'use strict'; var util = require('util'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var chainlib = require('chainlib'); var BaseChain = chainlib.Chain; var BN = bitcore.crypto.BN; var Block = require('./block'); Chain.DEFAULTS = { MAX_HASHES: new BN('10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'hex'), TARGET_TIMESPAN: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // two weeks TARGET_SPACING: 10 * 60 * 1000, // ten minutes MAX_BITS: 0x1d00ffff, MIN_BITS: 0x03000000 }; /** * Will instantiate a new Chain instance * @param {Object} options - The options for the chain * @param {Number} options.minBits - The minimum number of bits * @param {Number} options.maxBits - The maximum number of bits * @param {BN|Number} options.targetTimespan - The number of milliseconds for difficulty retargeting * @param {BN|Number} options.targetSpacing - The number of milliseconds between blocks * @returns {Chain} * @extends BaseChain * @constructor */ function Chain(options) { /* jshint maxstatements: 20 */ /* jshint maxcomplexity: 12 */ if (!(this instanceof Chain)) { return new Chain(options); } if (!options) { options = {}; } BaseChain.call(this, options); this.minBits = options.minBits || Chain.DEFAULTS.MIN_BITS; this.maxBits = options.maxBits || Chain.DEFAULTS.MAX_BITS; this.maxHashes = options.maxHashes || Chain.DEFAULTS.MAX_HASHES; this.targetTimespan = options.targetTimespan || Chain.DEFAULTS.TARGET_TIMESPAN; this.targetSpacing = options.targetSpacing || Chain.DEFAULTS.TARGET_SPACING; return this; } util.inherits(Chain, BaseChain); Chain.prototype._writeBlock = function(block, callback) { // Update hashes this.cache.hashes[block.hash] = block.prevHash; // call db.putBlock to update prevHash index, but it won't write the block to disk this.db.putBlock(block, callback); }; Chain.prototype._validateBlock = function(block, callback) { // All validation is done by bitcoind setImmediate(callback); }; Chain.prototype.startBuilder = function() { // Unused in bitcoind.js }; Chain.prototype.buildGenesisBlock = function buildGenesisBlock(options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } var genesis = new Block({ prevHash: null, height: 0, timestamp: options.timestamp || new Date(), nonce: options.nonce || 0, bits: options.bits || this.maxBits }); var data = this.db.buildGenesisData(); genesis.merkleRoot = data.merkleRoot; genesis.data = data.buffer; return genesis; }; Chain.prototype.getWeight = function getWeight(blockHash, callback) { var self = this; var blockIndex = self.db.bitcoind.getBlockIndex(blockHash); setImmediate(function() { if (blockIndex) { callback(null, new BN(blockIndex.chainWork, 'hex')); } else { return callback(new Error('Weight not found for ' + blockHash)); } }); }; module.exports = Chain;