'use strict'; require('classtool'); function spec() { var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var util = require('util'); var RpcClient = require('bitcore/RpcClient').class(); var networks = require('bitcore/networks'); var async = require('async'); var config = require('../config/config'); var Block = require('../app/models/Block'); var Transaction = require('../app/models/Transaction'); var TransactionItem = require('../app/models/TransactionItem'); var sockets = require('../app/views/sockets/main.js'); var CONCURRENCY = 5; function Sync(config) { this.tx_count = 0; this.block_count= 0; this.block_total= 0; this.network = config.networkName === 'testnet' ? networks.testnet: networks.livenet; } var progress_bar = function(string, current, total) { console.log(util.format('\t%s %d/%d [%d%%]', string, current, total, parseInt(100 * current / total))); }; Sync.prototype.getPrevNextBlock = function(blockHash, blockEnd, opts, cb) { var that = this; // recursion end. if (!blockHash || (blockEnd && blockEnd == blockHash) ) { console.log("Reach end:", blockHash, blockEnd); return cb(); } var existed = 0; var blockInfo; var blockObj; async.series([ // Already got it? function(c) { Block.findOne({hash:blockHash}, function(err,block){ if (err) { console.log(err); return c(err); }; if (block) { existed = 1; blockObj = block; } return c(); }); }, //show some (inacurate) status function(c) { if (that.block_count++ % 1000 === 0) { progress_bar('Historic sync status:', that.block_count, that.block_total); } return c(); }, //get Info from RPC function(c) { // TODO: if we store prev/next, no need to go to RPC // if (blockObj && blockObj.nextBlockHash) return c(); that.rpc.getBlock(blockHash, function(err, ret) { if (err) return c(err); blockInfo = ret; return c(); }); }, //store it function(c) { if (existed) return c(); that.storeBlock(blockInfo.result, function(err, block) { existed = err && err.toString().match(/E11000/); if (err && ! existed) return c(err); return c(); }); }, /* TODO: Should Start to sync backwards? (this is for partial syncs) function(c) { if (blockInfo.result.prevblockhash != current.blockHash) { console.log("reorg?"); opts.prev = 1; } return c(); } */ ], function (err){ if (err) console.log("ERROR: @%s: %s [count: block_count: %d]", blockHash, err, that.block_count); if (blockInfo && blockInfo.result) { if (opts.prev && blockInfo.result.previousblockhash) { return that.getPrevNextBlock(blockInfo.result.previousblockhash, blockEnd, opts, cb); } if (opts.next && blockInfo.result.nextblockhash) return that.getPrevNextBlock(blockInfo.result.nextblockhash, blockEnd, opts, cb); } return cb(err); }); }; Sync.prototype.storeBlock = function(block, cb) { var that = this; Block.customCreate(block, function(err, block, inserted_txs){ if (block && that.opts.broadcast_blocks) { sockets.broadcast_block(block); } if (inserted_txs && that.opts.broadcast_txs) { inserted_txs.forEach(function(tx) { sockets.broadcast_tx(tx); }); } if (inserted_txs) that.tx_count += inserted_txs.length; return cb(); }); }; Sync.prototype.storeTxs = function(txs, inTime, cb) { var that = this; var time = inTime ? inTime : Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); Transaction.createFromArray(txs, time, function(err, inserted_txs) { if (!err && inserted_txs && that.opts.broadcast_txs) { inserted_txs.forEach(function(tx) { sockets.broadcast_tx(tx); }); } return cb(err); }); }; Sync.prototype.syncBlocks = function(start, end, isForward, cb) { var that = this; console.log('Syncing Blocks, starting \n\tfrom: %s \n\tend: %s \n\tisForward:', start, end, isForward); return that.getPrevNextBlock( start, end, isForward ? { next: 1 } : { prev: 1}, cb); }; // This is not currently used. Transactions are represented by txid only // in