'use strict'; var should = require('chai').should(); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var path = require('path'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); var start = require('../../lib/scaffold/start'); describe('#start', function() { describe('#setupServices', function() { var cwd = process.cwd(); var setupServices = proxyquire('../../lib/scaffold/start', {}).setupServices; it('will require an internal module', function() { function InternalService() {} InternalService.dependencies = []; InternalService.prototype.start = sinon.stub(); InternalService.prototype.stop = sinon.stub(); var expectedPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../lib/services/internal'); var testRequire = function(p) { p.should.equal(expectedPath); return InternalService; }; var config = { services: ['internal'], servicesConfig: { internal: { param: 'value' } } }; var services = setupServices(testRequire, cwd, config); services[0].name.should.equal('internal'); services[0].config.should.deep.equal({param: 'value'}); services[0].module.should.equal(InternalService); }); it('will require a local module', function() { function LocalService() {} LocalService.dependencies = []; LocalService.prototype.start = sinon.stub(); LocalService.prototype.stop = sinon.stub(); var notfoundPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../lib/services/local'); var testRequire = function(p) { if (p === notfoundPath) { throw new Error(); } else if (p === 'local') { return LocalService; } else if (p === 'local/package.json') { return { name: 'local' }; } }; var config = { services: ['local'] }; var services = setupServices(testRequire, cwd, config); services[0].name.should.equal('local'); services[0].module.should.equal(LocalService); }); it('will require a local module with "bitcoreNode" in package.json', function() { function LocalService() {} LocalService.dependencies = []; LocalService.prototype.start = sinon.stub(); LocalService.prototype.stop = sinon.stub(); var notfoundPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../lib/services/local'); var testRequire = function(p) { if (p === notfoundPath) { throw new Error(); } else if (p === 'local/package.json') { return { name: 'local', bitcoreNode: 'lib/bitcoreNode.js' }; } else if (p === 'local/lib/bitcoreNode.js') { return LocalService; } }; var config = { services: ['local'] }; var services = setupServices(testRequire, cwd, config); services[0].name.should.equal('local'); services[0].module.should.equal(LocalService); }); it('will throw error if module is incompatible', function() { var internal = {}; var testRequire = function() { return internal; }; var config = { services: ['bitcoind'] }; (function() { setupServices(testRequire, cwd, config); }).should.throw('Could not load service'); }); }); describe('#registerSyncHandlers', function() { it('will log the sync status at an interval', function(done) { var log = { info: sinon.stub() }; var registerSyncHandlers = proxyquire('../../lib/scaffold/start', { '../': { log: log } }).registerSyncHandlers; var node = new EventEmitter(); node.services = { db: new EventEmitter() }; node.services.db.tip = { hash: 'hash', __height: 10 }; registerSyncHandlers(node, 10); node.emit('ready'); node.services.db.emit('addblock'); setTimeout(function() { node.emit('synced'); log.info.callCount.should.be.within(3, 4); done(); }, 35); }); }); describe('#registerExitHandlers', function() { var log = { info: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub() }; var registerExitHandlers = proxyquire('../../lib/scaffold/start', { '../': { log: log } }).registerExitHandlers; it('log, stop and exit with an `uncaughtException`', function(done) { var proc = new EventEmitter(); proc.exit = sinon.stub(); var node = { stop: sinon.stub().callsArg(0) }; registerExitHandlers(proc, node); proc.emit('uncaughtException', new Error('test')); setImmediate(function() { node.stop.callCount.should.equal(1); proc.exit.callCount.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); it('stop and exit on `SIGINT`', function(done) { var proc = new EventEmitter(); proc.exit = sinon.stub(); var node = { stop: sinon.stub().callsArg(0) }; registerExitHandlers(proc, node); proc.emit('SIGINT'); setImmediate(function() { node.stop.callCount.should.equal(1); proc.exit.callCount.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); }); describe('#spawnChildProcess', function() { it('should build the appropriate arguments to spawn a child process', function() { var child = { unref: function() {} }; var _process = { exit: function() {}, env: { __bitcore_node: false }, argv: [ 'node', 'bitcore-node' ], cwd: function(){return ''}, pid: 999, execPath: '/tmp' }; var fd = {}; var spawn = sinon.stub().returns(child); var openSync = sinon.stub().returns(fd); var spawnChildProcess = proxyquire('../../lib/scaffold/start', { fs: { openSync: openSync }, child_process: { spawn: spawn } }).spawnChildProcess; spawnChildProcess('/tmp', _process); spawn.callCount.should.equal(1); spawn.args[0][0].should.equal(_process.execPath); var expected = [].concat(_process.argv); expected.shift(); spawn.args[0][1].should.deep.equal(expected); var cp_opt = { stdio: ['ignore', fd, fd], env: _process.env, cwd: '', detached: true }; spawn.args[0][2].should.deep.equal(cp_opt); openSync.callCount.should.equal(1); openSync.args[0][0].should.equal('/tmp/bitcore-node.log'); openSync.args[0][1].should.equal('a+'); }); it('should not spawn a new child process if there is already a daemon running', function() { var _process = { exit: function() {}, env: { __bitcore_node: true }, argv: [ 'node', 'bitcore-node' ], cwd: 'cwd', pid: 999, execPath: '/tmp' }; var spawnChildProcess = proxyquire('../../lib/scaffold/start', {}).spawnChildProcess; spawnChildProcess('/tmp', _process).should.equal(999); }); }); describe('daemon', function() { var sandbox; var spawn; var setup; var registerSync; var registerExit; var start = require('../../lib/scaffold/start'); var options = { config: { datadir: '/tmp', daemon: true } } beforeEach(function() { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); spawn = sandbox.stub(start, 'spawnChildProcess', function() {}); setup = sandbox.stub(start, 'setupServices', function() {}); registerSync = sandbox.stub(start, 'registerSyncHandlers', function() {}); registerExit = sandbox.stub(start, 'registerExitHandlers', function() {}); }); afterEach(function() { sandbox.restore(); }); it('call spawnChildProcess if there is a config option to do so', function() { start(options); spawn.callCount.should.equal(1); }); it('not call spawnChildProcess if there is not an option to do so', function() { options.config.daemon = false; start(options); spawn.callCount.should.equal(0); }); }); });