/* Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). */ #ifndef BOOST_POLYGON_RECTANGLE_CONCEPT_HPP #define BOOST_POLYGON_RECTANGLE_CONCEPT_HPP #include "isotropy.hpp" //point #include "point_data.hpp" #include "point_traits.hpp" #include "point_concept.hpp" //interval #include "interval_data.hpp" #include "interval_traits.hpp" #include "interval_concept.hpp" #include "rectangle_data.hpp" #include "rectangle_traits.hpp" namespace boost { namespace polygon{ struct rectangle_concept {}; template struct is_rectangle_concept { typedef gtl_no type; }; template <> struct is_rectangle_concept { typedef gtl_yes type; }; template struct is_mutable_rectangle_concept { typedef gtl_no type; }; template <> struct is_mutable_rectangle_concept { typedef gtl_yes type; }; template <> struct geometry_domain { typedef manhattan_domain type; }; template struct rectangle_interval_type_by_concept { typedef void type; }; template struct rectangle_interval_type_by_concept { typedef typename rectangle_traits::interval_type type; }; template struct rectangle_interval_type { typedef typename rectangle_interval_type_by_concept::type>::type>::type type; }; template struct rectangle_coordinate_type_by_concept { typedef void type; }; template struct rectangle_coordinate_type_by_concept { typedef typename rectangle_traits::coordinate_type type; }; template struct rectangle_coordinate_type { typedef typename rectangle_coordinate_type_by_concept::type>::type>::type type; }; template struct rectangle_difference_type_by_concept { typedef void type; }; template struct rectangle_difference_type_by_concept { typedef typename coordinate_traits::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference type; }; template struct rectangle_difference_type { typedef typename rectangle_difference_type_by_concept< T, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type type; }; template struct rectangle_distance_type_by_concept { typedef void type; }; template struct rectangle_distance_type_by_concept { typedef typename coordinate_traits::type>::coordinate_distance type; }; template struct rectangle_distance_type { typedef typename rectangle_distance_type_by_concept< T, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type type; }; struct y_r_get_interval : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_interval_type::type>::type get(const T& rectangle, orientation_2d orient) { return rectangle_traits::get(rectangle, orient); } struct y_r_h : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_interval_type::type>::type horizontal(const T& rectangle) { return rectangle_traits::get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL); } struct y_r_v : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_interval_type::type>::type vertical(const T& rectangle) { return rectangle_traits::get(rectangle, VERTICAL); } struct y_r_set : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_interval_concept::type>::type>::type, void>::type set(T& rectangle, const T2& interval) { rectangle_mutable_traits::set(rectangle, orient, interval); } struct y_r_set2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_interval_concept::type>::type>::type, void>::type set(T& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, const T2& interval) { rectangle_mutable_traits::set(rectangle, orient, interval); } struct y_r_h2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_interval_concept::type>::type>::type, void>::type horizontal(T& rectangle, const T2& interval) { rectangle_mutable_traits::set(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, interval); } struct y_r_v2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_interval_concept::type>::type>::type, void>::type vertical(T& rectangle, const T2& interval) { rectangle_mutable_traits::set(rectangle, VERTICAL, interval); } struct y_r_construct : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, T>::type construct(const T2& interval_horizontal, const T3& interval_vertical) { return rectangle_mutable_traits::construct(interval_horizontal, interval_vertical); } struct y_r_construct2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, T>::type construct(coord_type xl, coord_type yl, coord_type xh, coord_type yh) { return rectangle_mutable_traits::construct(interval_data(xl, xh), interval_data(yl, yh)); } struct y_r_cconstruct : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, T>::type copy_construct(const T2& rectangle) { return construct (get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL), get(rectangle, VERTICAL)); } struct y_r_assign : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_r_assign, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type_1>::type & assign(rectangle_type_1& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue) { set(lvalue, HORIZONTAL, get(rvalue, HORIZONTAL)); set(lvalue, VERTICAL, get(rvalue, VERTICAL)); return lvalue; } struct y_r_equiv : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_r_equiv, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type equivalence(const T& rect1, const T2& rect2) { return equivalence(get(rect1, HORIZONTAL), get(rect2, HORIZONTAL)) && equivalence(get(rect1, VERTICAL), get(rect2, VERTICAL)); } struct y_r_get : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type>::type get(const rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, direction_1d dir) { return get(rectangle_traits::get(rectangle, orient), dir); } struct y_r_set3 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, void>::type set(rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, direction_1d dir, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type value) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = get(rectangle, orient); set(ivl, dir, value); set(rectangle, orient, ivl); } struct y_r_xl : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type>::type