# Node A node represents a collection of services that are loaded together. For more information about services, please see the [Services Documentation](services.md). ## API Documentation - `start()` - Will start the node's services in the correct order based on the dependencies of a service. - `stop()` - Will stop the node's services. - `openBus()` - Will create a new event bus to subscribe to events. - `getAllAPIMethods()` - Returns information about all of the API methods from the services. - `getAllPublishEvents()` - Returns information about publish events. - `getServiceOrder()` - Returns an array of service modules. - `services..` - Additional API methods exposed by each service. The services for the node are defined when the node instance is constructed. ## Example Usage ```js var BitcoinNode = require('bitcore-node').Node; var configuration = { datadir: '~/.bitcoin', network: 'testnet' }; var node = new BitcoinNode(configuration); node.on('ready', function() { console.log('Bitcoin Node Ready'); }); node.on('error', function(err) { console.error(err); }); // shutdown the node node.stop(function() { // the shutdown is complete }); ```