'use strict'; var async = require('async'); var Chain = require('./chain'); var Block = require('./block'); var DB = require('./db'); var chainlib = require('chainlib'); var fs = require('fs'); var BaseNode = chainlib.Node; var util = require('util'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var log = chainlib.log; var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var Networks = bitcore.Networks; var _ = bitcore.deps._; var $ = bitcore.util.preconditions; var genesis = require('./genesis.json'); var daemon = require('./daemon'); var Bus = require('./bus'); function Node(config) { BaseNode.call(this, config); this.testnet = config.testnet; } util.inherits(Node, BaseNode); Node.prototype.openBus = function() { return new Bus({db: this.db}); }; Node.prototype.getAllAPIMethods = function() { var methods = this.db.getAPIMethods(); for (var i = 0; i < this.db.modules.length; i++) { var mod = this.db.modules[i]; methods = methods.concat(mod.getAPIMethods()); } return methods; }; Node.prototype.getAllPublishEvents = function() { var events = this.db.getPublishEvents(); for (var i = 0; i < this.db.modules.length; i++) { var mod = this.db.modules[i]; events = events.concat(mod.getPublishEvents()); } return events; }; Node.prototype._loadConfiguration = function(config) { var self = this; this._loadBitcoinConf(config); this._loadBitcoind(config); Node.super_.prototype._loadConfiguration.call(self, config); }; Node.DEFAULT_DAEMON_CONFIG = 'whitelist=\n' + 'txindex=1\n'; Node.prototype._loadBitcoinConf = function(config) { $.checkArgument(config.datadir, 'Please specify "datadir" in configuration options'); var datadir = config.datadir.replace(/^~/, process.env.HOME); var configPath = datadir + '/bitcoin.conf'; this.bitcoinConfiguration = {}; if (!fs.existsSync(datadir)) { mkdirp.sync(datadir); } if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { fs.writeFileSync(configPath, Node.DEFAULT_DAEMON_CONFIG); } var file = fs.readFileSync(configPath); var unparsed = file.toString().split('\n'); for(var i = 0; i < unparsed.length; i++) { var line = unparsed[i]; if (!line.match(/^\#/) && line.match(/\=/)) { var option = line.split('='); var value; if (!Number.isNaN(Number(option[1]))) { value = Number(option[1]); } else { value = option[1]; } this.bitcoinConfiguration[option[0]] = value; } } $.checkState((this.bitcoinConfiguration.txindex && this.bitcoinConfiguration.txindex == 1), 'Txindex option is required in order to use most of the features of bitcore-node. \ Please add "txindex=1" to your configuration and reindex an existing database if necessary with reindex=1'); }; Node.prototype._loadBitcoind = function(config) { var bitcoindConfig = {}; bitcoindConfig.datadir = config.datadir; bitcoindConfig.network = config.network; // start the bitcoind daemon this.bitcoind = daemon(bitcoindConfig); }; /** * This function will find the common ancestor between the current chain and a forked block, * by moving backwards from the forked block until it meets the current chain. * @param {Block} block - The new tip that forks the current chain. * @param {Function} done - A callback function that is called when complete. */ Node.prototype._syncBitcoindAncestor = function(block, done) { var self = this; // The current chain of hashes will likely already be available in a cache. self.chain.getHashes(self.chain.tip.hash, function(err, currentHashes) { if (err) { done(err); } // Create a hash map for faster lookups var currentHashesMap = {}; var length = currentHashes.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { currentHashesMap[currentHashes[i]] = true; } var ancestorHash = block.prevHash; // We only need to go back until we meet the main chain for the forked block // and thus don't need to find the entire chain of hashes. async.whilst(function() { // Wait until the previous hash is in the current chain return ancestorHash && !currentHashesMap[ancestorHash]; }, function(next) { self.bitcoind.getBlockIndex(ancestorHash, function(err, blockIndex) { if (err) { return next(err); } ancestorHash = blockIndex.prevHash; next(); }); }, function(err) { // Hash map is no-longer needed, quickly let // scavenging garbage collection know to cleanup currentHashesMap = null; if (err) { return done(err); } else if (!ancestorHash) { return done(new Error('Unknown common ancestor.')); } done(null, ancestorHash); }); }); }; /** * This function will attempt to rewind the chain to the common ancestor * between the current chain and a forked block. * @param {Block} block - The new tip that forks the current chain. * @param {Function} done - A callback function that is called when complete. */ Node.prototype._syncBitcoindRewind = function(block, done) { var self = this; self._syncBitcoindAncestor(block, function(err, ancestorHash) { // Rewind the chain to the common ancestor async.whilst( function() { // Wait until the tip equals the ancestor hash return self.chain.tip.hash !== ancestorHash; }, function(removeDone) { var tip = self.chain.tip; self.getBlock(tip.prevHash, function(err, previousTip) { if (err) { removeDone(err); } // Undo the related indexes for this block self.db._onChainRemoveBlock(tip, function(err) { if (err) { return removeDone(err); } // Set the new tip delete self.chain.tip.__transactions; previousTip.__height = self.chain.tip.