'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var BitcoreNode = require('../node'); var index = require('../'); var bitcore = require('bitcore-lib'); var _ = bitcore.deps._; var $ = bitcore.util.preconditions; var log = index.log; var child_process = require('child_process'); var fs = require('fs'); var shuttingDown = false; log.debug = function() {}; /** * This function will loop over the configuration for services and require the * specified modules, and assemble an array in this format: * [ * { * name: 'bitcoind', * config: {}, * module: BitcoinService * } * ] * @param {Function} req - The require function to use * @param {Array} servicesPath - The local path (for requiring services) * @param {Object} config * @param {Array} config.services - An array of strings of service names. * @returns {Array} */ function setupServices(req, servicesPath, config) { module.paths.push(path.resolve(servicesPath, './node_modules')); var services = []; if (config.services) { for (var i = 0; i < config.services.length; i++) { var service = {}; service.name = config.services[i]; var hasConfig = config.servicesConfig && config.servicesConfig[service.name]; service.config = hasConfig ? config.servicesConfig[service.name] : {}; try { // first try in the built-in bitcore-node services directory service.module = req(path.resolve(__dirname, '../services/' + service.name)); } catch(e) { // check if the package.json specifies a specific file to use var servicePackage = req(service.name + '/package.json'); var serviceModule = service.name; if (servicePackage.bitcoreNode) { serviceModule = service.name + '/' + servicePackage.bitcoreNode; } service.module = req(serviceModule); } // check that the service supports expected methods if (!service.module.prototype || !service.module.dependencies || !service.module.prototype.start || !service.module.prototype.stop) { throw new Error( 'Could not load service "' + service.name + '" as it does not support necessary methods.' ); } services.push(service); } } return services; } /** * Will register event handlers to log the current db sync status. * @param {Node} node */ function registerSyncHandlers(node, delay) { delay = delay || 10000; var interval = false; var count = 0; function logSyncStatus() { log.info( 'Database Sync Status: Tip:', node.services.db.tip.hash, 'Height:', node.services.db.tip.__height, 'Rate:', count/10, 'blocks per second' ); } node.on('ready', function() { if (node.services.db) { node.on('synced', function() { clearInterval(interval); logSyncStatus(); }); node.services.db.on('addblock', function(block) { count++; // Initialize logging if not already instantiated if (!interval) { interval = setInterval(function() { logSyncStatus(); count = 0; }, delay); } }); } }); node.on('stopping', function() { clearInterval(interval); }); } /** * Will shutdown a node and then the process * @param {Object} _process - The Node.js process object * @param {Node} node - The Bitcore Node instance */ function cleanShutdown(_process, node) { node.stop(function(err) { if(err) { log.error('Failed to stop services: ' + err); return _process.exit(1); } log.info('Halted'); _process.exit(0); }); } /** * Will register event handlers to stop the node for `process` events * `uncaughtException` and `SIGINT`. * @param {Object} _process - The Node.js process * @param {Node} node */ function registerExitHandlers(_process, node) { //catches uncaught exceptions _process.on('uncaughtException', exitHandler.bind(null, {exit:true}, _process, node)); //catches ctrl+c event _process.on('SIGINT', exitHandler.bind(null, {sigint:true}, _process, node)); } /** * Will handle all the shutdown tasks that need to take place to ensure a safe exit * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.sigint - The signal given was a SIGINT * @param {Array} options.exit - The signal given was an uncaughtException * @param {Object} _process - The Node.js process * @param {Node} node * @param {Error} error */ function exitHandler(options, _process, node, err) { if (err) { log.error('uncaught exception:', err); if(err.stack) { log.error(err.stack); } node.stop(function(err) { if(err) { log.error('Failed to stop services: ' + err); } _process.exit(-1); }); } if (options.sigint) { if (!shuttingDown) { shuttingDown = true; start.cleanShutdown(_process, node); } } } /** * This function will instantiate and start a Node, requiring the necessary service * modules, and registering event handlers. * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} options.servicesPath - The path to the location of service modules * @param {String} options.path - The absolute path of the configuration file * @param {Object} options.config - The parsed bitcore-node.json configuration file * @param {Array} options.config.services - An array of services names. * @param {Object} options.config.servicesConfig - Parameters to pass to each service * @param {String} options.config.datadir - A relative (to options.path) or absolute path to the datadir * @param {String} options.config.network - 'livenet', 'testnet' or 'regtest * @param {Number} options.config.port - The port to use for the web service */ function start(options) { var fullConfig = _.clone(options.config); var servicesPath; if (options.servicesPath) { servicesPath = options.servicesPath; // services are in a different directory than the config } else { servicesPath = options.path; // defaults to the same directory } fullConfig.services = start.setupServices(require, servicesPath, options.config); fullConfig.datadir = path.resolve(options.path, options.config.datadir); if (fullConfig.daemon) { start.spawnChildProcess(fullConfig.datadir, process); } var node = new BitcoreNode(fullConfig); // set up the event handlers for logging sync information start.registerSyncHandlers(node); // setup handlers for uncaught exceptions and ctrl+c start.registerExitHandlers(process, node); node.on('ready', function() { log.info('Bitcore Node ready'); }); node.on('error', function(err) { log.error(err); }); node.start(function(err) { if(err) { log.error('Failed to start services'); if (err.stack) { log.error(err.stack); } start.cleanShutdown(process, node); } }); return node; } /** * This function will fork the passed in process and exit the parent process * in order to daemonize the process. If there is already a daemon for this pid (process), * then the function just returns. Stdout and stderr both append to one file, 'bitcore-node.log' * located in the datadir. * @param {String} datadir - The data directory where the bitcoin blockchain and config live. * @param {Object} _process - The process that needs to fork a child and then, itself, exit. */ function spawnChildProcess(datadir, _process) { if (_process.env.__bitcore_node) { return _process.pid; } var args = [].concat(_process.argv); args.shift(); var script = args.shift(); var env = _process.env; var cwd = _process.cwd(); env.__bitcore_node = true; var stderr = fs.openSync(datadir + '/bitcore-node.log', 'a+'); var stdout = stderr; var cp_opt = { stdio: ['ignore', stdout, stderr], env: env, cwd: cwd, detached: true }; var child = child_process.spawn(_process.execPath, [script].concat(args), cp_opt); child.unref(); return _process.exit(); } module.exports = start; module.exports.registerExitHandlers = registerExitHandlers; module.exports.exitHandler = exitHandler; module.exports.registerSyncHandlers = registerSyncHandlers; module.exports.setupServices = setupServices; module.exports.spawnChildProcess = spawnChildProcess; module.exports.cleanShutdown = cleanShutdown;