'use strict'; // These tests require bitcore-node Bitcoin Core bindings to be compiled with // the environment variable BITCORENODE_ENV=test. This enables the use of regtest // functionality by including the wallet in the build. // To run the tests: $ mocha -R spec integration/regtest-node.js var index = require('..'); var async = require('async'); var log = index.log; log.debug = function() {}; if (process.env.BITCORENODE_ENV !== 'test') { log.info('Please set the environment variable BITCORENODE_ENV=test and make sure bindings are compiled for testing'); process.exit(); } var chai = require('chai'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var node; var should = chai.should(); var BitcoinRPC = require('bitcoind-rpc'); var BitcoreNode = require('..').Node; var testWIF = 'cSdkPxkAjA4HDr5VHgsebAPDEh9Gyub4HK8UJr2DFGGqKKy4K5sG'; var testKey; var client; describe('Node Functionality', function() { before(function(done) { this.timeout(30000); // Add the regtest network bitcore.Networks.remove(bitcore.Networks.testnet); bitcore.Networks.add({ name: 'regtest', alias: 'regtest', pubkeyhash: 0x6f, privatekey: 0xef, scripthash: 0xc4, xpubkey: 0x043587cf, xprivkey: 0x04358394, networkMagic: 0xfabfb5da, port: 18444, dnsSeeds: [ ] }); var datadir = __dirname + '/data'; testKey = bitcore.PrivateKey(testWIF); rimraf(datadir + '/regtest', function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } var configuration = { datadir: datadir, network: 'regtest' }; node = new BitcoreNode(configuration); node.on('error', function(err) { log.error(err); }); node.on('ready', function() { client = new BitcoinRPC({ protocol: 'https', host: '', port: 18332, user: 'bitcoin', pass: 'local321', rejectUnauthorized: false }); var syncedHandler = function() { if (node.chain.tip.__height === 150) { node.removeListener('synced', syncedHandler); done(); } }; node.on('synced', syncedHandler); client.generate(150, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } }); }); }); }); after(function(done) { this.timeout(20000); node.bitcoind.stop(function(err, result) { done(); }); }); it('will handle a reorganization', function(done) { var count; var blockHash; async.series([ function(next) { client.getBlockCount(function(err, response) { if (err) { return next(err); } count = response.result; next(); }); }, function(next) { client.getBlockHash(count, function(err, response) { if (err) { return next(err); } blockHash = response.result; next(); }); }, function(next) { client.invalidateBlock(blockHash, next); }, function(next) { client.getBlockCount(function(err, response) { if (err) { return next(err); } response.result.should.equal(count - 1); next(); }); } ], function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } var blocksRemoved = 0; var blocksAdded = 0; var removeBlock = function() { blocksRemoved++; }; node.chain.on('removeblock', removeBlock); var addBlock = function() { blocksAdded++; if (blocksAdded === 2 && blocksRemoved === 1) { node.chain.removeListener('addblock', addBlock); node.chain.removeListener('removeblock', removeBlock); done(); } }; node.chain.on('addblock', addBlock); // We need to add a transaction to the mempool so that the next block will // have a different hash as the hash has been invalidated. client.sendToAddress(testKey.toAddress().toString(), 10, function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } client.generate(2, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } }); }); }); }); });