xl(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, LOW); } struct y_r_xl2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, void>::type xl(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type value) { return set(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, LOW, value); } struct y_r_xh : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type>::type xh(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, HIGH); } struct y_r_xh2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, void>::type xh(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type value) { return set(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, HIGH, value); } struct y_r_yl : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type>::type yl(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return get(rectangle, VERTICAL, LOW); } struct y_r_yl2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, void>::type yl(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type value) { return set(rectangle, VERTICAL, LOW, value); } struct y_r_yh : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type>::type yh(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return get(rectangle, VERTICAL, HIGH); } struct y_r_yh2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, void>::type yh(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type value) { return set(rectangle, VERTICAL, HIGH, value); } struct y_r_ll : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, point_data::type> >::type ll(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return point_data::type> (xl(rectangle), yl(rectangle)); } struct y_r_lr : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, point_data::type> >::type lr(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return point_data::type> (xh(rectangle), yl(rectangle)); } struct y_r_ul : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, point_data::type> >::type ul(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return point_data::type> (xl(rectangle), yh(rectangle)); } struct y_r_ur : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, point_data::type> >::type ur(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return point_data::type> (xh(rectangle), yh(rectangle)); } struct y_r_contains : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type contains(const rectangle_type& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2 rectangle_contained, bool consider_touch = true) { return contains(horizontal(rectangle), horizontal(rectangle_contained), consider_touch) && contains(vertical(rectangle), vertical(rectangle_contained), consider_touch); } struct y_r_contains2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type contains(const rectangle_type& rectangle, const point_type point_contained, bool consider_touch = true) { return contains(horizontal(rectangle), x(point_contained), consider_touch) && contains(vertical(rectangle), y(point_contained), consider_touch); } struct y_r_set_points : gtl_yes {}; // set all four coordinates based upon two points template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< y_r_set_points, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & set_points(rectangle_type& rectangle, const point_type_1& p1, const point_type_2& p2) { typedef typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type Unit; Unit x1(x(p1)); Unit x2(x(p2)); Unit y1(y(p1)); Unit y2(y(p2)); horizontal(rectangle, construct::type>(x1, x2)); vertical(rectangle, construct::type>(y1, y2)); return rectangle; } struct y_r_move : gtl_yes {}; // move rectangle by delta in orient template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & move(rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, typename coordinate_traits::type>::coordinate_difference delta) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = get(rectangle, orient); move(ivl, delta); set(rectangle, orient, ivl); return rectangle; } struct y_r_convolve : gtl_yes {}; // convolve this with b template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_r_convolve, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type_1>::type & convolve(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& convolution_rectangle) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = horizontal(rectangle); horizontal(rectangle, convolve(ivl, horizontal(convolution_rectangle))); ivl = vertical(rectangle); vertical(rectangle, convolve(ivl, vertical(convolution_rectangle))); return rectangle; } struct y_r_deconvolve : gtl_yes {}; // deconvolve this with b template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_r_deconvolve, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type_1>::type & deconvolve(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& convolution_rectangle) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = horizontal(rectangle); horizontal(rectangle, deconvolve(ivl, horizontal(convolution_rectangle))); ivl = vertical(rectangle); vertical(rectangle, deconvolve(ivl, vertical(convolution_rectangle))); return rectangle; } struct y_r_reconvolve : gtl_yes {}; // reflectedConvolve this with b template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type_1>::type & reflected_convolve(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& convolution_rectangle) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = horizontal(rectangle); horizontal(rectangle, reflected_convolve(ivl, horizontal(convolution_rectangle))); ivl = vertical(rectangle); vertical(rectangle, reflected_convolve(ivl, vertical(convolution_rectangle))); return rectangle; } struct y_r_redeconvolve : gtl_yes {}; // reflectedDeconvolve this with b // deconvolve this with b template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type_1>::type & reflected_deconvolve(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& convolution_rectangle) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = horizontal(rectangle); horizontal(rectangle, reflected_deconvolve(ivl, horizontal(convolution_rectangle))); ivl = vertical(rectangle); vertical(rectangle, reflected_deconvolve(ivl, vertical(convolution_rectangle))); return rectangle; } struct y_r_convolve2 : gtl_yes {}; // convolve with point template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & convolve(rectangle_type& rectangle, const point_type& convolution_point) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = horizontal(rectangle); horizontal(rectangle, convolve(ivl, x(convolution_point))); ivl = vertical(rectangle); vertical(rectangle, convolve(ivl, y(convolution_point))); return rectangle; } struct y_r_deconvolve2 : gtl_yes {}; // deconvolve with point template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & deconvolve(rectangle_type& rectangle, const point_type& convolution_point) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = horizontal(rectangle); horizontal(rectangle, deconvolve(ivl, x(convolution_point))); ivl = vertical(rectangle); vertical(rectangle, deconvolve(ivl, y(convolution_point))); return rectangle; } struct y_r_delta : gtl_yes {}; // get the magnitude of the interval range depending on orient template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type delta(const rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient) { return delta(get(rectangle, orient)); } struct y_r_area : gtl_yes {}; // get the area of the rectangle template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename coordinate_traits::type>::manhattan_area_type>::type area(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { typedef typename coordinate_traits::type>::manhattan_area_type area_type; return (area_type)delta(rectangle, HORIZONTAL) * (area_type)delta(rectangle, VERTICAL); } struct y_r_go : gtl_yes {}; // returns the orientation of the longest side template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, orientation_2d>::type guess_orientation(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return delta(rectangle, HORIZONTAL) >= delta(rectangle, VERTICAL) ? HORIZONTAL : VERTICAL; } struct y_r_half_p : gtl_yes {}; // get the half perimeter of the rectangle template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type half_perimeter(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return delta(rectangle, HORIZONTAL) + delta(rectangle, VERTICAL); } struct y_r_perimeter : gtl_yes {}; // get the perimeter of the rectangle template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type perimeter(const rectangle_type& rectangle) { return 2 * half_perimeter(rectangle); } struct y_r_intersects : gtl_yes {}; // check if Rectangle b intersects `this` Rectangle // [in] b Rectangle that will be checked // [in] considerTouch If true, return true even if b touches the boundary // [ret] . true if `t` intersects b template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type intersects(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b, bool consider_touch = true) { return intersects(horizontal(rectangle), horizontal(b), consider_touch) && intersects(vertical(rectangle), vertical(b), consider_touch); } struct y_r_b_intersect : gtl_yes {}; // Check if boundaries of Rectangle b and `this` Rectangle intersect // [in] b Rectangle that will be checked // [in] considerTouch If true, return true even if p is on the foundary // [ret] . true if `t` contains p template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type boundaries_intersect(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b, bool consider_touch = true) { return (intersects(rectangle, b, consider_touch) && !(contains(rectangle, b, !consider_touch)) && !(contains(b, rectangle, !consider_touch))); } struct y_r_b_abuts : gtl_yes {}; // check if b is touching 'this' on the end specified by dir template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type abuts(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b, direction_2d dir) { return abuts(get(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir)), get(b, orientation_2d(dir)), direction_1d(dir)) && intersects(get(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir).get_perpendicular()), get(b, orientation_2d(dir).get_perpendicular()), true); } struct y_r_b_abuts2 : gtl_yes {}; // check if they are touching in the given orientation template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type abuts(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b, orientation_2d orient) { return abuts(get(rectangle, orient), get(b, orient)) && intersects(get(rectangle, orient.get_perpendicular()), get(b, orient.get_perpendicular()), true); } struct y_r_b_abuts3 : gtl_yes {}; // check if they are touching but not overlapping template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type abuts(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b) { return abuts(rectangle, b, HORIZONTAL) || abuts(rectangle, b, VERTICAL); } struct y_r_b_intersect2 : gtl_yes {}; // intersect rectangle with interval on orient template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_interval_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type intersect(rectangle_type& rectangle, const interval_type& b, orientation_2d orient, bool consider_touch = true) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = get(rectangle, orient); if(intersect(ivl, b, consider_touch)) { set(rectangle, orient, ivl); return true; } return false; } struct y_r_b_intersect3 : gtl_yes {}; // clip rectangle to b template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type intersect(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b, bool consider_touch = true) { if(intersects(rectangle, b)) { intersect(rectangle, horizontal(b), HORIZONTAL, consider_touch); intersect(rectangle, vertical(b), VERTICAL, consider_touch); return