'use strict'; /** * Module dependencies. */ var mongoose = require('mongoose'), Schema = mongoose.Schema, async = require('async'), RpcClient = require('bitcore/RpcClient').class(), Transaction = require('bitcore/Transaction').class(), Address = require('bitcore/Address').class(), BitcoreBlock= require('bitcore/Block').class(), networks = require('bitcore/networks'), util = require('bitcore/util/util'), bignum = require('bignum'), config = require('../../config/config'), TransactionItem = require('./TransactionItem'); var CONCURRENCY = 5; /** */ var TransactionSchema = new Schema({ // For now we keep this as short as possible // More fields will be propably added as we move // forward with the UX txid: { type: String, index: true, unique: true, }, /* TODO? orphaned: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, */ time: Number, }); /** * Statics */ TransactionSchema.statics.load = function(id, cb) { this.findOne({ _id: id }).exec(cb); }; TransactionSchema.statics.fromId = function(txid, cb) { this.findOne({ txid: txid, }).exec(cb); }; TransactionSchema.statics.fromIdWithInfo = function(txid, cb) { var That = this; this.fromId(txid, function(err, tx) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!tx) { // No in mongo...but maybe in bitcoind... lets query it tx = new That(); tx.txid = txid; tx.fillInfo(function(err, txInfo) { if (!txInfo) return cb(new Error('TX not found')); tx.save(function(err) { return cb(err,tx); }); }); } else { tx.fillInfo(function(err) { return cb(err,tx); }); } }); }; TransactionSchema.statics.createFromArray = function(txs, time, next) { var that = this; if (!txs) return next(); var mongo_txs = []; async.forEachLimit(txs, CONCURRENCY, function(txid, cb) { that.explodeTransactionItems( txid, time, function(err) { if (err) return next(err); that.create({txid: txid, time: time}, function(err, new_tx) { if (err && ! err.toString().match(/E11000/)) return cb(err); if (new_tx) mongo_txs.push(new_tx); return cb(); }); }); }, function(err) { return next(err, mongo_txs); }); }; TransactionSchema.statics.explodeTransactionItems = function(txid, time, cb) { this.queryInfo(txid, function(err, info) { if (err || !info) return cb(err); var index = 0; info.vin.forEach( function(i){ i.n = index++; }); async.forEachLimit(info.vin, CONCURRENCY, function(i, next_in) { if (i.addr && i.value) { //console.log("Creating IN %s %d", i.addr, i.valueSat); TransactionItem.create({ txid : txid, value_sat : -1 * i.valueSat, addr : i.addr, index : i.n, ts : time, }, next_in); } else { if ( !i.coinbase ) { console.log ('TX: %s,%d could not parse INPUT', txid, i.n); } return next_in(); } }, function (err) { if (err) console.log (err); async.forEachLimit(info.vout, CONCURRENCY, function(o, next_out) { /* * TODO Support multisigs */ if (o.value && o.scriptPubKey && o.scriptPubKey.addresses && o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]) { //console.log("Creating OUT %s %d", o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0], o.valueSat); TransactionItem.create({ txid : txid, value_sat : o.valueSat, addr : o.scriptPubKey.addresses[0], index : o.n, ts : time, }, next_out); } else { console.log ('TX: %s,%d could not parse OUTPUT', txid, o.n); return next_out(); } }, function (err) { if (err && ! err.toString().match(/E11000/)) return cb(err); return cb(); }); }); }); }; TransactionSchema.statics.getOutpoints = function (tx, next) { if (tx.isCoinBase()) return next(); var rpc = new RpcClient(config.bitcoind); var network = ( config.network === 'testnet') ? networks.testnet : networks.livenet ; async.forEachLimit(tx.ins, CONCURRENCY, function(i, cb) { var outHash = i.getOutpointHash(); var outIndex = i.getOutpointIndex(); var outHashBase64 = outHash.reverse().toString('hex'); var c=0; rpc.getRawTransaction(outHashBase64, function(err, txdata) { var txin = new Transaction(); if (err || ! txdata.result) return cb( new Error('Input TX '+outHashBase64+' not found')); var b = new Buffer(txdata.result,'hex'); txin.parse(b); /* *We have to parse it anyways. It will have outputs even it is a coinbase tx if ( txin.isCoinBase() ) { return cb(); } */ txin.outs.forEach( function(j) { // console.log( c + ': ' + util.formatValue(j.v) ); if (c === outIndex) { i.value = j.v; // This is used for pay-to-pubkey transaction in which // the pubkey is not provided on the input var scriptPubKey = j.getScript(); var hash = scriptPubKey.simpleOutHash(); if (hash) { var addr = new Address(network.addressPubkey, hash); i.addrFromOutput = addr.toString(); } } c++; }); return cb(); }); }, function(err) { return next(err); } ); }; TransactionSchema.statics.queryInfo = function(txid, cb) { var that = this; var network = ( config.network === 'testnet') ? networks.testnet : networks.livenet ; var rpc = new RpcClient(config.bitcoind); rpc.getRawTransaction(txid, 1, function(err, txInfo) { if (err) return cb(err); var info = txInfo.result; // Transaction parsing var b = new Buffer(txInfo.result.hex,'hex'); var tx = new Transaction(); tx.parse(b); that.getOutpoints(tx, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); // Copy TX relevant values to .info var c = 0; var valueIn = bignum(0); var valueOut = bignum(0); if ( tx.isCoinBase() ) { info.isCoinBase = true; } else { tx.ins.forEach(function(i) { if (i.value) { info.vin[c].value = util.formatValue(i.value); var n = util.valueToBigInt(i.value).toNumber(); info.vin[c].valueSat = n; valueIn = valueIn.add( n ); var scriptSig = i.getScript(); var pubKey = scriptSig.simpleInPubKey(); // We check for pubKey in case a broken / strange TX. if (pubKey) { var pubKeyHash = util.sha256ripe160(pubKey); var addr = new Address(network.addressPubkey, pubKeyHash); var addrStr = addr.toString(); info.vin[c].addr = addrStr; } else { if (i.addrFromOutput) info.vin[c].addr = i.addrFromOutput; } } else { console.log('TX could not be parsed: %s,%d' ,txInfo.result.txid, c); } c++; }); } c=0; tx.outs.forEach( function(i) { var n = util.valueToBigInt(i.v).toNumber(); valueOut = valueOut.add(n); info.vout[c].valueSat = n; c++; }); info.valueOut = valueOut / util.COIN; if ( !tx.isCoinBase() ) { info.valueIn = valueIn / util.COIN; info.feeds = (valueIn - valueOut) / util.COIN; } else { var reward = BitcoreBlock.getBlockValue(info.height) / util.COIN; info.vin[0].reward = reward; info.valueIn = reward; } info.size = b.length; return cb(null, info); }); }); }; TransactionSchema.methods.fillInfo = function(next) { var that = this; mongoose.model('Transaction', TransactionSchema).queryInfo(that.txid, function(err, info) { if (err) return next(err); that.info = info; return next(); }); }; module.exports = mongoose.model('Transaction', TransactionSchema);