require('async'); var maxTime = 20; console.log('Benchmarking Bitcoind.js native interface versus Bitcoind JSON RPC interface'); console.log('----------------------------------------------------------------------'); // To run the benchmarks a fully synced Bitcore Core directory is needed. The RPC comands // can be modified to match the settings in bitcoin.conf. var fixtureData = { blockHashes: [ '00000000fa7a4acea40e5d0591d64faf48fd862fa3561d111d967fc3a6a94177', '000000000017e9e0afc4bc55339f60ffffb9cbe883f7348a9fbc198a486d5488', '000000000019ddb889b534c5d85fca2c91a73feef6fd775cd228dea45353bae1', '0000000000977ac3d9f5261efc88a3c2d25af92a91350750d00ad67744fa8d03' ], txHashes: [ '5523b432c1bd6c101bee704ad6c560fd09aefc483f8a4998df6741feaa74e6eb', 'ff48393e7731507c789cfa9cbfae045b10e023ce34ace699a63cdad88c8b43f8', '5d35c5eebf704877badd0a131b0a86588041997d40dbee8ccff21ca5b7e5e333', '88842f2cf9d8659c3434f6bc0c515e22d87f33e864e504d2d7117163a572a3aa', ] }; var bitcoind = require('../').daemon({ datadir: process.env.BITCOINDJS_DIR || '~/.bitcoin', testnet: true }); bitcoind.on('error', function(err) { bitcoind.log('error="%s"', err.message); }); bitcoind.on('open', function(status) { bitcoind.log('status="%s"', status); }); bitcoind.on('ready', function() { bitcoind.log('status="%s"', 'chaintip ready.'); var client = new bitcoin.Client({ host: 'localhost', port: 18332, user: 'bitcoin', pass: 'local321' }); async.series([ function(next) { var c = 0; var hashesLength = fixtureData.blockHashes.length; var txLength = fixtureData.txHashes.length; function bitcoindGetBlockNative(deffered) { if (c >= hashesLength) { c = 0; } var hash = fixtureData.blockHashes[c]; bitcoind.getBlock(hash, function(err, block) { if (err) { throw err; } deffered.resolve(); }); c++; } function bitcoindGetBlockJsonRpc(deffered) { if (c >= hashesLength) { c = 0; } var hash = fixtureData.blockHashes[c]; client.getBlock(hash, false, function(err, block) { if (err) { throw err; } deffered.resolve(); }); c++; } function bitcoinGetTransactionNative(deffered) { if (c >= txLength) { c = 0; } var hash = fixtureData.txHashes[c]; bitcoind.getTransaction(hash, true, function(err, tx) { if (err) { throw err; } deffered.resolve(); }); c++; } function bitcoinGetTransactionJsonRpc(deffered) { if (c >= txLength) { c = 0; } var hash = fixtureData.txHashes[c]; client.getRawTransaction(hash, function(err, tx) { if (err) { throw err; } deffered.resolve(); }); c++; } var suite = new benchmark.Suite(); suite.add('bitcoind getblock (native)', bitcoindGetBlockNative, { defer: true, maxTime: maxTime }); suite.add('bitcoind getblock (json rpc)', bitcoindGetBlockJsonRpc, { defer: true, maxTime: maxTime }); suite.add('bitcoind gettransaction (native)', bitcoinGetTransactionNative, { defer: true, maxTime: maxTime }); suite.add('bitcoind gettransaction (json rpc)', bitcoinGetTransactionJsonRpc, { defer: true, maxTime: maxTime }); suite .on('cycle', function(event) { console.log(String(event.target)); }) .on('complete', function() { console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').pluck('name')); console.log('----------------------------------------------------------------------'); next(); }) .run(); } ], function(err) { console.log('Finished'); bitcoind.stop(); process.exit(); }); });