'use strict'; // These tests require bitcoind.js Bitcoin Core bindings to be compiled with // the environment variable BITCOINDJS_ENV=test. This enables the use of regtest // functionality by including the wallet in the build. // To run the tests: $ mocha -R spec integration/regtest.js if (process.env.BITCORENODE_ENV !== 'test') { console.log('Please set the environment variable BITCORENODE_ENV=test and make sure bindings are compiled for testing'); process.exit(); } var chai = require('chai'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var BN = bitcore.crypto.BN; var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var bitcoind; /* jshint unused: false */ var should = chai.should(); var assert = chai.assert; var sinon = require('sinon'); var BitcoinRPC = require('bitcoind-rpc'); var transactionData = []; var blockHashes = []; var utxo; var client; var coinbasePrivateKey; var privateKey = bitcore.PrivateKey(); var destKey = bitcore.PrivateKey(); describe('Daemon Binding Functionality', function() { before(function(done) { this.timeout(30000); // Add the regtest network bitcore.Networks.remove(bitcore.Networks.testnet); bitcore.Networks.add({ name: 'regtest', alias: 'regtest', pubkeyhash: 0x6f, privatekey: 0xef, scripthash: 0xc4, xpubkey: 0x043587cf, xprivkey: 0x04358394, networkMagic: 0xfabfb5da, port: 18444, dnsSeeds: [ ] }); var datadir = __dirname + '/data'; rimraf(datadir + '/regtest', function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } bitcoind = require('../').daemon({ datadir: datadir, network: 'regtest' }); bitcoind.on('error', function(err) { bitcoind.log('error="%s"', err.message); }); bitcoind.on('open', function(status) { bitcoind.log('status="%s"', status); }); console.log('Waiting for Bitcoin Core to initialize...'); bitcoind.on('ready', function() { client = new BitcoinRPC({ protocol: 'http', host: '', port: 18332, user: 'bitcoin', pass: 'local321' }); console.log('Generating 100 blocks...'); // Generate enough blocks so that the initial coinbase transactions // can be spent. client.generate(150, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } blockHashes = response.result; // The original coinbase transactions when using regtest spend to // a non-standard pubkeyout instead of a pubkeyhashout. // We'll construct a new transaction that will send funds // to a new address with pubkeyhashout for later testing. console.log('Preparing unspent outputs...'); client.getBalance(function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } var amount = response.result; var fee = 0.01; var network = bitcore.Networks.get('regtest'); var address = privateKey.toAddress(network); client.sendToAddress(address, amount - fee, '', '', function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } var txid = response.result; client.getTransaction(txid, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } var unspentTransaction = bitcore.Transaction(); var outputIndex; unspentTransaction.fromString(response.result.hex); // add to the list of transactions for testing later transactionData.push(response.result.hex); for (var i = 0; i < unspentTransaction.outputs.length; i++) { var output = unspentTransaction.outputs[i]; if (output.script.toAddress(network).toString() === address.toString(network)) { outputIndex = i; } } utxo = { txid: unspentTransaction.hash, outputIndex: outputIndex, script: unspentTransaction.outputs[outputIndex].script, satoshis: unspentTransaction.outputs[outputIndex].satoshis }; // Include this transaction in a block so that it can // be spent in tests client.generate(1, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } console.log('Testing setup complete!'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); after(function(done) { this.timeout(20000); bitcoind.stop(function(err, result) { done(); }); }); describe('get blocks by hash', function() { [0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9].forEach(function(i) { it('generated block ' + i, function(done) { bitcoind.getBlock(blockHashes[i], function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } should.exist(response); var block = bitcore.Block.fromBuffer(response); block.hash.should.equal(blockHashes[i]); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('get blocks by height', function() { [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].forEach(function(i) { it('generated