'use strict'; var imports = require('soop').imports(); var config = imports.config || require('../config/config'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var networks = bitcore.networks; var async = require('async'); var logger = require('./logger').logger; var d = logger.log; var info = logger.info; var syncId = 0; function Sync(opts) { this.id = syncId++; this.opts = opts || {}; this.bDb = require('./BlockDb').default(); this.txDb = require('./TransactionDb').default(); this.network = config.network === 'testnet' ? networks.testnet : networks.livenet; this.cachedLastHash = null; } Sync.prototype.close = function(cb) { var self = this; self.txDb.close(function() { self.bDb.close(cb); }); }; Sync.prototype.destroy = function(next) { var self = this; async.series([ function(b) { self.bDb.drop(b); }, function(b) { self.txDb.drop(b); }, ], next); }; /* * Arrives a NEW block, which is the new TIP * * Case 0) Simple case * A-B-C-D-E(TIP)-NEW * * Case 1) * A-B-C-D-E(TIP) * \ * NEW * * 1) Declare D-E orphans (and possible invalidate TXs on them) * * Case 2) * A-B-C-D-E(TIP) * \ * F-G-NEW * 1) Set F-G as connected (mark TXs as valid) * 2) Set new heights in F-G-NEW * 3) Declare D-E orphans (and possible invalidate TXs on them) * * * Case 3) * * A-B-C-D-E(TIP) ... NEW * * NEW is ignored (if allowReorgs is false) * * */ Sync.prototype.storeTipBlock = function(b, allowReorgs, cb) { if (typeof allowReorgs === 'function') { cb = allowReorgs; allowReorgs = true; } if (!b) return cb(); var self = this; if ( self.storingBlock ) { logger.debug('Storing a block already. Delaying storeTipBlock with:' + b.hash); return setTimeout( function() { logger.debug('Retrying storeTipBlock with: ' + b.hash); self.storeTipBlock(b,allowReorgs,cb); }, 1000); } self.storingBlock=1; var oldTip, oldNext, oldHeight, needReorg = false, height = -1; var newPrev = b.previousblockhash; async.series([ // This seems unnecesary. // function(c) { // // TODO? remove this check? // self.bDb.has(b.hash, function(err, val) { // return c(err || // (val ? new Error('WARN: Ignoring already existing block:' + b.hash) : null)); // }); // }, function(c) { if (!allowReorgs || newPrev === self.cachedLastHash) return c(); self.bDb.has(newPrev, function(err, val) { // Genesis? no problem if (!val && newPrev.match(/^0+$/)) return c(); return c(err || (!val ? new Error('NEED_SYNC Ignoring block with non existing prev:' + b.hash) : null)); }); }, function(c) { if (!allowReorgs) return c(); self.bDb.getTip(function(err, hash, h) { oldTip = hash; oldHeight = hash ? (h || 0) : -1 if (oldTip && newPrev !== oldTip) { needReorg = true; logger.debug('REORG Triggered, tip mismatch'); } return c(); }); }, function(c) { if (!needReorg) return c(); self.bDb.getNext(newPrev, function(err, val) { if (err) return c(err); oldNext = val; return c(); }); }, function(c) { if (!allowReorgs) return c(); if (needReorg) { info('NEW TIP: %s NEED REORG (old tip: %s #%d)', b.hash, oldTip, oldHeight); self.processReorg(oldTip, oldNext, newPrev, oldHeight, function(err, h) { if (err) throw err; height = h; return c(); }); } else { height = oldHeight + 1; return c(); } }, function(c) { self.cachedLastHash = b.hash; // just for speed up. self.bDb.add(b, height, c); }, function(c) { if (!allowReorgs) return c(); self.bDb.setTip(b.hash, height, function(err) { return c(err); }); }, function(c) { self.bDb.setNext(newPrev, b.hash, function(err) { return c(err); }); } ], function(err) { if (err && err.toString().match(/WARN/)) { err = null; } self.storingBlock=0; return cb(err, height); }); }; Sync.prototype.processReorg = function(oldTip, oldNext, newPrev, oldHeight, cb) { var self = this; var orphanizeFrom, newHeight; async.series([ function(c) { self.bDb.getHeight(newPrev, function(err, height) { if (!height) { // Case 3 + allowReorgs = true return c(new Error('Could not found block:' + newPrev)); } if (height<0) return c(); newHeight = height + 1; info('Reorg Case 1) OldNext: %s NewHeight: %d', oldNext, newHeight); orphanizeFrom = oldNext; return c(err); }); }, function(c) { if (orphanizeFrom) return c(); info('Reorg Case 2)'); self.setBranchConnectedBackwards(newPrev, function(err, yHash, newYHashNext, height) { if (err) return c(err); newHeight = height; self.bDb.getNext(yHash, function(err, yHashNext) { // Connect the new branch, and orphanize the old one. orphanizeFrom = yHashNext; self.bDb.setNext(yHash, newYHashNext, function(err) { return c(err); }); }); }); }, function(c) { if (!orphanizeFrom) return c(); self._setBranchOrphan(orphanizeFrom, function(err) { return c(err); }); }, ], function(err) { return cb(err, newHeight); }); }; Sync.prototype._setBranchOrphan = function(fromHash, cb) { var self = this, hashInterator = fromHash; async.whilst( function() { return hashInterator; }, function(c) { self.bDb.setBlockNotMain(hashInterator, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); self.bDb.getNext(hashInterator, function(err, val) { hashInterator = val; return c(err); }); }); }, cb); }; Sync.prototype.setBranchConnectedBackwards = function(fromHash, cb) { //console.log('[Sync.js.219:setBranchConnectedBackwards:]',fromHash); //TODO var self = this, hashInterator = fromHash, lastHash = fromHash, yHeight, branch = []; async.doWhilst( function(c) { branch.unshift(hashInterator); self.bDb.getPrev(hashInterator, function(err, val) { if (err) return c(err); lastHash = hashInterator; hashInterator = val; self.bDb.getHeight(hashInterator, function(err, height) { yHeight = height; return c(); }); }); }, function() { return hashInterator && yHeight<=0; }, function() { info('\tFound yBlock: %s #%d', hashInterator, yHeight); var heightIter = yHeight + 1; var hashIter; async.whilst( function() { hashIter = branch.shift(); return hashIter; }, function(c) { self.bDb.setBlockMain(hashIter, heightIter++, c); }, function(err) { return cb(err, hashInterator, lastHash, heightIter); }); }); }; //Store unconfirmed TXs Sync.prototype.storeTx = function(tx, cb) { this.txDb.add(tx, cb); }; module.exports = require('soop')(Sync);