true; } return false; } struct y_r_g_intersect : gtl_yes {}; // Sets this to the generalized intersection of this and the given rectangle template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type_1>::type & generalized_intersect(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL); generalized_intersect(ivl, horizontal(b)); horizontal(rectangle, ivl); ivl = vertical(rectangle); generalized_intersect(ivl, vertical(b)); vertical(rectangle, ivl); return rectangle; } struct y_r_bloat : gtl_yes {}; // bloat the interval specified by orient by bloating template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & bloat(rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type bloating) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = get(rectangle, orient); bloat(ivl, bloating); set(rectangle, orient, ivl); return rectangle; } struct y_r_bloat2 : gtl_yes {}; // bloat the Rectangle by bloating template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & bloat(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type bloating) { bloat(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, bloating); return bloat(rectangle, VERTICAL, bloating); } struct y_r_bloat3 : gtl_yes {}; // bloat the interval cooresponding to orient by bloating in dir direction template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & bloat(rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_2d dir, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type bloating) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = get(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir)); bloat(ivl, direction_1d(dir), bloating); set(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir), ivl); return rectangle; } struct y_r_shrink : gtl_yes {}; // shrink the interval specified by orient by bloating template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & shrink(rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type shrinking) { return bloat(rectangle, orient, -shrinking); } struct y_r_shrink2 : gtl_yes {}; // shrink the Rectangle by bloating template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & shrink(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type shrinking) { return bloat(rectangle, -shrinking); } struct y_r_shrink3 : gtl_yes {}; // shrink the interval cooresponding to orient by bloating in dir direction template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & shrink(rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_2d dir, typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type shrinking) { return bloat(rectangle, dir, -shrinking); } struct y_r_encompass : gtl_yes {}; // encompass interval on orient template typename enable_if::type>::type, typename is_interval_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type encompass(rectangle_type& rectangle, const interval_type& b, orientation_2d orient) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type ivl = get(rectangle, orient); if(encompass(ivl, b)) { set(rectangle, orient, ivl); return true; } return false; } struct y_r_encompass2 : gtl_yes {}; // enlarge rectangle to encompass the Rectangle b template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_r_encompass2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type >::type, bool>::type encompass(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b) { //note that operator | is intentional because both should be called regardless return encompass(rectangle, horizontal(b), HORIZONTAL) | encompass(rectangle, vertical(b), VERTICAL); } struct y_r_encompass3 : gtl_yes {}; // enlarge rectangle to encompass the point b template typename enable_if::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type encompass(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const point_type& b) { typename rectangle_interval_type::type hivl, vivl; hivl = horizontal(rectangle); vivl = vertical(rectangle); //note that operator | is intentional because both should be called regardless bool retval = encompass(hivl, x(b)) | encompass(vivl, y(b)); if(retval) { horizontal(rectangle, hivl); vertical(rectangle, vivl); } return retval; } struct y_r_center : gtl_yes {}; // returns the center of the rectangle template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type center(point_type& center_point, const rectangle_type& rectangle) { center_point = construct(center(horizontal(rectangle)), center(vertical(rectangle))); return true; } struct y_r_get_corner : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type get_corner(point_type& corner_point, const rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_2d direction_facing, direction_1d direction_turning) { typedef typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type Unit; Unit u1 = get(rectangle, direction_facing); Unit u2 = get(rectangle, direction_facing.turn(direction_turning)); if(orientation_2d(direction_facing).to_int()) std::swap(u1, u2); corner_point = construct(u1, u2); return true; } struct y_r_get_half : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type get_half(const rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_2d dir) { rectangle_type retval(rectangle); set(retval, orientation_2d(dir), get_half(get(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir)), direction_1d(dir))); return retval; } struct y_r_join_with : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type join_with(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b) { typedef typename rectangle_interval_type::type Interval1; typedef typename rectangle_interval_type::type Interval2; Interval1 hi1 = get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL); Interval1 vi1 = get(rectangle, VERTICAL); Interval2 hi2 = get(b, HORIZONTAL), vi2 = get(b, VERTICAL); Interval1 temp; if (equivalence(hi1, hi2) && join_with(vi1, vi2)) { vertical(rectangle, vi1); return