'use strict'; var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs'); var async = require('async'); var levelup = require('levelup'); var leveldown = require('leveldown'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var BufferUtil = bitcore.util.buffer; var Networks = bitcore.Networks; var Block = bitcore.Block; var $ = bitcore.util.preconditions; var index = require('../'); var errors = index.errors; var log = index.log; var Transaction = require('../transaction'); var Service = require('../service'); /** * Represents the current state of the bitcoin blockchain. Other services * can extend the data that is indexed by implementing a `blockHandler` method. * * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.datadir - The bitcoin data directory * @param {Node} options.node - A reference to the node */ function DB(options) { /* jshint maxstatements: 20 */ if (!(this instanceof DB)) { return new DB(options); } if (!options) { options = {}; } Service.call(this, options); this.tip = null; this.genesis = null; $.checkState(this.node.network, 'Node is expected to have a "network" property'); this.network = this.node.network; this._setDataPath(); this.levelupStore = leveldown; if (options.store) { this.levelupStore = options.store; } this.subscriptions = { transaction: [], block: [] }; } util.inherits(DB, Service); DB.dependencies = ['bitcoind']; DB.PREFIXES = { BLOCKS: new Buffer('01', 'hex') }; DB.prototype._setDataPath = function() { $.checkState(this.node.datadir, 'Node is expected to have a "datadir" property'); var regtest = Networks.get('regtest'); if (this.node.network === Networks.livenet) { this.dataPath = this.node.datadir + '/bitcore-node.db'; } else if (this.node.network === Networks.testnet) { this.dataPath = this.node.datadir + '/testnet3/bitcore-node.db'; } else if (this.node.network === regtest) { this.dataPath = this.node.datadir + '/regtest/bitcore-node.db'; } else { throw new Error('Unknown network: ' + this.network); } }; DB.prototype.start = function(callback) { var self = this; if (!fs.existsSync(this.dataPath)) { mkdirp.sync(this.dataPath); } this.genesis = Block.fromBuffer(this.node.services.bitcoind.genesisBuffer); this.store = levelup(this.dataPath, { db: this.levelupStore }); this.node.services.bitcoind.on('tx', this.transactionHandler.bind(this)); this.once('ready', function() { log.info('Bitcoin Database Ready'); // Notify that there is a new tip self.node.services.bitcoind.on('tip', function(height) { if(!self.node.stopping) { self.sync(); } }); }); // Does our database already have a tip? self.getMetadata(function(err, metadata) { if(err) { return callback(err); } else if(!metadata || !metadata.tip) { self.tip = self.genesis; self.tip.__height = 0; self.connectBlock(self.genesis, function(err) { if(err) { return callback(err); } self.emit('addblock', self.genesis); self.saveMetadata(); self.sync(); self.emit('ready'); setImmediate(callback); }); } else { self.getBlock(metadata.tip, function(err, tip) { if(err) { return callback(err); } self.tip = tip; var blockIndex = self.node.services.bitcoind.getBlockIndex(self.tip.hash); if (!blockIndex) { return callback(new Error('Could not get height for tip.')); } self.tip.__height = blockIndex.height; self.sync(); self.emit('ready'); setImmediate(callback); }); } }); }; DB.prototype.stop = function(callback) { var self = this; // Wait until syncing stops and all db operations are completed before closing leveldb async.whilst(function() { return self.bitcoindSyncing; }, function(next) { setTimeout(next, 10); }, function() { self.store.close(callback); }); }; DB.prototype.getInfo = function(callback) { var self = this; setImmediate(function() { var info = self.node.bitcoind.getInfo(); callback(null, info); }); }; /** * Closes the underlying store database * @param {Function} callback - A function that accepts: Error */ DB.prototype.close = function(callback) { this.store.close(callback); }; DB.prototype.transactionHandler = function(txInfo) { var tx = Transaction().fromBuffer(txInfo.buffer); for (var i = 0; i < this.subscriptions.transaction.length; i++) { this.subscriptions.transaction[i].emit('transaction', { rejected: !txInfo.mempool, tx: tx }); } }; DB.prototype.getAPIMethods = function() { var methods = [ ['getBlock', this, this.getBlock, 1], ['getBlockHashesByTimestamp', this, this.getBlockHashesByTimestamp, 2], ['getTransaction', this, this.getTransaction, 2], ['getTransactionWithBlockInfo', this, this.getTransactionWithBlockInfo, 2], ['sendTransaction', this, this.sendTransaction, 1], ['estimateFee', this, this.estimateFee, 1] ]; return methods; }; DB.prototype.getBlock = function(hash, callback) { this.node.services.bitcoind.getBlock(hash, function(err, blockData) { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, Block.fromBuffer(blockData)); }); }; /** * get block hashes between two timestamps * @param {Number} high - high timestamp, in seconds, inclusive * @param {Number} low - low timestamp, in seconds, inclusive * @param {Function} callback */ DB.prototype.getBlockHashesByTimestamp = function(high, low, callback) { var self = this; var hashes = []; try { var lowKey = this._encodeBlockIndexKey(low); var highKey = this._encodeBlockIndexKey(high); } catch(e) { return callback(e); } var stream = this.store.createReadStream({ gte: lowKey, lte: highKey, reverse: true, valueEncoding: 'binary', keyEncoding: 'binary' }); stream.on('data', function(data) { hashes.push(self._decodeBlockIndexValue(data.value)); }); var error; stream.on('error', function(streamError) { if (streamError) { error = streamError; } }); stream.on('close', function() { if (error) { return callback(error); } callback(null, hashes); }); return stream; }; DB.prototype.getTransaction = function(txid, queryMempool, callback) { this.node.services.bitcoind.getTransaction(txid, queryMempool, function(err, txBuffer) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!txBuffer) { return callback(new errors.Transaction.NotFound()); } callback(null, Transaction().fromBuffer(txBuffer)); }); }; DB.prototype.getTransactionWithBlockInfo = function(txid, queryMempool, callback) { this.node.services.bitcoind.getTransactionWithBlockInfo(txid, queryMempool, function(err, obj) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var tx = Transaction().fromBuffer(obj.buffer); tx.__blockHash = obj.blockHash; tx.__height = obj.height; tx.__timestamp = obj.timestamp; callback(null, tx); }); }; DB.prototype.sendTransaction = function(tx, callback) { if (tx instanceof Transaction) { tx = tx.toString(); } $.checkArgument(typeof tx === 'string', 'Argument must be a hex string or Transaction'); try { var txid = this.node.services.bitcoind.sendTransaction(tx); return callback(null, txid); } catch(err) { return callback(err); } }; DB.prototype.estimateFee = function(blocks, callback) { var self = this; setImmediate(function() { callback(null, self.node.services.bitcoind.estimateFee(blocks)); }); }; DB.prototype.getPublishEvents = function() { return [ { name: 'db/transaction', scope: this, subscribe: this.subscribe.bind(this, 'transaction'), unsubscribe: this.unsubscribe.bind(this, 'transaction') }, { name: 'db/block', scope: this, subscribe: this.subscribe.bind(this, 'block'), unsubscribe: this.unsubscribe.bind(this, 'block') } ]; }; DB.prototype.subscribe = function(name, emitter) { this.subscriptions[name].push(emitter); }; DB.prototype.unsubscribe = function(name, emitter) { var index = this.subscriptions[name].indexOf(emitter); if (index > -1) { this.subscriptions[name].splice(index, 1); } }; /** * Will give the previous hash for a block. * @param {String} blockHash * @param {Function} callback */ DB.prototype.getPrevHash = function(blockHash, callback) { var blockIndex = this.node.services.bitcoind.getBlockIndex(blockHash); setImmediate(function() { if (blockIndex) { callback(null, blockIndex.prevHash); } else { callback(new Error('Could not get prevHash, block not found')); } }); }; /** * Saves metadata to the database * @param {Function} callback - A function that accepts: Error */ DB.prototype.saveMetadata = function(callback) { var self = this; function defaultCallback(err) { if (err) { self.emit('error', err); } } callback = callback || defaultCallback; var metadata = { tip: self.tip ? self.tip.hash : null }; this.store.put('metadata', JSON.stringify(metadata), {}, callback); }; /** * Retrieves metadata from the database * @param {Function} callback - A function that accepts: Error and Object */ DB.prototype.getMetadata = function(callback) { var self = this; self.store.get('metadata', {}, function(err, data) { if (err instanceof levelup.errors.NotFoundError) { return callback(null, {}); } else if (err) { return callback(err); } var metadata; try { metadata = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { return callback(new Error('Could not parse metadata')); } callback(null, metadata); }); }; /** * Connects a block to the database and add indexes * @param {Block} block - The bitcore block * @param {Function} callback */ DB.prototype.connectBlock = function(block, callback) { log.debug('DB handling new chain block'); this.runAllBlockHandlers(block, true, callback); }; /** * Disconnects a block from the database and removes indexes * @param {Block} block - The bitcore block * @param {Function} callback */ DB.prototype.disconnectBlock = function(block, callback) { log.debug('DB removing chain block'); this.runAllBlockHandlers(block, false, callback); }; /** * Will collect all database operations for a block from other services * and save to the database. * @param {Block} block - The bitcore block * @param {Boolean} add - If the block is being added/connected or removed/disconnected * @param {Function} callback */ DB.prototype.runAllBlockHandlers = function(block, add, callback) { var self = this; var operations = []; // Notify block subscribers for (var i = 0; i < this.subscriptions.block.length; i++) { this.subscriptions.block[i].emit('block', block.hash); } // Update block index operations.push({ type: add ? 'put' : 'del', key: this._encodeBlockIndexKey(block.header.timestamp), value: this._encodeBlockIndexValue(block.hash) }); async.eachSeries( this.node.services, function(mod, next) { if(mod.blockHandler) { $.checkArgument(typeof mod.blockHandler === 'function', 'blockHandler must be a function'); mod.blockHandler.call(mod, block, add, function(err, ops) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (ops) { $.checkArgument(Array.isArray(ops), 'blockHandler for ' + mod.name + ' returned non-array'); operations = operations.concat(ops); } next(); }); } else { setImmediate(next); } }, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } log.debug('Updating the database with operations', operations); self.store.batch(operations, callback); } ); }; DB.prototype._encodeBlockIndexKey = function(timestamp) { $.checkArgument(timestamp >= 0 && timestamp <= 4294967295, 'timestamp out of bounds'); var timestampBuffer = new Buffer(4); timestampBuffer.writeUInt32BE(timestamp); return Buffer.concat([DB.PREFIXES.BLOCKS, timestampBuffer]); }; DB.prototype._encodeBlockIndexValue = function(hash) { return new Buffer(hash, 'hex'); }; DB.prototype._decodeBlockIndexValue = function(value) { return value.toString('hex'); }; /** * This function will find the common ancestor between the current chain and a forked block, * by moving backwards from the forked block until it meets the current chain. * @param {Block} block - The new tip that forks the current chain. * @param {Function} done - A callback function that is called when complete. */ DB.prototype.findCommonAncestor = function(block, done) { var self = this; var mainPosition = self.tip.hash; var forkPosition = block.hash; var mainHashesMap = {}; var forkHashesMap = {}; mainHashesMap[mainPosition] = true; forkHashesMap[forkPosition] = true; var commonAncestor = null; async.whilst( function() { return !commonAncestor; }, function(next) { if(mainPosition) { var mainBlockIndex = self.node.services.bitcoind.getBlockIndex(mainPosition); if(mainBlockIndex && mainBlockIndex.prevHash) { mainHashesMap[mainBlockIndex.prevHash] = true; mainPosition = mainBlockIndex.prevHash; } else { mainPosition = null; } } if(forkPosition) { var forkBlockIndex = self.node.services.bitcoind.getBlockIndex(forkPosition); if(forkBlockIndex && forkBlockIndex.prevHash) { forkHashesMap[forkBlockIndex.prevHash] = true; forkPosition = forkBlockIndex.prevHash; } else { forkPosition = null; } } if(forkPosition && mainHashesMap[forkPosition]) { commonAncestor = forkPosition; } if(mainPosition && forkHashesMap[mainPosition]) { commonAncestor = mainPosition; } if(!mainPosition && !forkPosition) { return next(new Error('Unknown common ancestor')); } setImmediate(next); }, function(err) { done(err, commonAncestor); } ); }; /** * This function will attempt to rewind the chain to the common ancestor * between the current chain and a forked block. * @param {Block} block - The new tip that forks the current chain. * @param {Function} done - A callback function that is called when complete. */ DB.prototype.syncRewind = function(block, done) { var self = this; self.findCommonAncestor(block, function(err, ancestorHash) { if (err) { return done(err); } log.warn('Reorg common ancestor found:', ancestorHash); // Rewind the chain to the common ancestor async.whilst( function() { // Wait until the tip equals the ancestor hash return self.tip.hash !== ancestorHash; }, function(removeDone) { var tip = self.tip; // TODO: expose prevHash as a string from bitcore var prevHash = BufferUtil.reverse(tip.header.prevHash).toString('hex'); self.getBlock(prevHash, function(err, previousTip) { if (err) { removeDone(err); } // Undo the related indexes for this block self.disconnectBlock(tip, function(err) { if (err) { return removeDone(err); } // Set the new tip previousTip.__height = self.tip.__height - 1; self.tip = previousTip; self.saveMetadata(); self.emit('removeblock', tip); removeDone(); }); }); }, done ); }); }; /** * This function will synchronize additional indexes for the chain based on * the current active chain in the bitcoin daemon. In the event that there is * a reorganization in the daemon, the chain will rewind to the last common * ancestor and then resume syncing. */ DB.prototype.sync = function() { var self = this; if (self.bitcoindSyncing || self.node.stopping || !self.tip) { return; } self.bitcoindSyncing = true; var height; async.whilst(function() { height = self.tip.__height; return height < self.node.services.bitcoind.height && !self.node.stopping; }, function(done) { self.node.services.bitcoind.getBlock(height + 1, function(err, blockBuffer) { if (err) { return done(err); } var block = Block.fromBuffer(blockBuffer); // TODO: expose prevHash as a string from bitcore var prevHash = BufferUtil.reverse(block.header.prevHash).toString('hex'); if (prevHash === self.tip.hash) { // This block appends to the current chain tip and we can // immediately add it to the chain and create indexes. // Populate height block.__height = self.tip.__height + 1; // Create indexes self.connectBlock(block, function(err) { if (err) { return done(err); } self.tip = block; log.debug('Saving metadata'); self.saveMetadata(); log.debug('Chain added block to main chain'); self.emit('addblock', block); setImmediate(done); }); } else { // This block doesn't progress the current tip, so we'll attempt // to rewind the chain to the common ancestor of the block and // then we can resume syncing. log.warn('Beginning reorg! Current tip: ' + self.tip.hash + '; New tip: ' + block.hash); self.syncRewind(block, function(err) { if(err) { return done(err); } log.warn('Reorg complete. New tip is ' + self.tip.hash); done(); }); } }); }, function(err) { if (err) { Error.captureStackTrace(err); return self.node.emit('error', err); } self.bitcoindSyncing = false; if(self.node.stopping) { return; } // If bitcoind is completely synced if (self.node.services.bitcoind.isSynced()) { self.node.emit('synced'); } }); }; module.exports = DB;