'use strict'; var should = require('chai').should(); var sinon = require('sinon'); var proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); var AddressService = require('../../lib/services/address'); describe('#start', function() { describe('will dynamically create a node from a configuration', function() { it('require each bitcore-node service with default config', function(done) { var node; var TestNode = function(options) { options.services[0].should.deep.equal({ name: 'address', module: AddressService, config: {} }); }; TestNode.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(0); TestNode.prototype.on = sinon.stub(); TestNode.prototype.chain = { on: sinon.stub() }; var starttest = proxyquire('../../lib/scaffold/start', { '../node': TestNode }); node = starttest({ path: __dirname, config: { services: [ 'address' ], datadir: './data' } }); node.should.be.instanceof(TestNode); done(); }); it('shutdown with an error from start', function(done) { var TestNode = proxyquire('../../lib/node', {}); TestNode.prototype.start = function(callback) { setImmediate(function() { callback(new Error('error')); }); }; var starttest = proxyquire('../../lib/scaffold/start', { '../node': TestNode }); starttest.cleanShutdown = sinon.stub(); starttest({ path: __dirname, config: { services: [], datadir: './testdir' } }); setImmediate(function() { starttest.cleanShutdown.callCount.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); it('require each bitcore-node service with explicit config', function(done) { var node; var TestNode = function(options) { options.services[0].should.deep.equal({ name: 'address', module: AddressService, config: { param: 'test' } }); }; TestNode.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(0); TestNode.prototype.on = sinon.stub(); TestNode.prototype.chain = { on: sinon.stub() }; var starttest = proxyquire('../../lib/scaffold/start', { '../node': TestNode }); node = starttest({ path: __dirname, config: { services: [ 'address' ], servicesConfig: { 'address': { param: 'test' } }, datadir: './data' } }); node.should.be.instanceof(TestNode); done(); }); }); });