true; } if (equivalence(vi1, vi2) && join_with(hi1, hi2)) { horizontal(rectangle, hi1); return true; } return false; } struct y_r_eda2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type euclidean_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const point_type& rvalue, orientation_2d orient) { return euclidean_distance(get(lvalue, orient), get(rvalue, orient)); } struct y_r_eda : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type euclidean_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue, orientation_2d orient) { return euclidean_distance(get(lvalue, orient), get(rvalue, orient)); } struct y_r_sed : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type square_euclidean_distance(rectangle_type& lvalue, const point_type& rvalue) { typename coordinate_traits::type>::coordinate_difference xdist, ydist; xdist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, HORIZONTAL); ydist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, VERTICAL); return (xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist); } struct y_r_sed2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept< typename geometry_concept::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type square_euclidean_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue) { typename coordinate_traits::type>::coordinate_difference xdist, ydist; xdist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, HORIZONTAL); ydist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, VERTICAL); return (xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist); } struct y_r_edist : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_distance_type::type>::type euclidean_distance(rectangle_type& lvalue, const point_type& rvalue) { return std::sqrt((double)(square_euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue))); } struct y_r_edist2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_distance_type::type>::type euclidean_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue) { double val = (int)square_euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue); return std::sqrt(val); } struct y_r_mdist : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_point_concept::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type manhattan_distance(rectangle_type& lvalue, const point_type& rvalue) { typename coordinate_traits::type>::coordinate_difference xdist, ydist; xdist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, HORIZONTAL); ydist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, VERTICAL); return xdist + ydist; } struct y_r_mdist2 : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, typename rectangle_difference_type::type>::type manhattan_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue) { typename coordinate_traits::type>::coordinate_difference xdist, ydist; xdist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, HORIZONTAL); ydist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, VERTICAL); return xdist + ydist; } struct y_r_scale_up : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & scale_up(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename coordinate_traits::type>::unsigned_area_type factor) { horizontal(rectangle, scale_up(horizontal(rectangle), factor)); vertical(rectangle, scale_up(vertical(rectangle), factor)); return rectangle; } struct y_r_scale_down : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & scale_down(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename coordinate_traits::type>::unsigned_area_type factor) { horizontal(rectangle, scale_down(horizontal(rectangle), factor)); vertical(rectangle, scale_down(vertical(rectangle), factor)); return rectangle; } struct y_r_scale : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & scale(rectangle_type& rectangle, const scaling_type& scaling) { point_data::type> llp(xl(rectangle), yl(rectangle)); point_data::type> urp(xl(rectangle), yl(rectangle)); scale(llp, scaling); scale(urp, scaling); set_points(rectangle, llp, urp); return rectangle; } struct y_r_transform : gtl_yes {}; template typename enable_if::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type & transform(rectangle_type& rectangle, const transformation_type& transformation) { point_data::type> llp(xl(rectangle), yl(rectangle)); point_data::type> urp(xh(rectangle), yh(rectangle)); transform(llp, transformation); transform(urp, transformation); set_points(rectangle, llp, urp); return rectangle; } template class less_rectangle_concept { private: orientation_2d orient_; public: inline less_rectangle_concept(orientation_2d orient = VERTICAL) : orient_(orient) {} typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type, typename is_rectangle_concept::type>::type>::type, bool>::type operator () (const rectangle_type_1& a, const rectangle_type_2& b) const { typedef typename rectangle_coordinate_type::type Unit; Unit vl1 = get(get(a, orient_), LOW); Unit vl2 = get(get(b, orient_), LOW); if(vl1 > vl2) return false; if(vl1 == vl2) { orientation_2d perp = orient_.get_perpendicular(); Unit hl1 = get(get(a, perp), LOW); Unit hl2 = get(get(b, perp), LOW); if(hl1 > hl2) return false; if(hl1 == hl2) { Unit vh1 = get(get(a, orient_), HIGH); Unit vh2 = get(get(b, orient_), HIGH); if(vh1 > vh2) return false; if(vh1 == vh2) { Unit hh1 = get(get(a, perp), HIGH); Unit hh2 = get(get(b, perp), HIGH); return hh1 < hh2; } } } return true; } }; template template inline void rectangle_data::set(orientation_2d orient, const interval_type_1& interval) { assign(ranges_[orient.to_int()], interval); } template template rectangle_data& rectangle_data::operator=(const T2& rvalue) { assign(*this, rvalue); return *this; } template template bool rectangle_data::operator==(const T2& rvalue) const { return equivalence(*this, rvalue); } template struct geometry_concept > { typedef rectangle_concept type; }; } } #endif