first 5% => with data + mongo + w/RPC for blocks: 48.8s => with RPC + mongo: 2m26s => with files + mongo + wo/RPC for blocks: 36.7s => with files + mongo + wo/RPC for blocks + wo/mongoIndexes: first 10% => sin RPC, sin Tx, sin store block => 0.7s => sin RPC, sin grabar, procesando TX => 8.5s => sin RPC, sin TX processing, sin grabar => 12s28 => con RPC, TX processing, sin Grabar Tx, grabando bloques => 29s => con RPC, sin TX processing, sin Grabar Tx, grabando bloques => 35s => con RPC, TX processing, sin Grabar Tx, grabando bloques => 43s => TX processing, sin RPC, sin saves TX, y blocks => 11.6s => TX processing, CON RPC, sin saves TX, y blocks => 35s => con RPC, TX processing, sin saves TX => 45s => con RPC, TX processing, Grabarndo todo => 78s => con RPC, TX processing, Grabarndo todo => 78s (18k blocks, 36k txouts) //LEVEL DB => sin RPC, TX processing, todo en level => 14s => con RPC, TX processing, todo en level => 39.7s => con RPC, TX processing, tx mongo, blocks en level => 64s => sin RPC, TX processing, todo en level, handling REORGs, more data => 28s => sin RPC, TX processing, todo en level, handling REORGs, more data, tx ts => 34t s //FROM blk00002.dat (more txs), 5% => now total : 1m13s => removing block writes => 1m8s => sacando los contenidos adentro de getblock from file de => 4.5s!! => con base58 cpp => 21s => toda la testnet => 17m !! 10% de blk2 => 50s con base58cpp => 41s commentando todo addr => 5s commentando todo get HistoricSync.prototype.getBlockFromFile = function(cb) { => 15s commentando todo get HistoricSync.prototype.getBlockFromFile = function(cb) { 10% de blk 1 => 59s => 15s comentando desde b.getStandardizedObject() => 39s comentando dps b.getStandardizedObject() Mon Mar 10 11:59:25 ART 2014 10% de blk 0 (testnet) => 37s