#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; //Set the node enviornment variable if not set before process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; var fs = require('fs'); var PeerSync = require('./lib/PeerSync'); var HistoricSync = require('./lib/HistoricSync'); var http = require('http'); var https = require('https'); var express = require('express'); var program = require('commander'); var config = require('./config/config'); var logger = require('./lib/logger').logger; program .version(config.version); // text title console.log( '\n\ ____ _ __ __ ___ _ \n\ / _/___ _____(_)___ _/ /_ / /_ / | ____ (_)\n\ / // __ \\/ ___/ / __ `/ __ \\/ __/ / /\| \| / __ \\/ / \n\ _/ // / / (__ ) / /_/ / / / / /_ / ___ |/ /_/ / / \n\ /___/_/ /_/____/_/\\__, /_/ /_/\\__/ /_/ |_/ .___/_/ \n\ /____/ /_/ \n\ \n\t\t\t\t\t\tv%s\n', config.version); program.on('--help', function() { logger.info('\n# Configuration:\n\ \tINSIGHT_NETWORK (Network): %s\n\ \tINSIGHT_DB (Database Path): %s\n\ \tINSIGHT_SAFE_CONFIRMATIONS (Safe Confirmations): %s\n\ \tINSIGHT_IGNORE_CACHE (Ignore Cache): %s\n\ # Bicoind Connection configuration:\n\ \tRPC Username: %s\t\tBITCOIND_USER\n\ \tRPC Password: %s\tBITCOIND_PASS\n\ \tRPC Protocol: %s\t\tBITCOIND_PROTO\n\ \tRPC Host: %s\t\tBITCOIND_HOST\n\ \tRPC Port: %s\t\t\tBITCOIND_PORT\n\ \tP2P Port: %s\t\t\tBITCOIND_P2P_PORT\n\ \tBITCOIND_DATADIR: %s\n\ \t%s\n\ \nChange setting by assigning the enviroment variables above. Example:\n\ $ INSIGHT_NETWORK="testnet" BITCOIND_HOST="" ./insight.js\ \n\n', config.network, config.leveldb, config.safeConfirmations, config.ignoreCache ? 'yes' : 'no', config.bitcoind.user, config.bitcoind.pass ? 'Yes(hidden)' : 'No', config.bitcoind.protocol, config.bitcoind.host, config.bitcoind.port, config.bitcoind.p2pPort, config.bitcoind.dataDir + (config.network === 'testnet' ? '*' : ''), (config.network === 'testnet' ? '* (/testnet3 is added automatically)' : '') ); }); program.parse(process.argv); // create express app var expressApp = express(); // setup headers require('./config/headers')(expressApp); // setup http/https base server var server; if (config.enableHTTPS) { var serverOpts = {}; serverOpts.key = fs.readFileSync('./etc/test-key.pem'); serverOpts.cert = fs.readFileSync('./etc/test-cert.pem'); server = https.createServer(serverOpts, expressApp); } else { server = http.createServer(expressApp); } // Bootstrap models var models_path = __dirname + '/app/models'; var walk = function(path) { fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function(file) { var newPath = path + '/' + file; var stat = fs.statSync(newPath); if (stat.isFile()) { if (/(.*)\.(js$)/.test(file)) { require(newPath); } } else if (stat.isDirectory()) { walk(newPath); } }); }; walk(models_path); // p2pSync process var peerSync = new PeerSync({ shouldBroadcast: true }); if (!config.disableP2pSync) { peerSync.run(); } // historic_sync process var historicSync = new HistoricSync({ shouldBroadcastSync: true }); peerSync.historicSync = historicSync; if (!config.disableHistoricSync) { historicSync.start({}, function(err) { if (err) { var txt = 'ABORTED with error: ' + err.message; console.log('[historic_sync] ' + txt); } if (peerSync) peerSync.allowReorgs = true; }); } else if (peerSync) peerSync.allowReorgs = true; // socket.io var ios = require('socket.io')(server, config); require('./app/controllers/socket.js').init(ios); // plugins if (config.enableRatelimiter) { require('./plugins/ratelimiter').init(expressApp, config.ratelimiter); } if (config.enableMailbox) { require('./plugins/mailbox').init(ios, config.mailbox); } if (config.enableCleaner) { require('./plugins/cleaner').init(config.cleaner); } // express settings require('./config/express')(expressApp, historicSync, peerSync); require('./config/routes')(expressApp); //Start the app by listening on server.listen(config.port, function() { logger.info('insight server listening on port %d in %s mode', server.address().port, process.env.NODE_ENV); }); //expose app exports = module.exports = expressApp;