#!/bin/bash root_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/.." #root_dir="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")/.." cd "$root_dir" dir=$(test -n "$1" && echo "$1" || echo "${HOME}/bitcoin") patch_file="$(pwd)/etc/bitcoin.patch" cd "$dir" || exit 1 if ! test -d .git; then echo 'Please point this script to an upstream bitcoin git repo.' exit 1 fi if test $? -ne 0; then echo 'Unable to checkout necessary commit.' echo 'Please pull the latest HEAD from the upstream bitcoin repo.' exit 1 fi git checkout -b "libbitcoind-$(date '+%Y.%m.%d')" || exit 1 patch -p1 < "$patch_file" || exit 1 git add --all || exit 1 [ -n "$( git config user.name )" ] \ || git config user.name 'Bitcore Build' [ -n "$( git config user.email )" ] \ || git config user.email "$( id -n -u )@$( hostname -f )" git commit -a -m 'allow compiling of libbitcoind.so.' || exit 1 echo 'Patch completed successfully.' exit 0