__height - 1; self.chain.tip = previousTip; self.chain.saveMetadata(); self.chain.emit('removeblock', tip); removeDone(); }); }); }, done ); }); }; /** * This function will synchronize additional indexes for the chain based on * the current active chain in the bitcoin daemon. In the event that there is * a reorganization in the daemon, the chain will rewind to the last common * ancestor and then resume syncing. */ Node.prototype._syncBitcoind = function() { var self = this; if (self.bitcoindSyncing) { return; } if (!self.chain.tip) { return; } self.bitcoindSyncing = true; self.chain.lastSavedMetadataThreshold = 30000; var height; async.whilst(function() { height = self.chain.tip.__height; return height < self.bitcoindHeight; }, function(done) { self.bitcoind.getBlock(height + 1, function(err, blockBuffer) { if (err) { return done(err); } var block = self.Block.fromBuffer(blockBuffer); if (block.prevHash === self.chain.tip.hash) { // This block appends to the current chain tip and we can // immediately add it to the chain and create indexes. // Populate height block.__height = self.chain.tip.__height + 1; // Update chain hashes self.chain.cache.hashes[block.hash] = block.prevHash; // Create indexes self.db._onChainAddBlock(block, function(err) { if (err) { return done(err); } delete self.chain.tip.__transactions; self.chain.tip = block; log.debug('Saving metadata'); self.chain.saveMetadata(); log.debug('Chain added block to main chain'); self.chain.emit('addblock', block); done(); }); } else { // This block doesn't progress the current tip, so we'll attempt // to rewind the chain to the common ancestor of the block and // then we can resume syncing. self._syncBitcoindRewind(block, done); } }); }, function(err) { self.bitcoindSyncing = false; self.chain.lastSavedMetadataThreshold = 0; if (err) { Error.captureStackTrace(err); return self.emit('error', err); } // If bitcoind is completely synced if (self.bitcoind.isSynced()) { self.emit('synced'); } }); }; Node.prototype._loadNetwork = function(config) { if (config.network === 'testnet') { this.network = Networks.get('testnet'); } else if (config.network === 'regtest') { Networks.remove(Networks.testnet); Networks.add({ name: 'regtest', alias: 'regtest', pubkeyhash: 0x6f, privatekey: 0xef, scripthash: 0xc4, xpubkey: 0x043587cf, xprivkey: 0x04358394, networkMagic: 0xfabfb5da, port: 18444, dnsSeeds: [ ] }); this.network = Networks.get('regtest'); } else { this.network = Networks.get('livenet'); } $.checkState(this.network, 'Unrecognized network'); }; Node.prototype._loadDB = function(config) { if (config.DB) { // Other modules can inherit from our DB and replace it with their own DB = config.DB; } if(!config.db) { config.db = {}; } // Store the additional indexes in a new directory // based on the network configuration and the datadir $.checkArgument(config.datadir, 'Please specify "datadir" in configuration options'); $.checkState(this.network, 'Network property not defined'); var regtest = Networks.get('regtest'); var datadir = config.datadir.replace(/^~/, process.env.HOME); if (this.network === Networks.livenet) { config.db.path = datadir + '/bitcore-node.db'; } else if (this.network === Networks.testnet) { config.db.path = datadir + '/testnet3/bitcore-node.db'; } else if (this.network === regtest) { config.db.path = datadir + '/regtest/bitcore-node.db'; } else { throw new Error('Unknown network: ' + this.network); } config.db.network = this.network; if (!fs.existsSync(config.db.path)) { mkdirp.sync(config.db.path); } this.db = new DB(config.db); }; Node.prototype._loadConsensus = function(config) { if (!config.consensus) { config.consensus = {}; } this.Block = Block; var genesisBlock; if (config.genesis) { genesisBlock = config.genesis; } else if (config.network === 'testnet') { genesisBlock = genesis.testnet; } else { genesisBlock = genesis.livenet; } if (_.isString(genesisBlock)) { genesisBlock = this.Block.fromBuffer(new Buffer(genesisBlock, 'hex')); } // pass genesis to chain config.consensus.genesis = genesisBlock; this.chain = new Chain(config.consensus); }; Node.prototype._initializeBitcoind = function() { var self = this; this.bitcoind.on('ready', function(status) { log.info('Bitcoin Daemon Ready'); // Set the current chain height var info = self.bitcoind.getInfo(); self.bitcoindHeight = info.blocks; self.db.initialize(); }); this.bitcoind.on('open', function(status) { log.info('Bitcoin Core Daemon Status:', status); }); // Notify that there is a new tip this.bitcoind.on('tip', function(height) { var percentage = self.bitcoind.syncPercentage(); log.info('Bitcoin Core Daemon New Height:', height, 'Percentage:', percentage); self.bitcoindHeight = height; self._syncBitcoind(); }); this.bitcoind.on('error', function(err) { Error.captureStackTrace(err); self.emit('error', err); }); }; Node.prototype._initializeDatabase = function() { var self = this; // Database this.db.on('ready', function() { log.info('Bitcoin Database Ready'); self.chain.initialize(); }); this.db.on('error', function(err) { Error.captureStackTrace(err); self.emit('error', err); }); }; Node.prototype._initializeChain = function() { var self = this; // Chain this.chain.on('ready', function() { log.info('Bitcoin Chain Ready'); self._syncBitcoind(); self.emit('ready'); }); this.chain.on('error', function(err) { Error.captureStackTrace(err); self.emit('error', err); }); }; Node.prototype._initialize = function() { // DB References this.db.chain = this.chain; this.db.Block = this.Block; this.db.bitcoind = this.bitcoind; // Chain References this.chain.db = this.db; // Setup Chain of Events this._initializeBitcoind(); this._initializeDatabase(); this._initializeChain(); }; module.exports = Node;