block ' + i, function(done) { // add the genesis block var height = i + 1; bitcoind.getBlock(i + 1, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } should.exist(response); var block = bitcore.Block.fromBuffer(response); block.hash.should.equal(blockHashes[i]); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('get transactions by hash', function() { [0].forEach(function(i) { it('for tx ' + i, function(done) { var txhex = transactionData[i]; var tx = new bitcore.Transaction(); tx.fromString(txhex); bitcoind.getTransaction(tx.hash, true, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } assert(response.toString('hex') === txhex, 'incorrect tx data result'); done(); }); }); }); it('will return null if the transaction does not exist', function(done) { var txid = '6226c407d0e9705bdd7158e60983e37d0f5d23529086d6672b07d9238d5aa618'; bitcoind.getTransaction(txid, true, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } should.not.exist(response); done(); }); }); }); describe('get block index', function() { var expectedWork = new BN(6); [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].forEach(function(i) { it('generate block ' + i, function() { var blockIndex = bitcoind.getBlockIndex(blockHashes[i]); should.exist(blockIndex); should.exist(blockIndex.chainWork); var work = new BN(blockIndex.chainWork, 'hex'); work.cmp(expectedWork).should.equal(0); expectedWork = expectedWork.add(new BN(2)); should.exist(blockIndex.prevHash); blockIndex.prevHash.should.equal(blockHashes[i - 1]); }); }); }); describe('send transaction functionality', function() { it('will not error and return the transaction hash', function() { // create and sign the transaction var tx = bitcore.Transaction(); tx.from(utxo); tx.change(privateKey.toAddress()); tx.to(destKey.toAddress(), 100000); tx.sign(privateKey); // test sending the transaction var hash = bitcoind.sendTransaction(tx.serialize()); hash.should.equal(tx.hash); }); }); describe('fee estimation', function() { it('will estimate fees', function() { var fees = bitcoind.estimateFee(); fees.should.equal(-1); }); }); describe('tip updates', function() { it('will get an event when the tip is new', function(done) { this.timeout(4000); bitcoind.on('tip', function(height) { height.should.equal(152); done(); }); client.generate(1, function(err, response) { if (err) { throw err; } }); }); }); describe('mempool functionality', function() { var fromAddress = 'mszYqVnqKoQx4jcTdJXxwKAissE3Jbrrc1'; var utxo1 = { address: fromAddress, txId: 'a477af6b2667c29670467e4e0728b685ee07b240235771862318e29ddbe58458', outputIndex: 0, script: bitcore.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(fromAddress).toString(), satoshis: 100000 }; var toAddress = 'mrU9pEmAx26HcbKVrABvgL7AwA5fjNFoDc'; var changeAddress = 'mgBCJAsvzgT2qNNeXsoECg2uPKrUsZ76up'; var changeAddressP2SH = '2N7T3TAetJrSCruQ39aNrJvYLhG1LJosujf'; var privateKey1 = 'cSBnVM4xvxarwGQuAfQFwqDg9k5tErHUHzgWsEfD4zdwUasvqRVY'; var private1 = '6ce7e97e317d2af16c33db0b9270ec047a91bff3eff8558afb5014afb2bb5976'; var private2 = 'c9b26b0f771a0d2dad88a44de90f05f416b3b385ff1d989343005546a0032890'; var tx = new bitcore.Transaction(); tx.from(utxo1); tx.to(toAddress, 50000); tx.change(changeAddress); tx.sign(privateKey1); it('will add an unchecked transaction', function() { var added = bitcoind.addMempoolUncheckedTransaction(tx.serialize()); added.should.equal(true); bitcoind.getTransaction(tx.hash, true, function(err, txBuffer) { if(err) { throw err; } var expected = tx.toBuffer().toString('hex'); txBuffer.toString('hex').should.equal(expected); }); }); it('get outputs by address', function() { var outputs = bitcoind.getMempoolOutputs(changeAddress); var expected = [ { script: 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 073b7eae2823efa349e3b9155b8a735526463a0f OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG', satoshis: 40000, txid: tx.hash, outputIndex: 1 } ]; outputs.should.deep.equal(expected); }); }); describe('get transaction with block info', function() { it('should include tx buffer, height and timestamp', function(done) { bitcoind.getTransactionWithBlockInfo(utxo.txid, true, function(err, data) { should.not.exist(err); data.height.should.equal(151); should.exist(data.timestamp); should.exist(data.buffer); done(); }); }); }); });