mongodb Sync.prototype.syncTXs = function(cb) { var that = this; console.log('Syncing TXs...'); Transaction.find({ blockhash: null }, function(err, txs) { if (err) return cb(err); var read = 0; var pull = 0; var write = 0; var total = txs.length; console.log('\tneed to pull %d txs', total); if (!total) return cb(); async.each(txs, function(tx, next) { if (!tx.txid) { console.log('NO TXID skipping...', tx); return next(); } if (read++ % 1000 === 0) progress_bar('read', read, total); that.rpc.getRawTransaction(tx.txid, 1, function(err, txInfo) { if (pull++ % 1000 === 0) progress_bar('\tpull', pull, total); if (!err && txInfo) { Transaction.update({ txid: tx.txid }, txInfo.result, function(err) { if (err) return next(err); if (write++ % 1000 === 0) progress_bar('\t\twrite', write, total); return next(); }); } else return next(); }); }, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); return cb(err); }); }); }; // Not used Sync.prototype.processTXs = function(reindex, cb) { var that = this; console.log('Syncing TXs...'); var filter = reindex ? {} : { processed: false } ; Transaction.find(filter, function(err, txs) { if (err) return cb(err); var read = 0, pull = 0, proc = 0, total = txs.length; console.log('\tneed to pull %d txs', total); if (!total) return cb(); async.forEachLimit(txs, CONCURRENCY, function(tx, next) { if (read++ % 1000 === 0) progress_bar('read', read, total); if (!tx.txid) { console.log('NO TXID skipping...', tx); return next(); } // This will trigger an RPC call Transaction.explodeTransactionItems( tx.txid, tx.time, function(err) { if (proc++ % 1000 === 0) progress_bar('\tproc', pull, total); next(err); }); }, cb); }); }; Sync.prototype.init = function(opts) { this.rpc = new RpcClient(config.bitcoind); if (!(opts && opts.skip_db_connection)) { mongoose.connect(config.db, {server: {auto_reconnect: true}} ); } this.opts = opts; this.db = mongoose.connection; this.db.on('error', function(err) { console.log('connection error:' + err); moogose.disconnect(); }); this.db.on('disconnect', function(err) { console.log('disconnect:' + err); mongoose.connect(config.db, {server: {auto_reconnect: true}} ); }); }; Sync.prototype.import_history = function(opts, next) { var that = this; var retry_attemps = 100; var retry_secs = 2; var block_best; this.db.once('open', function() { async.series([ function(cb) { if (opts.destroy) { console.log('Deleting Blocks...'); that.db.collections.blocks.drop(cb); } else { return cb(); } }, function(cb) { if (opts.destroy) { console.log('Deleting TXs...'); that.db.collections.transactions.drop(cb); } else { return cb(); } }, function(cb) { if (opts.destroy) { console.log('Deleting TXItems...'); that.db.collections.transactionitems.drop(cb); } else { return cb(); } }, function(cb) { that.rpc.getInfo(function(err, res) { if (err) cb(err); that.block_total = res.result.blocks; return cb(); }); }, function(cb) { if (!opts.reverse) return cb(); that.rpc.getBestBlockHash(function(err, res) { if (err) cb(err); block_best = res.result; return cb(); }); }, ], function(err) { function sync() { var start, end, isForward; if (opts.reverse) { start = block_best; end = that.network.genesisBlock.hash.reverse().toString('hex'); isForward = false; } else { start = that.network.genesisBlock.hash.reverse().toString('hex'); end = null; isForward = true; } that.syncBlocks(start, end, isForward, function(err) { if (err && err.message.match(/ECONNREFUSED/) && retry_attemps--){ setTimeout(function() { console.log("Retrying in %d secs ", retry_secs); sync(); }, retry_secs * 1000); } else return next(err, that.block_count); }); } if (!opts.skip_blocks) { sync(); } }); }); }; Sync.prototype.close = function() { console.log("closing connection"); this.db.close(); }; return Sync; } module.defineClass(spec);